In the next few days, other sect people in the streets came to the small Thunder Firmament Sect to inquire about the origin of Xie Bin from Huang Chan.

Qi Jinghai’s visit, those words made Xie Bin instantly famous.

But Xie Bin refused to talk to anyone.

Even Yu Yuan, he didn’t say much, closed the door for drinking all day.

Yu Yuan’s heart is clear, knowing that Qi Jinghai’s words before leaving have caused a heavy blow to Xie Bin.

Ice Thunder Seal is the Sect Protecting Treasure of the small Thunder Firmament Sect. In his previous life, he knew that Ice Thunder Seal was the top level of Heaven Grade artifacts, and it was extremely restrained by the Heavenly Demon family in the foreign domain.

Back then, the Ice Thunder Seal had been controlled by the Sect Master of the small Thunder Firmament Sect. After the tragic death of that person in Outland, Yu Yuan thought that the Ice Thunder Seal is now in the hands of the current Sect Master.

didn’t expect it was actually run by Xie Bin.

If Qi Jinghai only used Thunder Sect to pressure Xie Bin, Xie Bin would not be afraid of it. He could also find three upper sects to preside over justice, so that Thunder Sect would not dare to go too far.

But now, Thunder Sect has persuaded the three upper sects, and the three upper sects also mean the same thing. What can Xie Bin and the small Thunder Firmament Sect do?

If Sect Supreme Treasure is handed over, Xie Bin can’t pass that level in his heart.

That evening, the drunken Xie Bin pushed open the door, greeted Yu Yuan to come in, and asked Yu Yuan to arrange the array that isolates soul and voice.

When ready, Xie Bin said: “Chen Xi, I plan to leave Azure Phoenix City.”

Yu Yuan thoughts move, “Are you going to hide for a while?”

“I will go to Desolate Great Lake.” Xie Bin said.

“Desolate Great Lake!” Yu Yuan was shocked.

“On Heaven Profound Continent, only Desolate Great Lake can ignore the three upper sects, Demon Palace and Monster Palace.” When Xie Bin spoke, his mouth was full of alcohol, but from his eyes, he Not a little drunk, “Ice Thunder Seal, I won’t hand it over!”

Yu Yuan nodded, “But, how long can you hide?”

“Hidden, our little Thunder Firmament Sect, another cultivation genius appears. When he can control the Ice Thunder Seal, I will give him this artifact.” Xie Bin said.

“Why is this thing in your hands?” Yu Yuan strangely said.

“Because” Xie Bin hesitated and said, “You are his Direct Disciple, so I won’t hide it. When I was in the Outland Star River battle, Yang God was destroyed. The remaining soul of Yang God was killed by the old Sect. The Master is sealed in the Ice Thunder Seal, and I will take the Ice Thunder Seal away.”

“In the Ice Thunder Seal, there are fragments of my Yang God, and the current Sect Master has not advanced to the Free Spirit state. One is unable to control the Ice Thunder Seal, and the second is that the current Sect Master has good intentions and does not want to change my Remnant. Soul is cleared from Ice Thunder Seal.” Xie Bin looked sad, “Just like that, Ice Thunder Seal is in my hands.”

“Qi Jinghai said, your Yang God, there is hope of reunion?” Yu Yuan asked in surprise.

“Easier said than done.” Xie Bin sighed deeply, “Qi Jinghai’s Master, because it is a great cultivator of Thunder Sect’s Free Spirit environment, and because Lei Fa is of the same origin, if he is willing to do his best, it may be a little probability. , How can I turn my back on the old Sect Master, switch to Thunder Sect, and then offer Ice Thunder Seal?”

“Except for him, there is no other way to reunite your Yang God?” Yu Yuan asked again.

“In this world, someone who can completely separate Remnant Soul from Ice Thunder Seal for me, and reconsolidate them together.” Xie Bin should have thought about it a long time ago, “They are in the Outland Star River, They are the most proficient in astral mystics. But if I get involved with them, then”

He did not continue to say the following words, but smiled sadly.

Yu Yuan whispered 3 words: “Divine Soul Sect.”

Xie Bin was shocked, “You, how do you know about them? The news of Star River in Outland is blocked! The traces of their existence and their actions are all secrets. I was because I rushed out of the sky to talk to them The people among them had come into contact with each other, only to realize that they had originally walked out of our vast world.”

The traces of Divine Soul Sect in the vast world have been erased by the combination of the three upper sects, Demon Palace, and Monster Palace.

Only the cultivator who reached the Yang God realm, in the depths of the Outland Star River, fought with heavenly demon and starry aliens, and occasionally encountered the so-called remnants of Divine Soul Sect.

In fact, in Yu Yuan’s previous life, Divine Soul Sect disappeared for a while outside of Star River, and it is rumored that they went to the more remote Star River.

In recent years, the people of Divine Soul Sect have begun to emerge one after another, and their strength has suddenly become stronger.

It was also accidental that Xie Bin came into contact with Divine Soul Sect. The people who thought Divine Soul Sect were different races like Human Race, but finally confirmed that they were the same as themselves, and they were also Human Race cultivators who left the vast world.

It was Hegemon who had to obey the orders of the three upper sects and Demon Palace Monster Palace.

Even if Yu Yuan was personally passed on by the God of Medicine, he shouldn’t know about Divine Soul Sect, but now that he easily uttered these three words, Xie Bin was naturally shocked.

“I’ve been to Falling Moon Forbidden Land, and I happened to know the traces of Divine Soul Sect.” In an understatement, Yu Yuan explained, “Is there no other way besides Divine Soul Sect?”

Xie Bin pondered for a while, and said: “For nearly 100 years, I have been thinking about this in secret. I sorted it out over and over again. I think Qi Jinghai’s Master might be capable. The secret technique of Divine Soul Sect is possible. Then, An artifact. But that artifact”

“What artifact?” Yu Yuan said.

“Fiend Demon Sect’s Sect Protecting Treasure is rumored to possess the power of gathering the spirit evil spirits, which can absorb the grievances and various negative spirit strengths in the deceased’s Remnant Soul, and then turn to condensate. I vaguely feel that Fiend Demon Cauldron This artifact may also be able to suck out the Remnant Soul after my Yang God burst from the Ice Thunder Seal, and then re-melt it into Heaven Soul.”

“Heaven Soul can condense into a ball and return to my Niwan Acupuncture Aperture. I will refining with Yin God, the main soul will be warmed, and maybe I will be able to cultivation again.”

Xie Bin sighed, “But Fiend Demon Cauldron, whereabouts unknown for 100 years. I only heard last year that a boy named Yu Yuan brought him out of a seabed in the Starash Sea Territory. I actually followed that boy secretly, can”

Xie Bin shook the head, “But I heard that all the utensils in his hand were taken away by Desolate God before leaving Desolate Great Lake.”

“As for me, I plan to go to Desolate Great Lake to avoid disasters, but I still have a little chance to get Desolate God’s favor.”

“Fiend Demon Cauldron is in the hands of Desolate God. If Desolate God is willing to help me, I think I can reunite with Heaven Soul and enter Soul Wonder Realm directly when Heaven Soul sinks into the Niwan Acupoint.”

Xie Bin each minding their own business.

Then, he found that Yu Yuan had a weird expression and remained silent for a long time.

“Chen Xi, what’s your face?” Xie Bin astonished said.

“It’s not convenient here. You accompany me to Azure Heaven Temple. I rent a cultivation room over there and show you something.” Yu Yuan suddenly stood up.


“I’ll talk about it when it comes.”


An hour later.

In Azure Heaven Temple, in a cultivation room on the 7th floor, Yu Yuan closed the door and didn’t push the flag out.

Here, there is no need to worry too much.

“What are you going to show me?” Xie Bin is no longer unable to bear.

Along the way, Yu Yuan’s expression was so weird that he felt a little flustered, not knowing what medicine Yu Yuan sold in the gourd.

If it weren’t for Yu Yuan is the Medicine God Direct Disciple, he is impossible. Because of Yu Yuan, he came to Azure Heaven Temple.

“Come out.”

Yu Yuan let out a soft cry, and from the Zigong acupoint in his chest, a dark great cauldron floated out.

As soon as the great cauldron came out, the clusters of magic patterns on the surface of the cauldron spontaneously squirmed, dissipating unusual soul fluctuations.

“this is?”

I haven’t seen Fiend Demon Cauldron. I only heard about Xie Bin, not at all, and I can tell it all at once.

“This is what you want to go to Desolate Great Lake, luck, and seeking.” Yu Yuan said with a smile.

“Ah! How is it possible!” Xie Bin was startled, looking at Yu Yuan with a monster-like gaze, “You, are you not Desolate God incarnation? Impossible, Desolate God is a tenth-level demon, he It is impossible to cultivation the art of refining medicine, and it is also impossible to get the medicine god inheritance!”


Yu Yuan laughed, “You are mistaken, I am not Desolate God, I am the same Human Race as you. This thing is originally mine, Desolate God is just the original owner.”

“Are you Yu Yuan?!”

“Not bad.”

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