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Tianyuan Continent’s Profound Heaven Sect is a world-famous miracle in the vast world.

Profound Heaven Sect, located in Nine Heavens Skies, consists of 9 palaces.

Each of the 9 palaces is as big as a mountain, majestic and solemn.

Profound Heaven Sect, the palaces are floating in the air, so they are also called Heavenly Palace.

The 9 Heavenly Palaces are also an extraordinary array-Nine Heavenly God Palace Array!

Nine Heavenly God Palace Array is the highest Rank 7 Array!

In the legend, Profound Heaven Sect’s Nine Heavenly God Palace Array, each Heavenly Palace has a seal as the formation eye hub, which drives the Nine Heavenly God Palace Array.

The 9 seals, all called Heavenly Palace Seal, correspond to the 9 Heavenly Palaces.

No matter how far apart, as long as in the vast world, any Profound Heaven Sect doorman holding a piece of the Heavenly Palace Seal can use the Heavenly Palace Seal in his hand to call part of the power corresponding to the Heavenly Palace.

Depending on the realm of the Indian holder, the power that can be possessed is naturally different.

Profound Heaven Sect, as one of the three upper sects of Tianyuan Continent, in the last ages, the Nine Heavenly God Palace Array will be fully opened only after a full battle with Nirvana Continent.

At that time, all 9 Heavenly Palace Seals had to be placed in Profound Heaven Sect and placed in every palace.

Apart from this, the 9 Heavenly Palace Seals are all scattered.

Any piece of the Heavenly Palace Seal is of great significance to the Profound Heaven Sect. Those who can hold the Heavenly Palace Seal must be trusted by Sect, or out of the ordinary, or contribute to the Profound Heaven Sect.

Only in this way is worthy of holding a Heavenly Palace Seal.

The Heavenly Palace Seal is both a status symbol and a proof of strength.

Overwhelming majority, Profound Heaven Sect cultivator holding the Heavenly Palace Seal, as long as this seal is taken out, many things can be easily settled.

Whether in Heaven Profound Continent, Tianyuan Continent, or even in many places of Nirvana Continent, in many cases, Heavenly Palace Seal has the same miraculous effect.

The southern part of Nirvana Continent, such as Divine Medicine Sect, Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce and Refiner Sect, also gives Heavenly Palace a lot of face.

The holder of the seal, because it can represent Profound Heaven Sect, Sword Sect, Primal Yang Sect and other similar sects, they will attach great importance to it.

The 7 lower sects, as well as the Great Empire of Heaven Profound Continent, will be treated with caution.

Only the giant monsters from Demon Palace and Monster Palace, facing the seal holder, dare to don’t give face and act recklessly.

Mei Qiurong used to be at Tianyuan Continent, but his reputation was not obvious, and Guan Xianyun and the others had never heard of it.

Therefore, it was unexpected that she was holding a Heavenly Palace Seal in her hands.

But after the Heavenly Palace Seal appeared, Long Tianxiao retreated, and Mei Qiurong stood proudly, everyone in Yin Wind Valley suddenly understood a fact-Mei Qiurong is not necessarily afraid of that thing in the miasma cloud!

——Because she has a Heavenly Palace Seal!

Once the Heavenly Palace Seal is released, who can compete?

“I beg the master for forgiveness!”

A cultivator from the Radiant Empire stared blankly at the Heavenly Palace Seal, suddenly bowed to the ground, burying his head in his chest and whispered.

To show humility and ask Mei Qiurong to forgive him for his hesitation.

“Please also ask the master, the adults don’t remember the villains!”

After he made his statement, the rest of the people who had previously declared to be in her favor, and were still stunned by Yu Yuan’s words, became flustered and worshipped one after another.

Those people, many realm and battle strength, are not much weaker than Mei Qiurong.

Age is much older.

But facing the Profound Heaven Sect, facing the Heavenly Palace Seal, they just couldn’t afford any rebellious thoughts, and with an extremely humble attitude, they asked Mei Qiurong for forgiveness.

On the other side, Guan Xianyun and Jin Fan, as well as a few evil cultivators who were just sitting on the sidelines, were silent.

If they were just Profound Heaven Sect, an unknown cultivator, they might not be so terrified.

But after the appearance of the Heavenly Palace Seal, everything was different.

Mei Qiurong, even if she was not well-known before, she can hold a Heavenly Palace Seal, which must have a unique position in Profound Heaven Sect!

Mei Qiurong like this is definitely not trivial!

Guan Xianyun hesitated for a while, and quietly said to Jin Fan: “Heavenly Palace Seal has appeared, so we don’t want to fight Yin Wind Valley, the poisoner’s idea. And…”

Pointing to the top of his head, “If it breaks out of the confinement cage, it may not be better than Mei Qiurong, who holds the Heavenly Palace Seal. We’d better put aside the relationship and say we don’t know everything about it.”

Jin Fan was crying, sighed, and helplessly nodded.

I thought that they from Ghost Talisman Sect, with the battle strength of 3 Yin God realms, were enough to act wilfully in the Jade Peak Mountain Range.

After all, the current Sect Master Shi Yuxuan of Heavenly Medicine Sect is only the late stage of Yin God realm, and their realm and strength are just comparable.

Who would have expected that many changes will suddenly occur?

Now, Profound Heaven Sect not only shows up, but also pulls out a Heavenly Palace Seal!

The situation in Yin Wind Valley was instantly reversed because of this, and it was no longer in the miasma cloud. It could act wilfully and be fully controlled.

“Yu Yuan, right?”

Mei Qiurong’s Yin God stopped the operation of “Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool” for a while. At this moment, after the body took out the Heavenly Palace Seal, her Yin God looked very relaxed, “I’m very strange.”

Yu Yuan at the entrance of the cave only felt that the soul of Sky, Earth, and Human 3 was suddenly restrained.

And there is no feeling of flying away instantly.

He knew from this that Mei Qiurong was curious and wanted to know something through himself.

“Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool” too terrifying, one’s own Sky, Earth, and Human 3 soul, once separated from the body and escaped into it, it would be annihilated and dissipated in a moment.

Leave no trace.

In that case, all memories imprinted on Earth Soul will be completely erased, and nothing will be there.

Mei Qiurong, it is also impossible to pass him, then find anything.

“Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool” is the art of destroying souls, not searching for souls.

“I’m very surprised. You obviously only have Spirit Gathering Realm. Why does Heaven Soul reveal that many weirdness?” Mei Qiurong squinted slightly and looked at him with Yin God. “It shouldn’t be, your realm like this shouldn’t be possible. For so long.”

Under the “Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool” cast, let alone Spirit Gathering Realm, even the Nuance realm should not be able to endure it.

The soul of Sky, Earth, and Human 3 should break out of the brain instantly and fall into the ashes of “Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool”.

But Yu Yuan has been struggling for so long.

She, who has strong confidence in “Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool”, can’t figure out why Yu Yuan of trifling Spirit Gathering Realm is still alive and still barely able

Keep the spiritual wisdom clear, let the soul of Sky, Earth, and Human 3 stay in Soul Consciousness Sea.

This is not in line with common sense.


During the speech, the Heavenly Palace Seal once again left his hand and turned into a towering palace in the sky.

“Dang! Dong dong!”

3 The narrow and long jade-like joints were hit by the palace and made a crisp metal collision sound, sputtering dazzling rays of light, and suddenly retracted into a cloud of miasma.

Immediately, no new joints fall from the sky.

Hidden in the clouds of miasma, facing the Heavenly Palace Seal, after another attack failed to receive the effect, it seemed to know that it was impossible to easily kill Mei Qiurong.

With the Heavenly Palace Seal, many poisonous mists can’t reach her.

Yu Yuan reminded that Mei Qiurong, which it regarded as its primary goal, suddenly became a big problem.

——It seems a little hard to kill.

“Long Tianxiao, would you like to follow me, serve me as a slave and become my guest official of Profound Heaven Sect?”

The body of Mei Qiurong, the main soul and Heaven Soul seated in the town, bears the Heavenly Palace Seal on his head, coldly looked towards the burly man of the dragon body of the head, “I know a little bit, your origin and origin, I know you were suppressed. I thought you died early. No, didn’t expect you to be alive. Since you are alive, there is some value available.”

Heavenly Palace Seal turned into a palace and flew towards Long Tianxiao.

ten thousand zhang rays of light, blooming from that palace, shining towards Long Tianxiao.

Yin Wind Valley is just that big, and the location of Long Tianxiao is only a small area.

In the area covered by the rays of light of the Heavenly Palace Seal, Long Tianxiao wailed. The dragon body grew from a small size to a length of nearly 100 meters. His golden dragon scales are brilliant, just like the essence.

Long Tianxiao bathed in the rays of light of the Heavenly Palace Seal, hissing in pain, his face full of humiliation.

He gritted his teeth, but didn’t say anything, and endured the torment of the soul.

“I am asking you!”

On the other side, Mei Qiurong doing two things at the same time, facing Yu Yuan with Yin God, “How do you condense the refined Heaven Soul? If it weren’t for your Heaven Soul, it’s strange, my sect Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool, I don’t know. How many times have you died?”

“Heaven Soul’s diligence…”

Yu Yuan’s eyebrows twitched, and he suddenly remembered the “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” of cultivation, and remembered that after he left Falling Moon Forbidden Land, he could cultivation “Wisdom Forging Soul Art” as long as he concentrated on visualization.

Moreover, it was also faintly able to reach a subtle connection with the 4 simple black letters under the Soul Transformation Pond.

Profound Heaven Sect’s “Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool” failed to pull out his Sky, Earth, and Human 3 souls because of the strangeness and power of his Heaven Soul, which seems to be able to contain the suction and maintain spiritual wisdom. Not messy.

Speaking from a certain perspective, his Heaven Soul seems to be able to restrain “Mysterious Heavenly Underworld Whirlpool” a little bit.

“Wisdom Forging Soul Art” originated from Divine Soul Sect. Before it was destroyed, the Four Great Sects, the most exquisite soul art in the vast world, Soul Transformation Pond was the product of Divine Soul Sect!

A flash of lightning flashed across my mind.

Yu Yuan took a deep breath, no matter what, he started cultivation “Wisdom Forging Soul Art”, perceiving Soul Transformation Pond.

Suddenly, there was an incomparable soul connection between him and the 4 simple black letters, which was established in the air!


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