“Thousands are counted, but Tian Cang was not counted. Under the power of Divine Soul Sect, he intercepted Ming Dou’s body.”

Cao Jiaze of    Profound Heaven Sect, holding the Heavenly Palace Seal in one hand and “Blue Devil’s Tears” in the other, secretly thought with a headache.

   His pupil light flickered, and he looked at Tian Cang, Ming Dou, and Ming Dou’s Nether Ghost, his brows became tighter.

  He knows a lot of the secrets of Falling Moon Forbidden Land

  The ten evil demons in the Forbidden Land, the top ones, are not weaker than the Ghost King of Land of Fear.

   The first three demons are heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, so that the five supreme forces all need to be vigilant.

  heavenly demon You Qian, is such a fierce demon.

   It is said that You Qian was the first batch to step into the vast outland heavenly demon.

  Before the Human Race became the overlord, he had already started the Heaven and Earth disaster here. He was severely injured by the Dragon Race and the Great Demon, and then quietly escaped and regained the depths of the Star River.

   After a few years, You Qian will come to Haoshan again.

   Later, Human Race mastered the art of cultivation and rose to power, replacing Dragon Race and Monster Race, becoming the strongest in the vast world.

   At this time, Divine Soul Sect was born one after another, many great characters.

  The one in the giant bronze coffin is the giant of Divine Soul Sect. Heavenly demon You Qian once again secretly entered Hao Dong. It is said that it was the trap set by the one who captured You Qian in one fell swoop.

  youqian, was suppressed in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land now in the Divine Soul Sect realm.

   No one didn’t expect. After countless years, You Qian turned to that one.

   was still destroyed in Divine Soul Sect. After being kept in confinement, he broke free of the “Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation” and turned to cultivate Ghost Dao in Land of Fear and became Tian Cang today.

   The 5000-year Ghost King history is indeed conservative. Cao Jiaze guessed that Tian Cang’s promotion to Ghost King was at least 78,000 years old.

  Tian Cang is so strong, no one knows how strong it is.

   Especially, he still possessed Ming Dou’s body.

   “This thing is for you, it should help you a bit.” Tian Cang held the shell in his palm and held it for a while, as if to erase the traces of secret patterns including the Asura Race brand, and flicked his finger.

   The shells blooming with radiant light suddenly flew towards Yu Yuan.

   Yu Yuan was stunned, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and immediately there was a strong Qi Refining blood, which directly escaped into his blood Small World and blended into the “Altar of Life”.

   His fleshy body was wounded, wasted, and recovered after a few breaths.

   In addition, there are also wisps of divine splendor, which seems to be the supernatural power of Star River after condensing, and it is smoothly integrated into his Golden Hall Small World.

  His blood and spirit strength were filled to the extreme all at once, giving him a feeling of fullness and pain when he was too full.

   The shell bottom, and there is a brilliant sunset, Yu Yuan looked down and thought of something, suddenly looked towards Luo Yue.

   Over there, Luo Yue stared at him eagerly.

  , to be precise, staring at the shell in his hand.

   The sunrays deposited at the bottom of the shells were collected from the Star River outside the sky. It is more mysterious and mysterious than Zu An gifted in his early years. It is very helpful to the repair of her flower baskets.


   Yu Yuan touched his head, sorry, and looked at Tian Cang.

   “She and I have no big dispute, you can deal with the shell at will, I won’t mind.” Tian Cang only constrained when facing him, and he was very courteous. Divine Red Clouds are shining, not good for Youling, you just give it to her.”

   Luo Yue’s eyes lit up.

   said to him, Yu Yuan no longer hesitated, and threw the shell in his hand to Luo Yue.

   Luo Yue caught the tattered flower basket, put the shells in a precious and important place, arranged them on a blue background, and immediately smiled, “I am not a wall grass. I only know, and My Junior Brother is standing together.”

   “No matter who you help, you will deal with these things.” Tian Cang’s eyes fell on Bai Pao Nether Ghost, and eight ancient ghosts headed by Qian Qiang Nether Ghost, “So, Ming Dou gave it to I am coming.”

  As soon as these words fell, Tian Cang suddenly rushed to the back of Ming Dou Ghost King, the brilliant Star River transformed from “Soul Crosses The River”.

   instead, attack Ming Dou’s astral body.

   “Ming Dou, I’m in the Soul Crosses The River where you are in charge, and fight you.” When Tian Cang fell into the splendid Star River, he transformed into Ming Dou’s body, unexpectedly transformed into “溟Chaos Kun” The giant beast of the starry sky opens up a huge mouth like Abyss Hole, swallowing the Star River transformed from “Soul Crosses The River”.

   the starry sky giant beast, can condense and swallow the stars, this is one of the core Divine Ability.

   The Star River behind Ming Dou is fake, and the “Ming Chaos Kun” transformed by Tian Cang is also fake, but from a morphological point of view, it is indeed a little restrained “Soul Crosses The River”.

  ”He chose to attack Soul Crosses The River and fought Ming Dou inside. He was quite clever.” Luo Yue refining the shells at the bottom of the basket and whispered to Yu Yuan: “Attacking Ming Dou’s soul, Ming Dou can With the help of Soul Crosses The River, you can move at will, slippery like a loach. As long as Ming Dou refuses to fight head-on, Tian Cang is really troublesome.”

   “Am I forgotten?”

  Cao Jiaze touched his nose and said helplessly: “I was ordered to come to Land of Fear to assist Ming Dou in climbing the Ghost God throne. Since I am here, of course I need to do something.”

   his eyes are slightly narrowed, “Tian Cang Senior, bravely try it, see if you can catch this Blood Spirit Altar!”

  Blue Devil’s Tears skyrocketed!

   turns into a blue star, the most dazzling star, sinks into the brilliant Star River, and regenerates and changes inside the Star River, condensing into an ice blue vortex.

   Inside the vortex, the Spirit Sacrificial Altar and Blood Sacrificial Altar, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, divine splendor ten thousand zhang.

   Spirit Altar and Blood Sacrificial Altar, including “Turbid Demonic Embryo”, suddenly split into three.

The    spirit altar was on the head of “Ming Chaos Kun”. Blood Sacrificial Altar suppressed his body. “Turbid Demonic Embryo” turned into a piece of blue Ying Ye, which was attached to the abdomen of “Ming Chaos Kun”.

  Looking at this scene, Yu Yuan expression was weird. When he couldn’t help but think of Starash Sea Territory, hei Xun, Bai Pao Nether Ghost, and Crane Rider led the big owl, with the help of “Blood Spirit Altar” to suppress “Chaos Kun” “Screen.

   is exactly the same, how similar.

   It’s just that the Blood Spirit Altar has not changed, and it looks exactly like “Chaos Kun”, except that Tian Cang has transformed from that strange body.


   Tian Cang, who wanted to fight Ming Dou decisively, grinned and suddenly turned into a blue-faced fang, covered in blue scale armor, looking at the cruel monster form.

   This monster, hundreds zhang high, with big hands covered with thorns, actually grabbed the crystal clear and near-transparent spiritual altar.

   slapped the Blood Sacrificial Altar to the foot again. As for the “Turbid Demonic Embryo” that was pasted on him, it was stuffed into his chest instead, like a piece of his heart armor.

  Cao Jiaze suddenly changed color.

   He was horrified to find that the spiritual connection between him and the Blood Spirit Altar had been cut off mercilessly in an instant.

  ”go! ”

   Ming Dou with blue face and fangs, deep in the center of his eyebrows, tens of thousands of teeny Old Demon suddenly flew out, and the Spirit Altar and Blood Sacrificial Altar were dropped down, as if they were transformed into thousands of little monsters.


   With Tian Cang’s chuckle, the split Blood Spirit Altar suddenly merged.

   Tian Cang lightly fell, and stepped on the crystal clear blue altar. His cruel and vicious body, together with the blue altar, became extremely harmonious.

   “Tian Cang, you?”

   Ming Dou was shocked at this moment, and seemed to be unable to believe what he saw.

   It is not only him, Bai Gu, Luo Yue, and those Nether Ghosts, all showing a looking thoughtful expression.

  ”Tian Cang, is a heavenly demon you dive. You Qian, a Blue Demon Race in the heavenly demon of Outland.”

  Cauldron Spirit Yu Yiyi saw the truth and took the initiative to drift away from Yu Yuan’s Zigong acupoint. “The Blood Spirit Altar controlled by Cao Jiaze originally belonged to the Blue Demon Race. That Blood Spirit Altar is very likely. Originally belonged to Tian Cang, but was banned from Starash Sea Territory that’s all.”

   Yu Yuan was surprised, gently nodded, “It should be the truth.”

  Blood Spirit Altar, is the ultimate weapon of the heavenly demon war in the Outland, created by the power of a group of people.

  This one belongs to Blue Demon Race!

  youqian, a heavenly demon of Blue Demon Race!

   This Blood Spirit Altar is highly likely to belong to him. It is very likely that he was the Divine Weapon blade that entered and exited the vast world when he fought in the Outland Star River.

  Today, it can only be regarded as the original owner.

  ps: Today’s chapter, cough cough, sorry, physical illness, bow, play

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