“Don’t be impatient.”

Above the silver light hill, the floating Bai Pao drank to stop it.

The sound, such as the arrival of heaven punishment, caused hundreds of ghosts to suddenly appear!

100 ghosts, python snakes in the void, but with the trace of Heavenly Dao, quietly locked onto the target.

The suspended small sedan that Long Yang was driving was suddenly surrounded by 100 quiet electric lights, unable to advance or retreat.

Inside the quiet electricity, containing the twisting power of the shocking heart, made that Long Yang have to carefully close the sedan chair, for fear of being hit by those quiet electricity.

This small sedan chair is a strange artifact, defensive power out of the ordinary, and can help her condense dragon’s blood.

The most important thing is that this thing is used by her to attract father Long Jie, so that father who returns to Haodong after a few hundred years can rely on this sedan to recover his strength as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Long Jie has not yet left the Sword Prison, and she does not want to cause the car to be destroyed because of her recklessness.

The owner here has the ability to rob the Sword Prison from the outside world and bring the Sword Prison into the vast world, which is naturally extraordinary.

Long Yang is arrogant and don’t dare provoke.

“Then Zhao Yafu should have been swallowed by Dragon Race. With her death, the life of a head is changed!” Long Yang raised his head, calmed his heart and soul, and explained to the master here, “The Zhao Family of Dark Moon City, with us in the early years Hidden Dragon Lake has a contract, we helped them, but they betrayed Dragon Race!”

Anyone who concludes a contract with Dragon Race but fails to comply will be retaliated by Hidden Dragon Lake.

Zhao Family and Zhao Yafu are both Dragon Race and the enemy of Hidden Dragon Lake.

If Zhao Yafu is outside, Long Yang would have to worry about the Monster Palace, and he might not dare to do anything.

But here is Desolate Great Lake, a territory that Monster Palace cannot intervene.

“Wait for your father to come out to talk.” The host here was cold.

Long Yang was coldly snorted, not daring to refute, and could only give up in an anxious manner.

Not long after, Tan Yuan led 5 juniors from Monster Palace and female general Li Yuchan to arrive here together.

Zhao Yafu lowered his head, his small face was sad, and he was immersed in a sad and helpless mood.

On the way, she saw Long Tianxiao, who had taught her Dragon Race secrets in Falling Moon Forbidden Land and guarded her for a while, was poisoned by a Purple Jade Dragon, and used Dragon Race Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Ch墨m猫i Divine Method The way to transfer the poison.

Tan Yuan was by her side, stopped her nonsense, and stated that if she dared to make trouble, she would immediately send her away.

Zhao Yafu begged Tan Yuan for a while, but there was no effect and he could only admit his fate.

Long Tianxiao was imprisoned in the Totem column of Dragon Race, bitten by the Purple Jade Dragon, and the miserable look of dragon’s blood and dragon soul lingering in her mind.

When she came here, she saw the small hill turned into by the Sword Prison, and looked at the demons who walked out of the Sword Prison, her petite body was shocked.

Her body is far away, and there is only one demon soul in the Master of Divine Demon Temple, and she has told her some deeds from heaven.

When she saw the silver-colored hill, she sensed the moon’s volatility, and instantly guessed that what looked like a hill was the legendary Sword Prison!

Imprison the vast world, rebel in the Outland, and not be controlled by the three upper sect, Demon Palace, Monster Palace, the evil Sword Prison.

“The Sword Prison was robbed and dragged to Heaven and Earth to release the troll owl!”

In an instant, Zhao Yafu wanted to understand a lot of things.

Why the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi of Desolate Great Lake, unfathomable mystery land, moved towards the center where Desolate God is gathered.

Why did Desolate God leave the great demon in the territory temporarily leaving Great Lake and go to heaven?

In addition, go to the wasteland and live in places suitable for the big demon.

“It should be worried that the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi in the Great Lake, these evil demons who were released, were emptied. For fear of them, use the great demon under their command to fill the consumed blood and use the great demon’s demon. Soul, to nourish the dry and barren Soul Consciousness Sea!”

Zhao Yafu suddenly woke up.

She believes that Desolate God must have some agreement with the person behind the robbing of Sword Prison before allowing Sword Prison to be located in Great Lake.

Desolate God was worried that the evil demon owl who had escaped from the trap would riot in his territory, causing the destruction of the Great Lake and the death of the great demon, before he had to give that order.

“Lin Zhuyun!”

Zhan Tianxiang looked at the silhouette wrapped in clusters of jade green flames and screamed softly.

Behind him, the three men and women in the Monster Palace all changed in horror.

At this moment, a green snake quietly floated out of a stone cave in Sword Prison.

As soon as the little snake appeared, Zhao Yafu, Zhan Tianxiang, and the 3 cultivation Monster Palace Monster Art practitioners all felt that they were Blood Small World, and suddenly rioted.

Zhao Yafu, who was taught by white Heavenly Tiger with a demon soul, looked at the green snake and almost dropped his chin. He couldn’t help but cried out, “Yes, it’s you. You didn’t die, but Detained in Sword Prison!”


Unknown Star Sea.

one after another dazzling stars, submerged by gray mist, there is a person in the depths holding a sword, and the sword is out from time to time.

Every sword brings out a splendid sword glow river, divine might is mighty, and the power contained in it can change the world and break all the existing rules in the world!

In the depths of the gray fog, there is a deep red, releasing extreme heat, as if it can scorch each and everyone Star Domain, 100000000 10000 beings.

There is a vague and illusory silhouette with feet on huge stars, surrounded by huge seals.

The Dharma seal revolves around him like the sun and the moon.

There is also a black nether shadow, like a real “Abyss Hole”, with endless magic power, slowly approaching the depths of the gray mist, as if to swallow everything.

There was a huge purple phoenix that spread out and curled up the stars, making the entire Star River swaying, flying in the gray mist.

Sword glow rivers of light run through from the depths of the gray fog.

The crimson, the huge phantom surrounded by the seal, the dark mixed hole, and the huge flying purple phoenix are all targets of sword glow Guanghe.

In the extreme distance, there was a towering mountain where the blade of the sword turned into a high mountain, with a person standing on the tip of the sword, looking from a distance.

Yu Yuan, who once again enlightened the sword, had his head divine sense pulled into this foreign realm, like a bystander, like a god of aloof and remote, looking down clearly.

He is no longer, the heart divine sense head escapes into the sword holder within the body, no longer swings the sword like the incarnation person.

He can only passively watch, observe, and analyze his sentiments.

Just a trace of divine sense, after the initial confusion, he was also shocked by the speculation that emerged from his heart.

He was frightened by what he thought of…

Constantly swinging his sword, forming a river of sword glow, the one who flew out from the depths of the gray fog is what he knows as the moonslash great cultivator.

A crimson, extremely hot, it should be Primal Yang Sect, the one who can’t get out of Primordial Yang Mountain all year round.

鈥斺€擳he contemporary Sect Master of Primal Yang Sect.

Surrounded by the huge seals, the people of Dharma Idol appeared. Since they are together with the Primal Yang Sect Sect Master, they can move the Heavenly Palace Seals, and of course they are the controllers of Profound Heaven Sect.

Like a dark chaotic hole, as if it can swallow World’s All Living Things

The one is the vast world number One Person-the Demon Lord of Demon Palace!

Don鈥檛 think too much about the purple giant phoenix that spreads its wings, it should be the only remaining Monster God of Monster Race鈥攖he demon phoenix!

In the extreme distance, the peak of the sword’s blade turned into a superb. Shiyouba is the big Sword Immortal of Ranked 1st.

Primal Yang Sect, Profound Heaven Sect, and the 4 leaders of Demon Palace and Monster Palace, and the 4 Supreme of the vast world joined forces to kill the moonslash great cultivator.

Sword Immortal, the number one Sword Immortal with the same Sword Sect, just looked on from a distance, not knowing whether it was a battle or just watching.

This scene was shocking, and Yu Yuan couldn’t believe his eyes.

In the last time of comprehend sword art, moonslash great cultivator was almost by the strength of oneself, facing countless heavenly demon attacks in the outer Star River, seeming to be guarding something.

The moonslash great cultivator at that time was like the Guardian God, War God, and killing god of the vast world. The imposing manner was so fierce that it could split 10000 things in the sky, causing 100000000 10000 aliens to tremble and fear.

How did this happen the second time?

The Great Sword Immortal who protects Haodong, what has he experienced, what has he encountered, and what has he done?

Why was he being targeted by the Supreme People of the vast world, the three upper sect, Demon Palace, and Monster Palace?

Yu Yuan couldn’t figure it out.

But he suddenly realized that when he was Hong Qi in his previous life and was the Master of Divine Medicine Sect Sect, he had never heard of this great cultivator from Sword Sect and capable of moonslash.

Logically speaking, as the Sect Master, I shouldn’t have heard of this person.

Unless, the three upper sects, Demon Palace and Monster Palace, have blocked information about this person together!

Inside Sword Sect, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to mention him or talk about him.

Only in this way can the news of moonslash great cultivator and the traces of existence be erased and become unknown.

“Why, similar to Divine Soul Sect?”

The thoughts got to this point, in his Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness Small World, the overlapping souls of Sky, Earth, and Human shocked.

The tremor of Heaven Soul is more intense!

Because, in this brief moment, he deeply sensed the sadness of that moonslash great cultivator, and realized the tragic and indignation of the end of the formidable person.

This is exactly in line with the “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” of Heaven Soul’s penance, and in line with the profound mystery of this Divine Soul Sect.

Suddenly, he seemed to have a mysterious connection with the Soul Transformation Pond deep in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, and the four simple black letters below “wisdom will certainly hurt”.

At this moment, he could see clearly that in his Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness Small World, in the depth of one’s soul where his 3 souls overlapped, there was a bright shadow.

Yanying, falling inside the main soul, is a magical soul mark.

“A soul seal, implanted in my main soul, changes my mood, soul thoughts, my judgment and spiritual feelings, and affects everything about me!” Suddenly, Yu Yuan had a clear mind and used “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” “Heaven Soul, who represents spiritual wisdom, knows what happened.

“Yin Charm Sect, contemporary Sect Master Zhan Yuan, a great Accomplishment person, want to start from the soul and soul to enslave me?”

Yu Yuan is wise and bright, coldly snorted in Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness Small World.

His Heaven Soul, such as from the faraway Falling Moon Forbidden Land, acquired a power, suddenly turned into a hand, and lightly grasped Zhan Yuan’s shadowy mark on his main soul.

“Not in a hurry.”

Sitting still in the Sword Prison, closing his eyes and comprehend sword art, he has a weird smile at the corner of his mouth.

As if to, laughing at something.


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