A cloud of cold mist, wrapped in a huge ice stone tombstone, is whistling in the cold wind.

   In the depths of the dense fog, there are tens of thousands of cold light looming, intertwined with soul and thought, turning into a vague soul shadow.


  The thick mist of Senhan passed by, and a little bit of ice crystals were condensed out and blended into the tombstone.

  The ice stone tombstone slowly rises up as it flies, becoming more and more huge.

   Nearly ten thousand powerful ghosts, following the cloud of cold fog, the grandiose ground flies in the air, the imposing manner is amazing.

  ”Shanyuan Ghost King!”

  ”The Ghost King army in the cold abyss is crushing the realm. Looking at the posture, it is aimed at Bai Gu’s territory!”

   “Ah, Ghost King! The powerhouse, the pinnacle-like peak powerhouse, is like the Nether Ghost of the black sickle, coveting the territory of Bai Gu, and the essence of the Yin Sunflower?”

  ”Bai Gu, I am afraid it will bode ill rather than well!”

   Numerous spirits and ghosts, on the top of the Yin Shan where the cold mist flies, discussing the Ghost King of the cold abyss.

   These ghosts entrenched in Yin Mountain, unaware of Bai Gu, have advanced from the Nether Ghost to the Ghost King realm.

   all thought that in Bai Gu’s territory, it was just the “Essence of Yin Sunflower” that suddenly appeared, which attracted those Nether Ghosts, as well as the current Ghost King.

   They were surprised that the Ghost King of Surprising Abyss actually went out in person and brought the ice stone tombstone.

   Because, according to the news they had previously learned, Bai Gu was provoked by several Nether Ghosts after losing a battle with Luo Huo, stepping out of his own Yin Mountain, and getting injured after the first battle.

  Bai Gu, has been trapped by the Yinshan of his own cultivation, so he doesn’t dare to come out.

  Bai Gu like this is worthy of the Ghost King of the cold abyss, to invigorate the army and gather Legion in the past?


  half a day later.

  From the territory where Luo Hu is located, a small and slender silhouette, holding a flower basket, blooms with seven colors of light all over the body, turning into a splendid divine rainbow, and heading towards Bai Gu’s territory.

   “Luohu! Luohuo Ghost King!”

  ”The newly promoted Luohu Ghost King, left his own jurisdiction, and also went to Bai Gu territory with the ghost of the cold abyss, King-like!”

  ”Hanyuan, and Luo Hui, the two Ghost Kings left one after another. What happened in Bai Gu’s territory, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering?”

   Many spirits and ghosts, itchy in their hearts, bold, not afraid of death, also flock there.

  A Ghost King of the abyss is enough to shock them. Luo Hu, who has just been promoted to Ghost King, is a mysterious, making them more curious.

   So, from various territories, many slightly stronger ghosts and spirits also set off.

  Bai Gu’s jurisdiction has become Land of Fear, the most eye-catching strange land.


   originally belonged to the territory of Hui Ma Nether Ghost.

   A dark mountain, Jiang Xingwen sat withered at the foot of the mountain, and all the ghosts that attached to her were dispersed by her.

   She looked at the belt called “Soul Crosses The River” and placed it in front of her quietly, her face gloomy, her pupil light sometimes angry and sometimes confused.

   after a long time.


  Yin God of Jiang Xingwen, slipped into the belt and entered the inner space of “Soul Crosses The River”.

   In the depths of the river, a powerful and mighty soul suddenly appeared like a mountain.

   This is a very tall Human Race man who is wearing azure armor, his face is firm, a pair of black eye-catching pupils, revealing quiet and mysterious rays of light.

  Man, there is a majestic and domineering atmosphere everywhere, as if he has been the ruler of Heaven and Earth since he was born, and is always impossible.

  ”Ming Dou?” Jiang Xingwen said bitterly.

   The breath on the man’s body is so peculiar, even she who has come as Yin God, cannot bear to bear and worship.

   She believes that as long as it is a ghost of Land of Fear, as long as she smells this person, she will obediently choose to stick to it.

   She sighed faintly. In the inner space of “Soul Crosses The River”, when she really saw this soul, she knew how small and weak she was.

   “How dare I say that I am his master?”

   Jiang Xingwen’s heart is full of bitterness, looking up at him, his emotions are complicated and difficult to understand.

  The unbelievable man, suddenly squatted down gently and looked at her with a smile.

   After squatting down, he is still a bit taller than Jiang Xingwen’s Yin God.

   “It’s just a soul, struggling on whilst at death’s door in Soul Crosses The River that’s all.” The man sighed softly, staring deeply at Jiang Xingwen in a squatting position, his eyes blooming, and the affection that made her soul sway, “From You found me by accident and got me out of there. I could have killed you. You know, it’s with no difficulty for me.”

   “Why didn’t you start?”

  Jiang Xingwen lowered his head, she didn’t dare to look at him, she didn’t dare to look at the expression in his eyes for a long time.

  , who has been practicing for a hundred years, has the battle strength of Soul Wonder Realm. In Extreme Abyss Sect small reputation Jiang Xingwen, it is absolutely unexpected that facing a Ghost King who has passed away from Land of Fear, he will be panicked.

   not yet, because of fear of his power.

   “Speaking of which, you may not believe it.” The man laughed at himself. “I don’t understand it myself. Maybe I was seriously injured by that moonslash great cultivator. Only Remnant Soul is left. It’s too fragile, right? From the moment I remember, I will…I know that I will never be able to deal with you.”

   There is only one Remnant Soul left, and the man who cannot even leave “Soul Crosses The River” still shows domineering all over his body.

  His domineering, masculine and majestic, and those ghosts of Land of Fear, the breath is completely different.

   When facing him, it is difficult for anyone to associate him with ghosts, and he can’t feel that he is the Ming Dou Ghost King who once mastered all the ghosts and spirits of Land of Fear.

   “I…” Jiang Xingwen suddenly became desperate.

   “Wait for me to come out, wait for my body to return from the Star River outside the sky, you and I will go hand in hand to travel through thousands of mountains and rivers, how about this sky full of Star River?” the man said affectionately.

   sound, terrifying ten thousand times more than heavenly demon.

   This Extreme Abyss Sect Elder, the Master of Su Yan, forgot his original intention, the purpose of coming to Land of Fear, and even almost forgot who he was.

   She just lowered her head gently and said in a mosquito-like voice: “Please, don’t lie to me.”

   “How dare you!”

   Ming Dou Ghost King smiled brilliantly, and the whole ghost shadow seemed to be shining, “With your company, Youling, Yu Yuan, and other Xiaoxiao, what fear do I have?”

   Jiang Xingwen looked at him, dazzled, and cried out in his heart: “What kind of man is this!”


  Bai Gu territory, a collapsed Yinshan ruins, covered with debris in the center, there is a hole directly into the ground.

  , a magnificent palace condensed from a Heavenly Palace Seal, flies low in the sky, ten meters away from the earth, and stops steadily.

Cao Jiaze of   Profound Heaven Sect, at the white jade railing, leaned over to look, and said, “That person, from the top of the hill where he is hiding, to a secret place underground.”

   Behind him, a group of Yin God powerhouses of Tianyuan Continent, all look unfathomable mystery.

  Originally, at the top of the Yin Liang Yin Mountain in Bai Gu cultivation, I was waiting for the moment when the Yin Mountain shattered. Who knew that Cao Jiaze didn’t say hello, and didn’t have any explanation. Suddenly he drove the suspended palace and arrived. Such a shattered ruin of Yinshan Mountain still said something like this.


   A magic knife, with thousands of souls roaring inside, also flew quickly to this point.

   After stopping, from the center of the blade, a slightly sneaky Mo Yan came out. He moved towards Cao Jiaze cup one fist in the other hand, chuckled and said: “I am the messenger of Hei Zhang.”

   “Demon Palace! Mo Yan!”

   Someone who knew him, behind Cao Jiaze, called out these two names.

   The crowd is in an uproar.

   Demon Palace, the second person, the only heir of Primordial Spirit Realm Zhu Zhenlin, the top three demons.

   There is another purple lightning flashing thousands of miles away, suddenly.

  ”Blood God Church, An Ziqing!”

   Many Tianyuan Continent cultivators, seeing the beautiful silhouette of the purple god armor, are more gnashing teeth than seeing Mo Yan, full of deep hatred.

   “On behalf of Ghost King Chu Ling, come here first.”

  An Ziqing stated his position, lowered his head, glanced at the stone cave, and sighed.

   everything that happened below, she has already known through Ghost King Chu Ling, at this moment, the real body of Ghost King Chu Ling also came secretly with the help of the “Spirit Lock Map”.

  ”Bai Gu, it turned out to be the Ghost King of Youling!”

   As she sighed, she thought, Yu Yuan and Bai Gu are the same enemy, and they started to move their hands later. In what way can Yu Yuan escape?


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