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300 years later, this place was named Wuwudi.

In the depths of the wasteland, there is not only a Space Transmission Array controlled by Spirit Void Sect and directly connected to Tianyuan Continent, but also an undiscovered Secret Realm…

Yu Yuan is alone, wandering in the forest, his thoughts flying.

Each Space Transmission Array is expensive to build, and it is not something that a small group can afford.

The three continents of Tianyuan, Jixi, and Qianxuan, either on the surface or in the dark, all have Space Transmission Arrays that can communicate with each other.

However, almost all are under the control of the three upper sects, Demon Palace and Monster Palace.

There are only three upper sects, Demon Palace and Monster Palace, who have enough financial and manpower to build the Space Transmission Array.

Even Tianyuan’s 7 lower sects, Nirvana Continent’s Scarlet Demon Sect, Blood God Church, etc., are not so capable.

However, Nirvana Continent, in addition to Demon Palace, Monster Palace, Refiner Sect and Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, also has its own Space Transmission Array, which travels between Heaven Profound Continent and Tianyuan Continent.

According to Yu Yuan, the Ancient Desolate Sect 300 years ago, in its strongest period, also had a Space Transmission Array.

But after the Ancient Desolate Sect did not fall behind, the Space Transmission Array stalled for various reasons.

After many years, Spirit Void Sect has become another company, owning Space Transmission Array’s sect force.

Moreover, this Space Transmission Array belonging to Spirit Void Sect is also set up in a wasteland.

Thunder Sect, Cold Yin Sect and Star Moon Sect, Extreme Abyss Sect, this trip to reach the wasteland, or to Divine Might Empire and Silvermoon Empire, all rely on that Space Transmission Array.

Every time you teleport, you actually have to pay a lot of Spirit Stone to Spirit Void Sect.

Before Wang Jinlin was going to enter the Falling Star Eye, Liu Ying was clearly unhappy, but let him in, it was related to his Spirit Void Sect identity.

With a Space Transmission Array present, Spirit Void Sect has a great advantage. No wonder this person is so arrogant.

Except for the Space Transmission Array, the Secret Realm door that was touched by the military commander Master, if it is true, it will become more and more exciting.

The vast world contains infinite mystery, and the heavenly demon that attracts the outside world, many alien creatures are coveting.

There is a very strange place in the world, and there is a very small possibility that a different Small World will be created, which is an Independent Space by itself, which implies mysterious and mysterious, and is called Secret Realm.

Some Secret Realm are formed naturally, and some Secret Realm are created out of thin air by Primordial Spirit powerhouse.

The acquired Secret Realm can only be created by the Great Dao of the dark rules and the Primordial Spirit of transcending beings with its own knowledge and at the expense of its huge divine force.

Opening up space and recreating Small World is unique to Primordial Spirit!

Innate Secret Realm, it is nature, it is God’s handwriting.

Yu Yuan does not know whether the hidden Secret Realm is the innate Secret Realm or the acquired Secret Realm.

But if it is really Secret Realm, once it is turned on, it will naturally be surging!

Passed down from generation to generation

It is said that every Secret Realm, whether congenital or nurture, if it is exhausted, all Qiao is often not there.

If so, most of the things that have never appeared before contain many mysteries.

This type of Secret Realm is extremely valuable, and if it can be taken privately, it will become a huge wealth of formidable sect!

The three upper sects, as well as the Demon Palace and the Monster Palace, all have their own private Secret Realm. Outsiders are absolutely impossible to set foot in. Even inside the sect and the discipline of the outer sect are not allowed to enter.

Spirit Void Sect replaced Ancient Desolate Sect and became the first of the 7 lower sects. It cost a lot of money to create a Space Transmission Array in a wasteland. Is it the Secret Realm pictured?

If so, then Thunder Sect, Cold Yin Sect, Extreme Abyss Sect and Star Moon Sect also want to get a share?

The commander of the Black Tiger Army was besieged by all parties, so he wouldn’t have to kill him directly, it would cost him!

When she was seriously injured, she was asked to take the initiative to look for the door of Secret Realm when she was dying, so as to reveal clues, and then all parties followed the vines to determine the location of Secret Realm.

Liu Ying, carrying the fallen star, sitting high in the sky overlooking the deserted land, I am afraid she is also staring at her.

The place where she walked, the scope of her movement, should have been under Liu Ying’s eyelids.

It is even possible that Liu Ying had secretly inquired about the places she had been to, but had not yet figured out the location of the Secret Realm gate, so she continued to wait and see.

Star Moon Sect, it looks like Liu Ying is the only one at present, but when the gate of Secret Realm is revealed, I am afraid it will arrive soon.

The door of a Secret Realm is too relevant, and Tianyuan Continent 7 lower sects are all planning.

3 Big upper sect, don’t you know the news for now?

Or do you think that rumors are just rumors, and before the facts happen, it is not worth investing too much energy?

Nirvana Continent’s Demon Palace and Monster Palace, have you got any news? Will you arrange someone to come and check it out?

The legend of the gate of Secret Realm, the escape route of the Black Tiger Army commander, turned the whole area into focus, and made Yu Yuan a little worried.

He and Yu Zhu planted and cultivated void spiritual grass and other exotic flowers and rare herbs, which have not matured to bear fruit.

Originally thought that he could quietly open up a piece of medicine gardens, overcome Yu Family’s current predicament in one fell swoop, and lay the foundation for Yu Family medicinal herb.

Now because of Secret Realm’s statement, his exotic flowers and rare herbs, I’m afraid they will…

Thinking of this, he has a headache and irritability.

He felt that the progress of his Golden Hall Realm was too slow, so he deliberately planted those rare spiritual medicine spiritual grass. When he matured, he refined a batch of beneficial dantians and quickly gathered spiritual Qi medicine pill.

Now that those medicinal herbs are not yet mature, they will soon be exposed to the eyes of the 7 lower sect cultivators, and they will look at them.

Wilderness, deserted land, staring at those people, mature, still have their own shares?

“I originally chose this place because the birds do not shit, and there is no one left here. Who knows?

Dao, because of the arrival of the army commander, because of a Secret Realm legend, it suddenly became a hot spot. “

Yu Yuan was annoyed, couldn’t help but raise his head, staring fiercely at the starry sky.

The place where Liu Ying put him down was far away from Yu Zhu, Qin Yun and the others. He communicated with Heaven Soul, but he couldn’t perceive it.

Liu Ying and Wang Jinlin were still talking on the meteorite outside the sky. He walked alone and didn’t know what he would face.

The only thing he knows is that he has Fallen Star Eyes in his hand, maybe his every move is under Liu Ying’s eyelids at this moment.

This feeling also made him a little uncomfortable.

He could see his whereabouts at any time, and he could find it at any time. After being depressed for a while, he simply sat down.

He cut off the disturbed thoughts in his mind, took out the Spirit Stone, and started cultivation.

Thoughts move, the thread of Spiritual Qi, escapes into Lower Dantian.

He temporarily ignored the outside world, and secretly operated the “Nine Radiances Heavenly Wheel” to absorb the spiritual strength of the Spirit Stone, and then through the pores of his body, he absorbed the Spiritual Qi that was as thin as a gossamer in the wasteland.

The Spiritual Qi, which has been exhausted, is much weaker than Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

The Spiritual Qi of Falling Moon Forbidden Land is just more violent and contains too many impurities and toxins. In fact, judging by the amount of Spiritual Qi alone is far more than nothing.

And he, the “Nine Radiances Heavenly Wheel” of cultivation, and the Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art, are not worried about the impurities and toxins in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land Spiritual Qi.

This also made his progress in the cultivation of Falling Moon Forbidden Land extremely fast.

In this book, where birds don’t shit and turtles don’t lay eggs, if it weren’t for the Spirit Stone to be available, he would just borrow the thin Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi cultivation. I don’t know when and how long can he get it in Golden Hall Realm. The breakthrough was.

“Cultivation, and don’t be impatient.”

A snow-white silhouette, like a ghost in the cold night, floats.

Yu Yuan woke up suddenly, “Imperial Teacher Lord!”

The visitor was surprisingly what he had seen in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, and he had a heart-warming Scarlet Sun Empire Imperial Teacher-Zhou Cangmin.

It is still Yin God, still alone, still personable, with a gentle smile.

“Meet again.” Zhou Cangmin chuckled lightly.

Yu Yuan is not flustered.

He knew very well that if Zhou Cangmin wanted to harm him, he had already started at Falling Moon Forbidden Land and would not tell him that many nonsense.

“Imperial Teacher is here, is it also the legendary Secret Realm of Tuna?” Yu Yuan asked in surprise.

“No.” Zhou Cangmin shook the head, “I want to protect that army commander from death.”

Yu Yuan is even stranger, “Do you know each other?”

Zhou Cangmin gave an “um”, and then said, “You have to help me.”

“Me?” Yu Yuan pointed to his nose.

“It’s you.” Zhou Cangmin replied in the affirmative, “Also, the medicinal herbs you planted are not bad.”


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