Into the night.

Yanjiao outside the city. A place for 30 li.

This place has a huge mountain village. Unlike other mountain villages, this mountain village Complete is magnificent.

No one knows who opened this villa? But whoever is in front of this villa must be honest, and this is called Jinxiu Villa.

When the Fairview Villa appeared, no one remembers it, but everyone knows one thing. On the day the Fairview Villa opened, all the lords of Yanjing came.

That was the crowd crowd, so many people still remember the grand scene of that day.

“Little brothers, there is Fairview Villa in front, are you sure you want to go to this Fairview Villa?” A humble taxi came along the mountain road all the way to the huge parking lot of Fairview Villa.

The driver was a little curious and worried.

Lin Fei took out 100 yuan and handed it to the driver. “Yes, this is the place.”

Come up and down from the car.

Lin Fei looked at this huge mountain house.

His eyes flickered a little, and then stretch and unfold came. After knowing the Fairview Villa from Zhang Luocheng’s mouth, Lin Fei called Lin Ziqing to get a little understanding, although Lin Ziqing was not very clear about Fairview Villa, but Lin Family knew .

With Lin Ziqing as a middleman, Lin Fei grasped the situation of Fairview Villa in a short time.

“I’ll see what you want to do tonight.” Lin Fei didn’t bring anyone over tonight.

He knows that those who brought him to Fairview Villa must be for the keys of Divine Dragon.

If Lin Fei can’t see this, he’s not Lin Fei.

Lin Fei would never come if it were something else, but this Divine Dragon key would be worth a trip to Lin Fei. After all, 10 keys can be used to open the Divine Dragon.

“If nothing else, tonight should be very interesting.”

“You must be Lin Fei Young Lin of Yanjing.”

Entering the gate, a middle-aged man Complete came out enthusiastically.

“I’m Lin Fei, lead the way.”

Fairview Villa has a large area, but it was somewhat unexpected by Lin Fei.

The middle-aged man drove a sightseeing car and took Lin Fei all the way to the gate of the villa on the mountainside.

At this moment, the villa looked a little quiet, but when approaching the villa hall, there was a loud noise.

“In front of us is a banquet at Fairview Villa tonight. It’s time for Young Lin to come up and wish you a wonderful evening.”

After getting off the car, middle-aged man said with a smile.

In fact, it goes without saying that Lin Fei saw the situation of the big inside the body.

A banquet is indeed taking place in the lobby.

Not many people came to this banquet, all of them were young people.

Among them, Lin Fei saw some old acquaintances, such as Yan Xiangdong of Yan Family, and some Experts of Wang Family, and so on.

When Lin Fei entered the hall, all of Gaze shot.

Some of these gazes are curious, envy, and some are hateful. They all fall into Lin Fei’s eyes.

Lin Fei glanced casually, not at all to see important people.

I took a glass of champagne at random from the table, took a few sips, and found a place to sit down.

The banquet didn’t seem to be long, and after Lin Fei had a glass of champagne, the hall was quiet.

“Welcome everyone to the banquet tonight, and then welcome Lin Fei from Yanjing. You are our big celebrity in Yanjing. I do n’t dare to say five great families. This ability is not something anyone can do.”

When the door was closed the moment.

Upstairs in the hall, do not know when there is a silhouette at the railing.

Lin Fei looked up and saw a familiar silhouette. Wasn’t that the woman he had made into a soup chicken that day with water?

I didn’t expect to run into it again here, and it looks like the Master here.

Standing at the railing was the woman she met that day called Ye Zixuan.

At this time, Ye Zixuan seemed to have nothing happened, with a faint smile on her face, making people feel as comfortable as bathing in the Complete.

Lin Fei’s eyes froze slightly, and he said, “Well a great woman, this Cultivation Technique is not easy to repair. Unconsciously, people can relax and guard.”

The crowd’s gaze looked again towards Lin Fei.

“Beauty, you talk a little bit too much. When did the five great families that I pressed down, obviously I haven’t pressed Ye Family down, you are hitting my face with Lin Fei!” Lin Fei haha ​​laughed .

Ye Zixuan’s face moved slightly, apparently did not expect Lin Fei to talk like that.

In the lobby tonight are people of five great families.

Although that remark was a joke, I didn’t expect Lin Fei to take it seriously.

As investigated, this guy’s temper is indeed a bit different, and most people really dare not admit it.

“Young Lin, you are such an interesting person.” Ye Zixuan walked down the stairs.

She wore a black evening gown today, and she looked attractive when she was bright, and she immediately attracted the attention of countless young handsome men.

“Ye Family Ye Zixuan is just different. No wonder she can be Saintess of Kunlun Secret Realm. How can such good things be less to me?

The door that was originally closed was slowly pushed open, and a loud silhouette passed in with a trace of gloomy and cold.

I saw a black clothed guy walk in.

There are two black clothed Experts standing on the left and right sides of the gate, respectfully closing the door back.

“Uninvited, Ye Saintess wouldn’t mind it!” The black clothed man said with a smile, “If anyone minds, you can stand up and tell me, I will accept this person with an open mind.”

“Black clothed Young Master, Fan Tian blood.” Ye Zixuan flashed a dread in his beautiful eyes, saying the name of the other party, “Famous Fan Tian blood, who dare to don’t give face, you don’t kill a blink of an eye.”

Those who were dissatisfied closed their mouths immediately when they heard this. The existence of these Kun Jia Secret Realm is more or less, and knowing is the place that makes all Supreme Talents long for.

Those who came out of those places were not so offensive. Ye Zixuan said that they secretly guarded, and almost offended the black clothed Young Master of the ghost pyloric.

“Ye Saintess, don’t say me so savage well, on savage, I can compare with the fierce god called Yanjing there, even my Puppet was beaten by him as Serious Damage, hehe this strength me It ’s not as good as I sigh! ”Black clothed Young Master Fan Tian Bloody eyes narrowed, looked towards Lin Fei not far away.

Lin Fei seemed to be stared at by a poisonous snake for an instant.

I heard hate and killing intent from this.

“It turns out that someone is more savage than me. I think it’s very interesting. Do not know. I played against you. Who is the savage? Maybe I can kill you so I can really savage.” Lin Fei chuckled said .

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