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Wu Xiting laughed to Guan Xianyun summon of Ghost Talisman Sect.

In his hand, he holds a palm-size copper mirror.

The copper mirror is simple and old, giving people a feeling of vicissitudes of life.

The mirror surface of the copper mirror is not too bright, and the scenes of people shining on are very blurry.

But when the palm-size copper mirror was taken to Guan Xianyun, the Ghost Talisman Sect was trapped in the powerhouse of Yin God Peak for many years, and the silhouette suddenly stagnated in the void.

Wu Xiting smiled playfully and said, “Brother Guan, why bother?”

Guan Xianyun’s three rune inscriptions posted on his forehead, chest and Lower Dantian, burning “chi chi”, the flames of crimson sè, golden sè and lavender sè are surgingly released from his Upper Dantian, Middle Dantian, and Lower Dantian.

The energies of the three cultivator, soul mind, blood and psychic energy, burst out.

Guan Xianyun stood still in the void silhouette, turned his head awkwardly, holding the burning flame, moved towards Wu Xiting with a bitter smile, and said in a harsh tone: “Heaven Grade artifacts, Essence Fire Mirror.”

Wu Xiting looked different, nodded, and said: “My brother has a good vision, and he knows my Eastern Yang Mountain artifacts. You are right. The Essence Fire Mirror artifact was when I was lucky enough to advance to Soul Wonder Realm. From the mountain owner of Eastern Yang Mountain.”

“Essence Fire Mirror is only Grade 1 Heaven Grade artifact. I am really ashamed of the great gift of the mountain lord. After so long, I have not been able to upgrade the grade of Essence Fire Mirror to promote 1-grade.”

He is very regretfully, telling Guan Xianyun.

In the palm-size Essence Fire Mirror, quietly, the fuzzy silhouette of Guan Xianyun is reflected.

Guan Xianyun, who was eager to escape from Yin Wind Valley, appeared in the mirror of Essence Fire Mirror with his silhouette, Yin God sinking in Soul Consciousness Sea, suddenly smelled something wrong.

His Yin God, if suddenly exposed to the blazing sun, the heat billowed.

Before he woke up, he found three rune inscriptions that had burned to ashes.

At this time, he, not at all, was able to rush into the “Secluded Fire Wave Poison Array”, so he could not escape from Yin Wind Valley.

Three strange divine talisman worth 3 gold, unfathomable mystery was wasted.

No one knows how precious those three divine talisman are.

In order to get those 3 divine talisman, which are not part of Ghost Talisman Sect, he spent several years going deep into the north of Nirvana Continent, rumored that a great spellmaster’s cemetery, tried to rune inscription for many years, only when the opportunity came, in a The speed of flash, 3 characters were stolen.

It took a long time to understand the profound mystery of rune inscription, imprinting it into my blood essence and soul seal, and finally 3 rune inscriptions could be used for my own use.

His accomplishments with rune have been rapidly improved as a result, realm has been promoted to the late peak of Yin God realm.

Just a little bit, you can reach Soul Wonder Realm.

But now, Wu Xiting took out Essence Fire Mirror, 3 amulets that could have helped him get out of Yin Wind Valley, actually burned to ashes.

“Master Mei! Master Mei, we are on your side from beginning to end!”

The other two people from Heavenly Thunder Temple and several cultivators from Heaven Profound Continent screamed like a nervous breakdown after Wu Xiting attacked Guan Xianyun.

All of them suddenly realized that Wu Xiting of Primal Yang Sect and Mei Qiurong of Profound Heaven Sect were going to kill.

Mei Qiurong expressionless, looked towards the two Elders of Heavenly Thunder Temple, and looked towards the others, remaining silent.

Wu Xiting laughed and said, “Some things about Yin Wind Valley cannot be known to others, so I can only apologize.”

He with a flick of sleeve.

The palm-size Essence Fire Mirror flew to the sky, like a big mirror hanging from the sky, gradually spreading out.


Everyone inside looked up and found that their silhouettes all appeared in the mirror of the sky.

Suddenly, things changed and the stars moved, and the world revolved!

When they realized it, many people were horrified to find that their Sky, Earth, and Human 3 souls seemed to have separated from their flesh and blood, and had fallen into the Essence Fire Mirror in the sky.

The Heaven and Earth inside Essence Fire Mirror is another space.

That piece of space, formed by blazing flames, is full of erupting volcanoes, and rain is falling all over the sky. There are countless, unknown flame divine symbols, flying like spiritual consciousness.

Inexplicably, the cultivators of Heaven Profound Continent all over the world are wailing.

In the entire Yin Wind Valley, only Long Tianxiao, Guan Xianyun, Chen Qingyan and Yu Yuan were spared from the Essence Fire Mirror soul exchange.

Long Tianxiao with the dragon body of the head, shrunk in one corner, I don’t know what Dragon Race secret technique has been used, surrounded by golden-bright and dazzling rays of light, resisting hard.

Guan Xianyun used the Ghost Talisman Sect secret technique, and there was a dim light circle behind her head, and the ghost symbols and ghosts in the light circle were annihilated.

He is using ghost charms, as well as many ghosts and ghosts in ghost charms, to block the upside-down spirit of Essence Fire Mirror.

Chen Qingyan is holding the snakeskin scabbard, if there is a body protection symbol in his hand, it will not be pulled by the Essence Fire Mirror at all.

As for Yu Yuan…

Yu Yuan in the Essence Fire Mirror, with the Heavenspan ability, changed heaven and earth, and mirrored his Sky, Earth, and Human 3 soul, only with the distant Soul Transformation Pond, and the 4 simple black letters in the strange space at the bottom, once again achieved Connect.

Connected to 3%, 1 Soul Consciousness Sea, completely motionless.

“Hey, this kid is a little weird.”

Wu Xiting, who moved the Essence Fire Mirror with his soul, glanced at Yu Yuan in amazement, and touched the non-existent beard on his chin.

“The Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool I used can’t strip his 3 souls, and your Essence Fire Mirror will naturally not work either.” Mei Qiurong said.

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Xiting became more and more surprised.

“Senior Wu, you promised me!” Chen Qingyan said.

Wu Xiting, who was about to put pressure on Yu Yuan again, gave her such a cry, frowned slightly, and nodded said, “Well, I’ll come to the kid for questioning later.”

With that said, all his energy was put on Essence Fire Mirror.

In the Essence Fire Mirror, clusters of manifested souls, the weakest ones, like gorgeous fireworks, are exploding and dissipating.

At this moment, Yu Yuan, who had been standing at the entrance to the underground cave, silently moved towards the black thin girl who was nailed to the rock wall by a short spear and walked away.

Each step he walked out was firm and heavy, and his expression was surprisingly calm.

Mei Qiurong slightly frowned, silhouette swept away and appeared in his original position.

She glanced at Yu Yuan first, then lowered her head and looked at the hole.

Wu Xiting didn’t forget to look at Yu Yuan when he was hurting the killer. When he found that Yu Yuan was going to the black and thin girl, he was not at all to stop him, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The smile seemed to say: With your realm cultivation base, what can you do in the past?

How powerful is the damage of the short spear, how amazing, who knows how?

Not to mention Yu Yuan of Dark Moon City, even Chen Qingyan of Sword Sect, who walked up the rock wall, there is not much possibility to help the black and thin girl he was staring at get out of trouble.

Because of this confidence, he not only stood still, but also looked at the jokes on his face.

“Leave it to you, I’ll go underground.”

Mei Qiurong left such a sentence, holding the Heavenly Palace Seal in one hand and the yellow gourd in the other, and suddenly fell to the cave leading to the bottom. After a flash, it disappeared.

The killing is going on within the valley.

Chen Qingyan took a deep breath, looking at Yu Yuan with complicated eyes, hesitating and struggling inside.

At least Wu Xiting of Soul Wonder Realm, holding the Essence Fire Mirror, and the short spear, plus the fallen Mei Qiurong, holding the Heavenly Palace Seal in his hand, and there should be Rare Item that can restrict An Jieshan.

The same is the three upper sects, and the elders, realm far surpasses her.

If her face is torn apart, of course she will not die because of her Master’s deterrence.

But in that case, I am afraid that there is no possibility that Wu Xiting and Mei Qiurong will let Yu Yuan go because of her, right?

Chen Qingyan finally chose not to move.

She just looked at Yu Yuan unmovingly, wondering what Yu Yuan was going to do.

Can it be saved?


With her back sticking to the rock wall, a section of 7-color joints, no longer glowing, with her hands drooping, her chest shell bursting, she felt as if Yu Yuan was approaching.

Her shoulders trembled slightly.

Her drooping head lifted up with great difficulty and force.


Shu Shu was red and fiery, as if he knew her mind, as if he was taming and teaching her, it suddenly burst from the short spear.

In an instant, her chest was blood splashed, and pieces of shattered carapace exploded and fell off.

Each piece of carapace is the coagulation of the essence of her blood, and it carries the imprint of her soul, which is precious.

Even the fragmentation, originally, there is also the opportunity to remix and recast again.

But after it exploded and fell off, it was completely destroyed. No matter how difficult it is to recast, it can only grow again in a more difficult way in later years.

Of course.

It was the pieces of carapace that exploded and fell off, she still did not hesitate, but with extreme pain, she looked up desperately.

Halfway up her head, most of her chest carapace burst and fell off. Feeling the departure of blood and spirit, she was a little lost and at a loss, but in her emerald green eyes, when Yu Yuan silhouette finally appeared, she suddenly burst into a different look!

That gleam of glamour, like the brilliant lightning from a dark room, instantly dazzled her already dim eyes.

And its heartland.

That’s it, staring at Yu Yuan in a daze, her eyes are unpredictable, producing countless complex emotions.

It seems that there are 1000 words and 10000 words, with those eyes, it is revealed.

The emotion of joy, excitement, and contentment completely replaced resentment, resentment and grievance.

In the end, there was only one emotion in those eyes.

Want Yu Yuan to live well.

——Don’t worry about her.

In front of the rock wall, Yu Yuan raised his head, looked at her, and took a deep breath.

“Eastern Yang Mountain, Wu Xiting.”

There was no speech, but these six words screamed in Yu Yuan’s heart.

He never thought that his backhand prepared for his reincarnation, after 300 years of advanced transformation, would become such a high-level intelligent creature.

From the moment she emerged from the miasma cloud into the black-handed short girl, a special, never-before-experienced emotion has been breeding in Yu Yuan’s heart.

“You don’t want you to protect me anymore. I am more than 300 years late. I will protect you instead.”

On the rock wall, among the numerous caves, only one has no poisonous smoke.

Quite Yin Wind had blown out of that cave.

Suddenly, Quite Yin Wind, who had stopped because she was hit hard and nailed to the rock wall, whizzed out again.

Not running towards Wu Xiting, not moving towards Mei Qiurong, but flying towards Yu Yuan.


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