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Clusters of colored ribbon flames ignited in the bright yellow mask.

At first glance, the mask seemed to have been ignited, “chi chi” rang, burning more smoke.

An unknown Nuance realm cultivator suddenly flashed in the bright yellow mask. His face was distorted, his eyes were full of horror, and he rushed out of the valley desperately.


Inside the bright yellow mask, a stream of fire flew out and fell on his chest.

The man’s chest shirt was instantly lit.

Across the mask, Chen Qingyan and Yu Yuan looked at him clearly, and under a palm-size flame burning, it turned into a pool of blood in a short time.

Even the bones and internal organs were melted by the flame.

Chen Qingyan’s eyelids trembled quietly, and drank softly, “Yu Yuan, don’t be foolish!”

The poisonous array covering Yin Wind Valley, such terrifying, with the trifling Spirit Gathering Realm cultivation base Yu Yuan, is still going deep at this moment, is it not death?

“It’s okay.” Yu Yuan even took time, turning back and moving towards her and smiled slightly.

That smile, unspeakable calmness, made Chen Qingyan a little confused.

It seemed that Yu Yuan was not going to Yin Wind Valley to die, but going to a friend’s house as a guest.

“Hold the Yin Wind Valley array, at least Level 4, you don’t know breaking the formation, the past was courting death!” Chen Qingyan shouted.

In the entire vast world, on 3 continents, there are countless kinds of Formation.

Go up to Profound Heaven Sect, Primal Yang Sect and Sword Sect, down to some families of Heaven Profound Continent, or Monster Palace, Demon Palace, Scarlet Demon Sect, Blood God Church, etc., the so-called heretical path of the devils, Dao of Array is deeply darkened and put into action.

Formation, can shelter sect, guard the treasures, and defend against powerful enemies.

There is a dazzling array, in addition to shouldering the heavy responsibility of defense, there are also the main killers, and more offensive and defensive ones.

Formation is divided into 7 levels.

Such as Profound Heaven Sect, Primal Yang Sect, and Sword Sect, the large arrays created with painstaking effort, and the responsibility of the countless years guarding the sect gate are often the highest, level 7 large arrays.

This type of Formation often requires countless Spirit Stones to maintain, and needs to be maintained at intervals, which has the unpredictable power of Ghost God.

The 7th-level large formation is rumored to be the powerhouse of Yang God and Free Spirit realm. By the strength of oneself, it is difficult to conquer in a short time, and it can prevent the infiltration of soul thought and Spiritual Consciousness.

With this great array, the entire vast world can be counted on one’s fingers.

Then there are the level 6 ones, such as the 7 lower sects of Tianyuan Continent, and they have painstakingly constructed a level 6 odd-shaped formation in the Sect Holy Land.

Level 6 big formation, Soul Wonder Realm world, Yang God realm, is also difficult to break.

For a powerhouse of the Free Spirit level, it is possible to find an opportunity and a weak spot after thorough Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth, and enter quietly.

Below, there are 5 levels

The cultivator of the Yang God realm, the cultivator of the Yang God realm, is very likely to break and forcibly break into it. For the Yin God realm and Soul Wonder Realm, it is still difficult.

Most of the large arrays at Level 4 can limit the Nuance and Yin God environments. For the Soul Wonder Realm powerhouse, it is not difficult to escape.

As the discipline, Chen Qingyan was led into the Sword Sect cultivation of Tianyuan Continent, and has a high opinion on the level of Formation.

Seeing the death of the Nuance realm, she measured a little in her heart and thought that the large array that enveloped Yin Wind Valley was a Level 4 array.

Both the Nuance realm and the Yin God realm, in the Level 4 large formation, will be very dangerous, and the death may be extremely great.

Only those who arrive at Soul Wonder Realm can move carefully in Formation.

“Level 4 ?”

Yu Yuan, in front of Yin Wind Valley, sneered and said: “You can’t help but look down on this’secret fire wave poison array’, right?”

“Secluded fire wave poison array?” Chen Qingyan’s eyes were blank for a moment, and then suddenly woke up, “How do you know the name of this Formation? Look down? What level is this formation at?”

“It should be level 5.” Yu Yuan said softly.

Chen Qingyan silhouette shook, “Heaven Profound Continent, a level 5 array can be counted on one’s fingers! In my Azure Phoenix empire, only my Chen Family can have a level 5 array guard!”

The Chen family of Azure Phoenix is ​​the Imperial Family.

Your Majesty, the queen of Azure Phoenix empire, is the Number One Person of Heaven Profound Continent!

Chen Family can also be regarded as the strongest family of Heaven Profound Continent!

Such a Chen Family has a 5th level of protection!

Although Heavenly Medicine Sect has a special identity and is highly respected in Heaven Profound Continent, in Chen Qingyan’s eyes, Heavenly Medicine Sect and Chen Family are still incomparable in the eyes of the world.

One, Yin Wind Valley, regarded as a forbidden area by Heavenly Medicine Sect, actually has a level 5 formation?

She can hardly imagine!

Only those who reach the Yang God level can break open and enter and leave freely.

How much spirit material does it take to build a 5-level array? How many Spirit Stones and energy are needed to maintain a level 5 large formation?

How can Heavenly Medicine Sect compare with the Chen family of Azure Phoenix Empire, how can they hold it?

“The fire wave poison array, plus it, plus Quite Yin Wind, this Yin Wind Valley, I’m afraid it will become the Burial Ground of the powerful.” Yu Yuan sighed softly, and suddenly stepped deeper.

The bright yellow mask, the five-color exquisite pattern on the mask, and the burning flame are not dangerous to him.

Under Chen Qingyan’s surprised gaze, he disappeared from outside the valley into the valley within the valley with just one step, no trace!

Chen Qingyan stepped on the snakeskin scabbard and stood just outside the valley. He found that all the breath of Yu Yuan had disappeared cleanly, without any notice.

“Level 5, level 5 big formation, Yang God level powerhouse, can guarantee safety…”

She muttered inwardly, looking down at the snakeskin scabbard, hesitating for a long time, but still did not dare to act recklessly in like Yu Yuan.

——She only dared to wait outside.

“Yi! ”

While waiting, she turned her head and moved towards staring at the direction she came.


Escaped from Yin Wind Valley, Hu Hang and Liu Zaihe entire group, except for Liu Zaihe, all four died.

All the Hu Family members and guest official are all dead and clean.

Hu Hang and the three of them were clearly far away from Yin Wind Valley. They obviously didn’t go deep, so they immediately evacuated, but after a while, they were still dead.

—— After being invaded by a different poison, after the toxin penetrates, it slowly dies.

There is only one Liu Zaihe left, which may be the cause of the Medicine Refining Master, or he may be carrying the Detoxifying Pill given by King Wei Ling to protect his descendants. Although his lips are blue, he still survived with difficulty.

Looking far away, Chen Qingyan can see Liu Zaihe, ignoring the bodies of Hu Hang and the others, and just moved towards Heavenly Medicine Sect.

“The fire wave poison array, level 5, the fire wave poison, Quite Yin Wind…”

Chen Qingyan frowned, her eyes confused, “I heard the Master talk about Quite Yin Wind, and he said it very vaguely, without careful explanation. The Master only said that I should not be able to touch Quite Yin Wind temporarily, and said that in Heaven Profound Continent, it is also impossible to appear. The fire wave is poisonous. It seems that when the Master was talking with who, he casually mentioned something, but unfortunately I was still young, and I was meditating and did not listen carefully.”

She complained secretly, complained that she had not been able to use her heart and soul, and failed to figure out the poisonousness of the fire wave.

“He, why do you know everything?”


Inside Yin Wind Valley.

Yu Yuan, who has stepped across the “secret fire wave poison array”, is like entering another world, which is very different from what he saw outside the valley.

Within the valley, not all areas are submerged by the miasma smoke of 5 Yan 6 sè.

Only the sky in the valley is thick, piece by piece, in clusters, layer by layer, like a dome, cloud-like miasma and 5 colors of smoke.

The scene of the mountain within the valley is quite clear, and a dead body can be seen in one place.

You can also see that many cultivators from different empires, sects and families are dressed in strange clothes.

Among them, there are visitors from Tianyuan Continent and Nirvana Continent!

“Yu Yuan!”

Long Tianxiao, the head of the dragon body, was also within the valley. After Yu Yuan appeared in a daze, he suddenly screamed.

Suddenly, those who survived within the valley moved towards him.

“It’s you!”

Jin Fan of Ghost Talisman Sect, also in the mountain within the valley, shrunk in a corner, pointed at Yu Yuan and said with a spiteful expression: “This child is the one who bad things about our Ghost Talisman Sect!”


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