Qu Jing talks homely and tells Yu Yuan his current situation.

   Immediately, his eyes fell on the icy and majestic silhouette like Goddess of ice.

   He looked at Han Fei and tore off the scarlet lightning snakes, exuding an aura of Extreme Cold, creating an ice blue flame.

  Han Fei, with two unique temperaments, cold and strange, made this Spirit Void Sect young powerhouse, so dizzy to look at it, secretly gently nodded, and muttered to himself: “No wonder”

   Few people know that he and Mo Yan of Demon Palace actually cross each other.

   The two had several joint trials in their early years, and they formed a deep friendship between life and death, which directly led to his first battle with Yu Yuan, which damaged the “Illusory Spirit Umbrella”.

  Mo Yan was in Land of Fear, and was almost taken to the Falling Moon Forbidden Land by Yu Yuan through the space channel, and was then rescued by his biological father Zhu Zhenlin.

   Mo Yan, who was severely injured, licked his wounds at Demon Palace and recuperated, and used the secret technique to send messages to Qu Jing.

   told him that in the Fiend Demon Cauldron controlled by Yu Yuan, a crystal-clear Fiend Demon is so beautiful, and the admiration revealed by the message makes Qu Jing feel unreasonable.

   At this moment, he only understood a little bit, Mo Yan was twisted into a perverted mind.

   If you have a chance to meet Yu Yuan, you would rather Fiend Demon Cauldron burst to pieces than to keep that Fiend Demon alive!

   This is Mo Yan’s heartbeat.

  Qu Jing received Primal Yang Sect’s message and request, and promised to take action. He also helped Mo Yan to get ahead, capture Han Fei, and find a chance to give Mo Yan the motivation.

   “One, Fiend Demon, a foreign body that is more powerful than Qi Yunhong, but also to ensure that it will not die, it can only be used slowly.” Qu Jing felt a headache, “Fortunately, I have a lot of time to wait. As long as Chong Xiao Martial Uncle came, and he got in. With his cultivation base in the late stage of Yang God, in my Small World, any situation can be stabilized.”

   Thinking like this, Qu Jing holding a big black umbrella, like a reflection in the water, was hit by a falling rock, suddenly invisible.

  in midair, the crimson lightning snake mixed with lightning, light, and crystals, no longer desperately slaughtered Han Fei, and quietly retired as if it had been ordered.

   “Help me!”

  , on the forehead of the lightning snake that retreated, Qi Yunhong’s soul wailed, seeming to suddenly restore spiritual wisdom.

  Yu Yuan expressionless.

   In an instant, this strange Small World created by the “Illusion Orb” regained its tranquility.

   “Then Qu Jing hides, wants to kill him, first must force him out. In this secret realm that he controls, he refuses to show up, it is difficult to find him alone.” Qin Yun sighed. “Such a space combined with Rare Item, the Illusory Orb and Illusory Spirit Umbrella, is even more difficult to break it as heavenly ascension.”

  Daoist Chong Xiao sits in Spider City all year round, and Qin Yun has heard of this person’s name.

   He knows that if the news has been released as Qu Jing said, when Daoist Chong Xiao arrives at Small World, it will be his death date with Yu Yuan.

   died here without a trace, no one outside knows.

   In this way, it is Mr. Yan and Divine Soul Sect behind Mr. Yan. Since there is no conclusive evidence, I don’t know what happened, and there is no excuse for revenge.

   “Don’t leave the tripod!”

   Yu Yiyi’s sweet drink suddenly sounded at Yu Yuan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

   was about to leave the great cauldron, and carefully surveyed Yu Yuan who was in a different place, his expression was shocked, and he stopped immediately, “In danger?”

   “Those lightning snakes evolving after the Blazing Soul Slayer Lightning swallowed Qi Yunhong, the breath is still in the vicinity.” Yu Yiyi controlled the great cauldron, slowly swirling, “Once you leave the great cauldron, exposed to the outside sky, it’s easy A thunderbolt storm formed by Blazing Soul Slayer Lightning, which was torn by Soul Consciousness Sea, appeared in Sea of ​​Consciousness.”

   Yu Yuan shuddered when he said this.

   “You heard what Qu Jing said. Think about how to break this passive situation.” He shared the problem in front of Cauldron Spirit.

   Then, he adjusted quickly and calmed down quickly.

   “Either kill Qu Jing, or break open this Small World”

   These are two paths that Qu Jing proactively thrown out to solve the current dilemma.

   Yu Yuan thought about it for a while, then coldly shouted and said to himself: “Qu Jing gave two paths to induce me to think of a way from these two paths. It must be a dead end. No matter which one I choose, I should There is no hope.”

   “However, if you look at it normally, you strayed into the Small World set up by someone else. If you want to break the game, you can choose between these two paths.” Qin Yun frowned when he heard his self-talk.

   “If there are thousands of Fiend Demon in my great cauldron, if they are roaring out and arranging the array, there is hope of breaking this Small World.” Yu Yuan said with a sullen face, “Unfortunately, there are many Blazing Soul Slayer Lightning. Available. Blazing Soul Slayer Lightning is exactly the nemesis of the soul. Those weak Fiend Demon, before forming an array, are all scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.”

  Fiend Demon is not easy to collect, and it will be useful in the future. He doesn’t want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

   He communicated with Yu Yiyi, and he also knew that in addition to the refining entity Han Fei, Lian Xueyue, and Heiyu, as long as he touched “Blazing Soul Slayer Lightning”, it would not end well.

   And the blood moon, the black woman, will be able to refining out of the body like Han Fei in the future.

   Having a body, it means having antibodies, so there is no need to face the thunderbolt lightning directly with the soul.

   He deliberately moved Fiend Demon Cauldron to whistle at Small World, and Han Fei returned to Small World Inside The Cauldron.

  ”This world can continue to change and extend with you, and we will never explore the end.” Soon, Qin Yun took the lead in understanding, “There is no special way. It is extremely difficult to break through the sky. You are Yu Yu Move that scabbard and swing an astonishing sword. If the sky is stretched upward, your sword light will never reach the end.”

  ”Similarly, the sword light will never be pierced when it enters the ground.”

  Qin Yun rolled up his cuffs, in his palm, floating a transparent red ball condensed with spirit strength rays of light.

   the ball within the body, appears a small light spot. The light spot is in the center of the sphere, changing into the form of Yu Yuan, moving towards swinging the sword high in the sky.

When the    light spot and sword light move up, the sphere will also float up at any time, which makes the light spot and sword light never touch the upper layer of the sphere.

   “I see.”

  Yu Yuan clicked nodded, more thoroughly, dispelling the idea of ​​breaking the world with brute force.

  ”To find a way to solve those Blazing Soul Slayer Lightning, without those Fiend Demon nemesis, with the many Fiend Demon in the tripod, all released, there is the possibility of breaking the world.”

   He touched his chin, a wisp of soul thought entered the Universe Ring, and saw some spirit stones, a pill furnace for refining medicine, a heavenly shield, and the strange palm-size puppet with a fuzzy face.

  ”The sky shield is a purely defensive artifact. Although it has a high level, it has not yet been refining.”

  ”The sky shield without powerful attack power is refining. I am afraid that it is impossible. The world built by the fantasy orb and the Illusory Spirit Umbrella will make the space shatter.”

  ”The sharp sword glow drawn by the scabbard cannot reach the end of the barrier, nor fall into the substance.”


   After a while, his gaze fell on the “soul Wood Spirit puppet”, who was so fierce and infamy for Heavenly Evil Sect.

   The fuzzy-faced “Soul Wood Spirit Puppet”, palm-size, has no obvious male and female characteristics.

   “Try it.”

   Mind moved slightly, the “soul Wood Spirit puppet” flew out of the Universe Ring, and was held by him with one hand, only one head was exposed.

   When the strands of soul thought penetrated the “soul Wood Spirit puppet”, the illusory scenes of corpses and countless fierce ghosts crying suddenly appeared deep in his mind.

  His spirit thoughts seemed to shuttle through different bloody killing scenes.

  ”Great Yin Soul Art!”

   In Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World, his Yin God spontaneously operates, inheriting the secret technique of Divine Soul Sect, and countless strange bloody scenes, like a mirror falling to the ground, smashed to pieces.

   At the same time, his Yin God condensed by “Great Yin Soul Art” easily left his flesh and blood and entered the puppet in his hand.

   He Yin God entered, and Qin Yun, who was watching by his side, suddenly changed color.

   Qin Yun was horrified to find that the little puppet in Yu Yuan’s hand, the original fuzzy face, in just a few seconds, the lines became fine and deep.

  ”Yu, Yu Yuan!”

   The little puppet’s face became Yu Yuan’s face.

   Yu Yuan’s hand, holding another, one size smaller “Yu Yuan.”

   The smaller, wooden “Yu Yuan” is full of weirdness, like the ancient Evil God, quietly waking up from the slumber of countless years, to harm the world.

   “Lord, master?” Qin Yun whispered, quietly and cautiously, “Are you still there? Are you still you?”

   “Don’t worry, I am naturally me.”

   is talking about the pocket-sized, puppet-shaped “Yu Yuan”.

   When it spoke, the real Yu Yuan closed his eyes and sat down quietly in the great cauldron, as if into a deep sleep.

  Qin Yun was in awe, and instinctively stepped back, keeping a distance from the present Yu Yuan. Even the “Azure Yang Arrow” in his hand pointed finger towards the puppet-shaped “Yu Yuan”, “Who are you? !”

   “I said, I’m still Yu Yuan, don’t make a fuss about nothing.” The puppet said stupidly.

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