The gap in space that flew away from Shen Feiqing’s side turned twists and turns when Wei Wujiang spoke.

”Xiu! xiu xiu! ”

The Cold Yin Sect disciple carefully cared by Liu Wei, and the Lei Xiao in the late Nuance realm, including another Thunder Sect disciple, were torn into pieces by the space gap in an instant.

Under Yin God, the death of fleshy body is real death.

Only after stepping into the Yin God realm, the fleshy body bursts, and after Yin God escapes, there is hope and possibility of regeneration.

Liu Wei and Lei Xiao, including the two Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect’s disciplines, did not enter the Yin God, their body was cut into two pieces, and they were already dead.

There is no hope of survival.

A weird smile appeared at the corner of Yu Yuan’s mouth, and he glanced at Ning Ji from a distance.

Ning Ji was excited, clenched his fists secretly, pupil light excited.

When he attacked Dark Burst Realm, it was Liu Wei of Cold Yin Sect who had calculated him!

He thought that he would never see Liu Wei’s death in his entire life. He could only look up at Liu Wei, watch Liu Wei’s realm getting higher and higher, stepping into the Yin God realm, and living in Cold Yin Sect.

He felt that there was no hope of revenge in this life.

But now, Liu Wei, who he regarded as his arch enemy, is the first to die!


The gap in the space where Liu Wei and Lei Xiao were beheaded did not stop, and then flew to Hidden Dragon Lake, where the Dragon Waiters gathered.

All the Dragon Waiters were panicked.

In the night sky, the two Soul Wonder great cultivators from Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect have a heavy expression.

The deaths of Liu Wei, Lei Xiao and the others, not at all disturbed Jiang Moyan and Zou Jin’s mood, they all maintained absolute spiritual wisdom.

Soul Wonder Realm people like them treat Liu Wei, Lei Xiao, and even Yin God without advanced same sect, but they don’t pay much attention to it.

Without advanced Yin God, in Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect, they are marginal figures.

After all, Liu Wei and Thunder Sect are not shocking and stunning like Liu Ying. As long as they don’t die halfway, they are destined to inherit the key characters of Star Moon Sect.

Therefore, even those people who are the same sect will die if they die.

Jiang Moyan and Zou Jin were just staring at Shen Feiqing’s Liqiao Yin God, secretly guarding, to impose a Heaven and Earth ban, so that Shen Feiqing’s Yin God could not escape too quickly.

In fact, Shen Feiqing’s Yin God was out of the body, which was originally expected.

What they expect is also this moment!

If Yin God is out of the body, it means that Shen Feiqing has already known that it is a desperate situation, knowing that he is about to suffer the backlash of “Ancient Desolate Void World True Art” and is desperate, so he wants to protect himself with Yin God.

This one Yin God, should I escape to Secret Realm?

Also in the sky, Level 7 Silver Frost Dragon, silver light bright longan, looking at a gap in space, cruising like electricity among those Dragon Waiters, a little confused.

First Liu Wei and Lei Xiao died, and now it is the Dragon Waiter of Hidden Dragon Lake. Wouldn’t it be a coincidence?


It is another shining gap in space, which is more narrow and bright, like a sharp blade.

That gap in space, as if by Shen Feiqing’s side, was moved by a force.

The shining gap in space flew out from Shen Feiqing that separated Yin God in an instant, and suddenly slashed towards the golden treasure ship where Wei Wujiang and the others were.

“Flash! Get out of the way!”

“Fool! Get out!”

Several young nobles from Wei Wujiang and Divine Might Empire yelled and looked pale as paper.

In the corner of the treasure ship, Wei Feng with his head down, his face calm and calm.

She is looking forward to

The narrow and bright space gap, like a huge light blade, cuts towards the golden treasure ship.

That one, the flying Spiritual Artifact that Divine Might Empire has spent a lot of money to build, suddenly, covered with golden light!

Layers, like rays of light like sticky golden water, wrapped the treasure ship.

One after another, the stable array engraved on the hull opened one after another.

That golden treasure ship, in the night sky, bloomed with dazzling golden brilliance. At least a dozen strange and complicated formation diagrams can be seen, one after another emerges, revealing a majestic and inviolable breath.

But in the gap in that space, such as when a light blade cuts down, all the stable formation diagrams, as solid as golden glow, are as fragile as thin paper.

It was torn apart in an instant.


The hull made of dozens of gold and iron meteorites, thousands hammers, hundred refinements, is cut apart by the gap in space.

This gilded treasure ship built by Divine Might Empire disintegrated in the air!

When the complicated formation diagram and the hull were split, Wei Wujiang and the people on the ship were already escaping.

No one cares about Wei Feng for Life and Death Trial.

Wei Feng shrank in the corner, watching the hull being cut by the space gap, motionless.

She looked at the bright blade of light, and when she was approaching her, she magically adjusted its angle.

The space gap passed half a meter from her feet, cutting the flying Spiritual Artifact that the empire was proud of, into pieces, 7 and 8 drops.

Wei Feng looked happy, secretly thought: Military Commander, good job!

She knew very well that this gilded treasure ship spent the treasury, how many years of wealth, to make this flying Spiritual Artifact come to life.

The gilt treasure ship carrying the pride and glory of the empire was destroyed by the commander of the Black Tiger Army at her feet, making her suffocation and the suffering of fleeing during this period of time seem to have a catharsis.

A cheerful smile filled her eyes, and she sank with a shattered hull.

“It’s really miserable.”

Yuan Lianyao’s emotional voice taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune suddenly rang in Yu Yuan’s ears.

This charming and charming “Blazing Red Blood Lotus”, I don’t know when it got up, and it was already standing beside me.

With her red lips pursed, a pair of beautiful eyes of an attracting spirit seizing soul looked brilliantly with profound meaning.

“What do I do?” Yu Yuan asked with a guilty conscience.

Wang Jinlin of Spirit Void Sect, carrying the “you gold”, separated several meters. He wanted to take the opportunity to attack Yu Yuan, but when the gap in that space got out of control, he had no idea to kill Yu Yuan.

He just wants to figure out the situation now, just want to stay away from those terrible gaps as much as possible.

When Yuan Lianyao came, he thought about it secretly, and then quietly retreated.

Instead, he began to worry that the Sir City Lord of Dark Moon City would cooperate with Yu Yuan and attack him.

At this moment, the situation is chaotic and the people’s hearts are treacherous, but they are the Senior door of Spirit Void Sect, thinking that Space Transmission Array is in their hands, and they are sure to win, not at all eager to mix.

No one defended the way, and “You Jin” dropped the chain at a critical moment, making Wang Jinlin really afraid to be cautious.

As soon as he left, Yu Yuan, who spoke to Yuan Lianyao, chuckled astonished.

“Look at him, isn’t he a master of Daoist Chong Xiao? Why is he more afraid than me?” Pointing to Wang Jinlin, Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao said, “City Lord elder sister, do you think this is called Wu Mei? Is there a Secret Realm in the ghost place of the ruins? And if there is a Secret Realm, how many people do you think will die?

Yuan Lianyao froze for a moment, then lowered his voice suddenly, “You also know that there is Secret Realm?”

Yu Yuan nodded with a smile.


At this moment, the Li Baixiong from the Black Tiger Army screamed.

Riding a black beast in armor, a soldier of the Black Tiger Army suddenly rushed to the dense bushes to kill the hidden cultivator farther from the lake.

“Who else?” Yu Yuan surprisedly said.

“Besides Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect, there are also some sect forces. Some people have arrived and have a bad heart.” Yuan Lianyao replied, staring at him unmovingly, and said: “In Lake Heart Island, that is called Shen Feiqing, does it have anything to do with you?”

“I don’t know each other, don’t think about it.” Yu Yuan said.


Li Yuchan turned into a flash of ice and stood beside him, staring at him with suspicion.

ps: I exercised yesterday, I didn’t warm up enough, and my waist was strained. I was tossing all morning. I squatted down and got pain when I sat up. It’s a chapter today. Let’s watch it slowly.

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