Land of Fear Edge, a picture is fluttering.

   Seeing, the picture scroll is about to leave the Fang Qiyin Danger Land, suddenly a brilliant Tianhe emerges out of thin air, and then walks out of the tall Ming Dou Ghost King.

   Without any subordinates following, Ming Dou frowns, looking at the scroll.

   Picture scroll slowly stopped, and a sigh came.


  Ghost King Chu Ling reluctantly stepped out of the “Spirit Lock Map”, bowed and saluted, “Has seen the Sir.”

   Ming Dou looked coldly, “Why are you leaving?”

   “My lord, I don’t want to die here like Hei Zhang and Han Yuan.” Chu Ling looked up, fearlessly, and stared at him: “I know the adult’s intentions. The adult wants all the Ghost Kings. Both fought against Bai Gu and died. But I don’t want to. I am no longer Bai Gu’s opponent, not to mention that there is Luo Hu beside him.”

   “You should know that even if you die, I can resurrect you.” Ming Dou expression gloomy, “You are different from Hei Zhang and Hanyuan. I value you very much. You used to be loyal to me. Both of them died. If you die, you will die, but I will not treat you that way. You are really dead, and when I advance to Ghost God, you will be resurrected from the dead.”

   Chu Ling hesitated, said with a bitter smile: “I don’t want to die once. Also, your lord, you have to advance to Ghost God to resurrect Ghost King. But”

   he shook the head, “My lord, you may not be able to win the final victory. I don’t want to risk it.”

   It was the movement made by Yu Yuan who communicated with the “Soul Transformation Pond” in the Bai Gu territory that confirmed his belief in leaving.

The attack of   sword glow, the intrusion of the ink soul into the Sky of Land of Fear made Chu Ling, the Ghost King, startled and disturbed.

   At that time, he no longer felt that Ming Dou would win, so he secretly made up his mind to avoid fighting with Ming Dou and Bai Gu, and no more tricks, sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, when to wait for the opportunity.

  ”Chu Ling, will I lose?” Ming Dou is like a Spiritual God, looking down at him aloof and remotely, “You followed me, in Land of Fear, have you ever seen me lose?”

   “You have failed, although you are outside the sky.” Chu Ling refused to spend time with him, and bowed her bow seriously. “Please don’t hinder me, my lord. You should know that with my current strength, I can’t stop him. Live me.”

   “Remember, as soon as you are gone, when I am promoted to Ghost God, you won’t be able to return.” Ming Dou said.

   “I know.”

   Chu Ling was faintly sighed again, but didn’t say much, the soul was wrapped in the Spirit Lock Map, passing by the “Soul Crosses The River” under Ming Dou’s nose.

   That’s it, leaving Land of Fear.

   the rising wind forebodes the coming storm.

   With the deaths of the two Ghost Kings, Hei Zhang and Cold Abyss, many Nether Ghosts were bombarded and killed by Bai Gu, and the entire Land of Fear ghosts were panicked.

   Those dead Nether Ghosts, within the jurisdiction, ghosts that think they are strong enough rise up to compete for new leaders.

  Many areas of the spirits and ghosts are fighting each other, causing more ghosts to die.

   There are more and more ghosts leaving quietly like Chu Ling.

   Weak ghosts, knowing that once they leave the Land of Fear, they can easily become ghosts, either shrinking into the Yinshan Mountains or hiding in the depths of the earth.

  gradually, Heavenly Ghost and Nether Ghost of Land of Fear are rarely seen.

  This day.

   Holding a Heavenly Palace Seal in his hand, Cao Jiaze sitting on a small yin hill, his slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, “Yu Yuan, are you here to kill me?”

  Fiend Demon Cauldron floated up, hanging side by side with the low mountain, 100 meters apart.

   Yu Yuan stood above and said, “You can also talk.”

   “Did you know that since I met you in Land of Fear, I had a lot of opportunities to kill you?” Cao Jiaze said with a smile.

   After thinking about it for a while, Yu Yuan said: “It seems like this.”

   “I haven’t done anything.” Cao Jiaze said.

   “So, I ask you to leave Land of Fear and promise that within a year, you will not set foot here again.” Yu Yuan arched his hands and moved towards him, bending over to greet him, “Just one year. After one year, you Feel free to go in and out, I will never bother.”

   “You know?” Cao Jiaze expression moved.

  nodded, Yu Yuan said: “Know, what you really want to assist is not the dead Ghost King. You were ordered to enter to help Ming Dou advance to Ghost God. I am a big threat to Ming Dou , So you will eventually attack me, it’s just a matter of time.”

   “Actually, I haven’t made a decision yet.” Cao Jiaze frowned.

   “I don’t want to be surprised.” Yu Yuan’s gaze crossed Cao Jiaze and looked towards the many Yin God visitors from Tianyuan Continent behind him, “So, please leave by yourself.”

   “Yu Yuan! What status do you dare to talk to him in this tone?”

  ”The Young Master of Little Dark Moon City has no sect and no teacher. I really think that if you have luck, you can regardless of the law and of natural morality?”

   “It’s you Yu Yuan who should leave here, right?”

  ”I guess you, dare not leave the Land of Fear. Go out, you will face the encirclement of the vast world, are you afraid? Fear is useless, I don’t believe you, I can stay in the Land of Fear .”

  The so-called cultivator of Upright Sect, left behind by many determinations, criticized him.

  Yang God, a great cultivator in the Free Spirit realm, breaks into the Land of Fear with its own Yin God, and will be subject to the checks and balances of the avenue. Therefore, most of the cultivators of Human Race can only be used in the Yin God realm and Soul Wonder Realm to let Yin God Come here.

   Yu Yuan, in this special period, suddenly coming to Land of Fear, isn’t it just to avoid trouble?

   just happened to present at the right time, caught up with the fight between the major Ghost Kings, and climbed to the high branches of Bai Gu and Luo Hu, and now they are actually impudent and want to expel Cao Jiaze and leave.


   “Luo Hui! What are you doing?”

  Yu Yuan hadn’t spoken yet, there was a sudden scream.

   Everyone could not help but looked towards Cao Jiaze in the distance behind, they saw Luohu Ghost King top secret, with the flower basket in his hand, covering Chu Yao of Divine Medicine Sect inside.

   Luohuo, full of smiles, looked at Chu Yao who was in the gorgeous flower basket, repeatedly colliding, “Don’t waste your energy, your poor realm cultivation base, Yin God is in the Land of Fear, there is no possibility that it will come from my soul artifact Get away.”

   “What do you imprison me for?” Chu Yao puzzled.

   Luo Hui smiled and said nothing.

  ”Because she is Luo Yue.” Cao Jiaze interrupted, “Voodoo Poison Cult, the previous Sect Lord Luo Yue.”

   As soon as these words came out, many cultivators present, Chu Yao, including Yu Yuan and Luo Hui himself, all changed their colors suddenly, and Cao Jiaze of didn’t expect Profound Heaven Sect actually told the truth in one go.

  ”Luo, Luo Yue? You are Luo Yue? Impossible!” Chu Yao was shocked.

   “There is nothing impossible. She has accumulated too much toxins in her body, and for some reason she has lost control and erupted. It seems that the soul flew away and scattered, but she has already left behind to escape Yin God.” Cao Jiaze turned around and said with a slight smile: “I advised you to leave earlier, you must be greedy.”

  Chu Yao was in the flower basket, Yin God collided, causing the flower basket to spatter with strange light, “Did you tell me?!”

   “Sorry, I just figured it out.” Cao Jiaze looked innocent, “But you can’t die, why are you panicking?”

   At the other end, Yu Yuan’s mind is also turbulent.

  Cao Jiaze, he discovered Luo Yue’s identity, what did he pass?

   is in charge of Life and Death Samsara, which is the source of the yin veins underground. His Hong Qi’s identity as the source of the yin veins can be broken, and Luo Yue’s identity naturally cannot escape.

  Who can know the origin of Luo Yue from the source of Yin Mai?

  Ming Dou!

   When thinking of Ming Dou, he browses tightly knit, and a single thought can’t help but be born in his heart.

   In the next second, the will of the source of the Yin Mai came.

   told him that his Hong Qi identity and Luo Yue identity were obtained by Ming Dou because of the secret relationship between the source of the Yin mai and Ming Dou.

   But Ming Dou knew nothing about him in his first life.

   When the source of Yin Vein was concealed, Ming Dou, Impossible smelled little clues, and also impossible to know the source of Yin Dao Vein. I wonder if he has another life.

   “Are you really Luo Yue?” Chu Yao exclaimed.

   “Let me take a look at you, did you mix that incident back then.” One of Luo Yue’s fingers touched Chu Yao’s eyebrows through the sunlight.

   Chu Yao as if was struck by lightning, Yin God motionless.

  Yu Yuan eyes shined, also has a keen interest, said in a loud voice: “See clearly.”

   Luo Yue is performing the soul search secret technique to find the deepest hidden secret in Chu Yao’s soul.

   He also wants to know if his pill went wrong back then, whether Chu Yao actually interfered, and if he did, what methods and methods were used.

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