“A big monster is approaching!”

Cauldron Spirit floated in the middle of the island. After smelling the soaring demon energy, he immediately sent a warning.

“The big demon?” Yu Yuan frowned.

At this moment, Yin God flew away from the eyebrow heart acupoint Qin Yun, the refining of “chi chi” was covered with cold mist, finally completely erasing the Extreme Cold mark left by Wei Xian.

The strands of Crimson Lightning flew in his soul body that Yin God, and he blended into himself and nourished the soul.

That Yin God, which is filled with cold mist, is gradually shining like colorful clouds, flowing out of red light.

Yin God, from illusory blur, becomes clearly visible, and blooms with brilliance.

Yu Yuan glanced at him, both surprised, and praised: “A blessing in disguise!”

“Many thanks Young Master!”

After Yin God returned to the Soul Consciousness Sea, Qin Yun stood up excitedly and bowed deeply.

The Yin God injury that had plagued him for a long time was eradicated under the effect of a special “Soul Accumulation Pill” by Yu Yuan and a bizarre “Fiend Demon” flying out of the great hall.

The inflammatory power contained in “Soul Accumulation Pill” complements his cultivation Spirit Art and is beneficial to the growth of his Yin God.

He didn’t care about pill’s soul-raising power, but the blazing fire power contained in it could be delivered to Yin God, making his Yin God condensed again, which really surprised him.

Yanneng, refining the blood is easy, and tempering the soul is very difficult.

The flame power is weak, and it is useless at all. The flame power is too strong, and it will burn Yin God if it is not done.

He used to wash Yin God, but he didn’t dare to use the flame power, just because he was afraid that he could not handle it well and would suffer from it.

But the “Soul Accumulation Pill” that Yu Yuan refining gave was very gentle. It releases the inflammation step by step, removes the cold mist little by little, and then slowly acts on the soul body.

Instead, he greatly benefited from this!

Two times, the former Seven Gods Sect Sect Master who was hit hard has been completely recovered twice. After all these hardships, in a vague way, he actually gave birth to the wonder of a breakthrough.

“All kinds of Yin God’s hard work, the growth of mood, and the perception of suffering will help me break through the situation?”

Qin Yun eyes shined, suddenly excited.

“You continue to stabilize your soul.”

Yu Yuan waved his hand and motioned him not to make a fuss. He stared at “Fiend Demon Cauldron”, expression surprised, “The big demon? Where did the big demon come from?”

“I can only sense the majestic power of the demon, and roughly judged that it is 3 big demon, the specific background is not clear.” Cauldron Spirit responded, and then excitedly said: “Master, I condensed Fiend Demon this time. Here, the formidable power of Heaven and Earth is unexpectedly powerful! How could it be so? She actually shocked Wei Xian!”

When this “Fiend Demon” was refining out, Yu Yuan asked what level he was probably in.

At that time, Cauldron Spirit said that the person who evolved from the heavenly demon of Outland and turned into “Fiend Demon”, the battle strength is roughly equivalent to the Yin God of Human Race.

But Wei Xian is clearly the late Soul Wonder Realm

The great cultivator!

“She is here, and her battle strength has been greatly increased.” Yu Yuan pondered for a moment, and said: “Do you remember that she refining the bottom of the scabbard, the icy blue cold currents hidden deep, had First Transformation? “


“Those cold currents come from Asura in the dark realm.” Yu Yuan explained, “Asura’s head in the dark realm is in the wasteland. The Spiritual Qi that the pupil of Asura swallows up the land, recreating a Small World inside. Later, the dark realm. After Asura’s remaining soul and broken thoughts were destroyed, that eye became Yu Zhu’s third eye.”

“The spirit strength contained in the pupil of Asura, under the power of Yu Zhu, floods into the wasteland.”

“In that pupil of Asura, the last bit of refined cold power was suppressed by the scabbard. The cold power was refined by her and turned into an ice blue firework that can be ignited.”

“She can slightly trigger the Heaven and Earth’s treacherous changes, and the Spiritual Qi can respond, because of the cold power that precipitates the scabbard!”

Yu Yuan said profound mystery.

Cauldron Spirit was stunned, then he woke up, “No wonder, no wonder Wei Xian was scared away!”

The Soul Wonder Realm Elder from Cold Yin Sect, not at all, was truly defeated, but just suffered a little loss, he was confused and chose to escape to Spider City.

Wei Xian was not afraid of the “Fiend Demon”, but thought that “Fiend Demon” was Yu Zhu, the owner of Heaven and Earth.

“He thinks it can fit Heaven and Earth Extreme Cold Great Dao, and can mobilize the Fiend Demon of Spiritual Qi in the surrounding 1000 kilometers. It is Yu Zhu himself.” Yu Yuan sneered.

“We have other gains!” Cauldron Spirit said joyfully.

oh la la!

Pieces of glass slag-like crystal blocks, revealing the cold nether aura of Nether Nether Frozen Abyss, suddenly fell like sparse raindrops.

A crystal block as big as a fingernail, when it falls, “chi chi” sounds and the cold energy is deep.

The 7 colored miasma clouds above Lake Heart Island once again split a long and narrow gap, accepting the small “icy ice crystals”.

Yu Yuan looked up, only feeling that the temperature of the island was dropping sharply as the crystals fell.

A bunch of exotic flowers and rare herbs, the water drops on the grass blades, quietly frozen.

There are many flowers and plants that are extremely sensitive to temperature, and the flower bones are all gathered up, as if unbearable.

“Didn’t expect, she was able to strip this thing out of the Wei Xian artifact!” Yu Yuan couldn’t help but sigh, “The people of Cold Yin Sect back then, as well as my fiancee, are all in Dark Moon City. , The picture is this thing.”

Dressed in an ice blue nether shadow, erratic next to “Fiend Demon Cauldron”, looking at the broken ice crystals eagerly.

The cold crystal block is the ice crystal from Nether Frozen Abyss, the crystallization of cold power!

“Master, those broken ice crystals have helped her a lot!” Cauldron Spirit shouted.

Yu Yuan gently nodded.

“Hurry up!” Cauldron Spirit urged.

“Fiend Demon”, with the upper body of a Human Race female and the lower body of a scorpion, ascended to heaven again.

hu hu hu!

Centered on her,

A brand-new ice storm is formed, engulfing all the fallen “Ice Appearance Cold Crystal” fragments.

Those pieces of “Ice Apparition Cold Crystal” were previously stripped of Wei Xian’s seal, although they were only a small part, they were still extraordinary.


The blocks of “Ice Appearance Cold Crystal” were crushed into icy debris, turned into the purest cold force, and quickly integrated into her within the body, seeming to help her rebuild her body.

The high-cold woman in the icy storm, the scorpion tail was extended, and sharp icy ridges suddenly emerged on the back!

The rays of light gleaming with ice makes one look at it, and it feels cold in my heart.

“Fiend Demon”, can continuously advance, can continue to grow strong!

“Master, you can name her.” Cauldron Spirit said cheerfully.

“Named?” Yu Yuan was stunned.

“These fragmentary ice crystals can once again increase her battle strength!” Cauldron Spirit is obviously excited, “The stronger she is, the more benefits I can get, and the level of the artifact may also increase. Each time. Fiend Demon who is strong enough can be given a name. You can pick one.”

“Name…” touch the chin, after thinking about it, Yu Yuan said, “Let’s call it Han Fei.”

The Remnant Soul of the heavenly demon in the Outland, the evolved “Fiend Demon”, reminds Yu Yuan of the ancient Moon Demon who was called Yue Fei by the Queen of Silver Moon in the Asura Eyes pupil in the dark field.

The same family of heavenly demon, another visitor, was detained within the body by Cold Yin Sect disciple Lin Zhuyun.

In Fiend Demon Cauldron, the cold air is very cold, the cold current of refining the scabbard has transformed once, and now he has obtained fragmentary “Ice Appearance Cold Crystals”, and can improve a little again.

Therefore, he named it Han Fei.

“From then on, you will be called Han Fei!” Cauldron Spirit gladly adopted it. After passing a ray of soul thought, the great cauldron suddenly flew up, bringing Han Fei into the Small World Inside The Cauldron together with the ice storm.

“Master, Han Fei needs some time to digest the ice crystals and integrate them into themselves. I estimate that it will take her half a month. During this period, she may not be able to fight for you again. Please pay attention.”

Yu Yuan said: “Okay, I understood.”

“The big demon who came here should think she is the lord of the relic.” Cauldron Spirit continued, “If you guessed it correctly, it should be the foreign big demon who came in from the outside world when Yu Zhu was picked up by the Monster Palace. If you want to truly gain a foothold in Wuyi, you can’t be like an ordinary Demonic beast, you must get the permission of Yu Zhu.”

“Yu Zhu is not nodded, they will not have a better life in the ruins.”

“Therefore, they came here deliberately, and it should be Yu Zhu who really wanted to meet.”

Cauldron Spirit guessed.

“Li Qingyu, meet the lord of the relic!”

“Huo Luo, I have come to see the Lord of the Legacy Land, and discuss something!”

“Lei Jiao, I would like to be loyal to the owner of the legacy from now on!”

An azure robed girl, a red-haired boy, and a majestic man with horns on his forehead, scattered beside the lake, did not look at the messy ground, and shouted for seeing each other.


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