The sun rose, and another day passed.

The battle of Wuwu Land, unconsciously, has been going on for a long time.

In the exquisite “Jade Tower”, Tong Laoqian looks relaxed, but actually quite nervous.

He noticed that the previously evasive Earth Demon Bai Shang, as well as the white-haired old woman, sneaked up again.

Pursuing them, encircling and suppressing their sword intent, should have been slowly digested by them.

“What shall we do now?”

While speaking, Tong Laoqian frowned secretly. He glanced at Qi Hongyi and saw the red dressed woman holding the pipa still immersed in his own world.

Her pipa, her clothes, and the crystal-clear bones under her clothes are guarding her.

But she can only protect herself.

Bai Shang and the old woman return, Shen Feiqing is still glare like a tiger watching his prey, plus the queen Your Majesty is still there, the situation is almost one-sided.

There is no chance of winning.

“That’s all that’s all.”

Tong Laoqian was a little frustrated. Before Yan Qiling could speak, he said helplessly: “It seems that we have no relationship with the Secret Realm. As for the dark realm below Asura, will it wake up and harm Heaven and Earth, we I can’t control that many.”

As soon as this remark came out, it showed that he had retreated and was not ready to continue mixing.

Yan Qiling snorted softly, “You, and Qi Hongyi, what Old Demon Huang, was deceived by the Queen of Silver Moon. Do you think she will allow you, and the three of you can get away easily?”

“I’m leaving, how can she stand me?” Tong Laoqian said with wide eyes.

Just now!

The empress Your Majesty floating above the pothole, her thin silhouette, swayed violently!

The Soul Sacrifice Chart controlled by her made a weird “hu call” sound. I saw the resentful spirits and Remnant Soul surging inside, which seemed to be wiped off by an eraser, and quickly decreased.

The corner of the queen Your Majesty’s eyes and the center of her eyebrows are filled with grey smoke.

The smoke line connected to the Soul Sacrifice Chart, and the Queen Your Majesty was shocked.

Next moment, Li Yupan’s silver eyes burst out with blood!

The real body of the Empress Silvermoon is like a piece of exquisite porcelain. It was beaten by an invisible hammer, bursting with wounds, sputtering a little bit of blood light!

It is hard to imagine that the Soul Wonder Realm powerhouse like her, Yin God was wounded outside, and the body would have to suffer such a blow.

This shows that the connection between her Yin God and flesh and blood is extremely close.

On the other hand, it also shows that her that Yin God is bound to suffer terrifying severe damage!

“Your Majesty!”

Bai Shang and the white-haired old woman screamed and flew into the sky together.

The military commander standing above the purple silk had a terrified look in his eyes, and said anxiously: “Jade plate, what happened inside?”

Yan Qiling, who was talking to Tong Laoqian, suddenly left the “Jade Tower”, floating alone in the field, staring down at the pothole, and sensing it with the secret technique.

A few seconds later, Yan Qiling also quietly changed color, saying solemnly: “In the brown eyeball of Asura in the dark domain, as well as in Yu Yuan, there is another soul thought, which seems to be recovering rapidly! Yu Yuan within the body, not yet Obviously, it should just be passing by. But in that eyeball, a soul thought is growing wildly.”

Tong Laoqian also left the “Jade Tower”, flew to his side, and said anxiously: “Please make it clear.”

“In addition to the Sword Dao Soul and Yu Yuan’s own consciousness, there is another huge consciousness that has participated!” Yan Qiling pointed downwards, “It’s like the Sword Soul, turned into a sword by Yu Yuan’s arm. It’s the same as using sword art to release the sword art. The new consciousness is actually directly manifested in the Small World inside the dark Asura, with the help of Yu Yuan’s Heaven Soul!”

At this moment, he was also very shocked.

He is the soul of Soul Separation Rod, refining by the master of the bronze giant coffin, and part of Divine Soul Sect.

At the beginning, when Yu Yuan was cultivating “Wisdom Forging Soul Art”, he knew vaguely that the owner of “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” and his owner were both great characters of Divine Soul Sect.

But now, what made him shocked and strange was that Yu Yuan didn’t at all escape from his body, the sad mood.

The new consciousness, and the owner of “Wisdom Forging Soul Art”, seem to be not the same way, but the breath that can be transmitted should be a certain great sage of Divine Soul Sect.

However, it seems to be older and more distant.

It’s been a long time since Yan Qiling existed before he became an instrument soul or was born.

At that time, it should be the most prosperous era of Divine Soul Sect!

It is the Divine Soul Sect, which has overwhelmed Sword Sect, Profound Heaven Sect and Primal Yang Sect, making Monster Palace and Demon Palace an era that needs to be respected!

Could that new consciousness come from the Divine Soul Sect of that era?

Shen Feiqing above the purple silk and satin, lowered his head and glanced at his feet, his eyes were cold, and shouted again, “Jade plate, what is going on?”

Inside the silk and satin, Wei Feng hung high in the air, exhausted from blood and dying.

At one end, the purple Phoenix condensed from the blood of her within the body, the broad and huge wings, unfathomable mystery disappeared, and even the body shrank a lot.

Only Shen Feiqing knows that the flying purple Phoenix, the pure demon blood, has flowed into the inner Small World of Asura in the dark area with the secret technique known only by her and the Queen of Silver Moon, and through Soul Sacrifice Orb.

Flowing into that manifestation of Yin God of Queen Your Majesty.

Li Yupan’s Yin God can only be realized by obtaining the blood essence of the monster.

Not illusory!

That’s why the Queen of Silver Moon that controls the Yin God of Soul Sacrifice Orb can condense a round of meniscus out of thin air in the Small World inside Asura, and can use the majestic psychic energy of Heaven and Earth to make the sky full The sharp moonlight blade, capable of raising hands and feet, makes the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth echo.

In addition, the Great Dao rule of Heaven and Earth further suppressed Yu Yuan and Sword Soul.

Wei Feng, whose blood was almost exhausted, was dying in Small World inside the silk.

Her demon blood, from beginning to end, is in the silk and satin, in Soul Sacrifice Orb, in the Inner World of Asura’s eyeballs in the dark realm, but did not dare to be completely exposed to Heaven Profound Continent.

Doing this is for fear of the demon phoenix’s induction.

Now Wei Feng is dying, stripped of his blood, the condensed purple Phoenix has also lost its wings, its size has shrunk sharply, and it is about to exhaust the energy of the monster blood.

Abolished that many thoughts, infused Li Yupan’s Yin God with demon blood, gave him infinite power, and was recognized by Asura in the dark. Shouldn’t she be invincible?

Inside Small World, who and what can stop her?

Shen Feiqing couldn’t figure it out.


The Queen of Silver Moon, who is in charge of Soul Sacrifice Chart, screamed sadly, that thin and slender silhouette moved towards Silvermoon Empire and flew away, “Don’t ask me why, we should have lost.”

Bai Shang and old woman accompany her from left to right. Complexion is the terrifying of gloomy.

Standing on the purple silk, Shen Feiqing was stunned by her words, her eyes were full of confusion, and she was unwilling to accept it!

Seeing the Queen Your Majesty evacuate, not even Yin God cares about it, surrounded by Bai Shang and old women, secretly protected, this Divine Might Empire military commander still refuses to leave.

In her heart, it seems that she is totally unwilling and cannot accept failure!

“Impossible will fail! Absolutely impossible!”

Shen Feiqing’s petite body stomped his feet hard and stepped heavily on the purple silk.

Inside the silk and satin, the much-shrinked purple Phoenix instantly turned into a cloud of purple glow and escaped into it.

She did not inject a trace of demon blood into Soul Sacrifice Orb for the Yin God of Your Majesty to enjoy. Instead, she let herself carry it and let herself have this remaining power.

Heaven and Earth inside the silk and satin, the dying Wei Feng, under her foot, turned into blood mist.

Wei Feng, who has a bloodline of monsters and is not a pure Monster Race, was supposed to be Divine Might Empire Wei Family, and another heaven-shaking, earth-shattering Heaven’s Chosen, died.

The flesh and soul were shattered in the silk and turned into the last ray of strength, blended into Shen Feiqing.


The purple silk and satin floating in the sky turned into a purple bright cloak and draped over her.

At this moment, she has a coquettish beauty, “I want to see if those sword intents can kill me!”

She dropped from the sky, the target was directed towards Yu Yuan in the pothole.

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