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Realm’s breakthrough is so easy and simple for geeks like Liu Ying.

In previous life, Yu Yuan, who had not been able to enter the path of cultivation all his life, did not understand the way of cultivation.

But in this life, he thought that innate talent out of the ordinary, and he also saw Zhao Yafu, Li Yu, Zhan Tianxiang, the so-called young, talented people of the Silvermoon Empire.

However, compared with Liu Ying in front of him, they seemed to be a bit weaker.

During the chattering, Liu Ying figure trembled, and it was a matter of course.

This surprised Yu Yuan.

The cultivator of overwhelming majority, no matter the great realm or the breaking of the small level, is often accompanied by penance and meditation, along with battle and sudden enlightenment.

Where is Liu Ying’s easy freehand brushwork, talking and eating some fruit, breaking the shackles of realm?

“I don’t want that either.”

Liu Ying still looked a little bit distressed. She raised her hand and stared at starlight’s overflowing white arm. She could see the shining stars under her skin, “You may not believe it, but I have never wanted to, so fast breakthrough. realm. I feel that as long as my realm is insufficient, I don’t have to take on the heavy responsibility of being a teacher.”

“Star Moon Sect has painstakingly cultivated me. All sect resources, a dazzling array of spirit material, medicine pill, and cultivation rare treasure, I can enjoy at will. For me, Star Moon Sect almost exhausts everything.”

“And I, from the time I was born, knew that I belonged to Star Moon Sect.”

“Master also told me that before I was born, I was already a member of Star Moon Sect. Liu Family is just my landing place.”

“What the teacher taught me was sect responsibility, which made me lose the family friendship.”

“I think so, and do it this way.”

“But I always feel that when my realm is high enough, I will take on more and more sect responsibilities. After all, I want to repay sect, but I hope to be slower and want to be slower.”

“Because if I work hard, my worry-free days will soon be gone.”

“I want to slow down. I don’t want to be so fast. I’m fine now.”

one after another shining star stream, when she whispered softly, it fell from 9 days away, turned into starlight raindrops visible by naked eye, and escaped into the falling stars.

In the eyes of the falling star, a little starlight is like a Fire Insect, after refining it, one after another flies towards her.

Suddenly, Liu Ying’s body was starlight dazzling.

Yu Yuan, who squinted attentively, looked at her in this tall body, like looking at a mysterious Star Sea in Foreign Domain.

In her internal organs, blood, flesh, muscle and bones, the stars are shining brightly!

Perceived by Heaven Soul, Yu Yuan was surprised to find that Liu Ying’s acupuncture points seemed to echo the sky, one after another huge star.

The number of acupuncture points in the human body is 100. Each of Liu Ying’s acupuncture points is filled with star power, similar to the falling star eyes under her feet, and it seems that the star power in those acupuncture points can be exploded at a critical moment.

“Star Moon Sect, Queshi genius!”

Yu Yuan was shocked, and suddenly knew that this girl born in the Divine Might Empire Liu Family was bound to be the key to the prosperity of Star Moon Sect.

Dark Burst Realm is a process in which Middle Dantian breaks open and is full of blood, and then again tempering and washing blood, flesh, muscle and bones with 8 bizarre sutras.

Liu Ying at a young age is different from ordinary people. Her acupuncture points correspond to the stars of the sky. Each and everyone is a Small World that can accommodate the power of the stars. With 9 days of Power of Stars, she will temper her body.

This means that in addition to Lower Dantian Golden Hall and Middle Dantian Mysterious Gate, she still has the star power of acupoints available.

In Dark Burst Realm, Liu Ying’s majestic star power may be stronger than 7 cultivators of the same level.

Coupled with the secret technique of Star Moon Sect, her real battle strength should be a lot higher than Direct Disciple Wei Wujiang of Thunder Sect Master.

The thoughts got to this point, Yu Yuan involuntarily thought of what will happen when he arrives at Dark Burst Realm.

Liu Ying’s cultivation innate talent and his own strangeness put him under a little pressure.

This girl, afraid of taking on the heavy responsibility of sect, refuses to work hard for cultivation, eating and drinking merrily all day, is driven by the stars in the sky, and has such a realm step by step.

If one day, how irritated she was, or suddenly wanted to understand, how terrible would she be to concentrate on Great Dao’s penance?

“Junior Sister Liu, are you here too?”

Suddenly, there was a loud laughter. The laughter was far away, and in an instant, it seemed to draw closer.

Then, I saw a blue clothed handsome young man, stepping on a broad sword, and flying into the void.

The blue clothed young man is tall, magnanimous, with good looks and bearing.

He stepped on the sword, standing volley above the falling star pupil, but he was bound by some invisible Formation, unable to break in immediately.

Liu Ying was slightly taken aback when he heard his laughter, and immediately sat upright, no longer so sloppy, a little more formal, and a little helpless.

Looking at the incoming person, Liu Ying waved reluctantly.

The shining star curtain appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly.

The starlight Formation that enveloped the fallen star pupils was torn away by her at will. The young man who had stepped on the sword was able to enter the interior smoothly, and fell on this void-suspended meteorite.

“Who is this?”

The blue clothed young man gave Yu Yuan a curious look. The Spiritual Consciousness naturally penetrated like mercury with no opportunity.

In a moment, he judged Yu Yuan’s real realm and age.

He frowned slightly, as if to see Yu Yuan’s age group, the cultivation base of Golden Hall Realm Early-Stage, not worth mentioning at all.

“I’m a friend in Silvermoon Empire.” Liu Ying didn’t even report his name. “Senior Brother Wang, shouldn’t you visit Skyshaker Empire? As far as I know, your Spirit Void Sect found a strange secret there. Realm, a lot of people are arranged to explore, why do you appear in the wasteland?”

“Spirit Void Sect…” Yu Yuan expression changed.

Tianyuan Continent, the top of the 7 lower sects, ranks ahead of Star Moon Sect.

He has never liked Spirit Void Sect. This is true of previous life, and so is this life.

He has been dealing with Spirit Void Sect several times in his previous life, and it was unpleasant.

As a result, he had always had prejudices against Spirit Void Sect. Later, as long as he was a cultivator of Spirit Void Sect, he would refuse to seek him or Divine Medicine Sect for medicine.

In the vast world 300 years ago, many people knew that Spirit Void Sect and Divine Medicine Sect were wrong.

He knew very well that the Spirit Void Sect in the early years was not the first of the 7 lower sects.

Today, the Ancient Desolate Sect, which is at the end of the 7 lower sects, is the most powerful sect after the 3 upper sects.

Ancient Desolate Sect, the ranking plummeted, and became where it is today. Spirit Void Sect contributed a lot.

In his previous life, he had a good relationship with Ancient Desolate Sect, so he knew a lot of inside information, so he became more and more disgusted with Spirit Void Sect.

“Some accidents happened and I came here.” The blue clothed youth smiled slightly, hesitated, and said: “Junior Sister Liu, I have a few words, I want to talk to you alone.”

He pointed to Yu Yuan, “Your friend, can you bother him and leave for now?”

Yu Yuan frowned slightly.

The blue clothed youth, as if not seeing Yu Yuan’s dissatisfaction, still looked at Liu Ying with a smile.

Liu Ying thought for a while and said to Yu Yuan: “It’s a pleasure to chat with you. There are still some things, I will talk to you later.”

Yu Yuan said: “Is this driving people out?”

“Senior Brother Wang is smiling and has a bad temper. I’m afraid he will hate you.” A heartfelt voice suddenly appeared in Yu Yuan’s heart.

——The heartfelt voice comes from Liu Ying.

In the eyes of the Falling Star, in front of the blue clothed youth face of Spirit Void Sect, she can communicate with Yu Yuan through secret techniques without worrying about being seen through.

Before Yu Yuan could respond, a star halo suddenly rose from under his feet.

The star halo wrapped him, and suddenly flew away from the falling star eyes, dragging the stars like a falling meteor, and falling straight down, what Liu Ying said was nothing.

“Yu Yuan!”

After a while, he was about to fall, and there was a familiar scream.


ps: Uh, poor condition, today is a chapter~

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