“Jin Rourou!”

   Hearing this name, many Medicine Refining Masters and medicine slaves of Heavenly Medicine Sect wrinkled their brows.

   Obviously, they are familiar with Yu Yuan’s mother.

  ”Jin Rourou”

   Yu Yuan was stunned, standing outside the hall of Heavenly Medicine Sect, he knew the name of this life’s biological mother for the first time, and it felt a bit strange and weird.

   He has no memory, but he knows that his parents are trying hard to heal him.

   has also suffered because of this.

   Even with the life of Hong Qi, he was moved to think of someone doing everything for himself.

   Besides, the other party is his parents in this life


   Yan Qiling held a glazed lamp in the palm of his hand, and the thin soul shadow in the lampshade, the soul visibly closed.

   The three souls of Sky, Earth, and Human reunited, revealing a delicate and pretty silhouette of a beautiful woman.

   The woman should have not fully recovered spiritual wisdom, closed her eyes in the lampshade, curled up with her shadow, as if shivering slightly.

   seems to be afraid of something.

   took a look, the weakest part of Yu Yuan’s heart was suddenly touched.

   “My mother, her name is Jin Rourou. What is she worried about and afraid of? What happened to her?”

   A strong desire for inquiry and protection spontaneously arises, making Yu Yuan anxious to know what has happened to make mother like this.

  Apart from Li Tihai and Yunhao, what other enemies have attacked mother.

   “Her body should be kept by Shi Yuxuan of Heavenly Medicine Sect.” Yan Qiling ignored the Medicine Refining Masters, and said to Yu Yuan, “Don’t worry, as long as she returns to her body, give her some time to fit her. Body, after a while, she will wake up on her own, leave it to me, there will be no problem.”

After   , Yan Qiling looked at a stone gate, eyes slightly narrowed, impatiently said: “Sect Master Shi, want me to invite you out?”


   That one, the strict stone gate, was suddenly pushed aside.

   Wearing Medicine Refining Master robe, Shi Yuxuan, who is as gentle as jade, with a painful face, stepped out, he looked at the lampshade in Yan Qiling’s hand, distinguished it carefully, and said, “Your Excellency, this is really Soft soul?”

   When he said this, Shi Yuxuan had regrets and grief in his eyes, but he was quickly suppressed.

   “Sect Master!”

   “greetings Sect Master!”

   Many people from Heavenly Medicine Sect said hello.

   “Yu Yuan!”

In the crowd, there is Bai Xinxin who has dealt with Yu Yuan many times. She came out of a building full of medicinal herb, “Is it really you?!”

   Bai Xinxin, who heard Yan Qiling’s voice, thought someone was cracking a joke. When she found out that Yu Yuan had come, she was surprised


   Immediately, she noticed Yan Qiling’s palm, the soul shadow in the glazed lamp, “It’s really sister Rourou!”

   Yu Yuan took a step and instantly arrived in front of Heavenly Medicine Sect Shi Yuxuan, complexion sank, shouted: “Sect Master Shi, what is the relationship between my mother and your Heavenly Medicine Sect?”

   Hostile, he called out the scabbard.

   did not touch any type of sword art, and the wisps of sword intent passed out from the scabbard made the Sect Master of Heavenly Medicine Sect appear to be terrifying that his soul is about to be torn apart. sense.

   already, is it so powerful?

  Shi Yuxuan whispered to himself inwardly.

   and Yu Yuan were in the Jade Peak Mountain Range. He who had contact with Yin Wind Valley was still only the cultivation base in the late stage of Yin God. The Medicine Refining Master’s grade is Heaven Grade.

  He was immersed in medicine refining, and he had been stagnant on cultivation for many years. After seeing Yu Yuan again, he was just being pointed at with a scabbard by Yu Yuan, making him feel uncomfortable.

   When was in Yin Wind Valley, what realm was Yu Yuan?

   This is how many years?

   Rourou’s son, has such an amazing talent and power?

   He was quite emotional, and immediately remembered what Yan Qiling said, and said in amazement: “Yu Yuan, is the descendant of the medicine god Hong Qi?”

   “His inheritance came from Yin Wind Valley.” Yan Qiling chuckled softly and added, “Also, the Yu Family of Dark Moon City is the previous generation Sect Master of Heavenly Evil Sect, the evil king. Descendants of Yu Xi. Sect Master Shi, I learned some scattered memories from her soul”

  Shi Yuxuan expression moved his face, “The god of medicine inheritance, the descendant of the evil king, does Yu Family have this background?”

   Knowing the inside story, many elders of Heavenly Medicine Sect, looking at his expression, were secretly sighed in surprise.

   isn’t you yet, I didn’t look down on Yu Family back then, the kid named Yu Jue?

   “Mr. Yan?” Yu Yuan drank heavily.

   “Your mother, you should call his uncle.” Yan Qiling snorted, pointing to Shi Yuxuan of Heavenly Medicine Sect, and said: “After your father tried in Falling Moon Forbidden Land in his early years, he set foot on the Jade Peak Mountain Range to find spiritual grass. Get acquainted with your mother. The two went together to find medicine, and soon developed a relationship. It was this Sect Master Shi who disliked Yu Family for being too weak and had to beat the mandarin duck.”

   “The result is that your mother abandoned the identity of Heavenly Medicine Sect, concealed everything, and did not say that she was the Medicine Refining Master, so she married to the Yu Family in Dark Moon City.”

   “As for Sect Master Shi, from that moment on, he no longer admits to being close to your mother. Sect people are also not allowed to talk about your mother’s identity.”

   briefly talked about the situation.

   He hesitated for a few seconds, and with his heart and soul, he told Yu Yuan one more thing.

   Because Yu Yuan Heaven Soul and Earth Soul did not return, his parents had come to Heavenly Medicine Sect to seek Shi Yuxuan for medicine. After being humiliated by Shi Yuxuan, they cruelly refused.

After   , the two talents went to Nether Frozen Abyss, and they had no gain.

   Soon after leaving Nine Nether Frozen Abyss, he was attacked by Li Tihai, but was crossed by Blood God Church in the middle. The final result was that Jin Rourou’s soul was detained by Li Tihai, and his father Yu Jue, then It was taken away by Hidden Dragon Lake.

   The person from Blood God Church, due to his lack of realm, only got the body of Jin Rourou.

After    asked for instructions, he personally took a trip to the Jade Peak Mountain Range and sent Jin Rourou’s flesh and blood body to Shi Yuxuan.

   This is the whole sequence of events. It was the result of a messy memory when Yan Qiling helped Jin Rourou’s three souls merge, and guessed the result after putting it together.

  Yu Yuan listened, was silent for a long time, and when he looked at Shi Yuxuan again, his expression was not good.

  Shi Yuxuan knew that he was wrong, lowered his head, and said, “Back then, I didn’t look down on the kid Yu Jue. Rourou’s refining medicine is so talented that he will be absorbed by Divine Medicine Sect sooner or later. , Became a great character in Divine Medicine Sect of Nirvana Continent. She was enamored early and desperately married Yu Jue and gave birth to you.”

   After that, he didn’t finish his words, and his shirt was broken.

   Under the shirt, a silver armor carved with Blue Dragon, Vermilion Bird, Black Phoenix, Qilin and White Tiger, shining an agitated spirit strength light rainbow, blocking the scabbard mouth, a bunch of scarlet swords out of control glow.

   Shi Yuxuan, who is not good at fighting, complexion changed and hurriedly avoided.

   “Yu Yuan, he is not worth your anger.” Yan Qiling persuaded him, said solemnly: “Sect Master Shi, please lead the way!”

   “Oh, oh oh!”

  Shi Yuxuan even nodded, without a word of verbosity, hurried to the building.

   Not long after, in a slightly cold white jade piled up in the bottom room, Yu Yuan saw the delicate silhouette of this life’s biological mother.

   She is lying on a green jade bed, her eyes are tightly closed, and her eyelashes are very long.

   The strong scent of medicine escaped from her fair skin, filling the entire secret room below.

   took a sip of the medicine, and the anger on his face eased a little, knowing that Shi Yuxuan had spared no effort when preserving the mother’s blood fleshy body, and he used the best kind of pill.

   “I don’t like Yu Family, I don’t look down on Yu Jue because I love her too much.” Shi Yuxuan said bitterly, “She is the only daughter of my siblings, and I have no children, I regard her She has an outstanding talent for refining medicine. I think it’s not enough to give her the Sect Master of Heavenly Medicine Sect, so I try my best to help her and want her to go to Divine Medicine Sect!”

   “Yu Jue at the time, had what skills and abilities, I didn’t deserve her anyway!”

  Shi Yuxuan complained and confided.

   At this time, Yan Qiling has opened the lampshade, carefully holding Jin Rourou’s soul and stuffing it between her brows.

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