Old Demon Huang played Small World in Asura Eyes in the dark, wailing.

He never imagined that he would suffer such a heavy blow after escaping into this different space without distinguishing anything.

After the soul scattered and gathered again for 5 times in a row, his huge soul shadow shrank more than ten times.

He faintly saw that there was a strange thought that was not even a soul, gathered in a cluster, as if observing him, and it also revealed an extremely light and mocking taste.

Finally, after another condensate, the scarlet sword glow like the Tearing Space no longer strikes.

The crimson sword glow that intersects with the “well” is clustered with that thought in the mouth of the “well”.

In Old Demon Huang’s perception, the thoughts in the “well” were so weak that he didn’t even want to swallow them.

But because of the existence of the crimson sword glow, the intruding Old Demon Huang was terrified and afraid to touch, so he could only wait and see from afar.

The crimson sword glow stopped because of Yu Yuan, did not attack Old Demon Huang again, tried to invoke the power of Heaven Soul, and strengthened his own Yu Yuan thoughts with the power of the space below Soul Transformation Pond, and gradually became a fantasy. Unreal shadows.

The shadow of illusion, if it is the real Heaven and Earth outside, it would be difficult to exist.

But inside the eyeballs of Asura in the dark realm, due to the existence of the scarlet sword glow, due to the internal space of the Soul Transformation Pond, it can be formed.

Old Demon Huang suddenly discovered that the illusory shadow that was so weak that it could be ignored was actually the appearance of the not worth mentioning Golden Hall Realm boy when he slipped into his eye.

“Are you here to die?”

The transformed Yu Yuan, shrunk in the center of the sword glow within the “Tic Tac Toe”, exudes a very small consciousness.

Although the consciousness is small, the tone is big.

Old Demon Huang felt instantly and said: “Who are you? Where are you here?”

“My name is Yu Yuan, from the Dark Moon City of the Silvermoon Empire. This is Asura, the Small World in that eyeball. My thoughts are immersed in it, and I can’t get out of it. I can’t perceive the outside world. Outside, it’s now what’s the situation?”

Yu Yuan released his thoughts and said: “I don’t care who you are and how good you are outside. In this Small World, if I want you to die, you will be impossible to survive.”

When he was passing on his consciousness, there were several crimson sword glows, which seemed to respond to him, stab Old Demon Huang.

Once tyrannically abused power in the wasteland, Tong Laoqian and Qi Hongyi, both of Old Demon Huang, were extremely jealous. When they saw the abnormal movement of the scarlet sword glow, their souls almost dispersed again.

“People call me Old Demon Huang, me”

Before thinking about it, the soul who broke in by mistake told Yu Yuan many things.

He and Tong Laoqian, Qi Hongyi, were not in the wasteland. They got other secret information, knowing that the Space Transmission Array built by Spirit Void Sect would be suspended.

Secret information tells that a rare treasure will be born out of nothing.

They had left the wasteland a long time ago, met again, and after a total of them, they sneaked back quietly. After that, he and Tong Laoqian, together with Qi Hongyi went to the pothole, and talked about the scenes they had seen with Yu Yuan in detail.

Tong Laoqian valued Yu Zhu’s floating island, and Qi Hongyi focused on the platinum skull.

Because he is a pure soul, after hearing that Tong Laoqian said that the master of the skull bone was not dead, he was greedy and thought he was strong enough, so he came to take a look.

Then, I ended up in such a situation.

“Old Demon Huang, Tong Laoqian, Qi Hongyi”

Yu Yuan, who was in a different place inside, knew the shadow of the illusion after he became famous.

Liu Ying, I only know the origins of Tong Laoqian and Qi Hongyi, but I don’t know what Old Demon Huang is.

But Yu Yuan from the previous life came here in secret before the untouched land was named.

Moreover, he has a deep understanding of the evil spirits and ghosts that once gathered here, and he has secret contacts

Therefore, he knows Old Demon Huang, Tong Laoqian, Qi Hongyi better than Liu Ying’s Master.

Because these three people are all 3 years ago, they have been here for the great character that Heaven and Earth is famous for!

Pay attention to Old Demon Huang in front of you, Yu Yuan really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and didn’t dare to show his thoughts.

I met him in previous life and Old Demon Huang

When he saw Old Demon Huang, he was still the Divine Medicine Sect Sect Master. He was a noble figure who was all the stars cup themselves around the moon. Although he could not be cultivation, he was a Major Perfection alchemy, enough to make Old Demon Huang Admire.

He still remembered that Old Demon Huang turned into a clear silhouette and pleaded with him.

He couldn’t imagine that he reborn in this life would see Old Demon Huang in the Small World inside Asura’s eyeball in the dark domain.

And the goodbye Old Demon Huang is now in a more miserable situation. He can be obliterated by the crimson sword glow of one after another at any time because of his changing mind.

In addition to Old Demon Huang, Tong Laoqian who is out at the moment, and Qi Hongyi are all acquaintances.

However, neither Old Demon Huang nor the two outsiders can recognize him.

outside world.

A chubby old man with copper coins floating beside him, blinking his eyes, looked at Yu Yuan in the pit and his brown eyes with his fingers nodding.

Qi Hongyi noticed the expressions of Shen Feiqing, Bai Shang and the white-haired old woman.

The two companions of Old Demon Huang knew that they were not good at heart. One of their companions should have spoken out of the way out of recklessness, fearing that it would be difficult to retreat from that alien eyeball.

“Asura’s Eyeball Small World, and its Remnant Soul spiritual wisdom, your friend dare to enter.”

Yan Qiling shook the head, also a face of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, “2 people, do you know what the dark Asura is? If you don’t know, I can”

Did not go on.

Yan Qiling has already seen that Tong Laoqian’s face is shaking because of the four words “Darkland Asura”.

Obviously, besides the fat guy who refining a beautifully broken city, he should know the weight of Asura in the dark, and what an eye in the Asura in the dark means.

“What is Asura?” Qi Hongyi asked.

Tong Laoqian didn’t explain. He wanted to fall back. After getting to know him deeply, he waved his sleeves, wrapped up the 100 coins, and returned to his refining Bejeweled Jade Tower.

Tong Laoqian looked at the giant gourd.

The gourd is still there, and the loose robes worn by Old Demon Huang’s soul are also shaking.

But Old Demon Huang’s soul breath is not left, and it is no longer imperceptible.

“Shen girl, what do you want to do?”

After a while, Tong Laoqian brows tightly knit, putting away the bronze flask, his face is stern and deep, “I can faintly perceive the fluctuations of the soul in Asura’s eyes in the dark realm. He didn’t die completely. Retracted in my own eyes. I have heard something about Asura in the dark domain, and know that once their eyes fall into the vast world, what will happen strangely.”

After a pause, he said, “The barrenness, Spiritual Qi’s barrenness, is it because of this eye?”

“It’s ridiculous. I lived here in Heaven and Earth for 100 years before I was named. But I never thought that the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is indifferent, and it is not made by nature. It’s because of the eyes of a dark Asura!”

“I understand, I finally understand, I understand why Spirit Void Sect is here, and the Space Transmission Array is built!”

One pass 100 passes!

Tong Laoqian realized everything and the truth in the flash of lightning.

For all reasons, he knows Asura in the dark realm, and knows the peculiarities of foreign objects outside the sky!

Tong Laoqian, who broke the truth, took a deep breath, and his expression was getting colder. He said to Shen Feiqing: “Shen girl, we are called the heretical path of the devils, and we were squeezed and suppressed by 3 continents. I used to be complacent and quoted. I am proud of it. I suddenly felt that we are really nothing, not a demon.”

“You are.”

Tong Laoqian’s eyes and tone were extremely cold.

Qi Hongyi listened to the clouds and the mist, and he didn’t know what he said, “Tong Laoqian?”

“They want to wake up the dark Asura!” Tong Laoqian’s shoulders trembling slightly, “One, it should be the dark Asura of Platinum Grade! Remnant Soul and spiritual wisdom are restored. After that Space Transmission Array ceased operation, he He can kill the two nations in one fell swoop! He may even take the opportunity to become stronger, and then easily return to the world before the powerhouses of Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent.”

Qi Hongyi, who was holding a pipa, fell silent when he heard the news.

“I wait for the strength to turn the situation around.” Yan Qiling at this time took the opportunity to speak, “That young man is beheading the Remnant Soul of Asura in the dark realm. We only need to ensure that he is safe and sound at this stage.”

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