Deep in Great Lake, a place of mist.

The female general Li Yuchan, a member of the Radiant Empire Qiao Family, the Dragon Waiter of Hidden Dragon Lake, and the three brightly dressed women waited silently.

Tan Yuan, sometimes comes out and leads people in.

Li Yuchan watched, Qi Hongyi, who was rumored to have appeared in the wasteland and reaped the benefits, was brought in by Tan Yuan with a smile, and he was very puzzled.

Qi Hongyi, it is said that together with Tong Laoqian and Old Demon Huang, he has broken her elder sister and Shen Feiqing’s good deeds.

Why did Tan Yuan, who came out of the same sect with Shen Feiqing, accepted her and brought Qi Hongyi, a Legendary woman, into the depths of the mist?

Li Yuchan felt more and more that the mysterious force behind that invisibility was acting absurd and weird.

After Qi Hongyi, traitors from Foul Spirit Sect and evil men who fell out with Heavenly Evil Sect also poured in.

Tan Yuan always stepped out and led them in as a guide.

2 days later.

A woman shrouded in jade green fireworks, exuding the breath of extreme coldness, suddenly appeared in front of Li Yuchan.

As soon as she appeared, all the members of the Qiao Family, Dragon Waiter, suddenly changed their colors.

Staring into the depths of the jade green flames, and seeing the true face, but able to distinguish the identity of the visitor, Li Yuchan felt that the corners of his mouth were difficult, and took a subconsciously step back, speechless.

“is her”

Taken away by Shen Feiqing in the Rift Islands, the two aunts and nephews knew too well about the atrocities committed by a woman from a country who was very familiar with Scarlet Demon Island, Cold Yin Island and Star and Moon Island. , “Is she also invited over?”

As if to give her an answer, Tan Yuan suddenly appeared again, without a consistent smile on the corners of his mouth, and said respectfully: “Please inside!”

As soon as the words fell, like a group of Extreme Cold women, they disappeared.

After a while.

When Tan Yuan took her with her, she appeared on the silvery hill that was condensed from the moon soul, and the many great cultivators scattered around all expressed emotions.

Many people’s breathing couldn’t help but become very tense.

Even Heaven’s Chosen Zhang Miao from Yin Charm Sect this generation, his teeth seemed to be affected by the cold force, shaking slightly, and his heart shook, secretly thought: “It’s her!”

Shen Feiqing, Zhao Jie, Yan Qiling, Du Jing, and the rest of the visitors all looked at it.

“Lin Zhuyun? Or heavenly demon?” Yan Qiling frowned.

This woman, also from the former Silvermoon Empire, had undergone a radical change in the seabed in the Starash Sea Territory. She completely transformed her sex and became an alien that no one would dare to despise!

Everyone present had heard of the atrocities of the Rift Islands, and they also knew about the subsequent series of deeds about this woman.

The brutal Lin Zhuyun, the act of destroying human nature, and the frightening force of terror, everyone dare not look down!

“Why did she come here?”

The people who missed this can’t help but looked towards that Bai Pao.


In the dark-green cold flame, like a round of ice and bright moon, quietly floated out.

“The moon? Moon soul!”

Long Yang, who appeared in the form of Qiao Mizhen above the small suspended sedan chair, saw the icy moon rise, and there was an instant guess.

“Yue Po!” Zhang Miao also exclaimed.

The big owl of the evil demon who imprisoned all parties was regarded as the Sharpening Sword Stone by the moonslash great cultivator, and was later built as the small hill of the Sword Prison, which was condensed from the core of the moon outside the sky.

The person in front of him, who they thought was wearing the Lin Zhuyun humanoid coat, was holding another Moon Soul, it was very likely that he could help when breaking the Sword Prison.

The host here should take this seriously and arrange for someone to find Lin Zhuyun and invite her in.

“No, wait a minute.”

In the Bai Pao floating in the sky, there was a gentle voice of dissuasion from the master here, “Don’t worry, we can wait and see. Waiting for Yu Yuan, the boy, let me down, it’s not too late for you to try again. .”


The calm jade green flame suddenly surged several times, and clusters of cold and faint flames seemed to fly away.

The people around the Sword Prison and those who were closer to her, complexion changed, evaded one after another.

Long Yang stood on the suspended sedan chair, his eyes were weird, and his red lips moved slightly, “It’s not a human, not his real fiancee, and it’s still unfathomable mystery because of this name.”


A cluster of jade green fireworks flew out at the moment when her words fell.

The jade green fireworks, the inside seems to be filled with the Extreme Cold law, with the unique breath of Nine Nether Frozen Abyss, as if to freeze the space of that side when heading to the suspended sedan chair!

Long Yang changed her color slightly, obviously she didn’t expect that she would dare to be so nonsense.

“Don’t break my rules.”

The host here quietly blocked the attack on Bai Pao.

The jade green flame that drifted towards Long Yang was still on the way, and the Extreme Cold rules contained in it were torn apart ruthlessly by an invisible force.

pu’ sound, that cluster of jade green flames burst out.

The woman shrouded in the jade green flame seemed to look at the Bai Pao, and the ice-cold moon that flew away from the flame suddenly fell and disappeared into the fireworks.

After that, the woman in the flame remained unchanged.

Sword Prison stone cave.

Yu Yuan, sitting still, suddenly eyes opened, with a pair of eyes, like stars.


Chen Qingyan was the first to exclaimed in surprise, “The Niwan Acupoint is opened, Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World is opened, and Sky, Earth, and Human 3 souls can be seen by themselves, which means that Great Dao has Small Accomplishment!”

As soon as the Niwan acupoint opens, it means reaching the Nuance realm, indicating that the upper and lower Dantian, which is related to the human body, are unblocked.

Arriving at Nuance, Spiritual Consciousness condenses, can see itself inside, and looks like Heaven and Earth. This is the profound mystery of this realm.

Spiritual Consciousness, like an invisible eye, can capture the wandering of the invisible Yin God, can see the spirit power blows against oneself, and even faintly see the transformed monster.

Nuance is a big dividing line of cultivator.

Those who are in this state can truly realize that spirit strength, qi and blood, Spiritual Consciousness, each has its own profound mystery, and what kind of power can be released by the integration of the three.

“Boy! You have to thank me, it’s me who beat you up and helped you.”

Zhongli Dapan laughed heartily, “When the Niwan Acupuncture Aperture is opened, you can take a good look at yourself, and see your Sky, Earth, and Human 3 soul! However, I still think that if you insist on tempering your body, you can find another way. You can reach the ultimate without having to concentrate on cultivating your soul!”

“Yu Yuan, how do you feel?” Chen Qingyan asked.

2 people looked together.

Yu Yuan, who has opened eyes, has bright eyes, but he is in a trance.

His heart divine sense head, gathered in the Niwan acupoint.

A misty nether shadow, floating quietly in the emptiness of Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World.

The foggy nether shadow is actually the product of the overlapping of 3 souls, and the 3 souls of Sky, Earth, and Human are concentrated together.

With divine sense, he looked at the misty nether shadow, what he thought in his heart was the giant soul phantom he had seen in Asura’s eye pupil world.

He was surprised to find that after the opening of Sea of ​​Consciousness Small World, his Sky, Earth, and Human 3 souls overlapped and gathered the misty nether shadow, and Yu Zhu later showed him that the giant soul ghost seems to be the same .


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