銆€銆€Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

銆€銆€Yu Yuan felt strange and looked at Qian Jie Ghost King curiously.

銆€銆€ Under his gaze, Qian Jie Ghost King’s originally very vague face changed continuously, and finally turned into an extremely pure and beautiful face.

銆€銆€ oval face, slender eyebrows, fair skin, clear eyes, and a shy and gentle smile on the corners of his mouth.

銆€銆€, her figure is extremely hot, her waist is extremely slender, her buttocks are round and straight, and her breasts are very tall and swollen.

銆€銆€ Qian Jie Ghost King, is a solid body with big breasts and fat buttocks.

銆€銆€ has a beautiful appearance, a pure temperament, and a hot and sexy body. The combination of the three makes her very attractive.

銆€銆€ “Boy, I asked about you.”

銆€銆€ She stretched a lazy waist in front of the hive, deliberately revealing her figure. The “Turbid Demonic Embryo” she is in has no abilities, which allows her to move freely and without restriction.

銆€銆€The waist gripped with a full grip stretched out an exaggerated arc, which set off her double peaks more spectacularly.

銆€銆€”The formation eye in that forbidden area communicates with you. The sword dao inheritance you got from it back then is his descendant. Because of this, Ming Dou is afraid of you.”

銆€銆€”Tian Cang, hiding in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, one is that there are a lot of heavenly demon pouring there, there are a lot of evil spirits and Earth Demon, which helps him increase his strength.”

銆€銆€”In addition, Tian Cang is also looking for a way to deal with Ming Dou. He knows that the man who hit Ming Dou badly back then guarded the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, so he stayed inside.”

銆€銆€ She drove the hive and came to Yu Yuan, a few meters apart, staring at Yu Yuan directly.

銆€銆€ “You stay away!”

銆€銆€ Luo Yue coldly snorted, “Qian Jie, you must remember that you are no longer a queen bee. Don’t use the same set you used to live, treat me Little Junior Brother.”

銆€銆€ “Little Junior Brother?” Qian Jie astonished.

銆€銆€ Luo Yue feels that since Cao Jiaze even knows her identity, she should also know that Yu Yuan is the descendant of the medicine god Hong Qi, so she didn鈥檛 hide anything, “It has nothing to do with you. Did Tian Cang always know that Ming Dou is not dead? Through?”

銆€銆€Qian Jie looked towards Cao Jiaze.

銆€銆€”Tian Cang, indeed, I knew Ming Dou existed a long time ago.” Cao Jiaze explained, “It’s me, telling Qian Jie that Tian Cang Ghost King is likely to be a hidden competitor. Ming When Dou woke up, he said that Tian Cang would be a threat. Let me pay attention to Tian Cang.”

銆€銆€ “Tian Cang, very mysterious. I have been in Land of Fear for many years, so I don’t really fight for anything.” Luo Yue said.

銆€銆€ “It used to be indisputable because it was meaningless.” Qian Jie hesitated and said, “As far as I know, Tian Cang is older than Ming Dou. He is the Ghost King before Ming Dou. Ming Dou was born. Thousands of years ago, when the Land of Fear ruled the roost, he also quietly left.”

銆€銆€”When Ming Dou was the strongest, he avoided his edge and disappeared for many years.”

銆€銆€” After Ming Dou had an accident in the Outland Star River, a few years passed before he came back. Not long after he came back, he disappeared again. As a Ghost King, this Tian Cang stayed in Land of Fear but did not Many.”

銆€銆€Qian Jie Ghost King used to be the queen bee of Monster Palace. She knows many things about Land of Fear.

銆€銆€ After finishing this remark, she suddenly looked towards Bai Gu, who had been silent, “You and Ming Dou, and Tian Cang belong to the Ghost King of the same era. You should know him better than I do.”

銆€銆€Yu Yuan and Cao Jiaze’s eyes fell on Bai Gu.

銆€銆€Bai Gu, who was temporarily trapped by “Turbid Demonic Embryo”, has a colorful bone and is still being infiltrated by various toxins and impurities. The green eyes pupils, who are full of wisdom, looked a little confused.

銆€銆€Cao Jiaze waved his hand.

銆€銆€ There were tens of thousands of hairsprings suddenly, like a ghost flying away from Bai Gu’s skull, which made Bai Gu’s eyes suddenly clear, and Bai Gu’s erratic consciousness reunited.

銆€銆€ “Master Youling, I will trouble you to answer your questions.” Cao Jiaze said politely.

銆€銆€ “Tian Cang has never been with us.” Bai Gu said indifferently, “No one knows how long he lived in Land of Fear. When Ming Dou was born, Tian Cang was the Ghost King. And you know it. Similarly, he was not in Land of Fear a long time ago, and it is easy to be ignored.”

銆€銆€ “Earlier?” Cao Jiaze changed color slightly.

銆€銆€ “When I first advanced to the Ghost King, I looked for some information, and only inferred that he was the Ghost King 5000 years ago. I can’t find a longer history.” Bai Gu calmly said: “So, he lived for at least 5000 years, maybe longer.”

銆€銆€ “5000 years!”

銆€銆€ Luo Yue, Qian Jie, and Cao Jiaze all screamed.

銆€銆€ They all know the secrets of Land of Fear, and they know that Ghost King is often updated. The thousand-year-old Ghost King has been considered for a long time. They have never heard of the 5000-year Ghost King.

銆€銆€ According to Bai Gu, Tian Cang is at least 5000 years old. What is this concept?

銆€銆€ “No wonder”

銆€銆€Yu Yuan gently nodded, no wonder Cao Jiaze is in my heart, and Qian Jie was specially brought in to discuss Tian Cang.

銆€銆€ “The Sect Master of my sect, there is a guess.” Cao Jiaze looked grim. “He felt that the Tian Cang Ghost King was most likely a powerhouse of Divine Soul Sect. After his death, Yin God turned Cultivate Ghost Dao. The collapse of Divine Soul Sect, 10,000 years ago, the time was right.”

銆€銆€”You support Ming Dou because you think that Tian Cang is the great cultivator of Divine Soul Sect?” Luo Yue suddenly figured it out, “You all think that only Ming Dou can become a Ghost God to fight Tian Cang. ? Let Tian Cang continue to hide?”

銆€銆€ “It’s worthy of being the former Sect Lord of Voodoo Poison Cult. It’s clear at one point.” Cao Jiaze nodded with a smile, and looked towards Bai Gu, saying: “Master Youling, it is really an accident for us. From the beginning to the end. At the end, we never thought that you would be Bai Gu, didn’t expect you would suddenly come out, but before Tian Cang, you became a threat to Ming Dou.”

銆€銆€ looked towards Yu Yuan again, “Similarly didn’t expect, you also entered the Land of Fear with the scabbard of that person.”

銆€銆€ “You came in with Blue Devil’s Tears and assisted Ming Dou, but also want to deal with Tian Cang?” Yu Yuan strangely said.

銆€銆€”en. 鈥滳ao Jiaze said.

銆€銆€ “Tian Cang didn’t show up, are you feeling insecure? Are you worried that he will come back powerfully at the most critical moment?” Yu Yuan grinned, and suddenly some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune became calm. a lot of.

銆€銆€ If the Profound Heaven Sect Sect Master guesses correctly, Tian Cang is indeed the powerhouse of Divine Soul Sect, and it is turned into cultivate Ghost Dao, then Tian Cang is absolutely extraordinary.

銆€銆€ He knew that Bai Gu and Yin Mai Yuan were selected, and Ming Dou was selected by the five supreme sects.

銆€銆€ Tian Cang, that is the Ghost God candidate appointed by Divine Soul Sect.

銆€銆€ And he himself, and the soul of the Soul Transformation Pond so weird, and cultivation “Great Yin Soul Art” and “Wisdom Forging Soul Art”, he believes that if Tian Cang comes, It shouldn’t be regarded as himself For the enemy.

銆€銆€ “I suddenly felt that if this kid is allowed to go out, he will communicate with the weird pool again, and the space channel will reappear, and Tian Cang may return directly.” Qian Jie Ghost King, with big breasts and fat buttocks, squinted and laughed Staring at Yu Yuan, “Cao Jiaze, you did good. Putting this kid here in advance has solved a lot of trouble.”

銆€銆€”If Tian Cang is in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, if the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation is turned on, it would be difficult for him to return to the Land of Fear for a while.” Cao Jiaze also said.

銆€銆€”Tian Cang, Tian Cang”

銆€銆€ At this time, Yu Yuan did not answer the conversation, but frowns was meditating.

銆€銆€He was thinking, among the top ten demons in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, will one of them be Tian Cang?

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