“Li Qi climbed up the mountain.”

Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce 5th floor, Jiang Yurong, the steward, reported to the woman, “It’s Tong Laoqian instead, and the Fire Lotus flower, waiting on the mountainside.”

The woman in coarse cloth and linen, without embellishments, is the real principal of this “sea cruise ship”.

Sitting in the middle of a pile of crystal balls, Zhu Peining rubbed the Universe Ring on his hand, as if checking out what was hidden inside, “Li Qi climbing, what’s the surprise?”

If there is a Yang God realm or a higher realm here, you should be able to see a strange picture of spiders intertwined with soul and mind behind her head.

The soul thoughts are connected to those suspended crystal balls, allowing her to multi-task and perceive 8 directions at all times.

People are on this “sea cruise”, but she needs to constantly receive the messages from Nirvana Continent, Heaven Profound Continent, and Tianyuan Continent from many Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce strongholds.

Thanks to her Soul Wonder Realm post-cultivation base, strands of soul silk, all thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

Otherwise, just the 1000 100 messages that come together every moment can crush her, leaving her no way to think about problems with her own consciousness.

It is also because she still needs to focus on the outside world, and can’t always focus on this “sea cruise” on the Flying Dawn Island, she needs someone like Jiang Yurong by her side.

“Not the top of Flying Dawn Island, it’s another one.” Jiang Yurong reminded.

Zhu Peining expression is slightly chaotic, because of her words, gradually came back to his senses.


With a little bit of shattered light, from behind her neck, the spider weaved by Soul Mind came out.

In an instant, she cut off many scattered thoughts and shielded the mixed thoughts.

The soul consciousness wandering beyond the sky finally reunited in himself, focusing on the present and the eyes.

When she looked towards Jiang Yurong again, she returned to her soul completely, “What?”

“I don’t know the rules of Flying Dawn Island, that thin Yin God, impudent soaring on the island, was concealed by the ancestors of Yin God on the bottom of the island, and killed it on the spot.” Jiang Yurong solemnly reported, “After that man died tragically, Li Qi, Yuan Lianyao, and Tong Laoqian all climbed again.”

“It seems to know the secret, Li Qi is in front, and the other two are behind, step by step.”

“Finally, Yuan Lianyao and Tong Laoqian seemed to stop halfway up the mountain. On the contrary, it was the Li Qi that caused the space turmoil. It should be One Step Treading Heaven from Flying Dawn Island to the place where the ancestor Yang God sits. Fang is facing the sky.”

“Heaven Overlooking Peak, the top of the mountain, facing the sky to view the mountains and rivers of the world, and the mortal smoke and fire. Li Qi is there, as if to inspire the Heaven Gazing Treasure Mirror’s way of viewing the sky. Observing Heaven and Earth 3 times!”

“At this moment, he should still be at Heaven Overlooking Peak, with the old ancestor Yang God.”

Jiang Yurong tells what she has seen and some guesses.

Zhu Peining took a deep breath and said: “Look at this child again with his face. The name of Li Qi must be bullshit! The hidden secrets of Flying Dawn Island can be clearly understood, and the One Step Treading Heaven can be triggered to trigger the hidden space array. , Go straight to Heaven Overlooking Peak, 3 views of Heaven and Earth, it is absolutely extraordinary!” Jiang Yurong said: “I am here, hoping to use the power of Chamber of Commerce to find out his origin and identity.”

“His appearance, I took a look, it should be real. His appearance is not fake, but his identity and name are fake.” Zhu Peining nodded, closing his eyes lightly.

Yu Yuan’s appearance is slowly condensed in her Soul Consciousness Sea, which is clearly depicted with the secret technique.


A bunch of soul thoughts, passed through Zhu Peining’s thoughts, flew to each and everyone in the suspended house, each and everyone dazzlingly pierced the crystal ball, and passed it on to other branches of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce.

Yu Yuan’s appearance will be known to many Chamber of Commerce executives like Zhu Peining in a very short time.

If anyone from the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce has deliberately learned about Yu Yuan and reviewed him, he will be able to compare and find out the true origin and identity of Yu Yuan.

“According to the news from Chamber of Commerce, that Fire Lotus flower, although famous, is actually extremely self-loving. The various romantic affairs circulating in Demon Moon Empire, after Chamber of Commerce’s verification, all proved to be a man and unilaterally treated her Malicious slander.” Jiang Yurong murmured inwardly, “She was so unscrupulous in being intimacy with a man on Flying Dawn Island. It was recorded, confirmed, and just the first time.”

When Zhu Peining used the Chamber of Commerce Heavenspan eyeliner to investigate Yu Yuan’s backing, Jiang Yurong was also thinking about it.

She also felt that Li Qi and Yuan Lianyao who suddenly appeared must have known each other a long time ago, and the relationship is not shallow.

Yuan Lianyao is not like the rumors of the outside world, with countless faces and coquettish debauchery.

On the contrary, according to the news from the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, she is actually innocent and has never really had ambiguous and close contact with that man.

The sudden appearance of Li Qi is the first one in the true sense.

“Little bastard”

Zhu Peining smiled dumbly, shook the head, “His courage is not small. On the Starash Sea Territory side, he made such a big noise, and he didn’t even cover his appearance. He shook the name of Li Qi, and he went to the sea in a magnificent manner. Cruise.”

Jiang Yurong was shocked, “Who is he?”

“Speaking of which, you should also have the impression.” Zhu Peining smiled, “In the Silvermoon Empire, more and more people have been mentioned in the past 3 years. Suddenly came out of Dark Moon City and passed the Falling Moon. Forbidden Land, Jade Peak Mountain Range, has no land left, arrived at Starash Sea Territory not long ago.”

“This kid is the Plague God mentioned by Chamber of Commerce!”

“He tried in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, Moon Demon was born, and heavenly demon was haunting him. A giant bronze coffin soared into the sky, ignoring the bans, and rushed away to the Star River outside the sky. Emperor Skyshaker, heavenly demon Qing Yan, and Earth Demon Xi Quan and the like are all in it.”

“At the Jade Peak Mountain Range, Yin Wind Valley broke out in great turmoil. Two important figures of Profound Heaven Sect and Primal Yang Sect, one of them died, and the other proved to be a hidden chess piece, leaving a Heavenly Palace Seal behind. Yu Zhu left Jade Peak Mountain Range and arrived at Wuwudi.”

“Shortly after arriving in Wuyi, I ran into Li Yupan and Shen Feiqing to set up the game. They wanted to borrow the platinum skull of Asura in the dark realm to plot a bad idea. As a result, the Silvermoon Empire changed ownership and Shen Feiqing fled to Desolate Great Lake.”

“The 7 lower sect cultivator, in that ruin, I don’t know how many people died.”

“Starash Sea Territory, the riots just started not long ago, Demon Palace guarded the Hei Xun rebellion, Blood Spirit Altar was born, and the starry sky giant beast appeared”

Zhu Peining said with a wry smile.

Jiang Yurong’s figure shook, and he was shocked, “How could it be which plague god?!”

Inside the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, Yu Yuan, who was born from Dark Moon City in the past 2 years and experienced wind and rain, is called the plague god.

Where the god of plague passed, the chickens and dogs were restless, loss of life.

Repeatedly, without exception!

“He seems to be going to the Rift Islands this time.” Zhu Peining sighed and shook his head continuously. “The Rift Islands are scattered. It was a year-round fighting. All kinds of blood and cruelty were just and honorable. The Chamber of Commerce is there. It took a lot of effort to maintain order.”

“His boy, if he comes with the attributes of Plague God, it will be fulfilled again”

After confirming the true origin of Yu Yuan, the principal of the “Sea Cruise” felt ill at ease, sighing.

“Or, no matter how he is on Flying Dawn Island, he refuses to board the ship!” Jiang Yurong suggested, “The 2nd floor he took and the Spirit Stones he paid, just return it to him!”

“Chamber of Commerce’s rules are unbreakable!” Zhu Peining shook the head, suddenly sneered, “The sisters are also blind. It’s not good to find someone, so I just found him. No, it’s not that the sisters are blind, Tong Laoqian. Old thief’s head is really bad, almost killing the sisters.”

Jiang Yurong was stunned, “Yu Yuan, the plague god, can still survive the beautiful and erotic catastrophe?”

“I think that sister did not give up. After the Rift Islands, we wait and see to see who died miserably.” Zhu Peining left this sentence, which means he knew the identity of Yu Yuan, or he was from Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce. Do things well.


Suddenly, Yu Yuan went and returned, returning from the top of the mountain.

Once again appeared in Yuan Lianyao and Tong Laoqian’s sight.

Tong Laoqian’s small soya-like eyes suddenly burst out amazing rays of light. The shining Yuan Lianyao is not used to it, “What are you excited about?”

“No, nothing.”

Tong Laoqian smiled, greeted him with great enthusiasm, and stared at Yu Yuan for a while, clicking one’s tongue in wonder: “Well, it’s full, there is no less meat, no less than a soul. Yes, yes, I can settle from there. However, there are not many people who have returned.”

“Old Brother, I’m done, do you want to go up and have a look?” Yu Yuan leaned over, stepped aside, and sent an invitation to Tong Laoqian.

Tong Laoqian hurriedly shook his head, haha ​​said with a smile: “No! Good intentions, really don’t need it.”

He was full of doubts. Why could this kid come to that place? Could it be that the old ancestors fought outside of Star River and brought the body of Yang God with him, without paying attention?

“City Lord elder sister, let’s go back to the sea for a cruise.” Yu Yuan smiled.

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