Nothing left, clarify the lakeside.

Qin Yun dressed as an old scholar sits quietly among the green grass, looking towards Lake Heart Island from time to time.

The lake is crystal clear, and the island refining by Yu Zhu is shrouded in thick white mist.

The white mist, like a veil, covers the island and lake.


Qin Yun took a deep breath and saw the white mist, like a giant whale sucking water, flowing into his mouth and nose, turning into a thick Spiritual Qi, and escaping into its Golden Hall Small World.

“Spiritual Qi here is worthy of the sect of Seven Gods Sect. Over time, it will definitely become more pure and rich!”

A ray of mind wandered around his Golden Hall Small World like lightning. He squinted slightly, somewhat in a trance, looking towards the island ahead.

“I don’t know Young Master, how much can Golden Hall be practiced?”

He had already seen that Yu Zhu threw him from Lake Heart Island in order to concentrate his psychic energy and infuse Yu Yuan within the body to help Yu Yuan go to tempering Golden Hall.

Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage can perform several rounds of tempering and can determine the upper limit of a cultivator.

When he was young, Qin Yun was like Fan Li, like Lin Zhuyun and Su Yan, and was Jun Yan of the 5th Golden Hall.

Facts have proved that he who trained in Golden Hall 5 has reached the late stage of Yin God.

It’s only a step away from Soul Wonder Realm.

His peers, in the Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage, if they fail to train Golden Hall, the limit is often only in the Yin God realm. Few people can cultivate to the late stage of the Yin God realm like him, and hope for Soul Wonder Realm.

And now the Imperial Teacher of Scarlet Sun Empire has condensed Yang God, who is extremely powerful and arrogant in the entire Heaven Profound Continent.

According to legend, Zhou Cangmin was in Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage and had seven refinements in Lower Dantian Small World!

Seven refinements Golden Hall, in the future, it is hoped that the main soul will be condensed into the Primordial Spirit and enter the ultimate!

If you want to step into the ultimate, you must have 7 tempering Lower Dantian at Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage!

The more refining times, the greater the hope of impacting Primordial Spirit Realm in the future!

Qin Yun selected Yu Yuan and saw that his temperament and abilities are extraordinary. However, Yu Yuan has not yet been able to prove himself in terms of cultivation talent.

In Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage, Yu Yuan’s condensed more times means that his future achievements can be predicted in advance.

“With the talent of Young Master, Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage, should give me a surprise!”

Qin Yun is looking forward to it. Whenever he spit Spiritual Qi, he would glance at the lake center for the first launch

——Although I can’t see anything for the time being.

He didn’t know that there was a person standing quietly deep in the clouds.

Within the clusters of light gray clouds, Yan Qiling is like an illusory ghost shadow, looking towards the Lake Heart Island from time to time, observing Yu Yuan’s movements.

He knew that his existence could not hide from Yu Zhu.

But since he showed up in Wuwudi, he showed kindness to Yu Yuan, he has not committed any deviant behaviors, and is in line with Yu Yuan everywhere, he should be trusted by Yu Zhu.

Yu Zhu did not warn, nor did he break into the Lake Heart Island, so his actions, Yu Zhu should be allowed.

“I also want to know, that kid, how much can you practice Golden Hall Small World.”


Island in the lake.

The white misty Spiritual Qi encircles Yu Yuan in a circle.

Sitting still, crystal dew drops on his neck, forehead, and exposed arms.

The drops of dew, crystal-like grains of rice, are naturally condensed and refined by Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and then gathered by the power of Yu Zhu.

Every drop of dew is the essence of Spiritual Qi.


Suddenly, Yu Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air.

In the muddy air, there is a sourness and light smell, as if it is the dregs of the air current within the body, which is expelled by him with a secret technique.

After that, his refined slightly thin body shook slightly.

At the next moment, the skin on his exposed neck, cheeks and arms was like rippling ripples in the water, and his flesh and skin were undulating with slight amplitude.

Didi’s crystal clear “dewdrops”, like being absorbed by a sponge, were instantly swallowed by his skin!

Light brown smoke came out of his mouth, nose and ears.

The light smoke also contained sourness and light odor, as if his Lower Dantian’s Small World had undergone a huge change, thus cleaning up the filth and impurities that were not conducive to Dantian.

If there are outsiders, you can peep through Yin God and Yang God, and you can see his Golden Hall Small World, hanging high for 9 days!

Golden Hall Small World, Heaven and Earth are divided up and down.

Hanging in the air on the 9th, it seemed to be condensed into a giant well, puffing up the Spiritual Qi in the Small World above the Golden Hall.

9 rounds of blazing sun, flying and turning, washed and purified the engulfed Spiritual Qi, peeling and spinning, refined into a more slender and pure, from the bottom of the “wellhead”, into the Small World below.

The entire Small World is as bright as day, and the sea of ​​clouds is rolling, and it operates endlessly.

The small world above, the psychic energy poured from the outside world, was refined by the “giant well” turned into 9 days, and from the “bottom of the well” to the bottom, the “pond” below was filled up little by little.

Aside from being full, the Golden Hall Small World is a big one, like Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, undergoing a new round of development.

Open up the world again!

Yu Yuan didn’t know the passage of time, only knew that once his mind moved a little, he would have continuous psychic powers, bursting out like a river.

His condensing of Golden Hall Small World can continue without stopping.

After the second round, the third round starts, and then the fourth round is in progress!

After the fourth exercise of Golden Hall, his Small World in Lower Dantian, in his perception, had more than doubled the space when he had just sculpted the Lower Dantian and opened the Golden Hall.

And after 4 rounds of Spiritual Qi, every strand of it has undergone tempering, and the shining light circulates, seeming to be endowed with magical energy.

He is tireless, still neglect sleep and forget about food cultivation, and also want to know how much he can practice Golden Hall Realm, and then enter the later stage.

Time flies like a flying shuttle, another time has passed, and his fourth round of Golden Hall tempering has also been completed.

He started moving towards 5th Lian marching!

Golden Hall 5 training means that his true innate talent is no less inferior to the generations of Fan Li, Su Yan and Lin Zhuyun!

It means that in the future, he will be able to condense Yin God unexpectedly, and he will have the opportunity to impact Soul Wonder!

5 Those who practice Golden Hall, no matter how humble their origins are, they can enter the eyes of Great Sect, and may even become an Inner Disciple.

His morale is high!


A snow-white silhouette, like a ghost in the night sky, clouded down beside Yan Qiling.

Yan Qiling was slightly startled, and when he saw who came, he sighed in relief and said, “Imperial Teacher, have you solved the many troubles in the ruins soon?”

The coming person is Yin God of Zhou Cangmin, not Yang God.

“Naturally it’s not that easy.” Zhou Cangmin smiled indifferently and said, “Not only Yang God was dispatched, but I was also forced to come out and operate as far away as the main body of Scarlet Sun Empire. But on Yu Yuan’s side, I still have to go a little bit. Pay attention, I want to know how many tempering of his Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage.”

“I arranged a few places for him, and where to send him eventually depends on how much he can practice Golden Hall.”

Speaking of this, the white clothed Imperial Teacher expression gave a sigh, and said, “What time did you practice?”

Before he left, he used Yang God to perceive the movement of Heaven and Earth, and he could see that Yu Yuan was concentrating on the Golden Hall Realm tempering.

With the full help of Yu Zhu, Yu Yuan can have endless Spiritual Qi, poured in in an instant.

This can help him improve the efficiency of cultivation dozens of times!

With this confidence, Yu Yuan can let go, only need to focus on the condensing of Spiritual Qi, regardless of whether Spiritual Qi is enough for other purposes.

“I can’t see through the inside of the island. I can only give my judgment through the great changes of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi above Lake Heart Island.”

Yan Qiling thought about it seriously, and said: “The Spiritual Qi on the island has undergone tremendous changes. There have been 4 major fluctuations. Every time a major fluctuation, there is suddenly a majestic Spiritual Qi, which suddenly floods into him. the body, blinking and disappearing. Adding the first time to judge by this, he should be doing the fifth exercise.”

“Fifth exercise already!” Zhou Cangmin was slightly startled.


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