A corner of Sword Prison.

A shriveled corpse-like man pulled a golden-bright and dazzling giant elephant in his palm and rubbed it.

The bloodline descendant of the Ancient Golden Elephant God, 2 zhang high, is as strong as a golden mountain.

To reach such a level, the bones are comparable to divine gold, and the Earth Grade blade can cut it off.

But after the man reduced it with the Magical Powers secret technique, the golden elephant crackled and crackled in his palm, and the man broke branches, crushing the monster bones refined from 1000 to 100 years.

The shattered light splashed, and the howling of the golden elephant could not be heard.

Strands of golden blood light, like water, slowly flowed down from the man’s fingers.

It’s like falling golden streams.

He smiled brilliantly, and saw the little elephant transformed into a golden blood light under his feet, suddenly burst into pieces in panic.

“It is too naive to want to escape in my hands.”

Many golden particles, flying spontaneously from the earth, and the bloodline crystal light of the big demon whose palm was crushed, merged into the phalanx of his two hands.

His 2 thin palms seemed to have been fished out of the golden juice and smeared with gold powder.

He swayed two hands, still not satisfied, and sighed, helplessly said: “I can only talk about it after going out.”

If Yu Yuan were here, he would find this man, very similar to the one he had seen on Flying Dawn Island, the person separated on the 4th floor after the sea cruise ship anchored.

call out!

At this moment, a strand of sword glow flew away.

The smile on the corner of the man’s mouth became more and more happy. As soon as the silhouette moved, it condensed into a bunch of slender hair-like crystal light, keeping up with the sword glow.

Same in Sword Prison.

A stone cave that is so small that it can only accommodate a child.

Unlike other stone caves, this cave does not have 4 or 8 connections, and it connects to stone paths everywhere.

This cave is sealed!

There is only one divine idol in a very small stone cave.

Divine Idol is made of green-brown wood. It has 2 heads and 4 arms on the front and back.

The Divine Idol carved out of wood has a kind and pitiful look on the front. The two arms in front of him, pinched by the seal, give people a calm, warm, and spring breeze charm. .

On the back of Divine Idol, there is another face that is murderous and bloodthirsty, revealing the ultimate evil. The two-handed law jue, if it wants to destroy all living beings.

The little Divine Idol, in this form, has stayed in this sealed cave for how many years.

In the rock cave wall, strands of sword glow flow, eternally releasing sword intent.

But when Yu Yuan enlightened the sword, he also brought it into the scabbard of Sword Prison, and when he left behind the sword dao true trick of the comprehend moonslash great cultivator, many sword glow and sword intents escaped into it.

Including hidden in this sealed cave, the rock wall.

As the strands of sword glow and sword intent left, the sealed caves and rock walls “clicked”, as if being squeezed and hit by a terrorist force, cracks gradually appeared.

Soul and mind consciousness, Divine Idol, who has been banned, internal thought memory, like a frozen river being thawed.

The glacier flowed again, belonging to the memory of Divine Idol, the suppressed heart divine sense head, moved again.

Divine Idol, the coexistence of good and evil, has four hands holding Yinjue, and suddenly they are generous and bright.


There was a big earthquake in the stone cave, and the cracked rock wall opened along the crack.

After a while, a long and narrow crack reached the point where Divine Idol could pass, and the Divine Idol floated and flew away from the pinnacle.

Everywhere in the Sword Prison, the demon lords detained here are killing each other.

Yu Yuan is immersed in the beautiful state of ecstasy under Zhan Yuan’s “seed soul”. I don’t know what year it will be.

Fairly spacious stone caves, Zhongli Dapan, Xi Quan, Long Jie, Chen Qingyan, and 3 newcomers, scattered all over, watched Zhan Yuan cast spells coldly.

Among the three latecomers, there is a small green snake, only one meter long.

The soya-like snake eyes reveal the gloomy, lonely, rays of light that obliterate human nature.

In its within the body, the sound of water flows eternally, as if refining the vast world, even the Star River in the sky, the rivers are blazing, and the Great Dao of mastering water is the most important principle.

The little snake didn’t transform into a human form, but stopped in the air after condensing its strength in a primitive posture.

However, whether it is Zhongli Dapan, Xi Quan who holds “Withering Sword”, or Old Patriarch of Dragon Race, they all acquiesced to its existence, and after it arrived, quietly nodded salute.

It used to be the Monster Palace. It was commanded by the Star River Monster Race in the sky. Its name is too loud.

It appeared here, thinking of its amazing war years, the heavenly demon and the alien army that died in its hands, even Zhan Yuan looked terrified, and quickly said: “I’m planting his soul. You can rest assured, After the soul is planted successfully, it will not affect the sword art of his comprehend and will not delay our going out.”

The green little snake said in the language of the ancient Monster Race: “If there is something wrong with him, it will break our good deeds, you will die.”

Most of the people present could understand the ancient language of Monster Race, but those who did not understand also saw its threat.

Zhan Yuan said with a smile: “As long as no one interrupts, nothing will happen.”

Xiao Snake no longer commented.

In addition to it, there is also a dry and thin old man with dishevelled hair, face, neck, and all exposed skin, all covered with ghost tattoos.

The posture of the old man is a certain Old Senior from Ghost Talisman Sect. His body is a masterpiece of ghost charm.

When this person entered the cave, he immediately wanted to attack Zhan Yuan, and when he found out that Zhan Yuan was already in the process of “cultivating souls”, he said grimly: “Old monster woman, turn around and settle accounts with you!”

The third place is a fat old man with divine poise and sagelike features, one hand holding a whisk and a hip flask in the other.

On his shabby clothes, there is also the unique symbol of Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, which seems to be a guest official of Chamber of Commerce. For some reason, he was suppressed in Sword Prison.

Every bit, in the history of the vast world, the evil demon with a fierce reputation, following the flying sword glow, found it.

As soon as I came over, I saw Zhan Yuan the early bird catches the worm, and was casting his “seed soul” on Yu Yuan.

These old ferocious demons, who are pregnant with ghosts, are well aware of Yin Charm Sect’s mysterious “seed soul”, for fear that they will be fooled in the middle and cause the failure of “seed soul”, so that Yu Yuan will destroy both body and soul directly.

Sword Prison mouth, there are also sword glow and sword intent lingering. Before they go out, if Yu Yuan’s soul is destroyed, he will have no effort.

Therefore, they can only wait passively.

All the demons present were very patient. When Zhan Yuan performed the “Seed Soul” magic technique on Yu Yuan, they were still smiling and communicating with each other.

Neither fast nor slow, it seems that in 100 years, they can also wait.

The only one who suffered was Chen Qingyan of Sword Sect.

Seeing Yu Yuan being “seed of soul” by Yin Charm Sect’s Sect Master, she deliberately reached out to help and tried to persuade Xi Quan, but when Xi Quan told her mystery, she could only give up temporarily.

She didn’t want Yu Yuan to die.

During the Jade Peak Mountain Range, Yu Yuan helped her to integrate into the Sword Soul of Yu Yuan within the body. She is also convinced that she is a sect Senior sage.

During the Rift Islands, Fan Heqing’s swordsmanship also showed that Yu Yuan and Sect must be connected.

She secretly collected Yu Yuan’s news, and was full of curiosity and appreciation for Yu Yuan.

She is the one who worries Yu Yuan the most among the people present, and she also hopes Yu Yuan is safe.

It’s just that she is too weak in Sword Prison.

time quietly pass.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Zhan Yuan’s deep and mysterious eyes have a dull luster.

In the history of Yin Charm Sect, the current Sect Master who has cultivated charm technique to the pinnacle, gently put out a breath, and said in a low and light voice: “It’s done.”

“It is!”

The demons and owls in the stone cave lifted their heads and looked all together.

Yu Yuan seemed to wake up from a deep ecstasy dream, woke up faintly with a satisfying smile after the ultimate joy.

He actually didn’t at all close his eyes, but his eyes had no focus and no energy before.

But at the moment he woke up, he looked at Zhan Yuan again, and his whole mood completely changed.

Zhan Yuan, in his eyes, became the Goddess of his yearn for day and night, the object of his lifelong guardianship. Every word and deed of the other party seemed to be able to directly touch his heart and soul, making him obedient and unhappy. The slightest resistance.

After a trance, he finally found that there was not only Zhan Yuan in the cave, but also the big owl troll who had seen each and everyone vast world earlier.

“Yu Yuan, are you okay?” Chen Qingyan asked quietly.

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

“Good for the sword dao of comprehend.” Zhan Yuan said softly.

Her soft words seemed to imply infinite magic, making Yu Yuan subconsciously nodded, “Okay.”

Her words surpassed emotional reason and ranked first.

Yu Yuan didn’t even look at it much, thinking about why the many demons present gathered, just after a word from her, she sat down docilely and held the sword again.

The medicine efficacy of “Soul Accumulation Pill” has long since dissipated, allowing him to regenerate his spiritual Consciousness.

His heart divine sense head, once again immersed in the Sword Soul of the arm bone.

chi chi!

Sword Prison turned into a silvery hill with a dense sword intent and sword glow at the entrance of the cave. When he re-understood the moonslash great cultivator sword dao mystery, he was pried and flew out of the cave entrance.

Realm has reached a certain level of evil spirits, one after another, feeling excited, pupil light.

The stone roads in the Sword Prison are connected. As long as there is a hole, the sword intent and sword glow disappear, they can follow the hole to escape from the Sword Prison and gain freedom!

Detained in Sword Prison for as little as 100 years and as many as 1000 years, these demons and great monsters are waiting expectantly.

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