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vast world, vast territory, boundless territory.

But sometimes, it’s terrifying.

As soon as Bai Xinxin said that Chen Qingyan’s Master was the powerhouse of Sword Sect, whose surname was Ji, and Demon Palace, Monster Palace, and Ghost Talisman Sect were all deeply related, and Yu Yuan immediately reacted.

The blue sea turned into mulberry fields, in the blink of an eye, 300 years have passed.

The innate talent who was shocking the world, dazzled Tianyuan Continent, and was regarded as the Supreme Treasure by Sword Sect.

Its rays of light, a cultivator of the same era that had been suppressed, were desolate.

Yu Yuan, because of the lack of cultivation ability in previous life, he feels low self-esteem.

In addition, without cultivation, life potential cannot be improved, and life expectancy is destined to be short.

This allowed him to pursue the road of reincarnation desperately, hoping that after being reborn, he would have the opportunity to continue his forefront.

As a result, there was a problem with the rebirth pill, which was delayed for 300 years.

300 years later, when she heard from her again, she actually had a Free Spirit cultivation base.

After Free Spirit, there is Primordial Spirit!

Primordial Spirit Realm, throughout the vast world, even the endless starry sky, is the existence of the pyramid pinnacle, Eternal Inextinguishable.

Even her discipline, appearing in Heaven Profound Continent, can shock Ghost Talisman Sect and make Jin Fan dare not move.

Jin Fan, who would rather hate King Wei Ling’s descendants, Liu Zaihe who started with, is not afraid to touch her bottom line and dare not provoke her discipline Chen Qingyan.

This shows how terrifying her influence in the vast world today.


Suddenly, a banner flag suddenly tore apart when the hunting sounded.

The flags are turned into pieces of cloth.

The strands of poisonous miasma escaped from the piece of cloth, and once again condensed into a cluster of poisonous miasma.

Using the secret technique of Ghost Talisman Sect, Jin Fan pulled the 9-pole flag, instantly spit a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

There was panic in his eyes.

“Chuck! Chuck!”

Then, the remaining 9 flags, one after another, were torn apart from the inside.

The sky is full of cloth flying, and there are many zerg insects and poisons in captivity, all of which are not seen, and they are all eaten and swallowed by the miasma clouds.

Cluster 5 Brightly colored poisonous miasma clouds gathered together and once again turned into a surging sea of ​​miasma clouds.

Jin Fan of Ghost Talisman Sect, on his neck, exposed arms, each and everyone ghost symbol is depicted, which seems to be cut into flesh and blood by a sharp blade, and the bones are visible.

Above its bones, you can see a smaller, weird rune inscription.

With the explosion of Life Source artifacts, Jin Fan obviously suffered heavy injuries, and his body, flesh and blood, including Yin God at the Niwan Acupuncture Point, became sluggish.

The Ghost Talisman Sect cultivation method is very special. The rich blood contained in the Middle Dantian Mysterious Gate has a closer connection with zerg and poison.

At this moment, in the Middle Dantian part of his chest, the blood light is brilliant, and if there is any invisible worms or poison remaining blood energy, it will flow spontaneously.

Those remaining blood energy seemed to have incomparable attraction to that sea of ​​poisonous clouds.

Jin Fan smelled something wrong!

He was stunned, and he could no longer bother Liu Zaihe or seek justice with Yu Yuan.

His whole person, in an instant, seemed to turn into a talisman.


When Jin Fan was blood splashed, it condensed into a nether shadow floated by 3 ghost charms, as light as nothing, and headed for the other side of the Jade Peak Mountain Range.

That piece, originally because of him, was deliberately bewitched by the poisonous cloud of mist, following him, floating away.

The speed of the poisonous miasma cloud was obviously accelerated.

After that piece of re-gathering, it is multi-colored, with the smell of sour poison qi, a cloud of poisonous miasma that is extremely depressing, and the void occupies tens of acres of land.

From Yu Yuan, Bai Xinxin and the others floating overhead, the entire group keep quiet out of fear, I dare not say a word.

Even the hot discussion about Chen Qingyan stopped.

Surprisingly, when the poisonous miasma cloud was about to drift past, it suddenly stopped.

Everyone was terrified and stared into the air.

Vaguely, it seemed to sense that a gloomy consciousness penetrated from the poisonous cloud of mist, seeming to escape into their flesh and blood skeletons, including their souls!

That cold consciousness is obviously non-human, full of undisguised hatred and malice towards humans!

In Bai Xinxin, in the perception of those survivors, that cold consciousness seems to be able to condense killing thought at any time, obliterating their Sky, Earth, and Human 3 souls.

Despair and death can’t help but appear, and their limbs are very stiff.

In the distance, Chen Qingyan wearing an azure veil, the joke in his bright eyes was suddenly replaced by a grave expression. She was very surprised, looking at the cloud of poisonous miasma.

She instinctively smelled that there was a powerful consciousness and creature hidden in that cluster of poisonous miasma clouds.

That consciousness, full of disgust for human beings, has developed spiritual wisdom, is naturally bloodthirsty, and believes in the jungle dogma of weak are prey to the strong, which makes her feel Extremely Dangerous.

She was secretly cautious.

She knew that Jin Fan did not dare to move her and knew that Bai Xinxin would protect her.

Because she has a good Master.

But the poisonous miasma, the hidden unknown foreign object, absolutely will not care about these, and that thing… really has the power to kill her!

The descendant of King Wei Ling, the aloof Liu Zaihe, looked at the poisonous cloud, and drops of crystal sweat appeared on his forehead.

He was scared…

Of all the people present, Yu Yuan stood upright like a pine, squinted, raised his head, coldly looked towards that cloud of poisonous smoke, with a smile at the corners of his mouth, full of playfulness, “Grow up, amazing?” He muttered in his heart.

“Hu! Hu hu!”

The poisonous miasma cloud that stopped for a while, for unknown reasons, suddenly accelerated from the previous slowness.

The smoke cloud, following Jin Fan, drifted away at a much faster speed than before.


Bai Xinxin puts out a breath in a sweat like collapse.

Then, next to Yu Yuan, a group of nerves were tense, and after slack, they crashed to the ground.

“Scared to death, scared to death of me!”

“There is something in the cloud of poisonous miasma! There is a powerful creature who doesn’t know the origin!”

“Feel it! That thing almost killed us all just now!”

They were screaming while wiping their sweat, rejoicing that they had escaped and ascended to heaven.

Even Bai Xinxin, after feeling safe, sat down slowly with his legs weakened.

Only Yu Yuan, still standing upright, stared at the direction where the poisonous mist disappeared, startled.

His abnormality caused Chen Qingyan on the other side to immediately notice.

After Chen Qingyan determined that the poisonous miasma cloud contained something that could threaten her life, after leaving Jin Fan as the primary goal, he finally relaxed and moved towards Yu Yuan paced.

Liu Zaihe was stunned, and quickly followed.

“Where did you come from, but the Su Family of the Silvermoon Empire?”

Before the person arrived, Chen Qingyan shouted, a pair of beautiful eyes with brilliant lights and vibrant colors hung directly on the only standing Yu Yuan, “With you as the center, what is the dust? Why did the hidden foreign objects in the cloud of poisonous miasma not attack you because of the dust?”

Others feel abnormal, but the reason is unknown.

And she, after Jin Fan, was the second person to see the abnormality.

She knew that Bai Xinxin and the others could survive, it was the dust.

She could see the dust, flying out from Yu Yuan’s cuffs, floating in the air like dust without falling, protecting Yu Yuan and everyone near Yu Yuan.

She also saw another dust of pink and purple, previously attached to the 9-pole flag.

Jin Fan’s heavy damage was due to the purple dust, which can be said to be caused by Yu Yuan.

However, she felt that she had concealed this secret and did not intend to reveal it.

“I do not know what you’re talking about.”

Yu Yuan came back to his senses, smiled hehe, looked at her, and answered casually.


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