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Silvermoon Empire, Dark Moon City.

After the fall of Huang Family, Yu Family, which once radiated style, declined again.

The news that Yu Yuan participated in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land trial and was killed inside is no longer a secret.

At first, people like Zhao Yafu and Su Yan said that Yu Yuan was not dead, but was in the Falling Moon Forbidden Land cultivation, but as time went on, and there was no news of Yu Yuan, they also began to doubt.

In Falling Moon Forbidden Land, Yu Yuan has offended many of the big cultivators of Silvermoon Empire, which is not a good impression.

In particular, Lin Fengyan, the family of Lin Family, was said by those Silvermoon Empire cultivators that he died directly because of Yu Yuan.

The demise of Fan Li was also spread by some people, saying it was related to Yu Yuan.

Lin Family and Fan Family are the Five Great Families of the empire, and both are powerful.

These two, and the deliberate suppression of a few, made Yu Family’s situation worse.

Those who have had a close relationship with Yu Yuan, such as Su Yan, Li Yu, and Zhan Tianxiang, are either at a critical moment of cultivation and begin to retreat from cultivation, or because they are young, they cannot change the family’s decision-making for the time being.

This also resulted in that Yu Family did not receive much external support.

Later, Lin Zhuyun, who had mysteriously disappeared in Falling Moon Forbidden Land for a while, was confirmed to have been taken away by Cold Yin Sect’s powerhouse and officially connected to Tianyuan Continent, becoming the Core Disciple of Cold Yin Sect.

No one knows what happened to Lin Zhuyun. According to the news from Tianyuan Continent, after she entered Cold Yin Sect, she neglected sleep and forget about food and cultivation. The extraordinary innate talent was revealed and was extremely valued.

Because of this, the momentum of Lin Family’s weakness in Silvermoon Empire has quietly increased.

There is also the cultivator of Cold Yin Sect, who has visited several times and publicly supported Lin Hanyu in Lin Family, and also brought scarce medicine pill and spirit material.

After Lin Fengyan’s death, the realm was not enough. Lin Hanyu, who took over the patriarch hastily, was rumored to be advancing very fast.

In Dark Moon City, Lin Hanyu, who was humiliated in the great hall of Yu Family, knew about the death of his big brother Lin Fengyan. Yu Yuan had a big deal to do, so he made trouble for Yu Family.

Yu Family, a variety of spiritual medicine spiritual grass planted, has not been able to be purchased by buyers for a long time.

The current Yu Family can still gain a foothold in Dark Moon City, only because when Yu Yuan was there, the batch of Origin Spirit Pills refined in exchange for a lot of Spirit Stones from Yuan Family and Zhao Family.

But after Yu Yuan is gone, Yu Family can no longer refine the Origin Spirit Pill. After several times of consumption, it will run out of ammunition and food.

This day, in the Spirit Treasure House of Zhao Family.

Zhao Zheng with a bloated body

Howe, put a bag of Spirit Stones on the stone table in the backyard, and said to Yu Li, “This is 3000 Spirit Stones. I will lend you Yu Family for the time being. I don’t need the evidence. You can return it when you have it.”

Yu Li looked a little cautious, looked at the big bag of Spirit Stones on the table, and said, “It’s really sorry.”

Many clan members in the clan are at the key point of realm and need the help of Spirit Stone to break through.

She, Yu Feifei, and many members of the Yu Family depend on Spirit Stone.

And those earned from the sale of Origin Spirit Pill have been exhausted.

She will show up here. Before Zhao Yafu retreats, she will find her personally and tell her that if she has any difficulties, she will go to Zhao Family to find her old son Zhao Zhenghao.

After Zhao Yafu returned to Zhao Family, realm and battle strength had a leap breakthrough.

She attributed all the credit to Yu Yuan, saying that Yu Yuan had saved her several times and helped her.

Zhao Zhenghao, also nostalgic, gave Yu Family some assistance both overtly and secretly.


“Sorry should be me.” Zhao Zhenghao straightened his body slightly and said, “I’m sorry, our Zhao Family is not the strongest family in Dark Moon City. Zhao Family also has to take into account the overall situation and consider the family members, so many Things are also forced to be helpless.”

Yu Li said that he hopes to exchange the medicine ingredients grown by his family for Spirit Stone from Zhao Family.

But Lin Family and Fan Family, as well as some people who are dissatisfied with Yu Family, have already let go of their words, not allowing any clan, and privately purchase Yu Family’s spiritual medicine spiritual grass.

The current Su Family Patriarch, Su Yan’s father, and Su Yan 2 are not in the Silvermoon Empire now.

There are rumors that Su Xiangtian took Su Yan secretly. It should be to Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent to send Su Yan to a certain sect force cultivation.

As soon as Su Xiangtian’s father and daughter left, many people in Su Family also deliberately or unintentionally spoiled and targeted Yu Family.

Yu Family’s situation is even worse.

Under pressure from several parties, even if Zhao Family bought the medicinal herb from Yu Family, it could not find the next home to sell.

The medicinal herb is piled up for a long time, and the Spiritual Qi disappears, just like a waste product.

Since I have purchased it, I can’t distribute it, and I don’t have a Medicine Refining Master, so why bother to offend the person?

Therefore, Zhao Zhenghao declined Yu Li’s proposal and was unwilling to buy Yu Family’s medicinal herb. Because of Yu Yuan’s kindness, he borrowed Spirit Stone to Yu Li instead.

Borrowed, after all, have to be repaid. Those medicinal herb will not find a market and will die away.

Yu Li looked at the big bag of Spirit Stone, frowning

I borrowed this bag of Spirit Stones. The people in the clan are temporarily satisfied, but what about next time?

Next time, do you have the face to come again?

On the Yuan Family side, Yuan Lianyao also retreats for a long time. Although he also told the people to treat Yu Family well, after Yu Family couldn’t find a market for the medicinal herb, the fundamental problem could not be solved, and the trouble would eventually come back.


Outside the city, Yu Family Town.

This place belongs to Yu Family. Yu Family’s medicine gardens are scattered around Yu Family Town.

Nowadays, many medicinal herbs in medicine gardens are not growing well.

Some medicine gardens were simply deserted and no longer planted new ones.

Some medicinal slaves, like Heaven and Earth, sit in the sun, and ignore the life and death of those medicinal herb. When there is not a word of gossip, all they say are dejected.

for example……

Anyway, when medicinal herb is planted, it will die in the end. Why waste time?

Since there is no one, if you dare to buy the medicinal herb of Yu Family, you just don’t care about it, just let the medicine garden be deserted.

Yu Family is in Dark Moon City and soon has no place to stand. We should also make plans early to go to other cities and other families related to Su Family to discuss life.

Most drug slaves, just from Yu Family Town and surrounding towns, have no sense of belonging to Yu Family.

Their responsibilities are just to take care of the medicine garden, and as Yu Family’s own family members don’t pay much attention to these medicine gardens, of course they don’t care much.

“A lot, they are all deserted.”

Suddenly a voice rang out among the medicine gardens.

The medicine slave lying in the sun, after hearing it, looked at it sideways as if he hadn’t heard, and continued to chat.

Yu Yuan stood there, glanced around, and knew that what he saw before him represented the fundamental medicine garden of Yu Family, which should not bring benefits to the family.

Otherwise, it won’t be so.

Next to him, the black and thin little girl, with the weird knuckles on her back, was gone, and the black skirt she was wearing also covered the carapace of her chest. From the naked eye alone, she couldn’t tell.

She also studied Yu Yuan, looking around at 4 places, her nose moved, and she seemed to be bored.

“Looking at it now, it’s naturally nothing interesting.” Yu Yuan laughed, “Give me some time, it’s another thing. When I come back this time, I want Yu Family to develop steadily after losing me. That way, I too. I don’t owe Yu Family, I can get away comfortably.”


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