Bai Shang’s eyes were hollow and his expression was numb, not salty or indifferent, when he said something like this.

Except for him, no one else could see Yu Yuan’s current state.

Even Qin Yun, who had been Seven Gods Sect, a Sect’s Master, tried to probe with Yin God’s soul, but Yin God was stabbed with a needle and was forced to give up.

Everyone couldn’t see the realm cultivation base, and couldn’t sense the depth of Qi and blood. Bai Shang waited and watched for a while, and said something coldly.

“Who is this?”

Su Yan in a green dress robe, with picturesque eyebrows, with bright eyes flowing in the divine light of inquiry, looking at strangers curiously, “You said Big Brother Yu, just a blink of an eye, it breaks through the realm, is that true?”

Wei Feng, Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu are also not convinced.

Even for them, the famous innate talent is amazing, and Golden Hall Realm’s break is not just a snap.

Among the crowd, Zhao Yafu, who broke the border the fastest, also has a deep accumulation.

Yuan Lianyao and Qin Yun both sensed earlier that Yu Yuan’s Golden Hall Small World is still a long way from being filled with Spiritual Qi.

How can it be so fast?

“You have 3 words and 2 words, inside”

Bai Shang glanced at Yu Yuan in the white mist, and said, “Inside, more than ten days have passed. You don’t see it real, and your soul and thoughts are unfathomable, because the space he is in is not in us. Right now.”

This remark is quite esoteric.

However, those who reach a certain realm have awakened in an instant.

Li Yuchan is one of the very few people who know his identity. Of course, he is convinced of his judgments and statements, so he understands, nodded and said: “so that’s how it is.”

She nodded in agreement, and the others, after thinking about it, all looked surprised.

“Ancient Desolate Void World True Art by Ancient Desolate Sect is so powerful. No wonder that there was a saying. The most flourishing period of Ancient Desolate Sect was the first of the 7 lower sects.” Su Yan was slightly surprised.

“When the Ancient Desolate Sect is strongest, it is a lot higher than the Ranked 2nd Spirit Void Sect.”

Suddenly a stranger approached quietly, with a solemn expression, looking at Yu Yuan at this moment.

Su Yan hurried over to salute.

The person here is Yang Yinquan from Extreme Abyss Sect, and Su Xiangtian is with him.

The rest of the cultivators of Extreme Abyss Sect were still standing there, and did not follow him to find Su Yan and the others.

“Ancient Desolate Sect was once possible, like Sword Sect, Primal Yang Sect and Profound Heaven Sect, to become the three upper sects.” Yang Yinquan said here, with awe, “Because Ancient Desolate Sect is the strongest When I was old, the Primordial Spirit Realm was born!”

“Primordial Spirit!”

“Ancient Desolate Sect, there used to be Primordial Spirit Realm?”

“Really? Isn’t it true that there are only three upper sects that are the Peak cultivator of Primordial Spirit Realm?”

“Primordial Spirit is the ultimate of our Human Race cultivation, won’t it never die?”

“God! Ancient Desolate Sect, the Primordial Spirit was born!”

One stone stirred up 1000 waves. After Yang Yinquan’s words, the juniors surrounding Yu Yuan suddenly clamored.

Today, the Spirit Void Sect, which is known as the top of the 7 lower sects, does not appear in the Primordial Spirit Realm.

The three upper sects are called the three upper sects, aloof and remote, and their status is unshakable, because the three upper sects have the ultimate cultivator of Primordial Spirit Realm.

Moreover, there may be more than one person in each case.

Soul Wonder Realm, Yang God realm, Free Spirit realm, is still restricted by Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and has an end of life.

Primordial Spirit, the legend is Eternal Undying.

In Tianyuan Continent, the ranking of sect forces is not unchangeable.

The current Profound Heaven Sect, Sword Sect and Primal Yang Sect, when establishing the sect, even the lower sect can’t even be mentioned.

It is through countless years of quenching and grinding, thousands of years, and 1000 years of accumulation, that it has such a grand occasion, which is called upper sect.

Before them, Tianyuan Continent also existed, and other upper sects.

Some upper sects were replaced by new sects, and some upper sects, due to various reasons, lost their immersion and never recovered their glory.

The easiest and most straightforward way to measure upper sect and lower sect is to see if the sect has a Primordial Spirit Level cultivator!

If there is Primordial Spirit Realm, those who have not been recognized by the other upper sects, and have not been awed by all the lower sects, may not be able to be listed in the upper sect.

However, if there is no Primordial Spirit Realm, a sect is absolutely impossible to become an upper sect.

Primordial Spirit Realm is a necessary condition for the upper sect!

At the time of Ancient Desolate Sect pinnacle, there was even a Primordial Spirit Realm great cultivator sitting in it, and it really has the possibility to become an upper sect like Sword Sect, Primal Yang Sect, Profound Heaven Sect.

“It’s a pity that the Primordial Spirit great cultivator was confirmed to have died in Outland.”

Yang Yinquan sighed with emotion, and it seemed to be quite regretful, “The great cultivator of Primordial Spirit Level, the so-called Eternal Undying, refers to the end of life limit. But if he is surrounded by the existence of the same level, he will be surrounded by the same powerful outer domain. Heavenly demon, the patriarch of the different races join forces to attack and kill, and they will die.”

He didn’t continue to say the following words. But everyone understands it.

A Primordial Spirit Realm powerhouse, born from Ancient Desolate Sect and expected to push Ancient Desolate Sect to upper sect, suffered an unnatural death in the depths of the Outland Star River, and fell silent.

“That person, Spirit Art of cultivation?” Li Yuchan said strangely.

Yang Yinquan gently nodded, said: “It is the Ancient Desolate Void World True Art!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone naturally looked under the night sky and fought hard against Jiang Moyan and Zou Jin, the petite army commander.

Who would have thought that the “Ancient Desolate Void World True Art” listed by Ancient Desolate Sect as Taboo Technique is the key to promoting Ancient Desolate Sect and almost making this sect the upper sect seat?

With such a powerful Spirit Art, why did Ancient Desolate Sect no longer allow later generations to cultivation?

Shen Feiqing’s Master, why hasn’t he returned in Outland? And why did Shen Feiqing, who was originally a genius of Ancient Desolate Sect Legendary, become an outcast and expelled by sect?

Too many doubts, lingering in the hearts of everyone.

When Yang Yinquan came over and told the grand occasion of Ancient Desolate Sect, Bai Shang, who had spoken before, seemed to be invisible again, standing still in the corner without saying a word.

But Yang Yinquan, but always looked at him.

Bai Shang’s face was indifferent.

“Ancient Desolate Sect and our Extreme Abyss Sect are an alliance and have a very close relationship.” Yang Yinquan each minding their own business continued to speak, “Those terrible gaps in space, avoiding our Extreme Abyss Sect, I am grateful.”

He glanced at the sky.

He knows that Shen Feiqing, who is slaughter all sides, must know the secrets of Ancient Desolate Sect and Extreme Abyss Sect at this moment, so it is clear that Extreme Abyss Sect is also one of the seven cases, but no one was killed by mistake.

Also in this brief moment!

Jiang Moyan of Thunder Sect, a thunder and lightning cloak, is like a huge Yin God of the thunderbolt god, which is cut open by gaps in space.

Jiang Moyan screamed, the jade belt around his waist, and the suspended silver balls, burst one after another.

Each explosion is like a star condensed by thunder and lightning, exploding and disappearing from the sky.

When Jiang Moyan Yin God wanted to escape, the void suddenly solidified.

A silhouette of black and white, with an alternative skin tone, and a handsome appearance, suddenly appeared.

With his two hands changing, he cast a series of curse seals, which turned into a gorgeous light ball, suppressing the space where Jiang Moyan was located, and making the void freeze.

Let it go, those gaps in space continue to cruise, cutting Jiang Moyan’s Yin God into pieces.

Jiang Moyan’s Yin God splits and splits instantly, escaping into different gaps in space.

“It’s him!”

“The black and white boy who was by Yu Yuan’s side during the ban!”

“Why is he here?”

Zhan Tianxiang, Su Yan and Zhao Yafu, who had the Falling Moon Forbidden Land trialist, all screamed that they were impossible to bear.

Li Yuchan, as well as Li Yu, Yuan Lianyao and the others who are still on Cloudwing Boat, have also seen Yan Qiling and were shocked.

Shocked, Yan Qiling has become so strong after a year!

I was also shocked that Yan Qiling suddenly appeared and joined forces with Shen Feiqing to limit Jiang Moyan’s escape space and put Jiang Moyan to death!

Both Yan Qiling and Yu Yuan are well aware of the relationship. When Yan Qiling appeared, many people immediately settled their guesses.

Yu Yuan and Shen Feiqing have long colluded together!

Looking at Yu Yuan again, he was wrapped in the white mist of Spiritual Qi, swallowing it heartily, the pure power from nowhere, at a stepping speed, to the tempering Golden Hall Small World, they all felt that they had come to understand. .

“He should use continuously spirit strength to carry out the pioneering transformation of Lower Dantian.”

Zhao Yafu squinted his eyes with a sweet and lovely smile, and said, “Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage, every additional round of condensing means that the innate talent is better than ordinary people. 3 After refining, ordinary cultivator can advance to Golden The late Hall Realm. 5 exercises can be called the genius of the road of cultivation.”

As soon as these words came out, people who crossed the Golden Hall Realm and knew this stage of mysterious were all touched.

Whether it is in Tianyuan Continent or Nirvana Continent, the tempering reconstruction of Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage is the top priority!

Many times, a few exercises at this stage can often determine the future status in the sect.

Yu Yuan was born in Dark Moon City. So far, he has not shown the super cultivation innate talent to the world.

Golden Hall Realm Middle-Stage, after a few rounds of tempering and reconstruction, stepping into the later stage, is the most intuitive manifestation of innate talent.

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