A light emerald green leaf, with a strong smell of vegetation, quietly emerged in the Yu Yuan Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World.

Yu Yuan’s overlapping soul of Sky, Earth, and Human was slightly stagnant due to the arrival of this green leaf.

His thinking ability seemed to be lost in an instant.

The light and emerald green leaves, in his Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World, came to his 3 overlapping souls leisurely.

Perhaps his thinking was stagnant and his judgment was wrong. This little leaf gave him the feeling that he was full of righteousness. When he rushed to his soul, Yu Yuan felt that Ye Zi had a good intention, and wanted to moisturize him, help his soul, and condense faster.

His heart actually welcomes the arrival of that green leaf with an open and enjoyable attitude.

“Master, be careful!”

The hissing sound of Cauldron Spirit suddenly tore from his soul.

Yu Yuan woke up suddenly.

Looking at that green leaf again, in his Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World, it shone sharply and turned into a small sword, piercing his soul.

At this moment, 1000 strands of 10000 strands of dark awn, like octopus tentacles, wrapped Yu Yuan’s head.

chi chi!

The dark awns, with ferocious and bloodthirsty power, instantly emerged from Yu Yuan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World. When the emerald green leaf was about to pierce Yu Yuan’s soul, one bunch after another, Hit the emerald green leaf.

A leaf, impacted by the swarthy awn, retreated little by little.

Fiend Demon Cauldron finally arrived in time.

When he reached Dingkou and was about to swallow Yu Yuan, the emerald green leaf suddenly disappeared without a trace.

1000 silk 10000 strands of fine light, also when Fiend Demon Cauldron was about to wrap Yu Yuan again, quickly separated from the body and shrank into the depths of the earth.

Small World Inside The Cauldron, Yu Yuan is in a cold sweat, and the complexion is gloomy.

First, Chaos Kun, an outer star transformed into a “cold moon”, located the Falling Star Eyes and launched an attack on him.

Fiend Demon Cauldron blocked a blow. The giant beast that escaped from the starry sky knew that Fiend Demon Sect Supreme Treasure had fallen into his hands again, and decisively gave up the second wave attack.

Because of this, the cold stars in the outer domain were again dimmed and hidden.

When Yu Yuan thought it was safe, the second wave attacked and came coldly.

Almost, he was the soul flew away and scattered.

“The first wave of attacks was Chaos Kun, the second wave, who did that green leaf?”

Yu Yuan, who avoided a catastrophe, adjusted his breathing and calmed himself down, “The leaves blinded my mind, and the breath that came out was full of righteousness, as if to help me refine my soul. Even I was unaware of it. If it weren’t for you to remind in time, it’s not the bunches of fine light.”

He took a deep breath and said again: “That brilliant man?”

“It’s deep underground, that powerful Earth Demon.” Cauldron Spirit responded.

“Earth Demon? We came to Red Fire Desert to kill the demons. The Earth Demon was also among the targets of being killed. Why did it help me?” Yu Yuan was surprised.

“Wait a moment.”

Cauldron Spirit runs Small World Inside The Cauldron, clusters of mysterious magic patterns make Yu Yuan look up, only to feel that this Small World, dark clouds are overwhelming, and surging crazily!


Fiend Demon Cauldron, with its mouth facing downward, slammed on the gravel ground of the Red Fire Desert.

Yu Yuan touched the ground with his feet still inside Fiend Demon Cauldron, and then saw Han Fei and the second Fiend Demon, emerging from left to right, standing behind him.

With his butt up to the sky, and Ding’s mouth buckled on the gravel ground, Yu Yuan lowered his head and looked at his feet.

A soul shadow with a ferocious and murderous aura quietly rose from the gravel under his feet.

On this end, the unknown Earth Demon, transformed into a “human” form, holding a piece of animal skin engraved with various intricate patterns in 2 hands, and presented it respectfully.

Earth Demon spoke clearly, “By the order of the Chen Family, give you this animal skin. The animal skin is made by Chen Liangquan.”

Yu Yuan looked surprised, “Chen Liangquan?”

“He is our master.” The unknown Earth Demon said frankly. “The master said, this animal skin can resist the Spirit Void Sect, Daoist Ying Ye’s 3 attacks. I communicated with Fiend Demon Cauldron earlier, just to offer this animal skin, just in time for Daoist Ying Ye’s secret attack.”

“Spirit Void Sect! Daoist Ying Ye!”

Yu Yuan is not welcome. He grabbed the animal skin and looked towards this man who turned into a human form. But no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a human Earth Demon. Said solemnly: “I have never heard of it. There is a Spirit Void Sect called Daoist Ying. Ye’s daoist.”

Spirit Void Sect, 7 big daoist, not at all this one is listed.

“He is the eighth daoist, Spirit Void Sect just didn’t announce it to the public, because this Daoist Ying Ye did some shameful deeds for Spirit Void Sect.” Earth Demon explained very seriously, “This Daoist Ying Ye just In the later period of Soul Wonder Realm, he has not advanced to Yang God, and he is not qualified to be respected as a daoist.”

“But in private, his contribution to Spirit Void Sect has long been tacitly approved by Spirit Void Sect. He is the eighth daoist.”

“The master said, in Spider City, your friend named Yuan Lianyao was also attacked by Daoist Ying Ye when he was about to arrive in Spider City. If it weren’t for the help of Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, your friend would also die.”

Earth Demon told the inside story.

“Elder Sister Yuan, was also seriously injured because of him?”

The anger in Yu Yuan’s heart was ignited in an instant.

Of course he remembered, remembering Zhu Peining and Yuan Lianyao two people, and many speculations about the soul thought of that secret attack.

Two people thought it was Primal Yang Sect or Mo Yan from Demon Palace, but they didn’t expect it to be Spirit Void Sect under their noses.

“Daoist Ying Ye is Soul Wonder Realm. It didn’t reach Yang God. It’s not a violation of Monster Palace rules.” Earth Demon continued, “Liang Jingyin was chosen by Daoist Chong Xiao to achieve Yang God in Yellow Mountain. , Was introduced to Spirit Void Sect as a guest official. Your return from Great Lake destroyed Liang Jingyin and Daoist Chong Xiao’s plan.”

“In the wasteland, Daoist Chong Xiao is scrupulous about the Monster Palace and dare not attack you, so let Daoist Ying Ye attack and kill your friend.”

“Now that you have left the wasteland, the sight of Monster Palace will not be on you all the time.”

“In addition, you didn’t make it clear that you would join Monster Palace or Demon Palace. Even with the support of sect, a cultivator under the Yang God realm will die if you die, not to mention you now?”

This powerful Earth Demon offered him a skin of an animal made by Chen Liangquan himself, telling the story.

This Earth Demon, I don’t know where it came from, knows all the rules between vast world sects, for fear that Yu Yuan doesn’t know the same, and explains in extreme detail.

“I am only responsible for delivering things and telling you why.”

Earth Demon finally left such a sentence, and then quietly retracted into the ground. After a few breathing intervals, he hid himself 1000 miles underground, without any movement.

“Yu Yuan!”

Liu Ying’s shout sounded from outside.

Yu Yuan hesitated for a while, then took off his outer shirt, put the animal skin made by Chen Liangquan on the inner layer, and put the black gown on again.

“Spirit Void Sect!”

He took a deep breath and his eyes were cold, making Fiend Demon Cauldron float off the ground.

Walking out of the great cauldron, he saw Liu Ying standing above the fallen star, beckoning at him, “You released Fiend Demon Cauldron, which shocked many people.”

“A lot of people?” Yu Yuan was surprised.

“Well, Zhao Yafu, Kong Banbi, and Hou Tianzhao who are familiar with you, because of the appearance of Fiend Demon Cauldron, they all came here.” Liu Ying gave him a white look, “There are many, you may not know , But someone who has heard of your reputation.”

With the Falling Star Eye in hand, she can see the trajectory of most people around the Red Fire Desert.

“Anyone from Spirit Void Sect?” Yu Yuan shouted.

“Yes, they came here the fastest, faster than Zhao Yafu and faster than Hou Tianzhao.” Liu Ying didn’t know. When she was meditating on Falling Stars, Yu Yuan was attacked by the 2 dial, and replied casually: ” Do you have any friendship with Spirit Void Sect? The Wang Jinlin who died in Wuyidi was dead in vain.”

“Wang Jinlin!”

Yu Yuan’s heart was shaken, and he remembered that Daoist Chong Xiao’s Direct Disciple, who died in the wasteland.

The wasteland has become Yu Zhu’s private domain, firmly controlled by Monster Palace.

A Space Transmission Array can be set up in the Spirit Void Sect in the Wuyidi. It should have been focused on the Wuyidi and wanted to make a difference.

In the end, Monster Palace became the final winner. The harvest of the Space Transmission Array of Spirit Void Sect and the income of Spider City will all be shared with Yu Zhu.

Spirit Void Sect, on the surface forbearing, can you really be willing in your heart?

“What about Fiend Demon Cauldron?”

“That person, is Yu Yuan?”

While Liu Ying was talking with Yu Yuan, a Void Crystal Boat carrying dozens of Spirit Void Sect’s disciplines flew over.

The “Void Crystal Boat” created from more than 2 crystal stones blooms in the night sky with dazzling brilliance, which makes people afraid to look directly at it.

Looking at the spirit of Spirit Void Sect nowadays, I really want to keep pace with the three upper sects. The “Void Crystal Boat” alone can cost more than 3 spirit jade.

Space Transmission Array is being built in the wasteland again, and the “Void Crystal Boat” is another ship. No wonder Spirit Void Sect disciple, now each and everyone has a nose in the sky.

Dozens of Spirit Void Sect disciple, whispering, pointing at Yu Yuan discuss spiritedly.

Overwhelming majority, they are all talking about Yu Yuan walked the lucky dog ​​excrement, trifling the young Master of Dark Moon City, a rundown family without sect support, who can take charge of Fiend Demon Cauldron, and get the scabbard, making those people of Spirit Void Sect jealous .

“I heard that this kid is one of Scarlet Demon Sect Yuan Lianyao’s face. Yuan Lianyao’s turbulent Demoness is also Scarlet Demon Sect, and this Demon Path Sect faction can accept it.” A Spirit Void Sect woman, mean The ground yelled, “The woman who to have no shame, in our hometown, is going to soak the pig cage.”

She is constantly slandering Yuan Lianyao, and by the way, to insult Yu Yuan.

“Who is that little slut?” Yu Yuan pointed to her and asked Liu Ying.

“I don’t know her.” Liu Ying shook her head like a rattle. “But, she should know me. After all, I am the great character of Star Moon Sect. What about her, since I don’t know her, I must It is a small role not worth mentioning.

“Oh, that’s the little slut that is not well-known.” Yu Yuan nodded, immediately shook the eighth voice, moved towards the woman and shouted, “Little slut, can you close your stinky mouth when you ate shit?” “

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