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Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art, known for its strong body, cultivation to Dark Burst Realm, Steel Muscles Iron Bones is not unusual.

The peculiar Falling Moon Forbidden Land is just a unique and harsh environment, which has contributed to the tempering of Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art.

And because of his fit with Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, he got the Soul Transformation Pond and the wall of the pool, repeatedly beating blood, flesh, muscle and bones, causing him to have Steel Muscles in the conventional sense when he was in Spirit Gathering Realm. Iron Bones.

After advancing to Golden Hall Realm, Lower Dantian’s singular Small World opened up and was able to be included in Spiritual Qi. In fact, battle strength has improved again.

When he discovered that Wei Feng’s poisoned dagger, the toxin left in his flesh and blood, could be ground through Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art, he had strong confidence.

The Black Tiger Army soldier with a severed arm endured the severe pain and spread out the Spiritual Consciousness of Nuance.

Spiritual Consciousness is like a gauze net, it really touched Yu Zhu who was hiding in the dark.

Suddenly, he courage entirely to break.

His Spiritual Consciousness, as soon as it touches Yu Zhu, it senses the blood of grandiose, like a vast ocean.

Yu Zhu’s blood and breath make his Spiritual Consciousness extremely uncomfortable.

Without thinking about it, he knew that the lurker who moved the bone and caused him to break an arm was definitely not something their team could contend.

He suddenly exclaimed, “Wei Feng!”

Wei Feng, who was stared at by Yu Yuan and smashed his confidence with words, looked towards him.

“Ready to retreat!” He said grimly.

Wei Feng, who still wants to entangle with Yu Yuan, has fought with him for many years. Seeing his eyes and tone of voice, he knows something is wrong.

It’s not that there is no chance of winning, he is definitely not like this.

Wei Feng is lightly nodded, expressing his understanding and will find opportunities to leave.

“All are ready to withdraw.”

He glanced at the other three people again, without paying attention to Bai Xinxin, and Ning Ji, who came up quietly according to Yu Yuan’s orders, wanted to escape.

After he gave the order, he was also a soldier of the Black Tiger Army, who was faster than him, and took the lead.

The soldier who also wore black armor had the cultivation base of Dark Burst Realm, and his lacquered black clothed armor, which seemed to cooperate with his Spirit Art, suddenly burst into black rays of light.

A strange light inspiration came from that person.

His heavy armor, because of his eagerness to escape, uses a special magic trick to inspire the hidden lightness of the formation diagram.

He thus speeds up.

“pu chi !”

A white bone spur, like lightning tearing through the sky, instantly penetrated his heart and lungs with unmatched sharpness.

The bone spurs came out through the body, magically disappeared into the ground, suddenly disappearing.

Without even a cry of pain, the Black Tiger Army soldier who wanted to escape quickly was assassinated by Yu Zhu.

With such a mutation, the Nuance soldier who was planning to evacuate suddenly wilted like a persimmon that had been beaten by frost.

Wei Feng was also stunned.

At this time, Yu Yuan smiled brilliantly and shot with all his strength.

Hu hu!

Surrounded by Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art, clusters of Spiritual Qi bursting in chaos suddenly flew towards Wei Feng.

Wei Feng can only be forced to swing a dagger.

The jet black blade glow, following her gestures, kept shining out in the air in front of her.

Those “baleful qi” that did not belong to Yu Yuan, but were forcibly condensed into groups due to Fiend Demon Body Refinement Art, exploded one by one, and the strange and weird “sha” that could escape from it contained various negative emotions. Approaching Wei Feng soundly.

Wei Feng is only the Spirit Gathering Realm. She failed to improve Heaven Soul through cross-border cultivation “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” like Yu Yuan, and thus possesses extremely keen perception and insight.

When the “sha” that burst from “baleful qi” drowned her, she couldn’t detect it.

Wei Feng didn’t know it until those “sha” suddenly broke out because of Yu Yuan’s heart.

Wei Feng coldly, such as seeing so many Evil Spirit Nether Soul around her, seeing the broken arm corpse lying on her body, seeing the dirty blood like a waterfall pouring on her head and flowing through her body.

When she lost control of her emotions, she suddenly lost her spiritual wisdom and screamed.

She began to swing the jet black dagger in disorder, moving towards the “Nether Soul Evil Spirit” that is not in reality, and wiping her forehead and cheeks.

She wants to wipe off the blood, wants to restore cleanliness.

“I know most of the Voodoo Poison Cult techniques. You have learned some Voodoo Poison Cult techniques. It is really naive to have an effect on me.”

Looking at Wei Feng, who was mentally lost due to the erosion of “Evil”, Yu Yuan raised his hand and squeezed his fist.

Driven by the “Nine Radiances Heavenly Wheel”, the vast Spiritual Qi hidden in the Golden Hall Small World, madly flowed out, flowed along the special meridian, and converged towards the fist.

The raised punch makes the rays of light blazing, like the sun is rising.

“Bang!” 33 update the fastest computer terminal:/

A punch hit, through the jet black blade glow, landed on Wei Feng’s back.

Wei Feng groaned, the joints in his back seemed to be broken. 33 starting

Yu Yuan grinned, shook the head, and said: “It is also the Spirit Gathering Realm. The forging of flesh and blood skeletons is really too common, impossible to withstand a single blow.”

The followers of Voodoo Poison Cult do not pay attention to physical and physical struggles, but instead focus on quickly breaking through.

Many cultivation sects of Tianyuan Continent also adopt similar methods, only seeking to enter the Yin God as quickly as possible, condense Yang God, and then pursue the Primordial Spirit Great Dao.

Really Peak cultivators, such as Profound Heaven Sect, Primal Yang Sect, Sword Sect, and even 7 lower sect cultivators, will be stable in every realm.

There is a saying that if you thoroughly understand every realm cultivation and have a solid foundation, it is possible to reach the other side and obtain the ultimate Great Dao of Primordial Spirit.

Voodoo Poison Cult is obviously not such a sect.

Wei Feng’s weak physique surprised Yu Yuan after one blow.

He could sense that the Spiritual Qi contained in Wei Feng’s Golden Hall acupuncture point was actually quite rich, richer than he might have been, but Wei Feng was obviously insufficient in tempering the body when he was in Spirit Gathering Realm.

This also led to Wei Feng being lost in spiritual wisdom, and he would strike a punch without using the spirit strength to protect his body, he would instantly break his bones.


After the hard blow, Wei Feng suddenly got rid of the illusion of “Evil” and woke up from a trance. When she looked at Yu Yuan again, her eyes were cold, but her face was a little pale.

“Black Tiger Army, I won’t let you go.”

In an unusually indifferent tone, leaving such a sentence, Wei Feng suddenly waved the black dagger in his hand.

Yu Yuan suddenly changed color and said, “Don’t!”

When Wei Feng saw that he couldn’t escape, he was hit hard by Yu Yuan again. Without hesitation, he just cut his throat.

She obviously knew that the figure who was secretly concealed and feared even the soldiers of the Nuance realm was a bit taller than all of them.

With that person there, they have no chance of luck, so they just killed themselves decisively.


The thorn of Sen Bai Gu, who had been hidden in the earth earlier, appeared magically and hit the black dagger.

The jet black dagger fell to the ground, and Wei Feng’s hand that had cut to his throat just pressed it under his neck.

She looked at the bone spur in a daze. After finding that the suicide was unsuccessful, her eyes were fierce and she was about to bite her tongue into suicide.

“Black Tiger Army, they are all crazy.”

Yu Yuan looked at her begging for death, but she was a bit lost, and she simply let her go.

Sen Bai Gu stabs again.


The bone spur came from above and hit Wei Feng’s head, knocking her out.

Yu Yuan eyes shined, leaned forward immediately, tore off a large part of Wei Feng’s black clothed body, kneaded it into a ball, and stuffed it in her mouth to prevent her from waking up and going to die again.

When he was planning to find something to tie up Wei Feng, he suddenly sensed something wrong with Yu Zhu.

He changed his color slightly, “Who is coming at this time?”

The message that Yu Zhu revealed was that there was another group of people who were stronger than Wei Feng, the Black Tiger Army, and were quickly approaching.

“The Black Tiger Army, naturally, is not just the Wei Feng 6 people, do they have a means of communicating to get the companions who wander in the vicinity?”

Yu Yuan thought so.

Soon, he knew that he had guessed wrong.

The people here are not Black Tiger Army, but Liu Wei from Cold Yin Sect, Lei Xiao from Thunder Sect, and 7 men and women who are serving in Cold Yin Sect and Thunder Sect cultivation, whom I have met before in Yu Family Town. (First issue, domain name (remember_3

A total of 9 people, Liu Wei and Lei Xiao realm are the strongest.

The other 7 people, like those of the Black Tiger Army, are almost all Dark Burst Realm.

Not a single Nuance.

The 7 people looked extremely young. Yu Yuan glanced at them, and felt that they were very immature, like sect children who were visiting Heaven Profound Continent for the first time.

“Yu Yuan, the dead Black Tiger Army soldier, did you kill?”

After Liu Wei appeared, he looked at to make a fuss about nothing, looking at the two fallen dead bodies, and the soldier of the Black Tiger Army with a broken arm, clicking one’s tongue in wonder, “Awesome, really amazing Ah! This Black Tiger Army soldier is not weak at all. We have been hunting for so long and we haven’t been able to catch it alive. You can.”

Lei Xiao of Thunder Sect is domineering and unusual in Yu Family Town. Yu Yuan is dissatisfied everywhere, and he has no respect for Yu Can.

But at this moment, even Lei Xiao was expressing a grave, and he seemed to take a look at Yu Yuan with admiration, “How did it do it?” He was secretly curious.

Just in this line of nine people, behind them, the Black Tiger Army soldiers with broken arms or the survivors all showed bitter hatred.

The Black Tiger Army and Liu Wei and the others seemed to have an absolutely irreconcilable hatred. The hatred in their eyes made Yu Yuan feel that they could not wait to pounce on them and swallow Liu Wei and Lei Xiao alive.

“Black Tiger Army, what does it have to do with Cold Yin Sect and Lei Xiao?” Yu Yuan was puzzled.

“I am Bai Xinxin from Heavenly Medicine Sect, who are you?” Bai Xinxin suddenly raised his voice.

“Heavenly Medicine Sect?” Liu Wei touched the chin, nodded, and said gently: “Are you okay? These remnants of the Black Tiger Army, did not hurt you?”

Bai Xinxin smiled slightly and was about to explain, when he saw Yu Yuan looking over.

Yu Yuan’s eyes and expressions made her heart shivered with cold.

Bai Xinxin suddenly realized, “Many thanks, care, I’m fine.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Liu Wei nodded smiled, each minding their own business, and walked towards Yu Yuan. “Yu Family kid, thank you for capturing Wei Feng alive. She is my main target. We hunt them down. For a long time, I just wanted to live her, that’s why I didn’t expect you to make it.”

“No thanks, she is mine.” Yu Yuan also smiled back.


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