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Yan Yu’s shout, not at all, caused Yan Qiling’s response.

Qin Yun frowned, looking up at the falling star that gradually turned into a star point, and said dejectedly: “This meteorite is already under the sky. We can’t touch it at all.”

Not to mention them, even the gilt treasure ship of Divine Might Empire can’t reach that height.

The great cultivator of Soul Wonder Realm, with Yin God, can go deep into the clouds.

“Ms. Wei, how can Liu Ying from Star Moon Sect take Young Master Yu away?” Ning Ji said.

With the help of Yu Yuan, he resolved the cold within the body and successfully entered the Dark Burst Realm. He has been deep in one’s heart and regards Yu Yuan as a backer.

He is willing to be loyal to Yu Yuan and Yu Family.

He also understands that Yu Yuan is already the pillar of Yu Family. If Yu Yuan has 3 long and 2 short, Yu Family will definitely have no good results.

“I thought she would bully me.”

Wei Feng leaned against a tree and looked at the night sky dreamily, full of confusion.

The falling star pupil swayed among the stars in the night sky, and then disappeared. I don’t know which one is the silver white meteorite.

“No need to shout.”

Seeing that Yan Yu was still not giving up, she was still yelling, she said to Yan Yu, “No matter who was in the gilt treasure ship before, who is helping in secret, will not be here at this moment. The magical thing about Falling Star Eyes is that they can get below , All the creatures powerhouse are revealed. That one, even Yang God, has nothing to hide under the exploration of the Falling Star Eyes.”

Yan Yu gave up instantly when he said this.

The land Yang God is already an extremely extraordinary existence in the vast world, and the Heaven Profound Continent rarely sees Yang God haunt.

It is Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent. Many Yang Gods are on-going retreats. Yang God travels beyond the sky, and fights with heavenly demons and alien races in the Outland, seeking the refinement of Yang God.

If the falling star can even be seen by Yang God, then of course Liu Ying knows if Yan Qiling is around.

She dared to land, surely sure.

“Miss Wei, why do Divine Might Empire that many people want to capture you alive?”

Qin Yun changed the conversation, “I have some knowledge about Divine Might Empire, but about you, Wei Feng, I have never heard of it.”

Yan Yu and Ning Ji both looked over while worried about Yu Yuan.

Wei Feng remained silent.


In the night sky, one after another bright stars seem to be enlarged a lot.

The stars outside the sky are like bright lights, and the radiance of the stars released may be hot, cold, or violent.

When the stars shine on the Heaven Profound Continent, it is like being attracted by a magical magnetic field.

The wisps of star brilliance became quite conspicuous, the direction of the vertical fall changed, and many moved towards here flew away.

Then, one after another landed on this empty silvery white wilderness.

Yu Yuan stood on a slightly cold and hard meteorite. Without using Heaven Soul, he could clearly perceive the brilliance of stars, carrying different auras, and falling on the meteorite under his feet.

The meteorite is like a sponge, absorbing the brilliance of the stars, one after another.

The high-altitude wind raged, but there was not a terrifying wind that appeared on the ground below.

Of course he knew that the others were under the sky star curtain and above the falling stars.

I don’t know how far away from the earth.

Thin clouds, like cotton balls, are scattered around the surrounding area, and the like a touch will dissipate.

From the Star Moon Sect, the Heaven’s Proud Daughter, who is ranked at the top of Heaven Profound Continent, with a sweet smile on her face, sits on top of a stone platform, twisting a bunch of crystal clear and near-transparent purple grapes in her hand and eating With pulp

, Spit out the grape skins, very relaxed Free Spirit, looking at him with curious eyes.

Behind the girl, there is a white jade pile of houses, like Bejeweled Jade Tower, with many exquisite decorations.

Yu Yuan looked far away and judged in his heart, knowing that this so-called Falling Star Eye is probably bigger than Yu Family Town.

The singular energy that sustains the falling star pupils and flies away in the void, crystallizes the star curtain, and twists the space comes from the brilliance of the stars.

This object is not only a Rare Item in the vast world, even if it is placed in the vast Star River, it can fly by without stopping.

It’s just that I don’t know how much starlight needs to be saved for the flight of Falling Star Eye.

“What do you do with me?”

After the initial silent thought, Yu Yuan took the lead in opening the chatterbox, “The falling star of Star Moon Sect is really mysterious and unpredictable. It is the blessing of three lifetimes to be able to come up for a look. It is just that you are trying to capture a person. , Shouldn’t it be Wei Feng?”

“You don’t know, if I really get Wei Feng instead of you, I’m afraid it will cause trouble.” Liu Ying threw a grape in her mouth, chewed it carefully, and spit out the grape skin with her tongue. On the ground.

At that silver-white meteorite, near the houses like Bejeweled Jade Tower, there are husks and peels everywhere.

This Liu Family girl, Supreme Treasure of Star Moon Sect, after getting the mouth-watering eyes of the Falling Star, it seems that she is not cherished enough, and she eats randomly here without cleaning up.

Fortunately, the meteorite land of the Falling Star Eyes is naturally cold, and the melons and peels that were thrown around have no sour taste.

Yu Yuan, who was several dozen meters away from her, looked around all around, and after retracting, while talking to her, he walked in a leisurely manner and moved towards her.

Liu Ying squinted her eyes and her eyebrows were like crescent teeth, making her look rather playful and cute.

She looked at Yu Yuan, stopped making a sound, and continued to eat her grapes.

Yu Yuan walked up to her, she didn’t make any movement, and she looked interested, as if she wanted to know what Yu Yuan would do next.

Yu Yuan slapped her ass, next to her, and sat down on another stone platform.

In front of the fine jade houses, there are many similar stone platforms, one by one, all of which are not far away, which seems to be for the convenience of conversation.

After Yu Yuan sat down, he suddenly reached out to Liu Ying to grab it.

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, and immediately lithe and graceful body, the stars bloomed outward like a waterfall.


The eyes of Falling Star trembled suddenly because of the vibration in her heart.


Liu Ying grinned, showing her cute little tiger teeth, her majestic starry radiance suddenly converged.

Then, she looked at the bunch of grapes in her hand that had been forcibly pulled several times, and stared at Yu Yuan fiercely, “You grab me something to eat!”

“Amethyst grape, this is a good thing.” Yu Yuan twisted one, threw it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it at will, and instantly sensed a trace of pure spirit strength, without additional guidance, spontaneously escaped into Lower Dantian quickly merged with the misty Spiritual Qi in Golden Hall Small World.

The spirit strength dissipated from amethyst grapes can be easily integrated into anyone’s Lower Dantian without deliberately refining. After a certain period of time, it will become a part of its own Spiritual Qi.

After eating the amethyst grapes snatched from Liu Ying’s hands, Yu Yuan’s eyes were a little complicated.

My previous life also likes to eat amethyst grapes.

It is a pity that Lower Dantian of his previous life was unable to uncover it, so the Spiritual Qi of Amethyst Grape just cruised around within the body meridian and then quietly dispersed.

His previous life only loved the sweet and sour taste of amethyst grapes, but could not enjoy the benefits of amethyst grapes.


He ate amethyst grapes again and found that besides the sweet and sour taste, this amethyst grape called Spirit Fruit finally brought him magical effects.

Looking at her hand, there were a few amethyst grapes missing, and Liu Ying’s face was painful.

Even if she is, she can’t enjoy amethyst grapes at will.

This kind of Spirit Fruit is also rare in Star Moon Sect. Her Master knows that she loves it, so she will send it to others.

but also not unlimited supply.

This Dark Moon City Yu Family Young Master, who was brought up by her and wanted to find out, was so courageous. In his own territory, he dared to grab his own food!

Liu Ying was about to have an attack, Yu Yuan said again: “Count what I borrowed, and when I plant it, I will return it to you.”

Before Liu Ying could react, Yu Yuan, who tasted the sweetness, stretched out his hand again unexpectedly, and pulled a few crystal clear and near-transparent amethyst grapes. “I’m in Golden Hall Realm. The gentleness hidden in this kind of Spirit Fruit Spiritual Qi is very helpful to my cultivation. Your Dark Burst Realm’s cultivation base focuses on physical imprisonment and cannot maximize the effectiveness of this Spirit Fruit.”

In a daze, Liu Ying found that the amethyst grape in his hand was missing 4 more.

She swallowed all of the remaining 3, her cheeks bulging, she threw the grape branches at Yu Yuan groaningly, screamed twice and almost choked.

Yu Yuan grinned, and suddenly realized that the cold girl who was in the Falling Stars eyes before was a little cute and charming.

It was as if the indifference from the previous landing was just what she pretended to be, not her nature.

Here, in her territory, she reveals her true self.


After eating the pulp, spitting the grape skins in her saliva, and spitting on Yu Yuan, Liu Ying snorted and said, “When she was in the Black Tiger Army, she killed a lot of people. People from Liu Family, people from other families, also She kills all irrelevant people. When Your Majesty trusted her, she was more domineering than me. Not many people in the empire liked her.”

“When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, she is suffering now. People who have been victimized by her will naturally hit a person when he’s down.”

While speaking, she didn’t know where she came from, took out another pear, and bit it down.

After taking a bite, she looked at Yu Yuan triumphantly. She seemed to say that she had already bitten. See how you can grab it?

Yu Yuan laughed blankly, “I haven’t finished the grapes.”

Under the starry sky, above the meteorite, looking at this girl from Liu Family who should be a direct descendant of King Wei Ling, he suddenly increased in favor, and then he began to think about Liu Ying and Wei Feng. If you want to distinguish between right and wrong, it will be Who is wrong.

For some reason, he soon felt that Wei Feng’s method of killing Zhan Tianxiang for no reason and almost killing Bai Xinxin might be wrong.

And this Liu Ying, who took herself to the sky, was snatched of Spirit Fruit by herself, but in fact she didn’t call for murder.

The girl who was caught by Star Moon Sect all the stars cup themselves around the moon, by nature, is so innocent and unaffected, charming and kind.

Greatly beyond his expectation.

“Wei Feng is Your Majesty’s niece, but Your Majesty’s throne was taken from her father, that is, Your Majesty’s big brother.” Liu Ying gnawed pear, “Your Majesty is her homicide. She has always known. Your Majesty also knows, just because she hadn’t shown a strange innate talent before and didn’t threaten Your Majesty, so she let her go.”

“It’s different now. Her mysterious Master, hiding in Desolate Great Lake, didn’t know how to gradually make her innate talent manifest.”

“North of Nirvana Continent, in the Divine Demon Temple, the blood of that demon phoenix was inspired by his Master.”


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