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Crimson Short Spear is not a product of Primal Yang Sect.

The scarce spirit material for refining the short spear, the iron essence incorporated into it, the bursting power hidden inside, have nothing to do with Primal Yang Sect.

Therefore, the suppression and absorption of “Sunburst” by “Nine Radiances Heavenly Wheel” did not happen.


Wu Xiting changed suddenly and was no longer so calm.


Seven rainbow beams of light flew out from above his head, intertwined with the void, condensed into a big red hand.

That hand wanted to hold the short spear to limit the power in it.

——He is afraid that Yu Yuan will die!

Chen Qingyan groaned and sighed, feeling that Yu Yuan was afraid that under the strange power of the short spear, his arms would burst first, and then his body would collapse and die.

She couldn’t see the origin of that short spear, but the power contained in it was clearly not the way of Primal Yang Sect.

I don’t know if a short spear of the same rank can penetrate the black and thin little girl’s thoracic carapace, nail it firmly to the rock wall, and continue to destroy its flesh and blood, so that it is out of the ordinary.

How can Yu Yuan at this moment mention on equal terms with that non-human little girl?

She couldn’t bear it, so what if Yu Yuan stepped into the Golden Hall Realm?

Whether it is Wu Xiting or Chen Qingyan, in fact, when he was anxious, he knew that something had happened. Since Yu Yuan was holding a short spear, it was too late.

But many times, there are always surprises and surprises.

Such as this moment!

Holding the scarlet short spear with both hands, feeling dozens of bundles of Crimson Lightning, Yu Yuan, who came along the palm, to the arms, and to the internal organs, was not at all disturbed.

When he left the Falling Moon Forbidden Land with the branded on his arm bones, the hidden sword glow was agitated again, and his heart was already chanting: “I knew that you did not leave me!”


Wu Xiting and Chen Qingyan were suddenly alarmed.

Long Tianxiao, who fought hard against the Essence Fire Mirror, suddenly smelled a familiar smell in this brief moment.

A stubborn, mighty, ancient sword intent bred from Yu Yuan’s 2 arms.

Well, it is clearly the Falling Moon Forbidden Land, which echoes the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, which makes Yu Yuan the ultimate weapon without any disadvantages!

Yu Yuan’s arms seemed to turn into two red soldering irons in a flash.

The skin becomes translucent, and a section of the arm bone looks like a 9-day divine iron casting.

Branded on the top, a little sword glow, if you zoom in 10000000 times, you can see the complex sword art and sword style of the wall of the Soul Transformation Pond, including Sword Soul and the spirituality of the sword.

Then I saw dozens of bundles of Crimson Lightning, suddenly disintegrating in the red-hot arm joints.

Bunches of lightning, if slashed by 10000 1000 sharp swords, the slashes are even more fragmented, and suddenly burst.

Yu Yuan himself, using Heaven Soul to perceive it, seems to see brilliant fireworks blooming within his two arm bones, such as meteor showers.

The light sound of “chi chi” is only lowly heard by him.

Each a light sound represents the disappearance of a bunch of Crimson Lightning, and it turns into a warm current, which instead becomes a nourishment for the joints of his arm.


In the sound of roar, Yu Yuan splashed electric fire with both hands and pulled out forcefully.

The short spear that cut through the black and thin girl’s chest and nailed her to the rock wall was really pulled out by Yu Yuan.

The moment the short spear was separated from the body, her breath was weak, her head hung down, and her shoulders drooped, as if she had vitality in an instant!

Yin Wind Valley, Heaven and Earth, the energy is surging!

within the valley

Yes, the dense miasma poison mist, turned into a blue dragon python, rushed towards her one after another.

Even in the light shield of the “secret fire wave poison array”, the clusters of colorful flames are also affected by her, moving towards her from the sky, from below.

Her closed eyes trembled.

Then, it opened slowly.

The moment she opened her eyes, her emerald green eyes were still dim, but as the poisonous smoke escaped, clusters of colorful flames pounced, and her eyes lit up like a flame.

Suddenly bright!

After that, she moved towards Yu Yuan and just took a look.

At that glance, it was touching, surprise, warmth, forgiveness, all kinds of complex and advanced emotions…

She was once again submerged by a cloud of miasma smoke, and her petite silhouette disappeared in the thick and toxic smoke in the sound of “ka-cha”.

The smoke gradually rises into the air.

In the thick smoke, a section of 5 Yan 6 sè of crystal-clear bones can be vaguely seen, bursting out a magnificent divine light that is fascinating!


Wu Xiting, who was scrupulous about Extreme Yang Mountain, watched the short spear being pulled out and watched her break free, his heart was filled with manic anger.

He stared at Yu Yuan, scolded in the tone of teaching Junior, “Even if you are the Extreme Yang Mountain lineage, even if you are the Inheritor of the orthodox Nine Radiances Heavenly Wheel, you can’t be here, the same sect Senior has planned for many years! “

He comes from Eastern Yang Mountain and has the Soul Wonder Realm cultivation base, of course he is the same sect elder of Yu Yuan!

He has planned for many years, and he is bound to get something, but now it is released by Yu Yuan. How can it be justified?

“Same sect? Senior?”

Holding that short spear, Yu Yuan took a deep breath, his face gradually became weird, “This short spear, where did you come from? In the short spear, there is Spirit Art and subtlety. Have you ever been comprehend? “

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Qingyan was puzzled, and his expression trance.

She has not recovered from the previous shock.

The two hands of Yu Yuan holding the short spear did not burst open. Yu Yuan was not followed by the power. The soul flew away and scattered were all so unreasonable.

The short spear was successfully pulled out, and now it is in Yu Yuan’s hands. He still questioned Wu Xiting, who was trained in the same sect?

In addition, in Yu Yuan’s arm, there seemed to be an ancient sword intent generated. What happened?

She was full of doubts.

Wu Xiting, who reprimanded Yu Yuan, was stunned after Yu Yuan’s rhetorical question. Then, Wu Xiting’s eyes and face were at a loss, “What are you talking about?”

“What did you ask me to say?” Yu Yuan chuckled, holding the short spear, “Senior Wu, are you trying to play stupid with me?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about!” Wu Xiting’s face became deep and his tone became colder, “Yu Yuan, right? No matter where you come from, since the cultivation of Nine Radiances Heavenly Wheel, it is the introduction of Extreme Yang Mountain. Extreme Yang Mountain, like our Eastern Yang Mountain, is Primal Yang Sect lineage. Everyone comes out of the same place. After I learned your identity, I have kept it several times. Don’t be unsatisfied!”

“But you, not my same sect, you shouldn’t be Primal Yang Sect either.” Yu Yuan said with a smile.

“Essence Fire Mirror was personally bestowed by the mountain owner of Eastern Yang Mountain. My Wu Xiting name is from the recorded Primal Yang Sect genealogy. Why isn’t it a member of Primal Yang Sect?” Wu Xiting’s voice suddenly rose, and was furious. According to his posture, it is really flustered and exasperated, even Mo Baichuan’s face is not going to be given.

This is because what Yu Yuan said was too much.

“If you dare to fix the Spirit Art in the short spear, it shouldn’t be Primal Yang Sect

People. “Yu Yuan grinned and stared at Wu Xiting’s anxious, crimson hand with 7 rainbow beams of light.

Wu Xiting has changed slightly.

The big red hand disappeared in an instant.

“Seal of Burning Blood.”

Yu Yuan gently put out a breath and said: “Even if it is inspired by the fiery flames of Primal Yang Sect, the big red hands that are condensed by the 7 beams of light are still the mark of burning blood. You Wu Xiting, not Extreme Yang Mountain Mountain Lord, you don’t have the attainments and ability to create a brand new Spirit Art.”

“The great hand seal that you developed still contains traces of the blood-burning seal, and this short spear is naturally made by the blood refinement technique of the Blood God Church, condensed by your own blood. “

“So, Senior Wu, how come you are from Eastern Yang Mountain? Even if you are, you should be expelled.”

Yu Yuan sneered.

The Crimson Lightning in the short spear, the moment it escaped into the arm bones of both of his hands, the hidden rich smell of bloody air quietly escaped.

At that moment, he judged that the smelting technique of the short spear came from the Blood God Church.

Reminiscent of Wu Xiting who came from Eastern Yang Mountain, trying to plot her.

The cultivator of Cultivation Eastern Yang Mountain Spirit Art has tried so hard to get her, it is not reasonable!

Those of Eastern Yang Mountain who only cultivation Primal Yang Sect secret technique, even if they want to punish the evil, only want to kill her, and want to solve hidden dangers cleanly.

Instead of catching it alive!

Catch alive is good, and if you have enough benefits, you will not be too troublesome!

If Wu Xiting, as the doorman of Eastern Yang Mountain, secretly cultivated the secret technique of Blood God Church, everything would make sense.

To the Ghost Talisman Sect, to the Blood God Church, to the evil sect of the imperial envoy driving poison, and to the cultivation weird Spirit Art occultist, her survival can be of great use!

Therefore, Yu Yuan boldly inferred that Wu Xiting, who claimed to be Primal Yang Sect Upright Sect decent, was originally from the Blood God Church and was secretly sent to Primal Yang Sect.

Or, by accident, he killed the cultivator of the Blood God Church, and after getting the short spear, he became strange and quietly studied the secret technique of the Blood God Church.

Regardless of the possibility, as long as Primal Yang Sect knows, Wu Xiting is in the sect and has no place to stand.

Being expelled is just the lightest penalty.

Heavy is dead!

“Seal of Burning Blood, Blood God Church!”

Chen Qingyan suddenly uttered and whispered helplessly. In the depths of her beautiful eyes, there was an extremely obvious panic.

For the first time, she began to blame Yu Yuan deeply, and began to blame Yu Yuan.

Why do you have to do this?

Even if you can see, Wu Xiting secretly cultivation Blood God Church’s secret technique, secretly smelting Blood God Church artifacts, pretending to be ignorant?

Wait for Yin Wind Valley, wait for everyone to get out of trouble, wait until Wu Xiting can’t find you, can’t you say no more?

Why say it?

You said it, I heard it, Wu Xiting, what should we do if it is as you said?

Compared with his identity being revealed and being chased by Primal Yang Sect, I am afraid that he will not even give my Master’s face.

I hope not, I hope it’s not what you think, otherwise…

Chen Qingyan in the heart prayed silently, praying that Yu Yuan’s judgment was wrong, praying that Yu Yuan was just talking nonsense, and Wu Xiting would not care.

However, when she realized that Wu Xiting was silent and Wu Xiting’s eyes were getting colder, she knew it was bad.

“Yu Yuan, you damn bastard, you want to cheat me to death!”


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