Yu Yuan laughed and said, “You don’t have to be too outside.”

   The existence of “Soul Wood Spirit Puppet” gave him a special bond with Qi Yunhong.

   The madman’s Yin God, although he has left, leaves behind a ghost image like him.

   Na Tuo Ying, and Yin God have a very mysterious connection.

   Before he put “Soul Wood Spirit Puppet” into Universe Ring, he felt that Qi Yunhong would always be loyal to him.

   This kind of magical restraint on the soul shocked Yu Yuan. He didn’t expect Heavenly Evil Sect’s “Soul Wood Spirit Puppet”, which is more terrifying than the legendary!

  According to rumors, only a powerhouse Heaven, Earth and Human three souls, or a transformed Yin God, can control each other.

  When the opponent’s soul leaves, the restraint will automatically become invalid.

  Why, there will be a rubbing-like magical soul mark left behind, causing Qi Yunhong’s Yin God to be clearly integrated into the body, and he can still use the “soul Wood Spirit Puppet” to influence the other party?

  Qi Yunhong looked towards his eyes, the awe in his eyes, sincere obedience, not like an act.

  This thing can really distort one’s soul and mind?

  Yu Yuan secretly smacked his tongue.

  ”You deal with Qu Jing’s body, I will go to Qin Yun to have a look.”

   Yu Yuan who fell into Fiend Demon Cauldron, followed the way he came, and went to Seven Gods Sect.

   Qi Yunhong watched his departure. When the dark great cauldron disappeared, he took a deep breath and said to himself: “The real master should be the huge virtual soul I saw in that puppet. With such a powerhouse, I don’t care about Spirit Void Sect, without any psychological burden.”

  Qu Jing’s death made him very disturbed.

   He can even foresee that soon, the powerhouse of Spirit Void Sect, a daoist, will lift the retreat and try to make Yu Yuan die.

  ”The anger of Spirit Void Sect should be very interesting. I will take a look at the soul of the Illusory Spirit Umbrella, what I know.”


   after a moment.

   Yu Yuan of Fiend Demon Cauldron, returning to the territory of Seven Gods Sect, meets Huang Ming, also Soul Wonder Realm Early-Stage, and Qiao Yunyu, including several Yin God realms, “Seven Gods” “The rest of them have injuries of varying degrees.

   The familiar Huang Ming, as if struck by thunder from the sky, was scorched and smoked.

   Another person, Qin Yun said when he came, it should be Qiao Yunyu’s cultivator, who seemed to be burned by the fire, and with a bitter face, he really pleaded with Qin Yun.

   Huang Ming’s lightning strike should be caused by Qi Yunhong, and Qin Yun was injured by Qin Yun.

  ”Young Master!” Seeing Yu Yuan coming over, Qin Yun’s face was suddenly full of smiles, “Did you scare Qu Jing away from injury?”

  With Han Fei, plus the many Fiend Demon hidden in Fiend Demon Cauldron, as well as the scabbard, he feels that Qu Jing from Spirit Void Sect must have suffered a lot.

   “Qu Jing is dead.” Yu Yuan said.

   As soon as this sentence came out, all the cultivators in the Seven Gods Sect territory, as if they had been cast by someone, were all frozen in place.

   There are heavy and suppressed breathing sounds throughout the realm.

  Qin Yun’s expression is dull, “dead, dead?”

   “Well, I killed him, the soul flew away and scattered, there is absolutely no possibility of rebirth.” Yu Yuan said in an indifferent tone, not impatiently: “He wants to pass the’Illusion Orb’ and’Illusory Spirit’ Umbrella’,

   In that small world that no one knows, quietly killed me. It’s a pity that he was not as skilled as humans, so he was killed by me. “

   beheaded Qu Jing, Yu Yuan not at all. Any psychological burden, I didn’t think there was anything wrong.

   Let Qu Jing kill me, why can’t I kill you?

   “Really, really dead?” Qin Yun confirmed with trembling lips.

   “Dead, Qi Yunhong is packing up his corpse, and by the way suppresses the soul of the’Illusory Spirit Umbrella’.” Yu Yuan said.

   is finished.

  All Seven Gods Sect cultivator present at the scene, all look at the dead person’s eyes, and look at the boastful Yu Yuan.

  Qu Jing, what is it and the others?

   The first of the seven lower sects, Heaven’s Chosen Child of Spirit Void Sect, the personal biography of Sect Master Daoist Ling Xu, and the next default Sect Master!

  Qu Jing, who was exhausted by Spirit Void Sect and exhausted countless financial resources, died like this?

  Spirit Void Sect, how can you give it up?

   They seemed to foresee that Spirit Void Sect went into a fight, chasing Yu Yuan all over the world, and the pictures of Qin Yun and Qi Yunhong.

   The return of Divine Soul Sect, the great change of the vast world, and characters of their level, have not received news for the time being.

   They took it for granted that Yu Yuan from Dark Moon City, no matter how much dogshit luck left, it would be over.

   “Qin Old Brother, you guys… leave as soon as possible. Don’t bring us trouble like natural disasters.” Huang Ming’s expression is uglier than crying, “I have made it clear to you, You can’t make it through, it’s not a few of us. It’s Yang Chuhe! He is the Sect Master and we can only listen.”

  ”Yang Chuhe, after being injured by Tong Laoqian, we don’t know which river he hides in to recover.”

   “Qin Old Brother, you have also fought, and the power has been shaken. Don’t embarrass us. Please, leave us Seven Gods Sect quickly, for us and for yourselves.” p>

   Looking at Huang Ming, since Qu Jing is dead, Qin Yun and his Young Master Yu Yuan also don’t want to live.

   He is afraid that the anger of Spirit Void Sect will spread to Seven Gods Sect, causing people like them to suffer together.

   “These Seven Gods Sect guys, are you too cheap for them?” Yu Yuan frowned. “The look in your eyes makes me feel very uncomfortable.”

When    was speaking, he secretly communicated with Yu Yiyi, intending to use part of Fiend Demon, so that everyone in front of Seven Gods Sect will have an unforgettable memory.

  ”Young Master, forget it, Seven Gods Sect also has my hard work.” Qin Yun hurriedly stopped, “They are right, they have been targeting me, but they are actually only Yang Chuhe. And Yang Chuhe was broken up by Tong Laoqian. , I don’t know where to shrink.”

   “Let’s go! Let’s leave before we talk!”

   Qin Yun fell into Fiend Demon Cauldron and pulled Yu Yuan by the corners of his clothes. He said eagerly: “Pick up Qi Yunhong and get out of Scarlet Sun Empire as soon as possible. Huang Ming told me that your mother woke up in Jade Peak Mountain Range. So Mr. Yan should be in the Jade Peak Mountain Range. Except for Mr. Yan, Liu Ying, Tong Laoqian, they all went to the Jade Peak Mountain Range.”

   “Wake up…”

  Yu Yuan was successfully distracted.

  great cauldron, and therefore flew away from the territory of Seven Gods Sect.

   Watching Fiend Demon Cauldron gradually disappear, Huang Ming, and Qiao Yunyu, who is also Soul Wonder Realm Early-Stage, showed a relieved expression and took a long sigh


   “What he said, do you think it is true or false?” Qiao Yunyu was a little skeptical, “Qu Jing, famous in Tianyuan Continent, second only to several geniuses of the same age in the three upper sects. Moreover, Qu Jing has Yin The cultivation base in the late God stage, the powerful artifacts in hand, are no worse than him.”

   “That fellow, isn’t it a big talk?” Wu Nanting among the Seven Gods said.

   “To tell lies, he could say that Qu Jing was hit hard by him, and even Yin God was crushed. But he said that Qu Jing was dead, it was the soul flew away and scattered!” Huang Ming’s face was abnormal. He’s heavy, “Death, it’s not easy to fake. Now, immediately! Tell Eldest Prince about Qu Jing’s death!”

  ”Really dead!” Wu Nanting was shocked, “How dare he?”

  ”This madman! He really killed Qu Jing!”

  ”He, and the entire Yu Family, must bear the anger of Spirit Void Sect!”


  ”Daoist Chong Xiao of Spirit Void Sect and Tianjing Daoist are all on their way to come in secret.”

   Like Qin Yun, he also entered Qi Yunhong of Fiend Demon Cauldron, and put away the “Illusory Spirit Umbrella” with a grim expression, “The news I got when I suppressed the soul of the device. Daoist Chong Xiao and Tianjing daoist , I didn’t want to expose my whereabouts, I planned to quietly enter Heaven and Earth in the “Illusion Orb” and kill you, the master.

  ”Daoist Chong Xiao and Tianjing daoist, both are Yang God, and both are superb cultivation bases in the later stage.”

   “Scarlet Sun Empire, we can’t stay, we must leave as soon as possible.”

  Qi Yunhong has spontaneously started to consider Yu Yuan.

  ”Two daoists from the late stage of Yang God!” Qin Yun suddenly changed his color, “Mr. Yan is now in Jade Peak Mountain Range, not in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, and cannot communicate with Young Master immediately. Today’s Scarlet Sun Empire It’s too dangerous, we’d better not use Fiend Demon Cauldron because the goal is too obvious.”

   “I have a secret path, Rare Item with a hidden breath.” Qi Yunhong said.

   The two of them everyone talking at once, discussing what method should be used to evacuate Scarlet Sun Empire silently.

  Qu Jing’s death made them all lose one’s head out of fear, especially knowing that Daoist Chong Xiao and Tianjing daoist were all on their way in secret, and they became more uneasy.


  大 half a day later.

   dressed in grey, ghostly appeared in the forest where Qu Jing died.

   Looking at the gullies, big holes, obvious battle marks, and the faint smell of vitality and blood left by Qu Jing, Daoist Chong Xiao cast a secret spell.

  The secret spell uses a drop of his blood essence to urge Qu Jing’s energy and blood that has never been exhausted, to perceive Qu Jing’s position.

After a while of   , Daoist Chong Xiao’s expression changed drastically, “There is no trace to be found! In Scarlet Sun Empire, unless there is a Formation similar to the’Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation’, it is absolutely impossible to see a trace! What happened! ?”

   His face was gloomy and uncertain, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.


  Daoist Chong Xiao crossed the forest, like a touch of light, soon appeared in the territory of Seven Gods Sect.

   “Where is Qu Jing of my clan?” Daoist Chong Xiao shouted.

   Huang Ming was forced to stand up, shaking in his heart, “Listen, listen to Yu Yuan from Dark Moon City, Qu Jing is dead. He, he killed Qu Jing.”

   “Qu Jing is dead!”


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