“Stay steady!”

Zhu Peining of the Chamber of Commerce, when the broken “Jade Tower” was getting closer to the “Golden Iron Divine Throne”, he hurriedly reminded him with a shout, lest Tong Laoqian get too excited and cause the “Jade Tower” to collapse.

“Click! Click!”

In the broken “Jade Tower”, there was a cracking sound from the building body, and cracks gradually grew in the tempering earth.

“Golden Iron Divine Throne” is an Ancient Golden Elephant God who was once a tenth-level Monster God. It was created with his innate talent and devotion to refining after 1000 years of time. It is infinitely close to Divine Item.

This god seat can change all known gold mines and iron mountains in the vast world, including traces of veins deep underground.

The “Jade Tower” built of gold and jade is naturally suppressed by the “Golden Iron Divine Throne”. When approaching, it is like a low-level little demon, approaching a level 8 and level 9 big demon, naturally frightened, trembling, and uneasy.

“Jade Tower” was originally unable to withstand a single blow after being hit hard, and the fear of that “Golden Iron Divine Throne” would be deeper.

Tong Laoqian’s face was joyful and turned into panic. Because of Zhu Peining’s reminder, he hurriedly began to gather “Jade Tower”.

Zhu Peining, Jiang Yurong and Gao Qin all got away when the “Jade Tower” was shrinking. When approaching the golden mountain, Zhu Peining shouted: “Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce Zhu Peining, I have met Master Gray Crow, see you After the python.”

Gray Crow laughed dryly, nodded, and said nothing.

The level 8 big monster is equivalent to the Yang God great cultivator of Human Race. He belongs to the Monster Palace. He naturally has a sense of superiority when dealing with Soul Wonder Realm Zhu Peining.

Heavenspan Island, and the other 3 Yang God guards, can sit on an equal footing with him.

Zhu Peining, regardless of strength or status, is inferior to him.

Xu Zixi smiled back, and then frowns saying: “You also want to prevent Liang Jingyin from condensing Yang God?”

“Having this idea, it’s a pity that I don’t have this ability.” Zhu Peining is very open and does not hide anything. “Liang Jingyin and our Chamber of Commerce have grudges, and our Chamber of Commerce has started against him, not one. or two times.”

She was faintly sighed, her painting style changed suddenly, “It is even more difficult to condense Yang God for him.”

“Yu Yuan!”

Tong Laoqian, who put “Jade Tower” in his sleeve, rushed towards him with a big smile on his face.

Zhan Tianxiang glanced at Yu Yuan, Yu Yuan gently nodded.


Tong Laoqian’s fat hu hu body seemed to penetrate the invisible ripples and fell into the “Golden Iron Divine Throne”, shouted: “Liang Jingyin below, is now condensing Yang God, I”

Yu Yuan responded straightforwardly and neatly: “Don’t worry, he can’t make it!”

Tong Laoqian was overjoyed, “I knew that my decision in Rift Islands was impossible wrong!”

“Daoist save me!”

Yellow Mountain swayed violently like a tower, “Ticket” land, with boulders and fragments thrown down, the golden streamer invisible to naked eye, golden juice, flowing from the peak to the gold-iron ore veins at the bottom of the mountain.

Zhan Tianxiang grinned and laughed cruelly, “In front of the Golden Iron Divine Throne, I tried to smelt the Yang God joint from the underground gold and iron veins. Have you ever asked about this golden mountain?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised to see that the underground gully bursting from below released an amazing golden halo.

Gray Crow squinted his eyes and spied with a level 8 demon soul. I am afraid that there are 10000000 million golden, silver and blue black lines, which are condensed from gold powder, iron filings and silver, like 10000000 million Golden Dragons and iron pythons. , Silver Snake, swimming in the underground world, forcibly reversed the rules of the gold-iron array.

If Liang Jingyin hadn’t hit the realm level, Zhan Tianxiang would not care about him even if he was driving the “Golden Iron Divine Throne”.

However, at the critical moment of his breakthrough, Zhan Tianxiang not only came, but also brought the Golden Mountain of Ancient Golden Elephant God!


Loose Cultivator Liang Jingyin’s screams were extremely sorrowful and tingling.

In the mountain within the body part where naked eye cannot stare, Liang Jingyin’s Yang God, shrouded in 5-Layer treasure tower, began to disintegrate and collapse before it was condensed and formed.

In one section, the golden spine connecting the head and the tail snapped apart.

If the attack on Yang God fails, Yang God will be destroyed and Heaven Soul may suffer severe damage or dissipate.

Liang Jingyin’s fall is still a trivial matter. Without Yang God, he lacks one soul in Sky, Earth, and Human 3. No matter how hard it is to make further progress in his life, he will sever the hope of consolidating Yang God again.

This blow to Liang Jingyin will be devastating!

“Save me! Save me!”

Liang Jingyin’s scream gradually turned into a howl, and it shook the earth.

Within 100 miles, all intelligent creatures can hear clearly.


Tong Laoqian laughed heartily, thinking of Liang Jingyin’s arrogance not long ago, he laughed heartily, and felt that all the sorrow he suffered since returning to the wasteland was vented.

“Deserve it!”

Zhu Peining of the Chamber of Commerce, with a cold face, watched the surprise of Yellow Mountain and listened to Liang Jingyin’s crying, and he was also happy.

Forget about looting the Chamber of Commerce supplies. The deacon of Chamber of Commerce, Chief-In-Charge, was killed by Liang Jingyin, including women, children and children.

Liang Jingyin’s actions are inexcusable, and Chamber of Commerce is determined to kill him.

Several waves of people who chased him were killed by Liang Jingyin and other Loose Cultivator. Some deacons who were loyal to Chamber of Commerce were skinned by Liang Jingyin and hung bloodily on the broken merchant ship. To humiliate Chamber of Commerce.

“Daoist, daoist, save me!”

Liang Jingyin is still crying and crying.


A Yin God nether shadow, reluctantly, suddenly came from a dark place beyond several hundred li, and within a short time, it appeared in the shadow of the swaying Yellow Mountain.

In the backlit, shadowy place, visitors are faintly, but the spirit aura is very obvious.

“Master Gray Crow, can you give me a thin face of Spirit Void Sect and give this person a way to survive?”

I don’t see Daoist Chong Xiao in real form. In that shadowy place, he pleads with the Gray Crow on the “Golden Iron Divine Throne”, “I’ll sit in the deserted place, take care of that Space Transmission Array, and give Monster Palace all the convenience. The income of Spider City and the transmission income of Space Transmission Array will also be given to Mr. Yu Zhu according to the agreed share.”

“Spirit Void Sect, what he did in the wasteland did not go against the wishes of Monster Palace.”

“Master Gray Crow, this Loose Cultivator is indeed in the spirit of Spirit Void Sect. His Yang God is condensed, maybe a little too much, but I still hope that I can leave a way out.”

Except for Monster Palace, Spirit Void Sect has the strongest strength in the entire wasteland. Because, in the heritage site, there is a Space Transmission Array belonging to Spirit Void Sect.

According to the rules set by Monster Palace, foreign monsters above level 7 and great cultivators above Soul Wonder Realm cannot step into the wasteland.

Daoist Chong Xiao, may be the only exception.

His Yin God, Monster Palace is allowed to stay in the site and take care of the Space Transmission Array.

In addition to Monster Palace, this Daoist Chong Xiao is another person with privileges.

“Master Gray Crow!”

Zhan Tianxiang complexion sank, staring wide-eyed, shouted: “What Liang Jingyin, since he has formed a beam with Yu Yuan, he can’t attack Yang God in the ruins! According to the rules, he successfully condenses Yang God, even if it is broken Monster Palace rules!”

Zhan Tianxiang, no matter who Liang Jingyin is or what he has to do with Spirit Void Sect, he just stands firmly beside Yu Yuan.

Zhao Yafu also said: “Master Gray Crow, Yellow Mountain is a wasteland, and it is Master Yu Zhu’s personal possession! Once this person condenses Yang God, Yellow Mountain will be ruined. His achievement is to build It is the premise of destroying Yellow Mountain and destroying the remains, so it should not be allowed!”

“The two Little Brat have a point.” Xu Zixi echoed.

The Monster Palace instructed Gray Crow to come to waste for the time being and replace Yu Zhu to take control of the situation. This 8th-level big monster is now the talker of waste.

The Gray Crow who is really here is the most powerful house here. Daoist Chong Xiao trifling is a Yin God and is definitely not an opponent.

Gray Crow’s opinions, attitudes, and words are the iron law of the legacy.

Tong Laoqian looked at the skinny old man of Monster Palace eagerly, restless in his heart.

Yu Yuan whispered: “If Liang Jingyin can condense Yang God in Yellow Mountain, and when Yu Zhu returns, I will try to persuade her to leave Monster Palace.”

Gray Crow flashed fierce rays of light in his eyes, took a deep breath and looked towards Yu Yuan coldly.

Yu Yuan was not afraid, “I will leave my words here today, it’s up to you.”

“Boy, how dare you threaten my grandfather!” The lower crow, flustered and exasperated, was about to pounce on Yu Yuan and peck Yu Yuan’s eyes.

It was pulled from the air by Zhao Yafu, grabbing his paw.

“Very well, you brat dare to bargain with Monster Palace! No Lord Golden Elephant, you should have been crushed by Tang Zheng’s soul. You don’t know how to be grateful, and you dare to talk to me like this!” Gray Crow coldly said.

“I entered the Great Lake because of Monster Palace’s entrustment. The Fiend Demon Cauldron in my hand and the scabbard were left behind.” Yu Yuan retorted with a calm face, “I haven’t asked Monster Palace to compensate me. Since I am working hard for Monster Palace and Monster Palace protects me, shouldn’t it as it should be by rights?”

“You are not from Monster Palace!” Gray Crow screamed again.

Yu Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth, with a weird smile on his face, but did not continue to say more.

Gray Crow took a deep breath, full of anger, and said: “Loose Cultivator that hasn’t advanced to Yang God is a loose Cultivator that can be killed at will. It is not worth any money!”

A palace of withered bones flew away from the palm of Gray Crow’s palm and moved towards that Yellow Mountain slowly.

Liang Jingyin’s howl of despair, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves sounded in a higher tone.

ps: Today is in good condition, so there is still a chapter

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