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one after another line of sight, instantly fell to the hole leading to the ground.

For example, Guan Xianyun and the like who covet the cultivator hidden in Yin Wind Valley feel inexplicable.

Who is An Jieshan?

Mei Qiurong of Profound Heaven Sect, carrying a Heavenly Palace Seal deep into Yin Wind Valley, not because of the treasure of Heavenly Medicine Sect in Yin Wind Valley, but An Jieshan who has never heard of it?

Everyone was amazed.

Like a peacock on the screen, the thin black girl with fan-shaped crystal bones behind her, her emerald green eyes, not at all strange.

She obviously knew that there were people like An Jieshan in the underground cell in Yin Wind Valley.

She can control Quite Yin Wind and can mobilize the “Nether Fire Wave Poison Array”, and is the owner of many Formation prohibitions in Yin Wind Valley.

Born to be highly poisonous, qi and blood, and with an extraordinary sense of smell, how could she not know that there is a strange and weird creature hidden deep within the valley?

In fact, An Jieshan, who was shrunk in the cell of the earth, had been paying attention.

An Jieshan was originally her last goal.

Her initial plan was to use An Jieshan in the ground when she was in the strongest state after beheading and devouring Long Tianxiao and Mei Qiurong.

She didn’t know that An Jieshan had a short-term cooperation with Yu Yuan when he was in Falling Moon Forbidden Land.

She certainly did not know that An Jieshan was able to break away from Falling Moon Forbidden Land, from the ban and suppression of “Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation”, and successfully left. Yu Yuan contributed a lot.

“you guys?”

Mei Qiurong, who was coldly shouted, was suddenly blinded after Long Tianxiao and Yu Yuan spoke one after another.

“How do you know An Jieshan?”

She had been scuba diving for a long time in Profound Heaven Sect, and she was unaware of the mutation of Falling Moon Forbidden Land. It was just that there were artifacts on the side of Sect. She sensed the movement of An Jieshan, who was blocked in Falling Moon Forbidden Land and was out and about, so she arranged for her to come. trip.

According to the discovery of sect artifacts, the place of An Jieshan activity is Jade Peak Mountain Range.

Holding the Heavenly Palace Seal, she was ordered to come to the Jade Peak Mountain Range, which is to rush to An Jieshan.

Yin Wind Valley, encountering the black and thin girl, encountering Long Tianxiao, Yu Yuan and the others were purely accidental.

Her duty is not to seize the possessions of Yin Wind Valley, or to fight against a black and thin little girl who is all poisonous, or to pull An Jieshan out and use the artifacts given by sect to suppress the imprisonment again.

Profound Heaven Sect, never allowed An Jieshan to escape to Nirvana Continent and once again became a member of the Blood God Church.

Because An Jieshan stole many of the Spirit Art secret techniques of Profound Heaven Sect. Today, even if he is incomplete and becomes an inhuman strange existence, Profound Heaven Sect does not allow him and teaches those Spirit Art secret techniques to him. The followers of Blood God Church.


A scarlet blood shadow, flying from the ground like red lightning.

Everyone suddenly sensed an unusually refined and strong blood power, so they all looked towards the cave entrance curiously.

“Pu! pu pu! “

There are 2 bunches of blood light from the hole in the ground

, Rushed out like a blade, and penetrated 2 Nuance realm, the cultivator from Radiant Empire, on the spot.

blood light, when two people leave within the body, the blood and spirit strength essence of the two people are all taken away.

After the two people, the blood light flew again in the mountain within the valley, and attacked the other realm inferior ones.

For a while, within the valley fell into chaos again.

Fear that the black and thin little girl had been a cultivator for a long time, from all sides, became the target of An Jieshan’s attack and became his target.

The blood light swept, like the huge blood sickle waved by Death God.

Regardless of the Nuance realm or the Yin God realm, the type of cultivator in various countries has nothing to do with the deadly blood light.

No matter what Spiritual Artifact, what exquisite and powerful Spirit Art and spiritism, can not limit the 2 beams of blood light, can only watch 2 beams of blood light, flying by in a weird and winding way, harvesting life.

In a very short time, three more people were killed.

Long Tianxiao, Yu Yuan, and Mei Qiurong, the black and thin little girl, was not the first target of blood light to attack. They all watched as the blood light shuttled and flew away. Everyone within the valley wailed, and died one after another.

What puzzles Yu Yuan is that Soul Aura of An Jieshan is not revealed.

An Jieshan, his soul mixed with blood, seemed to be still underground.

Shouting, to smash Mei Qiurong who blocked An Jieshan, holding the yellow gourd in one hand and the Heavenly Palace Seal in the other, like a big enemy, but did not rush to act.

She, not at all, stared at 2 beams of blood light, but she glanced around.

It seems that there is a big threat hidden in the invisible dark place, in the blind corner of the line of sight.

At the same time, outside the valley.

Liu Zaihe, who should have died together with the Hu Family, quietly took out another pill from his arms and quickly swallowed it in his mouth.

The pill sè is gray and brown, like a small heart with a beard, and a gray beard, which was still dancing before.

pill only showed a moment.

But whether it was Shi Yuxuan or Chen Qingyan, both of them had feelings instantly.

There are also several Medicine Refining Masters from Heavenly Medicine Sect, whose expression has also changed slightly. They looked towards Liu Zaihe together, and one of them was surprised: “Where does the pill in your hand come from?”

Liu Zaihe, who has always been arrogant and indifferent, had a trace of panic on his face and said, “Given from the family!”

“Impossible!” Shi Yuxuan’s face was deep, “Dragon Beard Poison Heart Pill is definitely not a gift from your family. The offspring of King Wei Ling is also impossible to involve the Poison Pill! Liu Zaihe, your innate talent for refining medicine is extraordinary, and it should have been with me. Under Zong’s recommendation, I went to Divine Medicine Sect cultivation, how did I go astray?”

“I was poisoned within the valley. Only by relying on this pill can I have a glimmer of survival.” Liu Zaihe said.

“I just ask you, this pill, who is it from?” Shi Yuxuan asked again.

Liu Zaihe gritted his teeth and said nothing.

“Uncle Shi, this Liu Zaihe lends me a use.” Chen Qingyan said suddenly.

Shi Yuxuan surprised

Of course, “What?”

Without waiting for him to react, the snakeskin scabbard held by Chen Qingyan pointed towards Liu Zaihe.

Within the snakeskin sheath, a soft tenacious sword intent suddenly emerged.

Liu Zaihe, who swallowed the “Dragon Beard Poison Heart Pill”, was entangled in the sword intent for a moment, and moved towards her directly following Chen Qingyan’s pull.

In an instant, Liu Zaihe was grasped by her and pressed on the snakeskin sheath.

Just like she was in front and Yu Yuan behind her.


Chen Qingyan slapped him on the shoulder.

There are gray-brown dragon’s whiskers, like soft wicker, floating out from Liu Zaihe’s within the body.

The dragon beards are not substance, but are released by Liu Zaihe’s blood and spirit strength, mixed with the erysipelas of “Dragon Beard Poison Heart Pill”.

Chen Qingyan, who had been standing within the valley and dared not go deep, took Liu Zaihe as a spear and suddenly shot towards Yin Wind Valley.

The dragon’s whiskers, the moment they approached the “secret fire wave poison array”, the gray and brown dragon’s whiskers stretched wildly, seeming to involve Liu Zaihe, and driving the snakeskin scabbard, wanting to retreat.

Chen Qingyan sneered, and his 5 fingers were put together into a sword, and he tapped lightly.

Seeing the dragon’s whisker, which was half a meter long, instantly became calm and honest, and could no longer move.

As for Liu Zaihe, all of a sudden, his cheekbones were sunken and he lost a lot of weight.

As if his Essence, Qi, and Spirit were all sucked by those weird dragon whiskers.


On the bright yellow light cover of the quiet fire wave poison array, a flame rushed out towards Chen Qingyan.

That dragon beard, controlled by Chen Qingyan’s sword intent, reluctantly stretched out and touched the clusters of flames, causing most of the flames to be extinguished.

The snakeskin scabbard took Liu Zaihe and slammed into the deep valley.

Within the valley, Yu Yuan felt a sudden, frowned and looked towards one place.

Heart field, a single thought breeds.

The black and thin little girl, frowning slightly, reluctantly, moved towards that direction and tugged with a small hand.

With a quick pull, the highly toxic smoke in the direction quietly dispersed.


After a short while, Chen Qingyan, who was stepping on a snakeskin scabbard, held Liu Zaihe and rushed into the valley.

As soon as she entered the valley, the poisonous smoke that had filled her backside surged again to fill the gap.

And everyone within the valley, everyone outside the valley, can see each other in this short moment.

Yu Yuan saw Shi Yuxuan, Medicine Refining Master of Heavenly Medicine Sect outside the valley, and more cultivator of Heaven Profound Continent.

Shi Yuxuan and the others also saw 2 blood lights running around in Yin Wind Valley, and saw Long Tianxiao, Guan Xianyun and Mei Qiurong.

There is another, standing in the depths of Yin Wind Valley, a young man with indifferent expression and handsome appearance in the cave leading to the underground cell.

“Who is that boy?”


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