The “sea cruise” of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce has a hundred zhang long, ten feet high, and a blue hull.

Each “sea cruise ship” is specially built by Refiner Sect for the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce. It is specially used to carry various materials, sail in the major Sea Territory, and wander between Tianyuan Continent, Nirvana Continent and Heaven Profound Continent.

Inside the cabin of the “Sea Cruise”, there are various materials, such as gems, all kinds of iron essence and medicinal herb, and lack of Formation.

On board, it is divided into 5-Layer.

Each floor, there is a house for people to rest and cultivation.

There are 96 houses on the bottom floor. Non-members of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce will need to pay a Spirit Stone every day.

On the 2nd floor, there are 66 houses. If an outsider settles in, it costs ten yuan to pay the Spirit Stone per day.

By the 3rd floor, there are only 36 rooms left. If you settle in, the daily payment for Spirit Stone will reach 100 yuan.

4th floor, ten 2 houses, if you want to enter, you will pay 1000 yuan per day for Spirit Stone.

One to 4, Spirit Stone on each floor, ten times more.

The 5th floor, with a total of 6 houses, is only for the Inner Member of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce.

Outsiders, even the daily payment of 10000 Spirit Stone, are not allowed to enter.

The house on the bottom floor has the simplest and most crude decoration, with only one bed and one table. The space is small, so you can sleep and sit against the wooden wall for cultivation. There are people snoring and talking in the next room, and they can hear clearly and affect each other.

Since the 2nd floor, the sound insulation has been upgraded to a higher level. The room is not only large, but also has everything from internal cabinets, beds, and dining tables.

The house on the 3rd floor is also engraved with an array of gathering spiritual strength. Just fill in the Spirit Stone, and a house will become a unique cultivation room with abundant Spiritual Qi inside, which is helpful for cultivation.

On the 4th floor, the house still has a strange array of calming minds, making the cultivator’s soul calm when sitting upright.

As for the layout of the 5th floor, which is not open to the public, few people know how to arrange it, and the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce does not publicize too much.

Yu Yuan paid 80 Spirit Stone and was led by the woman named Jiang Yurong to the “sea cruise ship”. As soon as he landed on the deck, he saw many people watching.

“Sea cruise ship” has a total of 5-Layer, starting from the bottom, each house is settled, and the corresponding Spirit Stone must be paid.

Only the deck, as long as you give the ship’s money and find a place to stay at will, you can stay.

These are the bottom layer of the cultivator, the most downright and poor. They are reluctant to pay Spirit Stone into the house, and they are scattered on the deck.

Yu Yuan glanced around and saw a dozen line of sight, and looked at him curiously.

There are too many realm of those people in Spirit Gathering Realm and Golden Hall Realm. Many are not young and have no hope of entering Dark Burst Realm.

Between Heaven Profound Continent and Nirvana Continent, the Sea Territory is vast, with numerous islands, and there are scattered cultivators. The cultivation on those islands is mostly non-climatic.

Yu Yuan just looked at them and saw that they had dark skin, and they knew that wind blowing and sun shining all the year round, Shiyou Jiu is the cultivator on the island.

Several of them, when they noticed his mustard bracelets on their wrists, they immediately expressed emotions.

Mustard bracelets are inherently valuable, and being able to wear them often means that they have a good background or a good cultivation innate talent, and they have long been given to the great sects great factions.

Suddenly, a young guy who was on the boat halfway through the boat, looking at his young and not very realm, was wearing a mustard bracelet, which naturally attracted the attention of some people.

Yu Yuan carefreely smiled.

He also noticed that there were a few apparent gazes that were really harboring malicious intentions.


1st floor, and

Some of the windows of the 2-Layer house were pushed open.

One after another, surprise, or curious eyes, also projected over.

Compared with the people on the deck, the realm of the people in the 1st floor house may not be much higher. After all, they only need to pay a Spirit Stone a day, and most people can afford it.

2nd floor, but it’s different. From the opened window, the eyes are obviously superb and energetic.

Almost all are Dark Burst Realm, and there are cultivators that reach the Nuance level.

“Mustard bracelet…”

Someone smiled meaningfully, “Good luck, a fat sheep! Fortunately, what I met was a sea cruise ship, and what I met was the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce. Hey! Hey!”

The cold light in the vicious eyes flashed by several open windows on the 2nd floor.

Then, the windows closed again with a loud noise.

The people inside seemed a little annoyed, annoyed that they are now on the “sea cruise” of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, rather than seeing Yu Yuan as a fat sheep in other places.

In the vast Sea Territory, there are more cruelty and blood lurking, and in the depths of the unknown island, most of them have unrecognizable corpses.

The weak, in the sea, are easily spotted, and the unfathomable mystery will die.

Fortunately, this “sea cruise ship” is flying the banner of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce and has a great cultivator. Otherwise, it may be targeted by the wicked and slaughtered.

Yu Yuan smiled lowly, “Fat sheep…”

Jiang Yurong said with a cold face, seeing those windows gradually closing, and then said: “Don’t worry, they can only enjoy that’s all! On the sea cruise ship of our Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, I borrow them some courage, they Don’t dare to mess around!!”

After a pause, she said again: “Since you know the rules, you can choose at will. You should know the price. There are vacant rooms on the first, second and third floors. There are a total of ten rooms on the 2th floor, all of which are full. Temporarily unable to arrange.”

She could see that Yu Yuan was wearing a mustard bracelet. I believe this Li Family who escaped from the new Demon Moon Empire should have a lot of money. Too small.”

Yu Yuan smiled slightly, and when he was about to answer, his mind moved slightly and suddenly looked towards the 4th floor.

On the 4th floor, a window opened at an unknown time, suddenly a chubby old man appeared outside.

His clothes fell outside, with golden coins hanging from them. The man looked at it with a smile, his small eyes revealing surprise.

Yu Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head, with a coincidence in his heart.

“Do you know him?” Jiang Yurong said strangely in surprise.

“I don’t know him, but I heard someone say it.” Yu Yuan said, shook the head. “I heard people say his appearance and characteristics. He is easy to recognize, so I can tell it.”

“Well, you shouldn’t know him if you want to.” Jiang Yurong didn’t care, “If you know him, you won’t end up in such a field. By the way, have you thought about it?”

“2nd floor.” Yu Yuan started to take the Spirit Stone from the mustard bracelet with some pain. “Let’s stay for half a month.”

150 Spirit Stones were handed to Jiang Yurong. She led the way and took Yu Yuan to the swallowed tsw2nd floor of the “Sea Cruise Ship”, where she chose a room to settle in.

There are only ten 2 rooms on the 4th floor, and the daily payment of Spirit Stone is 1000.

At this moment, a room with beautiful decorations, carved dragons and phoenixes on wooden walls, embedded in Ming jewels, filled with smoke from the sandalwood of the town god.

The chubby Tong Laoqian, lightly closed the window with a weird face.

The spacious hall, next to the white jade round table, has 2 bodies

A plump, pretty woman, with thin clothes, her breasts half exposed, her eyes staring at him vaguely.

On the white jade round table, there are wines, sparkling fruits, and pastries with spirit strength.

The two beautiful women with white and tender skin are still a pair of twins, one with a beautiful temperament and the other with enchanting and sexy, both of which are actually the base of Dark Burst Realm cultivation.

Seeing Tong Laoqian turning around, the two people stood up to meet each other at the same time, holding Tong Laoqian’s arm left and right, and brought him back to the table.

One served the wine glass, and the other twisted a bunch of sparkling fruits, cleverly full of smiles, serving with all my heart.

Tong Laoqian chewed the pulp in his mouth, drank the sweet fruit wine in the silver goblet, and suddenly said: “2 of your sisters, go to the 2nd floor, the room that just got on the ship. If you have one, you can Sleep with him all night, and I guarantee you both smoothly advance to Nuance.”

2 The women were all in a daze, as if they couldn’t believe it, the pie would suddenly fall from the sky.

Two of their sisters have served Tong Laoqian for a long time, and they have long been ready to dedicate themselves to change realm, and they are 2 willing to 1000 willing, just waiting for Tong Laoqian’s favor.

But this Old Demon just drank and ate good food, pulling them up and talking, using them to relieve boredom.

Old Demon took advantage of his mouth, but he didn’t move his true character and promised to make the two sisters secretly anxious.

They couldn鈥檛 see through Old Demon鈥檚 thoughts, and they didn鈥檛 know what he was thinking. They just wanted to give up when they were doing it. They didn鈥檛 expect mountain road twists around each new peak, Tong Laoqian suddenly gave such a strange proposal Come.

After a while, the enchanting elder sister was the first to react and said excitedly: “Senior is this true?”


Tong Laoqian slapped her plump buttocks heavily, grinning, “Lao Tzu’s credibility, do you have to question too?”

“Don’t dare!” The charming elder sister, rubbing her buttocks, leaned towards Tong Laoqian, spit out a scent on his face, and said: “What if our sister, we slept with him? “

“Everyone adds the same, at least Spirit level Grade 5 utensils! I can guarantee that it is definitely suitable for you, not the kind of fool!” Tong Laoqian squeezed the younger sister’s cheek, and said with a smile, “I guess That kid, I like you like this.”

On the 4th floor, there were a total of ten 2 houses, each with an array of isolated voices and soul thoughts, he didn’t worry that others could hear it.

With his realm and the rules of the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, no one would be so abrupt.


Even the younger sister, who seemed shy, was aroused by Tong Laoqian this remark, and her expression was greatly lifted.

“Give you 3 days. After the matter is over, come and tell me.” Tong Laoqian waved his hand and placed the Expulsion Order. “Be careful, don’t let the Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce know that I instructed you.”


2 The woman left excitedly.

When they left, the smile on Tong Laoqian’s face disappeared instantly.

Slowly, kneading the jugs and fruit plates into mud, Tong Laoqian furrowed his brows, and began to think about the scenes when he was with Yu Yuan in the deserted land.

“In just a few months, I went straight from Golden Hall Realm to Dark Burst Realm. Looking at his looks, body, and realm cornerstones, he is extremely solid! What is more surprising is that this guy’s breath has undergone subtle changes, even me I can’t see through.”

“Why does he appear here, or is he alone?”

“On the Starash Sea Territory, the dramatic change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, will it have something to do with him?”



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