The black clouds that flooded Bai Gu and Qian Jie, moved turbulently, and slowly floated up again.

  Bai Gu seems to be restricted by Qian Jie. When the silhouette of Hei Zhang Ghost King was revealed, Bai Gu did not act with it, or even spoke again.


  100 meters high, the huge silhouette of Hei Zhang Ghost King, holding the black scepter in both hands, eyes like two dark suns, staring straight at Yu Yuan.

   The dark clouds that gradually floated can only reach his chest.

   At this moment, Hei Zhang Ghost King, most of the Avatar is in the dark cloud, only a small part is exposed outside, imposing manner.

   At a glance, Hei Zhang Ghost King is like a Demon God born in the dark. Even the thick black cloud is another form of magic power.

   instead of Land of Fear’s soul energy Yin Qi.

  ”Hei Zhang, Nirvana Continent’s Free Spirit environment great cultivator, although not from the Demon Palace, but the Spirit Art secret technique of his cultivation is actually the same way as the Demon Palace and Scarlet Demon Sect.”

Above    Cloud Cruiser, Shen Yan of Sword Sect softly explained to Chen Qingyan.

  ” What you see, the black cloud that swallowed Bai Gu is pure magic. This magic, released from the black scepter, should be collected by the scepter itself. I heard that this The black scepter was sent by someone from the Demon Palace after he advanced to the Ghost King. The magic power in it, or it may be the one, helped Hei Zhang gather from the outside world.”

  Nirvana Continent, cultivators such as Demon Palace, Scarlet Demon Sect, Foul Spirit Sect, etc. can contain more power.

   In addition to the Spiritual Qi of the vast world, they can also refining in some wonderland secret places with the power that is different from the Spiritual Qi.

  Magic energy, there are many in many Danger Land that gave birth to Earth Demon. In the depths of the Outland Star River, there are more sources of magic.

  Magic energy, also known as demonic energy, is different from the Spiritual Qi of the vast world. The magical energy is not pure enough and often needs to be washed and purified again when it is incorporated into the body.

   However, some cultivation special Demon Art people need this kind of impure power.

   There are several rare Demon Art in Demon Palace, which have huge power and the same astonishing backlash power. They are tempering bodies with magical energy, replacing Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi with magical energy, and injecting them into the Golden Hall hole orifice.

  The magical energy in Hei Zhang, the thick black cloud formed with a wave of Dark Aura, should be the Demon Art that fits the cultivation of Hei Zhang Ghost King before his death.

   Now, after his incarnation is Ghost King, it can still be used by him.

  Because of these magical energies, they do not belong to Soul Power. The white flames released by Bai Gu, the power to purify filth, will not work.

   Even Bai Gu within the body, the holy rays of light shining out, cannot penetrate the black clouds.

  Hei Zhang Ghost King dared to become the second Ghost King to smash Bai Gu after his death in the cold abyss. It relied on his black wand, and he did not know where to gather the refining magic power.

   “Yu Yuan, I will smash your magic light curtain first, and then listen to your talk.”

  Hei Zhang Ghost King grinned in the turbulent black cloud, held the famous black scepter in both hands, momentum is big, power is deep, and a stick blasted towards Fiend Demon Cauldron.

   The dark magic light is released from the huge scepter that towers like a stone pillar.


  Mo Yan’s “Asura Demon Blade”, an unbreakable magic light shield, was hit by a stick by Hei Zhang Ghost King and burst into pieces instantly.

   Even the Fiend Demon Cauldron, with a “Dang” sound, fell into the air by the huge black scepter.

  Yu Yuan shrank his silhouette when the great stick approached his head, and escaped into Small World Inside The Cauldron before he escaped.

   “Boy, it won’t help if you stay in the tripod.”

  Hei Zhang Ghost King grinned grinningly, the towering silhouette like a mountain suddenly shrank and instantly turned into a beam of nether glow, and came straight to the mouth of Fiend Demon Cauldron.

  Look at his posture, this is to go deep into Small World Inside The Cauldron, and obliterate Yu Yuan in it.

   Small World Inside The Cauldron, Yu Yuan retracted into it, and saw the bottom of the stairs, many of the newly condensed Fiend Demon, because of the stick of Hei Zhang Ghost King, hundreds of them turned into fly ash.

   At the top of the Ding Wall, Yu Yiyi’s shadow is slightly blurred.

  ”Hei Zhang, after all, is the Ghost King, it is the strongest battle strength of Land of Fear today.” Yu Yiyi cried her face, looked at him pitifully, and said, “Master, I will protect your girl. Companion, you should figure out how to deal with Hei Zhang.” As soon as this sentence comes out, it means that she has nothing to do with Hei Zhang Ghost King.

   “I know.”

  Yu Yuan turned his head and looked at Yuan Lianyao who lost one’s head out of fear, slightly smiled, “You stay inside, don’t come out again.”

   he again told Yu Yiyi: “Don’t let her out!”

As soon as   ’s voice fell, his silhouette moved upwards, and instantly from Small World Inside The Cauldron to outside the cauldron.

  He is a body of flesh and blood, standing on the cold ground, feeling the scorching cold wind, and after the “Essence of Yin Sunflower” refining, he has no discomfort.

   On the contrary, he really escaped the shelter of Fiend Demon Cauldron and stood outside. He also gave birth to a wonderful sense of fish entering the sea.

   He looked up and found that the illusory shadow of the Soul Transformation Pond was still on top of his head.

   And Hei Zhang Ghost King, after a stick, he seemed to be unable to withstand a single blow. He actually stepped out of the black cloud, and even Hei Zhang was thrown into it, and he turned into a ghost in his original form A bunch of soul light, moved towards him, shot.

  ”He, he”

   “Then Yu Yuan, just like you, was exposed in flesh and blood, and he was safe and sound!”

   “How can he?”

  Cao Jiaze, there were many Yin God visitors from Tianyuan Continent. Seeing Yu Yuan stepping out of Fiend Demon Cauldron, he reached out and grabbed the reduced Fiend Demon Cauldron into his cuff. It was not calm.

  Cao Jiaze has always been with them, with the help of the dots of “Essence of Yin Sunflower” in the Yinshan Mountains of Bai Gu territory, they have witnessed the process of Cao Jiaze one after another practicing within the body.

   They all know that Cao Jiaze is not afraid of the harsh wind of Land of Fear and can walk in his real form.

   is so miraculous, it is also where they value Cao Jiaze and fear him.

  Neither of them thought that Yu Yuan could move freely in the Land of Fear like Cao Jiaze, without fear of the erosion of the cold wind.

   “Sure enough.”

  Cao Jiaze carefreely smiled, I didn’t feel surprised at all. I guessed it would be the result.

   “Yu Yuan!”

  An Ziqing, Chen Qingyan, and Old Demon Huang and other onlookers, seeing Yu Yuan being smashed by the Hei Zhang Ghost King with a stick, Fiend Demon Cauldron fell into the distance and suddenly appeared again in his true form, and was shocked. Up.

   shocked them even more, and it was still behind.

   raised his head and looked up at Yu Yuan of the illusory Soul Transformation Pond. He didn’t seem to know the soul of Hei Zhang Ghost King, turned into a bunch of nether glow, and pierced his brow Sea of ​​Consciousness.

  ”Really dare to come out of the magic black cloud. I really thought that the power of the Ghost King is invincible.”

   Looking at the sky, Yu Yuan chuckled and said to himself.


   Behind him, on top of his head, the Soul Transformation Pond that emerged, suddenly speeded up.

   The power that almost swallowed Mo Yan and the “Asura Demon Blade” Soul Blade, suddenly became several times violent!

   is also at this moment, the space corridor that had previously disappeared, instantly reappeared!

   was supposed to shoot at Yu Yuan’s Hei Zhang Ghost King. On the way, he was pulled by the suction of Soul Transformation Pond, and he was taken into that space corridor. With the streamer ability, he was directly sent to the Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

   All of this happened in a flash of light and fire. Before everyone woke up, the gloomy light condensed by Hei Zhang Ghost King had disappeared in the space corridor.

  Yu Yuan took a deep breath, clearly sensing the breath of Yan Qiling from the space corridor.

  When the space corridor emerged for the first time, he realized nothing because of Zhu Zhenlin’s shot. The space corridor connecting the Falling Moon Forbidden Land and Land of Fear was declared disintegrated.

   And this time, Zhu Zhenlin not at all intervened.

   He had seen Yan Qiling in Desolate Great Lake with the assistance of Desolate God, opened a wide space channel, and sent the statue of Evil God into Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

   He knows that Yan Qiling is currently in Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

  He established a connection with Soul Transformation Pond. When he wanted to have better communication, it was Yan Qiling from the Falling Moon Forbidden Land who had the feeling and cooperated with him.

   And the source of Yin Mai, just like Desolate God at the beginning, opened the door for him to be convenient!

   Now, the Soul Transformation Pond that emerged in the void is just a coordinate position, just a projection.

   However, once the channel is opened by Yan Qiling, the projection becomes real.

   has become a real Soul Transformation Pond, and the formidable power has increased by a hundredfold? !

  trifling, a Ghost King of Land of Fear, placed in the former Falling Moon Forbidden Land, it is difficult to even rank among the top ten demons. What can you do with the stronger Soul Transformation Pond?

With a sound of   , the space corridor that emerged out of thin air disappeared again.

   Yan Qiling’s message was passed on before the space corridor disappeared.

   told Yu Yuan that with his spatial knowledge and strength, he could only open the space channel one more time, and told Yu Yuan that it is best to use it at the critical moment when Yu Yuan is dealing with Ming Dou.

  ps: So what, sorry, it’s a chapter today.

   This morning I watched the NBA, the Lakers vs. Trail Blazers, and Lao Ni, as a fan of Lao Zhan, got involved at the first glance and failed to get the time code.

   In the afternoon, I just hurriedly coded a chapter. I made appointments with a few Old Guys. Under the sun of 36 degrees, I was going to make a four-on-four half-time play. Every time I watched a game, I was guilty and excited. To play, cough cough, have grown old, it is rare to have a little passion for playing, maybe only a few times a year, forgive me!

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