
Su Yin screamed in pain, struggling with fear, irritable with humiliation!

However, the embryonic form “Fiend Demon”, which was born out of the grievances, poisons, and endless regrets of the deceased, combined with the psychic energy of Yu Yuan Golden Hall Small World, remained unmoved.

“Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art” was supposed to be in Dark Burst Realm in order to carry forward this Demon Art and condense “Fiend Demon”.

Yu Yuan, blessed by heaven, was able to condense “Fiend Demon” early in the Golden Hall Realm stage. In addition to his hard work in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, he also has the credit of Yu Zhu.

When Yu Zhu poured psychic energy into his body, he seemed to guess that the turbid and turbulent abilities would help the formation of “Fiend Demon”, and he was given to him at the same time.

It is difficult for ordinary people to refining and will hinder the ability of cultivation. Yu Yuan skeleton takes root in the viscera and erupts at a critical moment!

“Fiend Demon” is a higher level product than “Evil Spirit”, and it is also the real exquisite and powerful aspect of “Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art”.

Once this monster becomes complete, it will follow Yu Yuan’s heart and do everything to destroy Su Yin’s vitality!

“Fiend Demon” slipped down the back of his neck, Su Yin also started from the back of his neck to his waist and abdomen, and was torn out a long and narrow wound straight down!

The fresh blood dripping wound cut off several tendons in his back and broke all his bones.

Su Yin’s scream, set off his scars of horrible to see, made Fan Chaoguan and Lin Hanyu feel a sinking heart and were shocked.

Yu Yuan has the power to hurt Su Yin!

Li Yuchan, who was tied to the stone pillar, and Li Yu 2 people, focused on the battle between Yu Yuan and Su Yin. When I arrived, I saw that Yu Yuan was unscathed under Su Yin’s attack and fought back, but Su Yin, who had a higher realm, had his skin cracked and cracked. It was so horrible that I was surprised and puzzled.

Yu Yuan, how strong is it?

Li Yuchan’s cold eyes were intertwined with different lights, and the sharp angle that was drawn from the corner of his mouth was replaced by astonished.

“Couldn’t it be that Su Yin didn’t even dare to move with the help of other people’s power? Why did he act on his own and fight directly with Su Yin, who is above him?”

Li Yuchan was filled with confusion.

She knows Yu Yuan quite well, knowing that this child is highly regarded by Zhou Cangmin, Yan Qiling and the others, and Yu Zhu is loyal behind him. Whether it is temperament or resourcefulness, she must be better than others.

So Yu Yuan, from the moment she stepped into the palace, she felt that the situation must be under her control.

According to her assumption, Yu Yuan, whose realm is slightly insufficient, only needs to dispatch Qin Yun alone to solve all the problems in this Huang Family hall, shocking the few people in front of them!

Why do you have to do it yourself?

However, Yu Yuan at first didn’t call anyone, that is, when Su Yin acted, he immediately met him.

The unwise move, in exchange for the result, turned out to be a heavy blow to Su Yin!

“You dare kill my?!”


Su Yin, with his back to the crowd, made strange screams of panic and panic.

With this sound, Fan Chaoguan and Lin Hanyu, Li Yuchan and Li Yu all changed their colors suddenly!

Yu Yuan, even kill Su Yin?

Su Yin, a direct child of Five Great Families, is deeply loved by Su Kui and Su Kang! In today’s empire, Su Yin has the courage to dare to do anything wrong!

Yu Yuan hurt him badly and has already taken a big advantage. Is it true that he is so brutal to kill directly?

“What can’t you dare?”

Yu Yuan laughed blankly, “You said it yourself, now is different. At the time of the change of empire, the death of one or two people is not a big problem. Under such a general trend, if I Yu Yuan are all insignificant figures , Su Yin, what are you?”

Speaking like this, he put 5 fingers of his left hand together in a sword style and stab Su Yin in the chest.

Mind moves slightly. In the lower Dantian Golden Hall acupuncture orifice, pure spirit strength is like a trickle, escaping from the deep sea and flying away like electricity in the veins.

He didn’t call Sword Soul, he just used Heaven Soul to call the sword intent in the sealed bone when the left arm bone was slightly hot.

On the left arm, inside the muscles and veins, there are hair-like slender, crystal-clear crimson electric lights, which are bright and bright!

In an instant, Yu Yuan’s left hand 5 fingers close together, generous and bright!

The hall was slightly dim, and there seemed to be a strong light, shooting from his five fingers, the eyes of the bright people were all flowers.

Su Yin, with blood flowing on his entire back, finally filled his heart with fear, and felt the wicked “monster” slipping from the back of his neck, slamming into his spine!

At this moment, his qi riots, Lower Dantian Golden Hall, Middle Dantian’s Mysterious Gate, both began to vibrate.

He suddenly could no longer mobilize his strength.

From his spine, “Fiend Demon” suddenly exploded, transforming into dozens of streams of light, madly eating away at his flesh and blood, and doing his best to destroy his internal organs!

Where can he fight back?

When he saw his gaze, he fixed on the “finger sword” with Yu Yuan 5 fingers close together, feeling a sharp sword intent in it, and smelling the smell of death.

“No, impossible…”

This is what emerged in his heart before he died, and finally a single thought.

Then, there was a sharp pain in the chest.

“Pu chi!”

A ray of crimson rays of light pierced Su Yin’s chest Mysterious Gate, crushed his internal organs, and wiped out all his life.

As soon as Su Yin died, Yu Yuan’s mind was slightly relaxed. It was just the rudimentary “Fiend Demon”, and after the remaining power dissipated, Su Yin within the body was annihilated.

“Golden Hall Realm, only 5 exercises, the level of refinement of spirit strength is so terrifying!”

Yu Yuan almost wanted to laugh up to the sky, in this way, to vent his inner joy.

The reason why Su Yin was chosen as the opponent, and the reason for facing the battle, is to verify, Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage, my self after 5 tempering

What level of battle strength is.

Su Yin is an excellent opponent!

During the battle, not only the Evil Spirit escaped from the skeleton flesh and blood, but also combined with its own spirit strength to transform into a “Fiend Demon”, exerting the formidable power that surprised him.

——This is beyond his expectation!

Neither the Evil Spirit hidden in blood, flesh, muscle and bones nor the “Fiend Demon” that was born was what he expected before the battle.

But if you really fight together, really run Demon Art, what should appear will be generated!

What surprised him even more was that in the Golden Hall Realm phase, the spillover, venting, and gathering of spirit strength, where water flows, a canal is formed, were so fast as lightning.

This is what he couldn’t realize in Spirit Gathering Realm, the wonderful feeling he should have in battle.

Only one level higher, the pure spirit strength of his Golden Hall Small World can move as he pleases, and can flow quickly in this tempering physique.

“Fighting, actual combat, can reflect a lot!”

Yu Yuan grinned and began to enjoy the battle, and finally knew how happy and unrestrained the great cultivator of Heaven and Earth was when killing enemies.

At the other end, Fan Chaoguan and Lin Hanyu looked forward blankly and calmed down in strange silence.

Su Yin was really killed by Yu Yuan on the spot!

Two people can’t even dream that this young Master from Dark Moon City Yu Family can be so bold!

Killing Su Yin, how can Su Family give up? Su Kui and Su Kang, two Yin Gods, didn’t kill the entire Yu Family to calm the anger in the clan?

Even Su Xiangtian, after Su Yin’s death, there is absolutely no way to hinder this matter!

“I’m dead, why are you standing so straight?” Yu Yuan muttered, pushing Su Yin’s straight body away, and then seeing the direct child of Su Family who made troubles with Yu Family, he slanted suddenly. Fell to the ground.

Yu Yuan, on the other hand, raised his foot across his body and stood in front of Fan Chaoguan and Lin Hanyu.

“Sir Father, I missed you last time, and I haven’t seen him for a long time. My son-in-law really missed it.”

Behind his body gently, Yu Yuan lifts the head, looking at Lin Hanyu with a bright smile, and said, “According to the agreement between you and my family, in terms of time, I should also marry your daughter. Please Sir Father and pass on Cold Yin Sect, let her take the time to go back to the empire, can we get married soon?”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Hanyu’s face was terrifying gloomy.

Fan Chaoguan took a deep breath lightly. After calming down, he even took a step later and let Lin Hanyu and Yu Yuan negotiate face to face.

As the master of the Fan Family, he suddenly discovered that the young man in front of him was blinded by a mysterious cloud of smoke.

“Even Su Yin dared to kill, and he really did. What kind of support does this kid have?”

Fan Chaoguan chose to sit back and watch the changes. Anyway, Lin Hanyu is now being watched by Yu Yuan, so he doesn’t need to be anxious.



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