The commander of the Black Tiger Army, who is like an electric rainbow, shot through the sunset like a burning cloud.

After the electric rainbow, a Silver Frost Dragon chased after him.

Another thundercloud, a ball of light mixed with broken ice, is also rolling in the void.

Fragments of black venom, the size of a fingernail, were constantly falling off from the army commander.

The heavy black armor, after this fierce battle, was overwhelmed and finally burst.

The longan of Silver Frost Dragon, the icy and excited rays of light gleaming, like 2 groups of burning ice-cold fireworks, looks very scary in the evening sky.

As soon as the Silver Frost Dragon moved, many Dragon Waiters in Hidden Dragon Lake were still alive.

“The disadvantage of Ancient Desolate Void World True Art is here!”

“Shen Feiqing, is about to suffer the strength of Backlash, everyone is ready!”

“Catch up!”

For a time, all corners of the world, the cultivator secretly watching this battle, were all in action.

That one, the divine light gilt treasure ship, also suddenly soared into the sky in a certain area.

The gilt treasure ship, adjusting its direction and angle, followed the army commander who turned into an electric rainbow.

On the treasure ship, Wei Feng hung his head and shrank at the corner of the ship.

She was calm, as if she had accepted her fate, did not struggle, and did not want to bite her tongue and kill herself.

Wei Wujiang of Divine Might Empire and Wang Jinlin of Spirit Void Sect stood side by side at the bow of the ship.

2 People squinted, staring at the electric rainbow that Shen Feiqing had turned into, with an excited expression.

“Brother Wei, if you are in Wuyi, you will really find Secret Realm and open it.” Wang Jinlin smiled and said, “Does Brother Wei represent Divine Might Empire or Thunder Sect?”

There are many cultivators standing behind Wei Wujiang. Hearing this, they all seem to be subconsciously.

Those cultivators, people from Divine Might Empire, have nothing to do with Thunder Sect.

Wei Wujiang is a member of the Wei Family, the younger generation of the Imperial Family, but it is also the personal biography of the Thunder Sect Sect Master. Although Thunder Sect and Divine Might Empire have always had a good relationship, it involves Secret Realm…

“Sect!” Wei Wujiang said without the slightest hesitation.

Those who came from Divine Might Empire frowned secretly when he said this.

As the imperial royal family, they learned that Secret Realm profound mystery, not for the sake of the imperial family, only had sect in their hearts, which made them unhappy, thinking about telling Your Majesty.

Wei Wujiang turned a blind eye to them, but said sincerely, “Brother Wang, with the Formation of your Spirit Void Sect, the powerhouse of the Great Sect of Tianyuan Continent is very convenient to enter and exit. But there is no space left. It does not belong to Divine Might Empire and Silvermoon Empire. The Secret Realm discovered here, Divine Might Empire also has no right to grab food.”

Although born in Divine Might Empire, Wei Wujiang knows very well that Tianyuan Continent’s 7 lower sects are absolutely impossible for Divine Might Empire to take a share!

If he represents Divine Might Empire and Wei Family, what would Wang Jinlin not say to him?


He also knows that Spirit Void Sect is plotting the Secret Realm that has been exhausted, not a day or two.

The Space Transmission Array was built in Wuwudi because of the long-term plan of Spirit Void Sect. It was determined that Secret Realm existed in Wuwuyi and it was chosen here.

As long as Secret Realm exists and is opened, Spirit Void Sect has Space Transmission Array, which is a big advantage.

Not to mention the 7 lower sects, let the other 3 upper sects know that if you want to explore the Secret Realm, I am afraid you still need to rely on the Space Transmission Array.

Borrowing the Space Transmission Array of Spirit Void Sect, Sword Sect, Profound Heaven Sect and Primal Yang Sect, also give Spirit Void Sect face.

Therefore, with the Space Transmission Array in hand, once Secret Realm is turned on, Spirit Void Sect will surely take advantage.

After going to Thunder Sect, Wei Wujiang only learned that Tianyuan Continent’s sect forces viewed Heaven Profound Continent’s empire like a vassal.

vast world, a powerful sect force, above the empire!

Since ancient times, that’s it!

Wei Wujiang knows that the three upper sects and the seven lower sect-like tyrannical sect forces have a terrifying background and battle strength!

If it weren’t for the Great Empire and Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent’s sect forces, the arrival of any Yang God could cause an empire to suffer incalculable damage.

Yang God like this, the Free Spirit and Primordial Spirit Realm have even more powerful power.

In the eyes of the real big cultivator, they are the Guardian of the vast world. It is them and many sect forces that protect the vast world from the outer heavenly demon and the alien race of the stars.

Heaven Profound Continent, the Great Empire, are just maintaining the operation of the mortal kingdom for them.

Deep in one’s heart, they look at the Your Majesty kings of the Great Empire, like their housekeeper…

Wei Wujiang went to Tianyuan Continent, got in touch with Thunder Sect, and other sect cultivators, and realized this fact.

Therefore, between sect and the imperial family, he didn’t need to think about it at all and stood on the side of sect.

His gaze fell on the surging thundercloud, and his heart said Soul Wonder powerhouse. There are more than a dozen people in only one Thunder Sect, and there are also five people in the higher Yang God.

In addition, Thunder Sect also has 2 great cultivators of Free Spirit, who are stationed outside the sky all year round.

But it is Thunder Sect, such a terrifying background, only 7 lower sect.

Among the 7 lower sects, Thunder Sect is just mid-stream.

The Divine Might Empire behind him, the cultivator of the Great Family, are all a frog in well.

Trifling Mortal Realm, why dare to snatch Secret Realm with sect?


In Lake Heart Island, Yu Yuan stood up straight from a sitting posture suddenly.

The figure has always been, a free and easy imposing manner, naturally released.

He smiled slightly at Su Yan, nodded to Su Xiangtian, gently nodded, “Meet again.”

Around the island, the bear-like soldier of the Black Tiger Army,

He raised his head silently and looked into the distance, like a rainbow of meteors in the daytime, the tiger’s eyes burst into light.

He shouted hoarsely.

All the Black Tiger Army fighters stood up abruptly, holding the lance long spear tightly.

one after another crimson arrogance spewed out from the lance and long spear in their hands, making the entire lake instantly filled with majestic qi and blood abilities.

At this moment, a lot of people have a feeling.

After staring at them for several seconds, beams of eyes suddenly looked towards Yu Yuan and Liu Ying.

To be precise, the void spiritual grass that looked towards Yu Yuan and Liu Ying 2 was the void spiritual grass that was not yet fully mature.

Liu Ying astonished, through the singularity of the falling star, she could see the crimson blood, as thin as a gossamer, coming from all directions of the Black Tiger Army soldiers and spears on the lakeside.

Yijin, the void spiritual grass beside her and Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan smiled suddenly, facing the headed Black Tiger Army strong man, gently nodded.

A bear-like soldier with a violent breath, the eyes under the mask are as sharp as a goshawk, cold and merciless.

He hesitated for a few seconds, as if he had received any instructions, but nodded in reply.

Liu Ying was astonished. “You, do you know him?”

“First acquaintance.” Yu Yuan smiled.

Silvermoon Empire, the current Patriarch Su Xiangtian of Su Family, at this time, looking at Yu Yuan in Lake Heart Island, suddenly felt a very strange feeling of awkwardness.

Yu Yuan from Falling Moon Forbidden Land seems to be back…

Yu Yuan in the forbidden ground, because of the fit with Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, can call the power of Soul Transformation Pond, arrogant and domineering, and act wildly.

When I met again not long ago, Yu Yuan was quite restrained and lost his original sharp edges.

And now, another Yu Yuan seems to be back again.


The rainbow light penetrating the sky suddenly fell under the fiery eyes of the Black Tiger Army soldiers.

In the center of Yu Yuan and Liu Ying, there is an extra silhouette in the many void spiritual grass.

Shen Feiqing, who was already not in in black and heavy armor, was only left with a hideous mask and still covering his face. She was really petite and exquisite.

Without her armor, she wore a close-fitting black outfit, which made her look curvaceous.

However, that exquisite figure, the clothes are covered with blood.

Under the hideous mask, her eyes were bright and unusually calm.

“I have seen Senior Shen.”

Yu Yuan bowed, smiled, and nodded in greeting.

In the sky, the Silver Frost Dragon is like a cloud over the top.

A thundercloud, a huge ball of broken ice, arrived in no particular order.

Farther away, the gilded treasure ship was also roaring.

In addition, Hidden Dragon Lake’s Dragon Waiter, as well as Liu Wei and Lei Xiao’s 7 lower sect children, follow the rainbow light transformed by Shen Feiqing and are desperately coming.



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