The    silver-white sacred mountain is located in a cold storm, like a Giant Spirit God able to support both heaven and earth, suppressing the evil of the heavens.

   one after another silver divine splendor, which implies the holy power of purifying the world’s filth, and shining on any spirits and ghosts, those spirits and ghosts will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in an instant.

   This peculiar Yin Mountain, famous for Bai Gu, the breath that is exuding at this moment is incompatible with this world!

   Silvery Yinshan, tampering with a certain Extreme Cold law, suppressing the cold Heavenly Dao!

   The cold current storm is still raging, but the cold abyss body built by a huge ice crystal of ten thousand years is full of cracks and crevices.

   Infinite Light, follow Bai Gu to penetrate in!

   The harsh scream of the Ghost King in the cold abyss, like piercing the souls of everyone, makes people and ghosts a headache.

   Many spectators endured the pain, opened their eyes wide, gathered their spirits, and always paid attention to the cold and hard body inside the cold storm.


   Deep in the magnificent palace, one after another Yin God soul shadow, whisper bitterly.

  Whether they like it or hate it, the Ghost King of the Fear of Land of Fear is the one they chose.

   The Ghost King of Hanyuan is also the only one who has entered into an alliance with Tianyuan Continent and is willing to accept the Ghost King helped by Cao Jiaze.

  Land of Fear, after all, is in Nirvana Continent, the Ghost King here, naturally close to the local cultivator.

   is the same. Demon Palace, Monster Palace, Scarlet Demon Sect, Blood God Church-like sect forces can infiltrate, or help the Ghost King to stand firm, or support the Nether Ghost to become the king.

   Tianyuan Continent’s sect, it’s not that I haven’t thought about Land of Fear, but the Ghost King here doesn’t buy it at all.

   Even Nether Ghost is seldom willing to take care of Tianyuan Continent’s sect.

   As the next Sect Master of Profound Heaven Sect, Cao Jiaze holds a Heavenly Palace Seal, enters in flesh and blood, and is recognized by the Ghost King of Cold Abyss, which is the glory of Supreme!

   Until he returns, all Tianyuan Continent cultivators will look at him higher for this.

   If it is a cold abyss, you can really advance to Ghost God in Land of Fear and become the actual controller of this a side world. Then Cao Jiaze will take another step forward fiercely in Tianyuan Continent and throughout the vast world. .

   Available now

   “Martial Nephew?”

   is also from Profound Heaven Sect, who is a round older than Cao Jiaze, but the realm is just a pretty old man. He walked out of the crowd of Yin God and stood behind Cao Jiaze.

  This person, pupil light is slightly cold, and apparently has a murderous intention on Bai Gu.

  Cao Jiaze didn’t turn his head back, he still stared at the bottom, and said lukewarmly: “Just look at it carefully, don’t think about some useless thoughts.”

The tone of    is simply reprimanding the junior, which is extremely rude.

  Unfortunately, the old man who was one generation taller than him was not at all angry.

  The old man, because of Cao Jiaze’s tone and attitude, the spirit is slightly shaken, nodded, and he retreats obediently.

  ”This look, this attitude shows that it is still under control and has not lost control!”

   The old man who is familiar with Cao Jiaze has a clear mind. From his subtle expression, he knows that Martial Nephew must have a back player and can control the situation.

  ”Hei Zhang Lord?”

An Ziqing of    Blood God Church, his lips plumped slightly, his swan-necked neck raised, looking towards a huge black cloud floating in the air, covering an area of ​​nearly 100 acres, “Master Hanyuan may not be able to hold it anymore, you If you sit idly by, I’m worried that when you want to do it, you will face Bai Gu alone.”

  As soon as he said this, countless gazes fell on the dark cloud.

   This arrogant Hei Zhang Ghost King brought that silver-white Yin Mountain summon over in Bai Gu, in one fell swoop

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   After breaking the cold body of the Ghost King, he suddenly fell silent.

   no longer arrogantly ridicule Bai Gu, no longer overbearing, and no action.

   It is as if he Hei Zhang Ghost King is not in the depths of the dark clouds at all.

  ”Where is Chu Ling?” Facing An Ziqing’s question, Hei Zhang Ghost King did not answer the question, “I know, you can communicate with him, what is his attitude?”

   “You won’t ask him yourself.” An Ziqing curl one’s lip.

   is the same as Ghost King. Those who have arrived here, and those who have not yet arrived, as long as they are Ghost King, they know each other’s exact location.

   Luo Hui in the sky, Chu Ling in the depths of the earth, Qian Jie hiding in an ordinary Yinshan Mountain, she believes that no matter the Cold Abyss, or Hei Zhang in front of her, she knows well.

From the Ghost King, you can communicate with each other as soon as you think, without any stagnation.

   You know that Chu Ling is deep underground, and you can open a conversation directly. Why do you ask me?

  An Ziqing’s face is unhappy.

   “I asked, he didn’t respond!” Hei Zhang Ghost King coldly snorted.

   “Then it hasn’t been decided yet.” An Ziqing opened his hands and said that he hadn’t decided yet. You ask me, what can I know?

  ka ka! ka ka!

   Pieces of small cold crystals shattered, like a drizzle, splashing out of the cold storm.

   At this time, Han Fei standing next to Fiend Demon Cauldron, the icy blue flame ignited from his lower body, like an instant, had a magical attraction to those cold crystals.

  Star Fragmentation The cold crystal, like a burst of Star River, heads towards Han Fei.

   “Shards of Ice Soul Crystal!”

   There is a cultivator from Cold Yin Sect. Pupil light is greedy, staring at the fragments of cold crystals, unable to bear to fly out of this majestic and magical palace.

  Cao Jiaze was seen as missing, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of coldness.

   A Cold Yin Sect Yin God covered in silver-brown suddenly changed into a shining ice prism, trying to carry those fragmented cold crystals.


   The cold crystal sputtered from the cold abyss within the body, like a dagger, piercing the prism.

   The Yin God cultivator of Cold Yin Sect wailed suddenly.

   The others who were also cultivation of the cold spell, saw that he was severely injured, and they were shocked. One by one, they hurried back to the palace.

  Only, Han Fei, who walked out of Fiend Demon Cauldron, stretched out a frosty Saixue arm.

   In his palm, a flamboyant icy blue flame ignited, gathering more and more.

   Pieces of cold crystal fragments were all attracted by the icy blue flames in her palm, and fell into them one after another like birds homing.

  ”Why, why?”

   A cultivation ice cold magic slayer, after returning to the palace, shouted unwillingly.

  Cao Jiaze was silent.

   Instead, it was Chu Yao of Divine Medicine Sect. He hesitated and said: “The ice crystals refining by the Ghost King of the Abyss implies the Extreme-Cold Force of the Nether Frozen Abyss. That person can be in the Ghost of the Abyss. King takes care of it when she has no time to take care of it, because she, like the Ghost King of the Abyss, has the breath of Nine Nether Frozen Abyss and comprehend some of the Extreme Cold mysteries from Nine Nether Frozen Abyss.”

As soon as    came out, a few cultivation ice-cold law judges suddenly became honest.

  ”Also, since the Ghost King of the Cold Abyss was chosen by you, when he was injured, is it unethical to seize the cold crystal shattered from him within the body?” Chu Yao said again .

   told him that, the expressions of those people became less Free Spirit up.


   held in the palm of An Ziqing, the small Ice Thunder Seal, turned into a round of Extreme Cold light entangled with light, suddenly flew out.

   “Ice Thunder Seal!”

   Deep in the palace, there is Lei Zong’s cultivator, dead to death

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   glared at Ice Thunder Seal.

  An Ziqing Qingmei’s pretty face, full of confusion, whispered: “Could it be”

   sure enough.

   There were some fragments of the Ice Appearance Crystal, which were cut off by the small Ice Thunder Seal on the way to Han Fei.

   “The refining of Ice Thunder Seal is also mixed with ice crystals!” She suddenly woke up.

   “An Ziqing, Ice Thunder Seal, is our Lei Zong Supreme Treasure!” A Lei Zong cultivator pointed at her and said loudly, “Little Thunder Firmament Sect, and our Lei Zong, this is one family! Our artifacts, acting wildly in Land of Fear, are simply provoking our Lei Zong!”


  An Ziqing pursed his lips, moved towards him seriously nodded, “Just treat me as a provocation, what can you do with me?”


   bunches of violent lightning, when her this remark fell, the Ice Thunder Seal burst open!

  Many ghosts and ghosts, including Yin God from Inside the palace, were shocked to gather the ghost shadows when the Ice Thunder Seal changed drastically, and they didn’t even dare to speak.

  thunderbolt lightning is the nemesis of all spirits and ghosts!

   In Land of Fear, except for a few ghosts that condensed their bodies, as long as it is an illusory Spirit Physique, if it touches such a terrifying thunder and lightning, it will instantly die.

  Ice Thunder Seal is the Supreme Treasure of the small Thunder Firmament Sect. In the depths of the Outland Star River, I don’t know how many heavenly demons have been killed.

  Land of Fear’s ghosts were struck by the lightning released by these artifacts. What would happen to them? You don’t have to think about it.

   “An Ziqing!”

   Inside the magnificent palace, Cao Jiaze, who has always been calm and composed, couldn’t help but drink for the first time.

   He browses tightly knit, displeased, overlooking An Ziqing, and said: “Please stand by and watch!”

   Chu Yao looked stern, and said: “Don’t trouble the Blood God Church!”

   “No, it’s not right!”

   An Ziqing, wearing a purple armor, watched one after another thunderbolt lightning and flew away from the Ice Thunder Seal uncontrollably. He was also uneasy and said: “It’s not my instruction!”

   Between her eyebrows, she was full of gloom and resentment. She obviously didn’t do anything. Why is this happening?

   She is actually still entangled, entangled, whether she is in the same camp as Chu Ling, or at a critical moment, she chose to fight alongside Yu Yuan without hesitation.

   She didn’t make up her mind, she was still watching like Ghost King Chu Ling, so she wouldn’t be anxious.

   Ice Thunder Seal flew out. It was simply an accident, not what she wanted.


  While speaking, the first thunderbolt lightning went along the hole where Bai Gu sat down to the depths of the earth.


  Cao Jiaze, Chu Yao, Hei Zhang Ghost King, Mo Yan, An Ziqing, all those who arrived here and saw the trace of thunder and lightning, all screamed.

   thunderbolt lightning, escaping into the hole in the underground, what exactly is it?

   Almost at the same time, the several Ghost Kings who had flooded into Bai Gu’s jurisdiction overtly and secretly all keenly sensed that the entire Land of Fear seemed to suddenly change slightly.

   The Yin Mountains that stand tall in their territory cannot accept the Yin Qi infusion from the ground.

   is closely related to them, and can be sensed by them all the time. The Yin Sector Netherworld River gifted by the source of the Yin veins, the river is suspended!

   There is a natural phenomenon in the sky!

   only because of a thunderbolt lightning!

  ”Yu Yuan condensed Yin God. In the Land of Fear, with the cultivation base of Nuance, the person who transformed the Earth Soul into Yin God, the Yin God will be condensed in a moment, must be restrained by the avenue and must endure Thunder Tribulation baptism !”

  Ghost King Chu Ling’s voice sounded faintly from deep underground.

  End of this chapter

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