
銆€銆€ Leaving from the Nemo River, Yu Yuan held the scabbard and felt it from time to time.

銆€銆€ At the bottom of the scabbard, there are dense strands of sword intent. Like a snake swimming in a deep pool, he can smell the movement of the sword intent with his soul, but when he really wants to realize it, he finds it is extremely difficult.

銆€銆€ contains sword intents, many of which come from moonslash great cultivator, collected in the Outland Star River.

銆€銆€overwhelming majority sword intent, belongs to Sword Sect’s cultivator, still has a little spare power, branded a bit of incomplete sword dao, but incomplete.

銆€銆€Incomplete sword intent, without perfect system, extremely difficult to cultivation.

銆€銆€ “Heaven Holding Nine Slashes, his sword art sword intent, dominates the inside, other Sword Sect powerhouse sword intent.”

銆€銆€ After thinking for a while, Yu Yuan quickly understood.

銆€銆€ The incomplete sword intent, the remaining residual power, equivalent to the remnants and generals dominated by the crimson sword glow, will use the sword art in Yu Yuan to display the “Heaven Holding Nine Slashes”, and cooperate with them. The formidable power of sword art.

銆€銆€ is like that.

銆€銆€ However, if you want to comprehend the subtleties of the sword intents, because he has not joined Sword Sect, and there is no corresponding sword art spirit strength operation method, it is unlikely.

銆€銆€ However, the most subtle sword art such as “Heaven Holding Nine Slashes” has been deeply imprinted, and he doesn’t have to look for distance.

銆€銆€ “The water cloud arrow of Yang Chuhe is integrated into a sword art, but compared with the sword intents in the master’s sheath, it is not at a level.” Qin Yun said with emotion.

銆€銆€ As an old adversary, the “Water Cloud Arrow” refined by Yang Chuhe is actually not as formidable as his “Azure Yang Arrow”.

銆€銆€ But because Yang Chuhe already has the Soul Wonder Realm mid-term cultivation base, and incorporates the water transport of the Nemo River into the “Water Cloud Arrow”, the formidable power of this arrow will increase by one or two.

銆€銆€ Originally, he wanted to block the “Shuiyun Arrow” because he planned to consume an “Azure Yang Arrow”.

銆€銆€ However, after Yu Yuan summoned the scabbard, the problem was solved.

銆€銆€ “Star Fragmentation Slash”, a little scarlet light shimmering, burst out Shocking Heaven Sword meaning, the explosion of “Water Cloud Arrow” exploded, making him very excited.

銆€銆€ “Young Master, but Sword Sect’s rare treasure and sword dao inheritance?” he asked curiously.

銆€銆€”It is naturally related to Sword Sect.”

銆€銆€ The sky was getting darker, Yu Yuan looked up at the clouds, thinking in his heart that he didn鈥檛 know what had happened. The peerless great Sword Immortal that led to Sword Sect was besieged by the stacks of powerhouses, leading to the sword blade , Scabbard and Sword Soul are divided into three.

銆€銆€ He thought, if the blade is still there, and if he returns to the scabbard, his realm is a bit stronger to swing the sword, how terrifying formidable power it should be.

銆€銆€ A magnificent illusory city, faintly discernible, floating in the wilderness in the distance.

銆€銆€Qin Yun astonished, “It鈥檚 not quite right.”

銆€銆€ Withdrawing from the messy thoughts, Yu Yuan was also a little surprised, “As you said, after a hundred miles away from the Nemo River, shouldn’t you arrive at Seven Gods Sect? That city is also Scarlet Sun Empire? “

銆€銆€ “No, no, Scarlet Sun Empire does not have such a city!” Qin Yun said in a very positive tone.

銆€銆€”It does not belong to Scarlet Sun Empire, a city that appears out of thin air.” Yu Yuan touched his chin, frowned and thought for a while, and said: “No, I met Profound Heaven Sect’s who again?”

銆€銆€ The Heavenly Palace Seal of Profound Heaven Sect, any one can transform into a similar towering city. Mei Qiurong in the early years, Cao Jiaze not long ago, holding the Heavenly Palace Seal, after being refined by them, they can change at will, and each has its own uniqueness.

銆€銆€ Under the gloomy sky, it is better to be cold than a misty city. What else can it be besides the Heavenly Palace Seal of Profound Heaven Sect?

銆€銆€”Profound Heaven Sect, Heavenly Palace Seal?” Qin Yun expression slightly changed, “Master, didn’t you say that we came to Scarlet Sun Empire, It shouldn’t be a surprise to the three upper sects?”

銆€銆€He suddenly became worried.

銆€銆€Anyone holding a Heavenly Palace Seal is quite out of the ordinary in Profound Heaven Sect, or a great cultivator of realm profound, or a sect leader like Cao Jiaze, none of them can deal with.

銆€銆€ came out alive from Falling Moon Forbidden Land and saw a lot of demons. The foreign visitors showed respect to Yan Qiling. Qin Yun naturally regarded himself as the opposing camp of the three upper sects.

銆€銆€ Therefore, he will be terrified of the powerhouse of the three upper sects.

銆€銆€ “The three upper sects, and the power behind Mr. Yan, have been watching each other recently.” Yu Yuan also became cautious, “When I came, Mr. Yan had already explained that their recent conflicts occurred outside the sky. Both sides, both originated from the vast world, do not want to fight in this world, causing the mountains and rivers to collapse.”

銆€銆€Primordial Spirit Realm, the battle of the powerhouse in the Free Spirit realm will be a heavy blow to the vast world.

銆€銆€ Therefore, the two sides of the confrontation have a tacit understanding, and both go to the outside world to fight and kill.

銆€銆€ “Not the three upper sects, who would it be?” Qin Yun puzzled.

銆€銆€ “Look in the past and you’ll know it.” Yu Yuan hummed.

銆€銆€Fiend Demon Cauldron is in his hand and holding the scabbard. He doesn’t think that the little Scarlet Sun Empire has any power that threatens him.

銆€銆€ After a while, he and Qin Yun approached on the Fiend Demon Cauldron.

銆€銆€ The sky is already dark, and an extremely large pearl is floating in the sky, releasing its enchanting light.

銆€銆€ The Misty City Pool they just saw is inside the Pearl.

銆€銆€”This phantom bead!”

銆€銆€ Yu Yuan froze for a moment, and suddenly realized that the jewel in front of him was not the one who lured him and Xie Bin out of the city when Azure Phoenix City was originally in order to obtain the Ice Thunder Seal, which was held by the rebellious Qi Family ?

銆€銆€ In the illusion beads, in the illusory and ethereal city, countless silhouettes flicker.

銆€銆€ Those silhouettes seem to be just wisps of gray smoke, not at all soul consciousness.

銆€銆€ A golden light splendid Spirit Sword, covered with dragon scales, the city inside the beads, like a five-claw golden ramming, Yu Yuan felt a sense of familiarity when he saw the Golden Dragon.

銆€銆€ Several years ago, he met Wang Jinlin of Spirit Void Sect in the wasteland, holding a Spirit Sword named “Youjin”, it was such a scene.

銆€銆€ It鈥檚 just that Wang Jinlin died early.

銆€銆€ “Spirit Void Sect, Daoist Chong Xiao, one of the eight daoist!”

銆€銆€ was taken aback, Yu Yuan suddenly woke up, frowned, and said: “That thing is called the illusion orb, and his owner is Qi Yunhong, who was originally a cultivator of Lei Zong, but later defected. Daoist Chong Xiao of Spirit Void Sect, In his fantasy orb, he is fighting.”

銆€銆€ Last time, Qi Yunhong was still the Peak of Soul Wonder Realm, and Yang God had not yet been condensed.

銆€銆€Wang Jinlin鈥檚 Master has long been in the Yang God realm. Now he is at least a cultivator in the middle and late stages. He spends most of the time in Spider City. Why does he show up here?


銆€銆€ A beam of golden lightning flew out of the mirage-like illusory city, turning into an old man carrying a sword.

銆€銆€ Daoist Chong Xiao fell into his hands again, coldly snorted, and saw the ethereal city in the illusion orb, bursting into the golden light, like a sandy city on the seashore, being trampled crazily , Was trampled flat and collapsed.

銆€銆€”old dog, I’m not over with you!” Qi Yunhong flustered and exasperated, screaming, coming out of the fantasy bead, and after a short while, he also stepped out of the bead, feeling a little distressed, holding the bead in his hand, and Daoist Chong Xiao glared at each other.

銆€銆€ “It’s you!”

銆€銆€ “Yu Yuan!”

銆€銆€next moment, Daoist Chong Xiao and Qi Yunhong drank softly together, and noticed Yu Yuan who came in by mistake.

銆€銆€”Why are you here?” After Qi Yunhong was surprised, his silhouette flashed and appeared beside Fiend Demon Cauldron. He rubbed his red eyes and said, “No, I heard from you last time. You are still in Land of Fear.”

銆€銆€ Seeing Qi Yunhong approaching suddenly, Yu Yuan was startled and quickly tightened the scabbard in his hand.

銆€銆€ This Qi Family madman, before being expelled by Lei Zong, was not a good crop. After leaving Lei Zong, he acted entirely according to his preferences, and I don’t know how much trouble he caused.

銆€銆€ Now he, Yu Yuan looked at him intently, judging from the weather in his eyes, his realm has improved again.

銆€銆€ It is, has been successfully promoted to Yang God

銆€銆€ The great cultivator of Yang God is not easy to deal with, especially when it comes to this in person, Yu Yuan has to guard against it.

銆€銆€ However, looking at Qi Yunhong鈥檚 appearance, it seems that he is not at all malicious, and there is no idea of 鈥嬧€媑etting closer to Fiend Demon Cauldron. This made Yu Yuan a sigh of relief and asked, 鈥淲hy are you here? This?”

銆€銆€ “I am hidden in the vicinity and retreat, and the realm after the break is stabilized, I don’t know how this old dog found it.” He pointed to Daoist Chong Xiao, deep red eyes, a hint of madness appeared. I mean, “When I recover, people of Spirit Void Sect, I saw one kill one!”

銆€銆€”Give me the Illusory Orb, Spirit Void Sect will not care about you anymore.” Daoist Chong Xiao carried “Youjin”, and said: “This pearl, and Illusory Spirit Umbrella, were originally part of it, and it was divided into in the early years. two are controlled by Lei Zong and Spirit Void Sect respectively. Now you, since you have been expelled by Lei Zong, you are not fit to continue to expand the Illusory Orb.”

銆€銆€ Spirit Void Sect Qu Jing, who has high hopes, holds the Illusory Spirit Umbrella. Once Qu Jing gets the Illusion Orb, Qu Jing will greatly improve both realm and battle strength.

銆€銆€Daoist Chong Xiao, it was through secret information that he found out that Qi Yunhong was hiding in the nearby breakthrough Yang God realm.

銆€銆€Qi Yunhong The movement of Qi Yunhong was noticed by someone who was interested and informed Spirit Void Sect.

銆€銆€ So, he came.

銆€銆€”Illusory Orbs and Illusory Spirit Umbrella, they are originally the things of Illusory Sect, and at first are not yours.” Qi Yunhong hehe laughed strangely, “Exterminate people sect, the rare treasure foreign objects seized, you say they belong Spirit Void Sect really to have no shame.”

銆€銆€ “If you want a face, you won’t step on the cultivation path.” Daoist Chong Xiao expression as usual, groaned, and said to Yu Yuan: “This matter has nothing to do with you. Seven Gods Sect, right behind me, you are right now You can go now.”

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