An unnamed island, among the groves of locust trees.

Du Jing sat withered under an old locust tree, shaped like an old corpse, motionless.

At noon, the scorching sun was shining, and his body, which had not been moved for a long time, shook suddenly.

call out!

A ray of bright light suddenly lit up on the ground in this forest.

Du Jing expression turned cold, with fierce and vicious rays of light in his eyes, shouted darkly: “who is the newcomer?”

Copper coins, bursting with brilliant golden light, struck like a rainstorm.

“Tong Laoqian!”

Du Jing was shocked and angry again, “I’m lacking hatred and enmity with you, what do you mean when you come to find my mold?”

“Wei Feng, did you teach it?” Tong Laoqian’s chuckle, I don’t know where it came from, “The army commander, who has been doing mischief in the wasteland, almost killed me! You are the same as her, I Isn’t it logical to find you to seek revenge?”

“How do you know I am here?”

Du Jing exclaimed, moving around 4 places.

He was still sitting still, but his silhouette was teleporting, appearing under different locust trees.

The copper coins that attacked him one by one failed to lock him, and failed to give him a precise blow.

“If you want people to know it, you can’t do anything by yourself. Only you feel that no one knows what you do in secret!” Tong Laoqian laughed.

Suddenly, nearly 100 copper coins, at the same time blooming dazzling golden brilliance.

each and everyone quaint characters, flying away from copper coins, and accompanied by an emperor, or holding a jade seal, or holding the sword of the emperor, or holding a map of territory.

For a time, this unattended locust forest was filled with the emperor’s luck.

With the help of old locust trees, Du Jing, who has been changing directions, has nowhere to hide.


A huge jade seal hit his hunchback, and there was a lot of bright juice flowing out of it.

He was groaned, because he didn’t know the location of Tong Laoqian, and he was so condensed that he couldn’t start.

“Du Jing, you are being watched, you can’t run away.” Tong Laoqian’s threatening sound resounded from all directions, as if there were a dozen Tong Laoqian shouting together.

Du Jing, who had a guilty conscience, changed his mind greatly when he said this.

“Could it”

Not long ago, in the depths of the seabed, Yuan Lianyao of Scarlet Demon Sect uttered the origin of his name, and now another Tong Laoqian appeared, who even knew him well.

Du Jing panicked, thinking that the secret she was holding was exposed, or was being targeted by Voodoo Poison Cult and Divine Medicine Sect.

With a sound, his hunchback actually exploded.

A halo of miasma wrapped his corpse-shaped body, and as the branches and leaves of old locust trees fell, in Tong Laoqian’s perception, he quickly shrank. In the blink of an eye, he shrank into a miasma the size of a walnut.

The light group smashed a copper coin, causing a female emperor phantom wearing a gun dragon robe to suddenly dissipate.

In the next second, the light group landed and suddenly disappeared.

Then, I saw this locust tree forest, gradually filled with smoke, and all kinds of acid and poisonous miasma burst out from the depths of the earth.


Tong Laoqian released the coins that implied spirituality, which was contaminated with smoke in the forest, and they all sputtered electricity.

Tong Laoqian, who was hiding in the dark, hurriedly moved Yin God to collect the copper coins.

As the sun shone, the miasma cloud of the locust forest changed into a mysterious mist, revealing a fantastic and weird gorgeous scene.

There seem to be many rainbows, appear out of thin air in the forest, magnificent.

Tong Laoqian’s soul thought, afraid to stay in the forest, hurriedly took it back.

“Don’t perceive the movement in the forest.” Yu Yuan’s voice sounded at the right time, “As long as you abide by the agreement, when I return to the empty ground, you will surely convince her so that you can go back smoothly.”

Tong Laoqian said: “Don’t worry! I absolutely keep the contract!”

“That’s the best!”

A swarthy great cauldron quietly jumped out of the sea, as fast as a ghostly lightning, and instantly appeared in the smoky locust forest.

The great cauldron is also made by chi chi, which resists the poisonous erosion. The array carved with the cauldron and the strangeness of the great cauldron isolate Du Jing’s backhands.


The great cauldron flew to the top of an unremarkable, dead old locust tree, and sank suddenly to the tree hole.

The great cauldron fell steadily, Yu Yuan silhouette flashed out, holding “Fiend Demon Cauldron” in his hand, calling out the key from the old ancestor.

As soon as the key appeared, there were a few hundred slender streamers, and the water generally trickled down.

Yu Yuan grasped the key in his hand, as if it had become a waterfall of light, streaming rays of light towards the ground under his feet.

Those streams, many times slenderer than hair, suddenly exploded when the big old locust tree with a hollow inside burst open.

The earth under his feet also continuously overflowed with rays of light, and the soil was flying.

The rays of light envelop Yu Yuan, and the smoky and poisonous miasma in the forest can hardly penetrate.

The mud, like dust that was swept away, revealed a smooth mirror-like “manhole cover” after all flew away.

The “manhole cover” is made of a kind of not metal, not jade, and an unknown strange material. It is criss-crossed and is engraved with dense spiritual formation diagram columns. It feels extremely complicated when you look at it.

The light that leaked from the key fell into those spiritual formation diagram columns, lighting up the dim veins.

After a few seconds, the complicated and mysterious patterns on the “manhole cover” brightened up.

“It’s finished!” Yu Yuan’s mouth was filled with joy, lightly shouted.

The “manhole cover” opened by itself, floating in the air, and Yu Yuan sank instantly.

The mysterious “well cover” closed lightly at the moment Yu Yuan disappeared.

At the moment of closing, all the light was condensed again, and the smoke left by Du Jing was overwhelmed like a tide.

In the depths of the smoke, old locust trees spontaneously change directions.

There is another locust tree rooted above the “well cover”, and the soil that was “wiped” magically returns to fill the weird blank again.

After a while.

Doubtful Tong Laoqian, Yin God came out of his body and quietly descended on the grove of locust trees, operating the law to determine perception.

Yu Yuan’s breath, soul thought, disappeared cleanly.

The dangling Tong Laoqian Yin God, afraid of the toxins contained in the smoke, did not dare to completely come down, but looked at 4 places and felt very carefully.

The result is that nothing is felt, nothing is sensed.


There was a silhouette suddenly, and without warning, suddenly appeared in the locust forest.

He descended directly into the smoky place with his true body, wearing a clothes with many secret charms, frowning and looking around.

The miasma smoke cloud left by Du Jing separated from him when it surged over.

He couldn’t get close!

He looked up, glanced at Tong Laoqian’s Yin God, and said, “Where is Yu Yuan?”

“Why are you here?”

Tong Laoqian, the real body under the sea, replaced Yin God and said, “Your name is Gao Qin, right? When we left the island, you secretly followed?”

“Stop talking!”

Gao Qin didn’t have a good face when dealing with Tong Laoqian, he was not polite at all. “Yu Yuan is a guest of Chamber of Commerce. The guards on the island have spoken out. You must protect him in the Rift Islands. You confuse Yu Yuan. What do you want to do when you come to such a place with him?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Tong Laoqian coldly snorted.

Gao Qin is just the late cultivation base of Yin God realm, not at all arriving at Soul Wonder Realm. Even with the identity of the Chamber of Commerce, he has not really paid attention to it.

“Tong Laoqian, haven’t you figured out the situation?” Gao Qin grinned and smiled sharply. “In Rift Islands, the foundation of the Chamber of Commerce, you don’t know it? I am on this island, which means Chamber of Commerce. Follow this island!”

A piece of crystal jade pendant on his neck suddenly lit up.

Tong Laoqian suddenly lost his confidence, “Who is passing you and looking at me?”

“Guess.” Gao Qin said.

“Zhu Peining?” Tong Laoqian asked tentatively.

Gao Qin shook his head, “Guess it up.”

“Guardian of the island!”

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