“Martial Uncle Tan, Tan Junshan?”

During Daoist Qi Yu’s speech, he actually stepped out of “Thunderbolt War Chariot”. According to his original posture, he planned to take Yu Yuan away regardless of whether Liu Ying agreed or not.

But when Liu Ying said that when the Martial Uncle Tan was looking for Yu Yuan, his silhouette stood in the air, and suddenly stopped between the falling star’s eye and the Thunderbolt War Chariot.

Liu Ying hurriedly nodded, “It’s Martial Uncle Tan!”

“Tan Junshan, have you returned from outside?”

When asked this, Daoist Qi Yu stared at Liu Ying’s eyes, as if he wanted to see it real.

“I’m back. Martial Uncle Tan wants me to take Yu Yuan out of the Red Fire Desert and meet him outside.” Liu Ying replied without any hesitation. “He wanted to find Yu Yuan and ask about Starash Sea Territory. The starry sky giant beast.”

On Daoist Qi Yu’s neck, a chain of finger-sized jade stone woven necklaces suddenly sparkled with soft light.

Inside the jade stone necklace, there are threads of soul thought flowing, forming a wonderful miniature spiritual formation.

Liu Ying was in a trance, and suddenly she felt that a touch of memory imprinted on Earth Soul was recalled by herself and became very clear.

That memory is the scene of Tan Junshan talking with her not long ago.

“Tan Junshan actually came back.”

Daoist Qi Yu of Spirit Void Sect, took a deep breath, and wondered again, “Since he fell into the Falling Star not long ago, why didn’t he ask clearly then?”

Liu Ying suddenly woke up and instantly understood that this Daoist Qi Yu, one of the 7 daoist, had stolen the memory of her burned on Earth Soul with the help of that string of jade stone necklace.

“Senior, you spied on my memory without saying hello?” Liu Ying was furious, “You Spirit Void Sect, that’s how you treat Junior?”

“If you say hello, you are on guard, how do you know if what you said is true or false?” Daoist Qi Yu snorted, ignoring Liu Ying’s dissatisfaction, and suddenly looked at Yu Yuan again and said, “Why are you still alive? ?”

As soon as this statement came out, the visitors of the various sects on the war chariot, Zhao Yafu, Zhan Tianxiang and the others in the Monster Palace below, were all unfathomable mystery.

I don’t understand why this Daoist Qi Yu, who comes from Spirit Void Sect and has Yang God realm strength, is eyeing Yu Yuan?

Yu Yuan and Liu Ying knew that what he meant was Yu Yuan, whom Daoist Ying Ye regarded as the target. Why could he live?

Daoist Ying Ye, Soul Wonder Realm’s later cultivation base, had a precedent for assassinating Yang God and killing a level 8 big monster.

Daoist Ying Ye was instructed to sneak into the Red Fire Desert. As long as Yu Yuan dared to show up, wouldn’t he be sure to die?

Why, Yu Yuan did not die, but was placed high hopes by sect. Daoist Ying Ye, who was honored as the 8th daoist internally, was killed for no reason?

“Senior, what are you talking about?” Yu Yuan was surprised.

“A Little Brat who has no sect backing and is only related to Monster Palace, I took it first.” Daoist Qi Yu squinted, tore off a jade green jade pendant hanging from his waist, and threw it to Yu Yuan.

The jade green jade pendant turns into a cage like iron thorns and thorns when the hood is facing Yu Yuan.

“Tan Junshan, when I see him next time, I will give him an explanation!”

The 7 daoist of Spirit Void Sect, after Liu Ying carried out Tan Junshan, and he verified it, he was still reluctant!

Spirit Void Sect is very likely to be the upper sect. It is now the first of the 7 lower sects. The powerhouse as clouds in the sect.

The same is true. Facing Liu Ying and Tan Junshan who had returned from the outside world, he was still fearless.

“Yu Yuan came here from the ground under my Master’s instruction!” Zhan Tianxiang was in the ground, seeing Yu Yuan being targeted by Spirit Void Sect, could not help but shouted: “He is the VIP guest at my Monster Palace , You have to deal with him, my Master will definitely be held accountable!”

“The rules of the vast world, your little baby is not quite clear.” Daoist Qi Yu shook the head, remain unmoved, “Under the Yang God environment, even if it is you, I will kill if I kill it. At worst, afterwards Please be careful with my discipline in the days of the past, lest you be killed by your Master.”

“As for him?”

Daoist Qi Yu’s mouth was full of disdain: “He is a little Loose Cultivator from Dark Moon City without any support behind the sect. I killed him, but I want to see who can vent him!”

The thorns under the cage suddenly opened, like a big mouth, about to swallow Yu Yuan.

Knowing that facing a great cultivator of the Yang God realm of Spirit Void Sect, with his current strength, nothing can change the result, Yu Yuan still summoned Fiend Demon Cauldron and held the scabbard in his palm.

He intends to struggle as best he can.

“Fiend Demon Cauldron!”

“That scabbard!”

Above the Thunder Sect “Thunderbolt War Chariot”, more than a dozen people from different sects, eyes shined.

A few people sharpened their fists, clearly paying attention to the utensils he was holding.

They suddenly felt that Daoist Qi Yu of Spirit Void Sect, so-called asking Yu Yuan for questioning, was simply an excuse?

Daoist Qi Yu, shouldn’t it be through Qu Jing’s message that he knew that “Fiend Demon Cauldron” and the scabbard had returned to the original owner, so he came from afar to pick the fruit?

As he said, Yu Yuan, who was not backed by sect, was carrying a lot of treasure and was caught alive by him, or simply killed. Is anyone really willing to stand up for him?

Just a legendary Yu Zhu, right?

Yu Zhu, if the breakthrough reaches 8th level, he will be a not weak landlord in Wudi.

But Daoist Qi Yu is also the Yang God realm. He killed Yu Yuan and seized “Fiend Demon Cauldron” and the scabbard. As long as he didn’t enter the wasteland, he was not afraid of Yu Zhu in Heaven and Earth elsewhere in Haodong!

Monster Palace, is it really because of a kid who didn’t enter the temple, at this time choose Spirit Void Sect irreconcilable?

“Daoist Qi Yu is so calculating!”

More than a dozen great cultivators poured in from all sides to solve the dilemma of the Red Fire Desert. After thinking about it, they secretly beat their chests and felt that it was Spirit Void Sect who started it quickly and ruthlessly.

No wonder Spirit Void Sect has been able to rise from the last sect to the top of the 100 lower sects within a few hundred years!

“Wait a minute.”

Tan Junshan’s soft cries, like a spring breeze, suddenly sounded.

A bright crescent moon, formed by the condensation of pure moonlight, hung between the cage and the top of Yu Yuan’s head, and slammed it upward. Peng!

The cage of thorns was hit by the “crescent moon” and re-turned into a jade green jade pendant.

The pocket-sized crescent moon is made of 10000 and 1000 moonlight essences, and releases the clear and clear light, faintly covering the jade green jade pendant of Daoist Qi Yu with moonlight.

Daoist Qi Yu’s face was cold, and when he wanted to receive the jade pendant, he found that the jade pendant was not at his disposal.

Tan Junshan didn’t show up, so he blocked Daoist Qi Yu’s blow with the “crescent moon” in the form of pure energy.

His leisurely voice came slowly from that round of “crescent moon”, “Liu Ying, you control the falling star eyes and bring Yu Yuan to see me. I want to see who dares to stop you from leaving the Red Fire Desert. “

The “Crescent Moon” volleyed in the sky, and the bright and cold moonlight swayed through the jade green jade pendant to lock Daoist Qi Yu.

“Tan Junshan!”

Hu Qian of Thunder Sect, as the owner of the “Thunderbolt War Chariot”, heard Tan Junshan’s voice and screamed from the sound of the “crescent moon”.

Several people were secretly moved when they heard of the strange man from Star Moon Sect, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, and Moon Sect who wanders in the Outland Star River all the year round.

Tan Junshan is the Junior Brother of the more mysterious Moon Sect Master.

All external affairs of Moon Sect are handled by Tan Junshan. Whether inside the vast world or outside of Star River, Tan Junshan represents Moon Sect.

This is the Moon Sect lineage of Star Moon Sect, a strange man who has been criticized.

He is actually like an idle cloud wild crane, but he happened to meet the more mysterious Moon Sect Master. He was in retreat for almost 10000 years, and he simply did not show up.

He was forced to deal with some Moon Sect affairs and select some disciplines suitable for Moon Refining Sect Spirit Art.

In recent years, he has also set up his stall and no longer intervenes in Haodong’s internal Moon Sect affairs. He has chosen to wander outside the sky all year round, and he does not go to kill heavenly demon, and he does not participate in the battle with Star River alien race, for himself, for Star Moon. Sect accumulates exploits.

He is transferred in the Star River where each and everyone of the aliens is located.

No one knows what Tan Junshan is doing in Star River outside the sky, but every once in a while, there is a shocking news that comes back from the depths of Star River.

Tan Junshan, in the world of breakthrough Free Spirit!

Tan Junshan, breakthrough to Free Spirit Middle-Stage!

Tan Junshan is already a great cultivator in the late stage of Free Spirit!

In just over 2 years, this strange man from Moon Sect has moved from the late stage of Yang God to the late stage of Free Spirit, which is much higher than the realm of Liu Ying Master.

Star Moon Sect can always be ranked behind Spirit Void Sect, and the top 7 lower sect is the second, but this is more than half of the reason.

Because there is a saying, even Tan Junshan’s Senior Sister, the most mysterious moon Sect Master, is not as high as his realm, and not as powerful as his.

It is one thing to know Tan Junshan’s return, and another thing to hear Tan Junshan’s voice.


It was just shrouded by the rays of light of the “crescent moon”, the jade green jade pendant that was torn down by Daoist Qi Yu, and after a while, cracks were highlighted.

The Daoist Qi Yu of Spirit Void Sect was revealed in the “Crescent Moon”, and the voice of Tan Junshan rang from inside, and he never said anything.

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