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Bai Xinxin was shocked, and his silhouette flashed, and he was about to run to Lake Heart Island.

The quiet lake surface suddenly rippled slightly!

The clear lake water quietly became turbid, and above the surface of the lake, a green luster was faintly visible, and it was dimly lit up.

Bai Xinxin changed suddenly.

She wanted to fly to Lake Heart Island, forcibly terminated, and then looked towards the lake with a solemn expression.

After groaning for a few seconds, she grabbed ordinary silver sand from the close-fitting pocket around her waist and threw it out casually.

The silver sand spread out and fell to the lake like a silver mist.

“chi chi! ”

As soon as it fell to the surface of the lake, the silver sand burst into thick smoke.

Bai Xinxin changed again, standing by the lake, lowering her head, looking at the rippling lake surface, silently taking a step back.

She no longer dared to move.

After being honest for a while, she noticed the ripples on the surface of the lake, and gradually calmed down, and the water became clear again.

She ran spirit strength again, her eyes were shining brightly, and she moved towards the depths of the lake for a while and saw that there was no fish or shrimp in the clear lake, and even no water plants in the lake.

On the edge, the tall bushes grow luxuriantly, as if deliberately sheltering the lake, making it hard to find.

“It seems that it is not formed naturally, and there are too many traces of man-made.”

After watching for a while, Bai Xinxin gradually came over, frowned, and thought: “Within a radius of 100 li, only Yu Family in Dark Moon City can grow medicinal herb. Yu Family Town is also not far from the vicinity. Just, With Yu Family’s ability, how can void spiritual grass be planted?”

She was puzzled.

Even their Heavenly Medicine Sect, in Heaven Profound Continent, searched all kinds of different places and tried, but they couldn’t transplant void spiritual grass and successfully plant it.

How is Yu Family possible?

“Forget it, I don’t know the situation, I will leave a mark for now.”

After a while, Bai Xinxin decided not to stay here for a long time, and instead went to investigate elsewhere.

After one hour.

A piece of unusually dry land, in the seemingly cracked soil, a dozen red flowers and plants appeared magically.

The flowers and plants have not yet bloomed, and the branches and stems are like sharp swords.

“Cherry Blossom!”

Bai Xinxin was no longer impossible to bear, and finally screamed, subconsciously, trying to rush over.

But she just took a step, and suddenly discovered that a pungent and sour smell escaped from the cracked soil.

She suddenly changed, and stopped suddenly like a precipice, deeply looked towards the dozen or so immature “Cherry Blossoms”, muttered: “Cherry Blossoms only grow in highly toxic places, and the Cabernets do not contain toxins. , The ground that can bred Chixia flowers is dry on the surface, and the bottom is abnormally wet, and it will also be highly corrosive and poisonous.”

Cabernet Flower, a medicinal herb of Earth Grade Grade 7, was what she was looking for this trip.

However, in the written in ancient records of sect, the place where the Chixia flower grows should be more north and more dangerous land than Heaven and Earth.

However, the position she is currently prescribed is too close to Yu Family Town. Based on her experience and her previous cognition, it is unlikely that Cabernet flowers will grow.

What made her even more surprised was that all the Chixia flowers were in the same first stage, and none of them were in full bloom.

And the red flowers that she had seen elsewhere were all mixed, some just grew, some already bloomed, and some were about to wither.

Just like this, every Chixia flower is in its infancy stage, and no one blooms, which is really rare.


A single thought, which grew in Bai Xinxin’s mind, made her startled herself.

Unless the Chixia flower in front of you is not formed naturally, but cultivated by man!

Only when the artificially cultivated Chixia flowers are planted at the same time, it is possible that they are all in the growth stage as before, and have nothing common with each other.

“Heaven Profound Continent, there are also many evil Medicine Refining Masters, but in the cultivation of medicinal herb, I haven’t heard of anyone who can grow Cabernet flowers alone.”

Bai Xinxin, who had great doubts, felt that this trip to the North had suddenly changed.

She just wandered around.

Then, she was surprised to find that another 3 kinds of exotic flowers and rare herbs, also in the surrounding strange land, had just been planted.

Moreover, the growth is pretty good!

The 3 kinds of exotic flowers and rare herbs, void spiritual grass, and Chixia flowers, are extremely rare in Heaven Profound Continent and almost impossible to be planted.

After seeing the 3 kinds of exotic flowers and rare herbs, she was finally convinced of a fact.

——Someone deliberately planted here!

In other words, the surrounding exotic flowers and rare herbs do not exist naturally.

This discovery surprised her more than she saw those exotic flowers and rare herbs.

Who, in the vicinity, can successfully get those exotic flowers and rare herbs that are almost impossible to appear in Heaven Profound Continent?


A secret room in the old house in Yu Family Town.

Ning Ji walked around the secret room, wandering continuously, stopping sometimes, looking towards the stone gate with a look of hope and expectation.

Old Master Yu Can, lying on the wooden chair in the courtyard, looking at the starry night sky.

He looked at the night sky, but a trace of spirit strength flowing from him within the body was also around the secret room, and could sense the temperature of the secret room, sometimes violently and sometimes dropping sharply.

Yu Yuan is inside and has been there for most of the day.


The heavy stone gate was pushed away from the inside.

Yu Can and Ning Ji, two people, suddenly looked towards the stone gate and expressed excitement.

The open stone gate, the heat wave escaping, looking in from the gap of the stone gate, you can see the red-hot pill furnace, after the fire source is taken away, it is cooling down.

On the surface of the pill furnace, the dense and complicated fire rune gradually fades from bright.

On the forehead, neck and skin, Yu Yuan was flushed with heat due to the high temperature. His clothes were wet with sweat, but he smiled with relief, and said to Ning Ji: “Fortunately not insulting.”

Ning Ji was overjoyed, “It’s done?”

A pill like a red date was held by Yu Yuan and stuffed into Ning Ji’s palm, “Qian Yang Pill, Spirit level Grade 3 only. This pill has no healing effect, but a regular medicine pill for strengthening the foundation. For Primal For the cultivators of Yang Sect and Scarlet Demon Sect, as long as they contribute to sect, they will be rewarded Qian Yang Pill.”

“The cultivator of Primal Yang Sect and Scarlet Demon Sect, with the help of Qian Yang Pill, eliminates the fiery power of the pill, or washes the flesh, muscles and bones, or blends into the blood of Middle Dantian, a special cultivation method.”

“This pill, for you, is a healing thing.”

Yu Yuan said seriously.

Ning Ji is not verbose, in front of Yu Yuan and Ning Ji, swallows that Qian Yang Pill in one bite.

Pill enters the abdomen, and soon, there is a scorching scorching power. Following his Spirit Art and ideas, he takes the lead to escape to his Lower Dantian Golden Hall acupoint.

When Zhi Lie Yan power flows to his Lower Dantian, it is naturally incorporated into his muscles and blood, which belongs to his blood.

Then, the fierce flame power was completely accepted by the Golden Hall acupoint.

Until the pill’s heat, one

Leading to the Golden Hall acupuncture point, Ning Ji is happy.

He clearly sensed that those wisps of cold energy that were hidden in his Golden Hall Small World, which could not be completely eliminated with his own power, seemed to be stared at by flame power.

There was a sudden tingling sensation in his lower abdomen.

But he was not surprised and rejoiced, his eyes widened, and said to Yu Yuan: “It’s feasible!”

Yu Yuan smiled carefreely and said: “Of course it works.”

Next to him, Old Master Yu Can, with red light on his face, laughed and said: “If I can prescribe the right medicine, I can get rid of your Lower Dantian cold energy in one fell swoop, and I’m relieved.”

Yu Yuan pointed to the open stone chamber and said, “Old Ning, you go inside to refining the pill, that stone chamber is good for you.”

Ning Ji didn’t refuse, and immediately got in, blocking the stone gate from the inside.

“Really Liu Wei from Cold Yin Sect?”

After he entered, the Old Master expressed solemnly and said: “Cold Yin Sect is one of the 7 lower sects in Tianyuan Continent. How can the methods be so shameless?”

“Don’t talk about the seven lower sects, they are Primal Yang Sect, Sword Sect, and Profound Heaven Sect. There are many sect disciples and elders, and there are also who have them.” Yu Yuan smiled slightly and said: “From my perspective, that person Lin Zhuyun, who brought her to the Great Elder of Cold Yin Sect, is the kind of person who does not compromise to achieve the goal.”

“The ice crystal?” Yu Can sighed.

“For the time being, the Great Elder of Cold Yin Sect, it is impossible to focus too much attention on our Yu Family.” Yu Yuan is very calm, “As for Liu Wei, who will appear in Yu Family town recently, it should be more than just Because of Ice Soul and Cold Crystal. Our Yu Family matter, for him, should be just one of the things to be solved by the way.”

Yu Can strangely said: “On our side, is it just a small matter?”

“Well, that Cold Yin Sect cultivator called Liu Wei is not simple.” Yu Yuan’s face was slightly dark. “The Cold Yin Sect Spirit Art he was cultivating was not something that the ordinary sect Elder could cultivation. The cold current turned into a poisonous python, but it was not simple. This Spirit Art is extraordinary because it can conceal toxins. Even if Liu Wei’s realm is not high, his status in Cold Yin Sect is certainly not small.”

“I didn’t rush to our Yu Family specifically, what could be the reason?” Yu Can was shocked.

“There are strange things around Dark Moon City. In many places, many things are a little weird.” Yu Yuan laughed and pointed to the north. “For example, there are many secrets hidden in it.”

“North?” Yu Can was stunned.

“Well, from Yu Family Town to Divine Might Empire, the infinite area in the center, don’t look at Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, which is thin and not suitable for mortals and cultivators.” Yu Yuan was startled and said: “shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing place , It tends to give birth to other foreign objects naturally, but you should not underestimate it.”

When the two people spoke, the sound of a bird flapping its wings suddenly came from the sky.

Yu Yuan raised his head to look, and found a golden giant eagle, which suddenly flashed from the clouds and swooped towards him.

“Who?” Yu Can yelled.

The golden giant vulture, in his perception, the blood energy is majestic, it should be a Level 4 spirit bird.

Level 4 spirit bird, which is equivalent to his Dark Burst Realm’s cultivation base, but his knee injury was cured, and after falling into the realm to recover, after hard work, it was nothing but Dark Burst Realm Middle-Stage.

Really fighting, it may not be the opponent of that golden giant eagle.

He also clearly saw that there was another person riding on the golden giant vulture.


The golden eagle, after a dive, not at all fell steadily, but hit the ground.

A person rolled off the giant eagle’s body, and blood flowed from his chest and back.

“Zhan Tianxiang!”


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