In the sky, there are two Soul Wonder great cultivators from Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect.

There is a Level 7 Silver Frost Dragon, a fallen star, and a Divine Might Empire cultivator on a gilt treasure ship.

They are all looking down.

Wang Jinlin of Spirit Void Sect, in the Nuance realm, possesses a “golden” blade, how could he lose?

Everyone thinks that Yu Yuan, who came from Dark Moon City when he was young, might have been provoked by Wang Jinlin, unfathomable mystery.

Because between the two, there should not be any deep hatred.

Everyone also felt that Yu Yuan’s provocation would only be tragically killed by Wang Jinlin.

The Young Master of the trifling Dark Moon City Yu Family was killed by Daoist Chong Xiao’s discipline, and Yu Yuan himself went mad and died.

Yu Family, even if it is understood, what can it do?

Behind Wang Jinlin is Yang God great cultivator Daoist Chong Xiao and Spirit Void Sect!

Powerful like Su Family, like Su Yan, who was a bit insulted by Wang Jinlin, don’t you still want to submit to humiliation?

Can result

No one could have expected that Wang Jinlin, who was two realm taller and condensed in Spiritual Consciousness, looked at each other with Yu Yuan, and fell completely at a disadvantage!

Wang Jinlin’s pupils were bleeding, and he didn’t even notice when the two Evil Spirits collided!


Two Evil Spirits slammed into Wang Jinlin’s body and escaped suddenly.

Yi Enter to Wang Jinlin within the body!

The moment the Evil Spirit entered the body, Wang Jinlin was shocked. The “Youjin” and pieces of golden dragon scales that he held tightly in his hands suddenly bloomed with a striking brilliance.


The painful dragon roar screamed, and it sounded from the “golden” Spirit Sword.

Piece by piece, the golden dragon scales of “you gold” are integrated, flying away from the sword body, turning into pure golden feather light, flying into Wang Jinlin within the body one after another.

Wang Jinlin Middle Dantian Mysterious Gate, if the gate opens, the blood rushes out.

Qi and blood flow and golden dragon scales are injected, making Wang Jinlin’s within the body, like a five-clawed Golden Dragon that suddenly emerges.

High in the sky, the two great cultivators of Soul Wonder Realm, the human-like Silver Frost Dragon, and Liu Ying who hold the Falling Star Eyes can all see the magic in Wang Jinlin’s flesh.

They could see that in Wang Jinlin’s flesh and blood, there were suddenly 2 Five Clawed Golden Dragons.

Those two Five Clawed Golden Dragons, attracted by Yu Yuan’s “Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art”, and “Evil Spirit” gathered together, were torn apart within the body of Wang Jinlin.

Five Clawed Golden Dragon is one of the Divine Ability transformed from “Youjin”.

There is no need for Wang Jinlin to use his soul to impede movement, as long as he senses that his master is in danger, he will spontaneously help.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for Five Clawed Golden Dragon to do nothing!

Because, in those two Five Clawed Golden Dragons within the body illusion, they are branded with densely packed earth spirit patterns.

Many spiritual imprints originate from Daoist Chong Xiao, Wang Jinlin’s mentor!

After a while, Wang Jinlin was full of golden rays of light, with patches of golden scales flashing out suddenly from under the flesh of his waist and abdomen.


When Wang Jinlin gasped naturally, many weird powers that did not belong to him, which infringed his flesh and blood, were quietly dissipated.

Evil Spirit was easily resolved by “Youjin”.

From beginning to end, Wang Jinlin himself did not at all contribute.

Scattered around the lake, the cultivators of the sect forces from all sides stared at the battle of the two people, and they did not take action.

Among those present, Senior from Wang Jinlin Spirit Void Sect has not yet appeared.

Out of trust in Wang Jinlin and the principle of fairness, people who befriend Spirit Void Sect choose to wait and see the changes.

Yu Yuan, with deep and gloomy eyes, borrowed the power of the Small World inside the Soul Transformation Pond and the four ancient black characters to clearly see that the two Evil Spirits were transformed into Five Clawed Golden Dragons, which were easily cut. Extinct.

He was not discouraged, and smiled brilliantly again, “What a sharp blade.”

His eyes were always fixed on Wang Jinlin, and his arm joints suddenly moved.

Green, black, deep purple, 10000000 points of broken light, like in an instant, sputtering from his pores.

Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art runs at full capacity, mobilized by Yu Zhu, and temporarily gifted by her, the many strange abilities hidden in the wasteland are ignited by the domineering Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art.


Like a beam of sword light, he shoots straight at Wang Jinlin.


Wang Jinlin was hit hard by him, with golden light all over his body, fire star splashing.

Yu Yuan, who was bare-handed, immediately took the opportunity to move towards Wang Jinlin and handed his fists after a collision.

With each punch delivered, the intent of the fist was refined into a brilliant stream of 1000 threads and 10000 threads. With the blessing of “Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art”, the hong long long rang and hit Wang Jinlin’s body.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of punches fell like rain.

Wang Jinlin’s body, like a red-hot soldering iron hit by a giant hammer, spattered with small golden glow.

Every time Yu Yuan punches, there are pieces of golden dragon scales, which happen to gather and appear under his skin, making Wang Jinlin’s beating skin as strong as black iron and gold.

With a punch, Wang Jinlin was fine with the slightest skin injury.

On the contrary, it is Yu Yuan. Even if he uses “Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art”, even if he is heavier than any cultivator of the same level, his fists are heavier, and his hand bones are still sore.

“Youjin” mysterious, a piece of golden dragon scales, contains the essence of the remaining flesh and blood of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

After Wang Jinlin’s mentor, Daoist Chong Xiao refining the “Youjin”, the magic of the “Youjin” was enough to protect Wang Jinlin through many dangerous catastrophes.

Sky, Earth, and Human 3 Wang Jinlin whose soul is controlled, blurred and muddleheaded.

But he relied on “Youjin”, motionless, and let Yu Yuan beat him without any damage.

Every shot of Yu Yuan was like strikes on the strong dragon scales of a Level 7 Five Clawed Golden Dragon, leaving no trace on Wang Jinlin’s body.

If Wang Jinlin was sober, he might have laughed at him a long time ago and laughed at his overestimate one’s capabilities.

“Daoist Chong Xiao, I love this discipline very much. He killed a Five Clawed Golden Dragon and refined it into a Taoist artifact.” Lei Xiao of Thunder Sect looked at Yu Yuan’s strikes, Wang Jinlin completely motionless, impossible to bear admired, “Golden Dragon at level 7, this is a powerful Dragon Race comparable to our Soul Wonder great cultivator level.”

He subconsciously glanced at the sky.

In the night, starlight gleamed, and the bright moon quietly jumped out.

On the other side, the Silver Frost Dragon from Hidden Dragon Lake, the body after its transformation, is covered by silver dragon scales.

Such as wearing a natural silver bright dragon armor.

She listened to Lei Xiao’s words, looked at Wang Jinlin within the body, the golden dragon scales that emerged one after another, a flash of pain flashed deep in her eyes.

Her heart is also full of sadness.

Dragon Race has a long lifespan, which is a well-known fact.

After the defeat, Dragon Race lurked in the deep sea, cherishing life on each end, staying simple and not daring to be exposed too much.

She and the Five Clawed Golden Dragon actually knew each other, and they had a lot of friendship when they were young dragons.

When she learned that the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, when she was out for activities, was “cut the dragon” by Daoist Chong Xiao because she provoke the Spirit Void Sect, she was extremely angry and thought of revenge.

Unfortunately, she was dissuaded by the wise men of the clan and presented the cold facts, which extinguished her anger.

She has come here forever. She never thought that she would meet Wang Jinlin and the “you gold” in Wang Jinlin’s hands. Didn’t expect to smell the familiar dragon’s breath.

Seeing that Yu Yuan’s repeated beatings fell on the dragon scales of the blood essence of her deceased, she felt sad.

She suddenly felt that whether it was Yu Yuan or Wang Jinlin, it was very eye-catching.

In the dark, she seemed to still hear the squeaky howl of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

Of course she knew that the Dragon scales of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon and the dragon soul forcibly confined in the “Youjin” were all refining by Daoist Chong Xiao, and many spiritual patterns were imposed.

After watching it for a while, the more she watched, the more irritable she became, and it was almost impossible to bear.

“It’s not fair.”

A cold voice suddenly rang out of time.

A Qingyou dagger suddenly flew to Yu Yuan’s side, and stopped like that.

“Profound Azure Sword!”

Yu Yuan glanced at it and exclaimed softly, following the voice, he saw an acquaintance.

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