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Earth Soul carries memory, Heaven Soul makes wisdom accessible, and Mortal Soul is the root.

“Wisdom Forging Soul Art” condensed and refined, has always been Heaven Soul.

Before arriving at Nuance, Yu Yuan, whose Spiritual Consciousness did not gather, only relied on the extraordinary perception of Heaven Soul and Lei Xiao’s undisguised Spiritual Consciousness review, and concluded that Lei Xiao’s actual realm, like Liu Wei, was only Nuance.

In Nuance, Spiritual Consciousness can perceive Nuance, but it is still not as good as Soul Mind.

As soon as he appeared, Liu Wei began to talk, Lei Xiao and Liu Wei, both of them, spied themselves with Spiritual Consciousness.

Spiritual Consciousness cannot be faked.

Based on his insights, from Lei Xiao’s surging blood, facial wrinkles and subtle expression, one can roughly guess that this person is old.

At that old age, I was practicing in the Thunder Sect of Tianyuan Continent. At present, it is only Nuance, and naturally it is not a great character.

Not to mention previous life.

In this life, he has just passed the Falling Moon Forbidden Land trial, and the Jade Peak Mountain Range has been tempered. He has come into contact with all kinds of big monsters. Naturally, he doesn’t think Lei Xiao in the Nuance realm is amazing.

“What a sharp-tongued kid!”

Lei Xiao extremely angry smiled back, his arms trembled, and when the joints were criss-crossed, like a sky thunder burst.

Pa pa!

In the Middle Dantian position of the chest, Qingyao lightning is mixed with thunder, and he wants to rush out like an electric python.

Liu Wei of Cold Yin Sect saw Lei Xiao furious and opened his mouth.

But, as if thinking of something, Liu Wei suddenly fell silent.

“This place is the Silvermoon Empire, the territory of Dark Moon City!”

Zhao Dongsheng, who was riding the Xuanhu, had a fat body swollen like a meat mountain, suddenly jumped off the White Tiger, standing still in front of Lei Xiao with a “hong” sound.

Zhao Dongsheng stood between Lei Xiao and Yu Yuan, a pair of soya-like eyes burst out amazing rays of light.

His huge body swelled again like an inflated ball in an instant.

An overbearing and unspeakable majestic qi and blood, like the turbulence before the eruption of a volcano, stirred him side Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi in chaos.

I don’t know when, he has Dark Burst Realm late battle strength, that seemingly bloated posture actually contains terrifying battle strength.

“Yi! ”

Lei Xiao, who was a full level higher than him, stared at him, and whispered softly, his face gradually becoming serious.

Liu Wei of Cold Yin Sect was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly said: “Unexpectedly, a little Dark Moon City, even hidden dragons and crouching tigers, is strange, really strange!”

Behind Zhao Dongsheng, Yu Yuan’s eyes were also different, and he was obviously out of the ordinary.

“Yu Family Town is indeed the territory of Dark Moon City. We give Yuan Family a thin face for Scarlet Demon Sect.” Liu Wei chuckled softly, pats Lei Xiao on the shoulder, “Old Brother, forget it.”

“If you don’t welcome it, don’t welcome it.” He turned his body and turned to look at Yu Yuan, “The Young Lady in Lin Family was accepted as a Direct Disciple by my Great Elder of Cold Yin Sect. We Cold Yin Sect is in charge of her. In addition, a marriage has been arranged, and we hope that Yu Family can hand over the marriage contract and it will be voided.”

Yu Yuan said with a slight smile: “You let Lin Zhuyun come over and tell me by yourself.”

Liu Wei smiled stiffly, “Do you have to?”

“Lin Zhuyun will come here by himself, I have to think about it and see how I feel.” Yu Yuan drowsily said.

“I think this kid is a courting death!” Lei Xiao was angry again.

“Okay, okay!” Liu Wei grabbed him, pulled him, and went out, “Yu Yuan, it’s not wise for you to do this. Take out the marriage contract and sell the Ice Soul Crystal to us Cold Yin Sect , Some things will be solved, why be so stubborn?”

Yu Yuan did not respond.

Liu Wei did not continue to persuade him, and he just took Lei Xiao from Thunder Sect away from Yu Family Town.

“Uncle Zhao, since when did you transfer to Monster Art in the north of Nirvana Continent?”

After the two people left, Yu Yuan smiled brilliantly and said to Zhao Dongsheng: “Yes! If I remember correctly, when I first met you, you didn’t

It was Dark Burst Realm Early-Stage. In such a short time, it is in the late stage of Dark Burst Realm, and it is expected to hit Nuance in a short time, which really impresses me. “

Zhao Dongsheng jumped into the late stage from Dark Burst Realm Early-Stage, only one year.

Such a short time and such a fast realm breakthrough is no small thing.

Demon Art and Monster Art, in the physical tempering of Spirit Gathering Realm and Dark Burst Realm, are superior to the regular Spirit Art of the overwhelming majority, so those who cultivate Demon Art and Monster Art tend to be physically strong.

When he entered Falling Moon Forbidden Land, he only saw Zhan Tianxiang cultivation Monster Art. After he returned, he found that Zhao Dongsheng was the same.

“Well, when I had another chance, I took advantage of the trend to modify Monster Art to forge my physique, and then I found that I was actually very suitable.” Zhao Dongsheng scratched his head, with a somewhat embarrassed expression, “To be honest, it was also dazzled by my girl.”

“Sister Yafu?” Yu Yuan was moved.

Zhao Dongsheng gently nodded.

Yu Yuan suddenly understood, probably guessing Zhao Yafu’s repeated encounters in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land fortuitous encounter, coupled with his own terrifying innate talent, should be on the way back, or after returning to the Zhao Family, he was caught by Nirvana Continent north of a terrifying big The demon, or the cultivation Monster Art, has fallen in love.

If that person comes from Monster Palace…

“Congratulations to Uncle Zhao.” Yu Yuan said with a slight smile.

Zhao Dongsheng immediately knew that Yu Yuan should have guessed the mysteriousness and pointed to the Level 4 Black Tiger, “This Level 4, battle strength equivalent to our Dark Burst Realm tiger, is also like this. “

“I can see it.” Yu Yuan nodded said to Ning Ji who was amazed behind him: “Old Ning, Liu Wei from Cold Yin Sect just now, don’t you feel familiar?”

“What does this mean?” Ning Ji was at a loss.

“The cold current that erodes you day and night and prevents you from entering the Dark Burst Realm is this person.” Yu Yuan said.

Ning Ji was shocked, his anger rose, and his face trembled slightly, “Is it him? Cold Yin Sect, Liu Wei?”

“En.” Yu Yuan replied in the affirmative, “I sensed a familiar aura from him. Not long ago, when I helped you dissolve the cold current, a strange cold toxin overflowed quietly. The aura from that cold toxin It has the same taste as Liu Wei’s chest cavity Middle Dantian’s.”

“Liu Wei!” Ning Ji gnashing teeth lowly.

However, he quickly became frustrated and sighed.

Know how?

Neither the realm cultivation base nor the origins can be compared with Liu Wei.

Even now, the cold current is still haunting the Lower Dantian Golden Hall. I don’t know when it will happen again. If he can’t advance to Dark Burst Realm, his age will reach the extreme and he will grow old.

On the other hand, Liu Wei has long been the cultivation base of Nuance and is expected to condense Yin God.

Such a disparity, even if you know that Liu Wei secretly messed up, is there hope of revenge?

“Don’t worry, the cold current within the body will be resolved. You can also enter the Dark Burst Realm after the cold current has subsided, before your life reaches its ultimate limit.” Yu Yuan looked at his thoughts, with He said in a very confident tone, “We Yu Family, I owe you what Yu Yuan owes you, and I will return it to you.”

Ning Ji eyes shined.

“After you were injured, you came to Yu Family Town deliberately and settled quietly. Don’t you just wait for me?” Yu Yuan smiled, “Since Old Ning believes in me so much and has high hopes for me, how dare I disappoint you?”

“I believe you!”


“Yu Yuan!”

“You brat! You are finally willing to come back!”

“Just come back, just be fine!”

“What did you do in Falling Moon Forbidden Land to make people hate you so much?”

Yu Family’s old house, Yu Can, Zhao Zhenghao, and uncle aunt, when they saw him appear, they all stood up suddenly, and everyone talking at once stared at him bombing.

He scolded, everyone’s faces and eyes were filled with smiles.

When they talked, their moods also relaxed a lot. It seems that the haze that hung over Yu Family’s head was swept away by the wind because of Yu Yuan’s return.

“Golden Hall Realm! Are you already the cultivation base of Golden Hall Realm?”

Zhao Family’s current Patriarch, his muddy eyes suddenly lit up, and shouted in surprise: “Yes! When you went to the Falling Moon Forbidden Land trial, you were just the cultivation base of Meridian Breakthrough Realm! How long is this?”

“Golden Hall Realm? Yu Yuan, have you arrived at Golden Hall Realm?”

“It turned out to be Golden Hall Realm!”

The members of Yu Family shouted again with surprises, cheering like a New Year.

“Quickly take your experience in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, without omission and in detail!” Yu Li snorted, said: “It’s hard to tell the truth from outsiders. We just want to hear what you say.”

In these days when Yu Yuan disappeared, various rumors about him spread throughout the Silvermoon Empire.

Some people say that he colluded with the Great Demon and used external force to kill Lin Fengyan of the Lin Family in order to repay the hatred the Lin Family targeted.

It is also said that many big cultivators of Silvermoon Empire were also obliterated by Falling Moon Forbidden Land Formation.

Even more there is a saying, he had been possessed by the body of a different soul demon a long time ago, so after ten or seven years of silence, he suddenly woke up, conspired and stepped into the Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

He said that he was originally a different soul demon, and he wanted to be a medium for evil in Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

Others say that he is the pawn of Scarlet Sun Empire. He has long since surrendered to Scarlet Sun Empire’s Seven Gods Sect. It is the discipline of Seven Gods Sect Sect Master Qin Yun. The Moon Forbidden Land trial is to kill the empire Heaven’s Chosen like Fan Li.

All kinds of rumors spread in the Great City of the empire.

Juniors such as Su Yan, Zhao Yafu, Li Yu, and Zhan Tianxiang, because of their young age, many of their rhetoric, not at all, are too convincing.

Rumors, over time, are more likely to be believed.

The same is true. Because of his various rumors, Yu Family’s reputation in Dark Moon City and the entire Silvermoon Empire is not very good.

Therefore, when family forces such as Lin Family and Fan Family deliberately attack Yu Family, everyone feels as it should be by rights.

“It’s probably like this…”

After being questioned by everyone, Yu Yuan briefly and roughly narrated his experience in Falling Moon Forbidden Land, never mentioning that he had been to Jade Peak Mountain Range and Yin Wind Valley, and he concealed a lot of secrets.

“Others, don’t ask, I just think the environment of Falling Moon Forbidden Land is more suitable for my cultivation, so I stayed for a while.”

Without waiting for the crowd to slow down, he turned around and said, “Is the family’s Ice Soul Crystal, planning to sell it?”

Standing Yu Can sighed, and sat down, helplessly said: “Only when the Spirit Stone is abundant, a family can be vigorous. We have lost the foundation of our survival, and temporarily cannot think of any other way out. Take out that piece of Ice Apparition Cold Crystal and get over the difficulties first.”

“We Zhao Family can also help.” Zhao Zhenghao said.

“After all, it is not a long-term solution.” Yu Li sighed.

“Isn’t it the medicinal herb, can’t I find a buyer?” Yu Yuan smiled kindly, “Since I’m back, I naturally have to solve this problem fundamentally, once and for all!”

“Not only that, I want to let us Yu Family, from now on, the families that bought medicinal herb will desperately flood into Yu Family Town!”

“Moreover, it’s not limited to Silvermoon Empire!”

Every word of Yu Yuan is loud and full of confidence.

Yu Can and the others, staring at him blankly, listening to him slam Fang Qiu, were a little at a loss.

Can it be so?

This is the voice of all of them, but they didn’t say it to question Yu Yuan.

“Give me some time, you will see the results, you will see that not only Silvermoon Empire, people from other empires, and even the Medicine Refining Master of Heavenly Medicine Sect, will visit Yu Family Town in person!” Yu Yuan shouted.

“Heavenly Medicine Sect, will come too? Yu Yuan, are you serious?” Yu Li exclaimed.

“Wait and see.”


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