In the Dark Moon City Huang Family, after he helped Li Yuchan and Li Yu get out of trouble, he went straight to the City Lord Mansion.

He did not pay attention to the latter matter.

After that, he faintly heard that Li Yuchan and Li Yu were two people, and they quietly withdrew from Dark Moon City that same day and disappeared since then.

As Silvermoon Empire changed its name to Demon Moon Empire, Yan Family replaced Li Family and became the Imperial Family of the new empire, Li Family began to be purged.

Both Li Yuchan and Li Yu are the core of Li Family. Under this violent shock, it is wise to stay away as soon as possible.

However, he did not expect that Li Yuchan and Li Yu, two of them, by coincidence, also went to the Rift Islands.

Moreover, listening to the meaning of Zhang Man and Zhang Miao sisters, at this moment, those two people should have been in Rift Islands, one step ahead of them and settled on that strange island.

Li Yuchan, or Zhang Man’s benefactor? Zhang Miao, admiring Li Yu?

Yu Yuan touched his chin, his eyes were playful, thinking about how many words of the sisters were true and how many were false.

There is one thing that can be confirmed-maybe they really know or have met Li Yuchan and Li Yu.

“I do come from Li Family, but, unlike them, I am just the branch disciple of Yu Family.” Yu Yuan sighed, “Today’s Demon Moon Empire, as long as the surname is Li, will be implicated. If it were not forced to be helpless, Who wants to leave his hometown and go to the treacherous Rift Islands to seek life?”

“By the side…”

The elder sister Zhang Man’s eyes are blue, and when I look at Yu Yuan, there is more contempt between the expressions. “Li Family is really rich and imposing. Even you from the branch disciple can wear a mustard bracelet. .”

“Whole body, it’s worth the Qian Family.” Yu Yuan smiled bitterly and explained: “I am also an elder in the clan. When Hidden Dragon Lake cultivator attacked, he secretly gave this mustard bracelet to me. Those wicked Hidden Dragon Lake, should I saw that I was young and the realm was not high, so I didn’t notice me…”

He lowered his head slightly, as if recalling the thrilling experience, feeling sad.

“Sure enough, Old Demon is deliberately ruining our sisters!” Zhang Man cursed in his heart, despising the handsome boy in front of him more and more, thinking with self-pity, whether he should take the secret as Old Demon said. Technique to seduce the boy in front of you?

If Yu Yuan has a big background, in order to seek a breakthrough in Nuance, she doesn’t mind trading her body for a frank prospect.

She has seen too much, just like their sisters, a female cultivator without a strong backing. Relying on her pretty has several points of appearance, she has climbed a big tree early to get rid of the predicament and has a good future.

Tong Laoqian, in her eyes, is a very lush tree that can provide shelter for their sisters.

The realm is high enough, cruel, and the family property is thick.

If Tong Laoqian can be favored by Tong Laoqian, the two sisters can be regarded as a good home.

To the contrary, Tong Laoqian doesn’t get in with oil and salt, and lacks interest in them. He doesn’t give any clear guarantees at all. He just uses their sisters to entertain them as the object of talking to relieve boredom on the road.

Before coming to Yu Yuan, she thought if Yu Yuan was the one of Heavenly Evil Sect and Foul Spirit Sect

For the sect children of this kind, the cultivation potential is out of the ordinary, and there is a famous teacher behind them, and their sisters are self-possessed as maids, which is another way out.

But if it only collapsed in the Demon Moon Empire, then the branch disciple of Li Family had a mustard bracelet…

Li Family powerless to defend himself, you need to go to Rift Islands to avoid disasters. The Li Qi in front of you is just the cultivation base of Dark Burst Realm Early-Stage, and it doesn’t look particularly outstanding.

Because of Li’s collateral status, when it comes to Rift Islands, there will be no sect to recruit him.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Zhang Man’s mind, and she didn’t even have much interest in continuing to talk to Yu Yuan.

“How do you recognize the general of our Li Family, the new generation of Legendary?” Yu Yuan was aroused by her, and instead asked actively, wanting to know more about the situation of Li Yuchan and Li Yu.

“Even by chance, there isn’t much contact.” Zhang Man’s attitude changed drastically, and the bright smile on his face converged. “I’ll adjust my breath a little bit and talk about it when I have time.”

She suddenly became indifferent and distant.

Yu Yuan smiled, her eyes cold.

“We were on another’sea cruise ship’ and met them.” Instead, it was the younger sister, who spoke quietly at this time, and said softly, “There is more than one’sea cruise ship’ going to Rift Islands, and there will be more The island berthed midway, carrying spirit material. We got off the’sea cruise ship’ and stayed on the island for a while, and they took the first ship to the Rift Islands.”

Zhang Miao didn’t mention the details of their two sisters, Li Yuchan and Li Yu.

Yu Yuan nodded, there is no interest in talking anymore, and her attitude towards the elder sister Zhang Man has changed.

With a sneer, he didn’t care, leaning lazily against the wooden wall, each minding their own business thinking about things.

On the next 2 days, he and Zhang Man and Zhang Miao sisters, to live together in harmony, each cultivation.

With the rioting and turbid power hidden in “Fiend Demon Cauldron”, the process of scouring the blood is destroyed over and over again, often accompanied by heart-piercing pain.

Therefore, when he was cultivation, he often broke out in a cold sweat, grinned, and even curled up on the bed occasionally, shaking slightly.

At the beginning, Zhang Man was a little strange. He watched for a while, only when Yu Yuan was seriously ill, or if there was a stubborn illness within the body.

The exquisiteness of “Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art”, she can’t see through, she can’t understand.

But there are not many words. The embarrassed younger sister sometimes shows doubts, as if thinking about Yu Yuan cultivation’s Fajue, is there something weird in it?

Yu Yuan completely ignores their sisters. Their realm and legal decisions are uncommon.

2 Although women are also listed in the Dark Burst Realm, Yu Yuan’s eyesight shows that the foundation is very weak. There are many problems with physical fitness, dantian acupuncture points, and meridian expansion.

If they can enter the Dark Burst Realm, they should still resort to special means, rather than where water flows, a canal is formed for years of hard cultivation.

Not surprisingly, their cultivation road will stop Dark Burst.

I want to go one step further and be promoted to Nuance, with her

Our sisters’ own strength should not have much hope.

With such aptitude, even if his appearance can still be seen, he doesn’t fall into the eyes of Yu Yuan, and he doesn’t bother to pay too much attention.

That evening.

Even in the 2nd floor house, Yu Yuan in the cultivation also keenly felt that the temperature rose rapidly with a rapid momentum.

There was a clamor, loudly from outside.

Yu Yuan was completely awakened, frowned, opened the window facing outwards to see what was going on outside.

A huge Fireball burning turbulently, with two people wrapped in it, suddenly arrived.

Inside the Fireball, Scarlet Demon Sect’s one-armed Fang Yao has a deep complexion, not angry and mighty.

Also in Fireball, there is still one person who is familiar to Yu Yuan and can no longer be familiar.

The bright red dress, the extremely enchanting “Flaming Red Lotus”, the extremely charming face, is full of brilliant smiles, the joy of breakthrough to the Yin God realm, the eyebrows can’t hide.

“Master Fang Yao!”

On the 5th floor of the “Sea Cruise”, an old woman’s voice suddenly rang, “The house is ready, please don’t worry, Mr. Fang Yao, we will definitely send City Lord Yuan to the Rift Islands.”

“Demon Moon Empire, Yuan Lianyao of Dark Moon City!”

“With the help of Fang Yao, she successfully advanced to the Yin God realm?”

“Fang Yao personally escorted her to sea cruises and communicated with the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce a long time ago. It seems to be really important!”

“Those who can be protected by Fang Yao and condense Yin God must not be underestimated!”

“The City Lord Yuan has been rumored to have done a lot for Scarlet Demon Sect for the past two years! Scarlet Demon Sect takes her seriously and is the key to cultivation.”

From the many windows on the ground floor, 2-Layer and 3 floors, there was a low voice communication.

one after another fiery eyes, staring at the beautiful and alluring woman who was escorted by Fang Yao himself, leaving from the Fireball, beside the plump waist, surrounded by the beautiful and alluring woman with red lotus blossoms.

Even after leaving the Demon Moon Empire and appearing in the “Sea Cruise” in the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, this outstanding Sir City Lord is still so eye-catching and coveted by countless men.

“I’m tired.”

Inside the burning Fireball, Fang Yao bowed slightly, which was regarded as a return.

Due to the dramatic changes in the Starash Sea Territory, Fang Yao is not in a good mood. He exhorts Yuan Lianyao with his soul, and then drifts away.

When Yuan Lianyao fell, Jiang Yurong had already congratulated him, smiling flatteringly: “This sea cruise ship has 4 houses on the 2th floor, and one has been reserved for City Lord Yuan for a long time.”

“many thanks.”

In countless fiery eyes, Yuan Lianyao smiled at the corner of his mouth, and happily, led by Jiang Yurong, headed to the 4th floor.

On the first floor, 2-Layer, 3rd, and even the 4th and 5th floor houses, people opened the windows to look at her.

The heads were clustered, and many of her eyes were full of obscene and evil thoughts, which made her feel uncomfortable, and she was too lazy to look.

Naturally, I didn’t notice that Yu Yuan was among them.


ps: Today, the body recovered, the update is stable~


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