hit Bai Pao volley.

Behind the   , eight ancient old ghosts with huge ghost shadows have not yet revealed their true appearances and their original identities have not been revealed.

   But just the breath escaping from them within the body caused many ghosts that gathered here to salute them respectfully.

   Many fierce Nether Ghosts refused to loyal to Chu Ling and the present Ghost King because they had a master long ago.

   Their master, just following the overlord of Land of Fear, conquered the sky and never returned.

   In their deep in one’s heart, they also regard themselves as the commander of those masters.

   Now, when they were young and weak, taking care of them, leading one of their leaders, returning from the distant Star River, how can they not be excited?

   “My lord!”

   “My lord!”

  Many lonely ghosts gathered beside the eight ancient old ghosts to declare their allegiance.

   Cloud Cruiser, Jin Xiaolie, Old Demon Huang and Ma Jianjiang of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce were clearly attacked by eight ancient old ghosts. At this time, they calmed down quickly after being surprised and angry.

  Because of those eight, they are definitely not what they can compete with!

   At this time, Jin Xiaolie and Old Demon Huang suddenly realized that they could live, but they were actually showing mercy.

   If those eight people really do their best, all the people who come to the Land of Fear from the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, Yin God will die.

   Even Old Demon Huang is not immune.

   “I attacked you Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce because you did not get our permission, and you were trading with the ghosts in the Land of Fear.” Bai Pao Nether Ghost and Yu Yuan said hello, silhouette swept, I arrived in front of the Cloud Cruiser in an instant, “I, on behalf of Your Highness Ming Dou!”

   “Ming Dou!”

   “His Royal Highness Ming Dou!”

   The ghosts scattered in all directions screamed deafeningly because of Bai Pao’s words.

  Jin Xiaolie complexion is gloomy, said: “Didn’t Ming Dou Ghost King disappear long ago?”

   Bai Pao Nether Ghost gently shook the head, “His Royal Highness Ming Dou, is the master of this side world! Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce If you want to do business in the Land of Fear, you must get the approval of His Highness Ming Dou. Kill you some The man is His Royal Highness Ming Dou, the small sect who doesn’t understand the rules to you.” This is quite arrogant.

   Even though the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce has a strong background in the vast world, if you want to do business with ghosts in Land of Fear, you still have to get nodded by Ming Dou.

  The question is, Ming Dou Ghost King has never been seen?

   “I represent His Royal Highness Ming Dou, from now on, you Chamber of Commerce can talk to me directly.” Bai Pao Nether Ghost proudly looked towards all the ghosts present, and the one with a Heavenly Palace Seal, refining Chengcheng Palace, “You are the same.”

   Chu Yao’s expression is slightly cold.

   Many Tianyuan Continent’s Yin God visitors, because of Bai Pao Nether Ghost’s remarks, they started talking like a pan.

   is nothing but Ming Dou Ghost King, is it really still alive?

   Profound Heaven Sect’s Cao Jiaze didn’t have much expression on his face. He and Bai Pao Nether Ghost looked at each other, and after thinking about it, he said: “Wait for Ming Dou Ghost King to show up, wait for him to be in the Land of Fear was successfully promoted to Ghost God. On behalf of Profound Heaven Sect, I will pay tribute to him and have a serious talk.”

   paused, Cao Jiaze said again: “Before I saw him, I didn’t count everything.”

   “Jiang Xingwen of Extreme Abyss Sect, how is the situation now?” Yu Yuan suddenly interjected.

  Jiang Xingwen is Su Yan’s Master. In the Land of Fear, he still had some contacts with him before. He wanted to know whether Jiang Xingwen was alive or dead when Ming Dou no longer covered up.

  ”Yu, you have a lot to worry about.” Bai Pao Nether Ghost chuckled softly and pointed to the dark cloud. “You should worry about Bai Gu who is trapped in it.”

  ”Bai Gu? I’m not worried.” Yu Yuan said.

   “In this case, you might as well worry about yourself.” Bai Pao Nether Ghost waved gently.

   Behind him, an ancient old ghost shaped like a billowing hedgehog, a huge soul shadow, quietly shrunken, gloomy eyes, looked at Yu Yuan, and said: “Destroy his soul!”

   The two Nether Ghost level ghosts on both sides, one on the left and one on the right, suddenly rushed towards Yu Yuan.

  ”They should be trying to kill you first while Bai Gu is trapped.”

  Yuan Lianyao saw this posture and immediately understood, “You are dead, Ming Dou Ghost King has no worries.”

   Before flying out of the ground, Yu Yuan had told her that she had a secret contract with the will of Yin Mai Source.

  He will help the source of yin channels and eradicate Ming Dou Ghost King.

  The source of Yin veins, help him smoothly condense Yin God.

   will give him an extra strength when he swears every style of “Soul Severing Slash”, which is gathered in sword art.

   “I can see that Ming Dou Ghost King is also afraid of the sword art, which will cause the lost sword power in Soul Crosses The River to be aroused.” Yu Yuan gently nodded, said that he understood in his heart, seeing both of them After accepting the order, the Nether Ghost, who was approaching him, said: “If you can’t solve these two Nether Ghosts, which have no titles, I don’t need to stay here.”

   “Yu Yuan!”

  The world, underneath, the attention of people and ghosts from all sides fell on Yu Yuan again.

   walked out of the crevices in the ground and broke through the Thunder Tribulation in Land of Fear. Yu Yuan just intervened in the Yin God realm. He has not really made any moves yet, and has not shown his strength.

   And Yu Yuan’s rumors, many people, many ghosts, just heard it.

   Yu Yuan, is it really as difficult to provoke as the legend outside?


   groggy in the sky, something suddenly fell!

   The gorgeous seven colors light exploded from a flower basket, condensed into beams of light, and shot at the two Nether Ghosts rushing towards Yu Yuan, penetrating the shadows of the two Nether Ghosts.

  In that instant, two Nether Ghost level ghosts turned into clusters of scattered souls, and they were about to gather again.

   In front of Fiend Demon Cauldron, a small flower basket floats, glowing.

   “Luo Hui Ghost King!”

   Seeing the flower basket emerge out of thin air, one after another looked up at the sky and saw a petite silhouette in the clouds. I don’t know when it came.

  The flower baskets are held by Luo Huo all the year round. The flower baskets represent Luo Huo.

   “Luo Hui!”

  Bai Pao looked cold and looked up at this powerhouse, which has always been ahead of him for a hundred years.

   “defeated, I went to Ming Dou, do you think you can advance to the Ghost King?” Luo Hui said to Bai Pao in aloof and remote voice in the clouds: “If you want to deal with Yu Yuan, pass me first Say it again and again.”

   dropped the flower basket and disintegrated the ghosts of the two Nether Ghosts, not Bai Gu’s instruction.

   Since she regarded Yu Yuan as Hong Qi’s Direct Disciple, she decided to escort Yu Yuan to the Land of Fear and let Yu Yuan leave smoothly.

  The reason for agreeing to Bai Gu and reaching an alliance with Bai Gu, Yu Yuan’s position actually played a key role.

   treats Yu Yuan as the Little Junior Brother and never allows any ghosts, bully the weak, to kill Yu Yuan.

   “Luo Hui Ghost King, why did you save Yu Yuan that kid?”

  ”What does she have to do with Yu Yuan? Who is Luo Hui from the previous life?”

   Many doubts came to everyone’s minds, making people talk quietly.

   They are secretly disappointed.

   both wanted to find out Yu Yuan’s battle strength in Land of Fear through the attacks of the two Nether Ghosts, and prepare for the back. Who knew that Luo Hao intervened.

   Looking at the glowing glow in front of him, the flower basket that exudes sharp Soul Power, Yu Yuan smiled at the corner of his mouth, raised his head and looked at Luo Hui, gently shook his head, indicating that this is not necessary.

   A ray of heartfelt sounded in his heart: “You stay a little bit more to deal with Ming Dou.”

   “Her appearance can solve many problems.” Yuan Lianyao’s beautiful eyes lit up and quietly said, “It is indeed a wise choice for you not to shoot for the time being. You will not move, Bai Pao, and the eight ancient old Only ghosts can’t estimate your strength. Ming Dou can use the eyes of these nine people to see your every move.”

   “Ming Dou, it should be in the dark, staring at you carefully, when you shoot, look for a weak spot.”

  , Luohu Ghost King, standing high in the air, landed calmly after throwing the flower basket.

   stopped by Fiend Demon Cauldron.

   She stretched out her hand, and the flower basket fell into her hand again. She glanced at Bai Pao and the eight ancient ghosts, and said: “I want to kill Yu Yuan, let Ming Dou come here himself!”

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