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For the cultivator of Silvermoon Empire, any powerhouse from Scarlet Sun Empire is a great enemy.

Therefore, almost all the big cultivators of Scarlet Sun Empire, those on the sailing boat, have a deep understanding.

Qin Yun was also the Sect Master of Seven Gods Sect, the great character of Scarlet Sun Empire, they naturally know.

“The battle between Hidden Dragon Lake and that man, we can watch from a distance, don’t rush to approach.”

Li Yuangui looked into the distance, pondered for a few seconds, and said, “You stay here for now.”


He waved his sleeves, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, coming from among the jungle.

On the Cloudwing Boat, more than a dozen empires of different ages and realm, some still pay attention to the battle between the Silver Frost Dragon and the Black Tiger Army commander.

There are also people who have long been curious about Yu Yuan, poking out their heads and looking down.

Yu Yuan in the forest, in an instant, felt 1000 threads of 10000 soul thoughts and consciousness, falling like a drizzle.

The soul thoughts from Cloudwing Boat, some are as hot as fire, some are warm and soft, and some are full of yīn cold. The breath is different because of the Spirit Art of the cultivation.

But he still knew that the fact that they were hiding in this was probably exposed.

When he saw Li Yuangui’s silhouette, in desperation, he stood openly in a relatively open place, and before Li Yuangui fell down, he first arched his hands and said: “Boy Yu Yuan, I’m fortunate to see Old here. General .”

He didn’t hate this one, from the Li Family of the Empire, who pretended to sleep in the forbidden area earlier.

But there is no good impression.

Since Old General’s surname is Li, Yu Yuan feels that with him and Li Yuchan, as well as their help to Li Yu, this Li Yuangui will not behave to him.

His identity belongs to the Dark Moon City Yu Family, and he is also a member of the Empire.

Thinking like this, Li Yuangui has whizzed over.

He nodded nodded to Yu Yuan first, then looked at Ning Ji, Wei Feng, and Bai Xinxin, flashed past, and finally landed on Qin Yun, strangely said: “Qin Sect Master, are you here?”

Qin Yun was targeted by the rest of Seven Gods Sect in Scarlet Sun Empire, and was forced to escape from Scarlet Sun Empire by the insiders of the Empire. It is no longer a secret to the great characters of the two countries.

Li Yuangui The strange thing is how Qin Yun and Yu Yuan get mixed up again.

“This one……”

Qin Yun expression was embarrassed. In front of Li Yuangui, if he saw Yu Yuan out of the ordinary and planned to bet on surrender in advance, he himself thought that Li Yuangui would not believe it.

So Qin Yun changed his rhetoric.

“Scarlet Sun Empire can’t stay there anymore, so I plan to wander north. You know, Silvermoon Empire and God

People in the Wei Empire would choose to go to the north to hide for a while once they had a fight with their own country. He smirked, and said again: “Yu Yuan and I were in Falling Moon Forbidden Land. They were old acquaintances. We happened to meet each other, so we came to see us. “

Li Yuangui looked suspicious, he frowned, and suddenly said: “Yu Yuan, this Senior Qin is not against you, right?”

Before Li Yuangui came down, he was a bit crooked.

He listened to Li Yuchan and Li Yu said that Yu Yuan used Qin Yun’s life-saving Azure Yang Arrow in Falling Moon Forbidden Land to coerce Qin Yun into doing things.

After Qin Yun left, Yu Yuan’s mark on Azure Yang Arrow didn’t seem to be lifted.

Li Yuangui mistakenly believed that after Qin Yun was jealous of Emperor Yanyang for various reasons, he settled the bill on Yu Yuan. After Scarlet Sun Empire could not stay, he went to the north to hide temporarily and came to Yu Yuan to seek revenge.

“Senior Qin is very friendly to me.” Yu Yuan stated.

“This is?” Li Yuangui looked towards Bai Xinxin.

“Heavenly Medicine Sect, Medicine Refining Master Bai Xinxin.” Bai Xinxin immediately confirmed his identity, “Accepted the task at sect and looked for several medicinal herbs in the north. It happened to meet Yu Yuan and the others.”

“Heavenly Medicine Sect people.” Li Yuangui is nodded, with a mild expression. He obviously has a good impression of Heavenly Medicine Sect.

He looked towards Wei Feng, who was still restrained with his wrists, and was no longer sebum in his mouth, and asked again: “Who is she?”

Wei Feng’s eyes were cold and silent.

Yu Yuan was also a little embarrassed, thinking about how to explain to Li Yuangui, if he was told that Wei Feng came from the Black Tiger Army, would Wei Feng be instantly put into danger.

The Black Tiger Army appeared around Dark Moon City and attacked Zhan Tianxiang. After so long, it should be leaked out.

Li Yuangui is a senior of Li Family, this trip is here again, it should be understood.

“She comes from the Black Tiger Army of the Divine Might Empire, and her name is Wei Feng.”

Suddenly, Bai Xinxin of Heavenly Medicine Sect pointed out Wei Feng’s identity in one word.

Yu Yuan face sank, looked towards Bai Xinxin coldly.

“There is nothing to hide.” Bai Xinxin said with a composure, “With the knowledge of Old General, staying for a while, you can also see her identity as the Black Tiger Army.”

“Wei Feng!”

Li Yuangui startled, his eyes changed, he had obviously heard the name.

He looked at Ning Ji again.

“My guest official of Yu Family, Ning Ji.” Yu Yuan explained.

Li Yuangui nodded, said: “Follow me on the sailboat!”

Without giving everyone a chance to object, he suddenly waved his sleeves, and there were clusters of Spiritual Qi clouds, which suddenly bound Yu Yuan, Bai Xinxin, Wei Feng and Ning Ji together.

A group of 4 people rose into the air in an instant, towards the wind

Yunfan left.

Instead, Li Yuangui stayed below. After Yu Yuan and the others flew into the sky, he solemnly said to Qin Yun, “Qin Sect Master, you and Scarlet Sun Empire dispute, we do not want to bother. Regardless of Yu Yuan In Falling Moon Forbidden Land, I hope you will forget any conflicts you have had.”

“Yu Yuan, is a citizen of our Silvermoon Empire, and has a close relationship with my Li Family.”

“I hope you do it for yourself, don’t deliberately seek revenge, just go to the north as early as possible to dive.”

After that, he took the wind.

Qin Yun knew that he had misunderstood, and smiled secretly without giving any excuses.

Thinking about it, staying for a while until Li Yuangui has left, and then heading to Dark Moon City, staying incognito in Yu Family Town.


In the cotton-like cloud clusters, Yu Yuan’s face was solemn, staring at Bai Xinxin of Heavenly Medicine Sect.

“She came from the Black Tiger Army, and seriously injured you people in the Silvermoon Empire, and almost killed me.” Bai Xinxin looked back at him with a surprised look, and said: “I don’t know you and her 2 people. Something happened, but I gradually realized that your hostility towards her is becoming less and less.”

When Yuan Lianyao was there, Yu Yuan’s attitude towards Wei Feng was extremely bad.

But later, Bai Xinxin didn’t know why. After several conversations, Yu Yuan took the cloth ball from Wei Feng’s mouth long ago.

Moreover, Wei Feng didn’t have too much restraint and imprisonment behind him.

From beginning to end, Yu Yuan did not tell her why.

And she was almost killed by Wei Feng and the Black Tiger Army…

Black Tiger Army is notorious in Divine Might Empire and Heaven Profound Continent. Bai Xinxin is not happy by nature. After discovering that Yu Yuan has quietly changed her attitude, she thinks Yu Yuan has been deceived by Wei Feng.

She then exposed Wei Feng’s identity.

“Without me, you are dead.” Yu Yuan said with a cold face, looking at her who believes oneself infallible, and said: “Wei Feng was also captured by me, how I deal with it, how I interrogate, it is all my business! What about me Do things and don’t want others to interfere!”

Bai Xinxin snorted, “Even your father, didn’t dare to talk to me like that.”

Yu Yuan is too lazy to ignore her.

“Hu! hu hu hu!”

Soon, a group of 4 people were led by Li Yuangui’s power and sent directly to the Cloudwing Boat.

“It’s crowded, go to that corner and stay!”

A big guy with a beard and chain mail, when they saw them coming, shouted and gave a push.

Yu Yuan 4 people were about to fall down, and they were swaying from side to side. The force that he pushed easily gave a small corner of the Cloudwing Boat.

“Fan Yan, what are you doing?”


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