All the people of the 7 lower sects, no matter what realm or identity, their souls are shattering.

The person who dropped from the sky, the Imperial Teacher from Scarlet Sun Empire, had a terrifying soul thought, falling down like a 10000000 million burning sharp-edged fire spear.

Yu Yuan, who repaired “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” and made Heaven Soul extremely sensitive, can also feel deeply.

He felt that all the cultivators were dying of their souls.

Very short time.

Yu Yuan, standing on the floating island, looked down and saw no living person.

All of them were killed by Zhou Cangmin’s that white clothed Yin God with too many accomplishments.

Yu Yuan took a deep breath, looking at the white clothed Imperial Teacher who was calm and smiling, with a slight dignified mind.

The prestigious name of this imperial teacher is circulated between Scarlet Sun Empire and Silvermoon Empire. It is regarded as a scourge by all cultivators of Silvermoon Empire.

Yu Yuan has been in contact with him for a long time, and only thinks that he is brilliant and resourceful, not at all seeing him show great battle strength.

Originally, Yu Yuan had some doubts about his strength and determination.

There is no more doubt now!

Worthy of being Scarlet Demon Sect, known as the terrifying existence of the Demon Seed, the gentleness and elegance that this person normally displays is just a superficial phenomenon.

As a giant of demonic path, Zhou Cangmin did not disappoint him when it was time to make a move.

This kind of bold and unrelenting means of killing is in line with Scarlet Demon Sect’s status as a demon species.

Around that Space Transmission Array, there are many fiery holes in the hard ground.

Yu Yuan looked at it and knew that Zhou Cangmin’s soul thought contained blazing fire energy. After blasting and killing many cultivator 7 souls of the 3 lower sects, it still penetrated deep underground.

After the python Xu Zixi, and Yu Zhu teamed up, with the formation of the miasma cloud, 7 pythons did not work at all.

It just confuses cultivators such as Fan He, so that their attention is focused on the 7 pythons and the billowing poisonous smoke, thus ignoring the real soul killer moves from the sky.

“You are always vicious, leaving no room for it.”

Xu Zixi looked at the corpse in the place, gave Zhou Cangmin a white look, and complained: “To the people of the 7 lower sects, knowing that you are so foolish, maybe it will cause them to fight with Scarlet Demon Sect.”

Zhou Cangmin said nonchalantly: “No one will know.”

When the two people were talking, Yu Yuan’s sight fell on the Space Transmission Array again.

In the dense context of the Formation, the black streamer that Yan Qiling turned into is still moving around, making the original each and everyone space formation diagram of the Space Transmission Array congested.

“Why not destroy?” Yu Yuan said.

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Cangmin and Xu Zixi were both stunned.

Xu Zixi said: “A Space Transmission Array built with such a huge amount of manpower and material resources was spent on Spirit Void Sect. It is as solid as a rock and it is not easy to destroy it. If it weren’t for your friend, the superb Space Power, And it’s peculiar, it’s difficult to even destroy it and temporarily stop its operation.”

“The Space Transmission Array in front of you was successfully built under the support of Yang God and the great cultivator of the Free Spirit environment.” Zhou Cangmin interjected, “Change the context of the formation diagram, and it is also your friend’s own uniqueness. If you want to destroy this array, I am afraid that it will be possible if the great cultivator of the digital Free Spirit environment is needed.”

“Unless Scarlet Demon Sect, the powerhouse is all out, and all are pouring in, otherwise there will be no way.”

Zhou Cangmin indifferently smiled, “Our purpose is just to waste the Secret Realm. Destroying such a huge Space Transmission Array is beyond our ability. We did that, Spirit Void Sect and our Scarlet Demon Sect, immediately It is irreconcilable. Killing a few cultivators of them, even if they are known, will not trigger a two sects irreconcilable battle.”

I didn’t go into details, but Yu Yuan also understood. He knew that compared with a Space Transmission Array, the lives of Fan He and the others were actually not at all so important.

After a while, the black streamer that Yan Qiling turned into flew away from the Space Transmission Array.

Yan Qiling condensed his appearance again and landed on the floating island, saying: “The people of Spirit Void Sect know that there is something wrong with this Space Transmission Array. It will take a long time to repair it completely. We have enough time to Move around in the wild, looking for the buried Secret Realm.”

Zhou Cangmin nodded, took a look at Yu Zhu.

Yu Zhu knows her heart.

The miasma and smoke that flew away from the island quickly gathered and rushed in. After such a period of stagnation, the island flew silently into the void again.

Yu Yuan immediately knew that Yu Zhu should know the most accurate position of Shen Feiqing’s ban.

Yan Qiling has a lot of wonders in itself that can make the Space Transmission Array of Spirit Void Sect inoperable, and Yu Zhu fits in with the inexhaustible Great Dao, and can perceive the subtle changes in the horns.

Zhou Cangmin and Xu Zixi found him and got the help of Yan Qiling and Yu Zhu. In Heaven and Earth, it is so convenient to act immediately.

Far away in the sky, a glorious icy light flees in a flash.

Zhou Cangmin frowned, and said: “Fei Qing actually missed.”

“The guy from Cold Yin Sect must have a life-saving Rare Item, otherwise, facing such a state of Feiqing, he should not get out of it.” Xu Zixi groaned for a moment, and said, “Will something happen?”

The white clothed Imperial Teacher hesitated for a few seconds, then glanced at Yan Qiling, and said, “Mr. Yan, may you help me?”

“Are you going to kill that Zou Jin?” Yan Qiling asked.

“My Yin God is not bound by flesh and blood, coming and going like rainbows and lightning. If you cut one slightly, and can reach the void channel where Zou Jin escaped, I can stop him.” Zhou Cangmin believed.

“You are just Yin God, and Zou Jin is like you, and it is also Soul Wonder Realm.” Yan Qiling said solemnly.

The white clothed Imperial Teacher carefreely smiled, “My real body is about to condense into Yang God. Although it is also Soul Wonder Realm, many things are different.”

Yan Qiling thought for a while, expressed his admiration, and nodded: “Okay.”

A bright white light caused a strong spatial shock, bursting out from the gap between the palms of his two hands.

Different light is long and narrow, like a split space.

Underneath, the space context array that he had tampered with was shocked.

“I’ll go first.”

The white clothed Imperial Teacher chuckled lightly, shrank into a beam, parallel to the strange light, lasing forward.

2 Lights, at a certain moment, suddenly come together into one.

Then, the moment disappeared.

“Mr. Yan, just inside the Space Transmission Array of Spirit Void Sect, it seems like a plentiful harvest.” Xu Zixi, the queen of python, looked at Yan Qiling, who was spreading his two hands together and condensed into white light disappeared, said: ” The Space Transmission Array of Spirit Void Sect, the power hidden in the space context, you just collected it. Are you afraid of being found by Spirit Void Sect?”

“I’m afraid of death, I won’t come to waste.” Yan Qiling said.

“Mr. Yan, take the liberty to ask, what was your name in Falling Moon Forbidden Land before?” Xu Zixi squinted and said with interest: “The Great Demon who was suppressed and imprisoned in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, I am more I understand. But I have not at all heard of it, and I have never seen it, exist like you.”

Yan Qiling expression cold, “No comment.”

“I’m just curious, Mr. Yan, don’t mind.” Xu Zixi laughed.

At this moment, Yu Yuan saw Yu Zhu next to him, with strange light flowing in his pupils.

A wisp, originating from her heart and soul, fell into Yu Yuan’s heart lake.

Yu Yuan instantly learned that the Star Moon Sect genius who controlled the Falling Star Eye, in the high sky, borrowed the magic of the Falling Star Eye, and also saw the restriction.

Moreover, they have arrived one step earlier.

“Liu Ying, did you kill it too?” Yan Qiling said suddenly.

“No!” Xu Zixi said hurriedly.

Yan Qiling ignored her and looked at Yu Yuan instead.

“Keep her life.”

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