“Ziran, what are you doing? I think you have been looking upstairs since you just came down from the top. Could it be any handsome guy you saw? Shen Yan laughed and said,” If you see handsome guy Do n’t hide it, you have to share it. ”

Zhang Ziran shook his head and said, “Is there any handsome guy, you must be wrong.”

In fact, after coming up and down from the stage, Zhang Ziran really put gaze upstairs. He originally thought that the person should come down quickly, but he didn’t see him left and right.

Zhang Ziran could not wait to go up by himself.

After all, the two girlfriends did not mention it, and Zhang Ziran saw a familiar silhouette between them carelessly.

“Isn’t that Wang Qingyuan of Wang Family?” Zhang Ziran blinked, some could not believe it.

Wang Qingyuan of Wang Family belongs to Wang Family Grandmaster Expert. Generally, he rarely comes to a place like a bar. Zhang Ziran was also at a banquet. He met one or two times before remembering Wang Qingyuan.

Seeing Wang Qingyuan in this kind of place really made Zhang Ziran a little unbelievable. For example, those martial arts practitioners rarely come to bars. For them, wine is to intestinal poison, and to Martial Artist This is a taboo, unless your strength reaches a certain level, otherwise it will be affected.

In addition to Wang Qingyuan, Zhang Ziran also saw several Wang Family disciples, and the strength was not weak.

“Wang Qingyuan came to this bar in person, intending to catch someone?” For some reason, a silhouette emerged from Zhang Ziran’s mind.

“I must have thought too much, that person is not a Martial Artist, and he will never offend Wang Qingyuan. Wang Qingyuan must have come to arrest someone, or Wang Family ’s disciple. What is going on here, but Wang Qingyuan can come here? It must be a major event. “

Zhang Ziran finally decided to take a look.

While the two girlfriends went up to dance, Zhang Ziran went up to the second floor, and at a glance he saw the end of the corridor and the Wang Family disciple standing at the door.

Slam loud noise.

The door was pushed open.

The moment the door was pushed open, the entire door was crushed by an overbearing force, and there was a force on the sawdust, which went straight to Lin Fei, who was sitting on the sofa.

These sawdusts went straight to Lin Fei under the control of these forces, and none of them moved towards the outside, showing that the mastery of the forces had reached a level as high as fire.

“Uncle Qing Yuan, you are finally here. Great. This guy hurt me. You must catch it.”

The unpredictable scene made Wang Dong and the whole body excited all the time, especially after seeing him clearly, and he knew tonight that this person could not get any benefit.

Wang Qingyuan is a Grandmaster Expert in the family. Although it is not the famous one, it is also the Grandmaster of Geneva. The first step is cultivated, and it is not comparable to parallel imports.

Wang Qingyuan also saw the situation inside the box at the moment he pushed the door. Then he suddenly broke into trouble and shattered the wooden door. The other side showed a strength of show.

Especially after seeing Wang Dong lying on the ground, Wang Qingyuan realized that he had the advantage of being strong first.

“Your Wang Family is quite overbearing. The wooden door was broken as soon as you came up. Is this going to give me a show of strength?”

The sawdust flying in the sky suddenly stopped and floated in midair.

Lin Fei, who was drinking, slowly put down his glass. “Since you Wang Family are so overbearing, this gift is still for you.”

With a wave of his hand, it seemed as if he was throwing away a piece of garbage. For a while, those wood chips instantly changed direction, directly covering Wang Qingyuan and other Wang Family disciple.

“Get away!”

Wang Qingyuan’s complexion changed, and he quickly clawed his palms out. Each palm shot set off a strong wind and tried to send these wood chips to Zhenfei.

But Wang Qingyuan underestimated Lin Fei’s strength, even if Lin Fei just waved at will, but the power contained in the wood chips is not his resistance.

Peng peng peng peng.

Wang Qingyuan shot five or six palms in succession. The palm wind that was shot hit the wood chips. Not at all, the wood chips flew out. Instead, they just flickered slightly, and continued to attack them.

Every time Wang Qingyuan shot a palm, he stepped back to the first step.

Retreating from the door to the hallway, the Wang Family disciple that had been following him was not so lucky. Each and everyone fell to the ground, and his body was more or less filled with sawdust, blood, and mourning constantly.

So far they did not respond, the small pieces of wood saw them take Serious Damage.

Wang Qingyuan wasn’t much better. Wood chips were inserted on the left and right shoulders, including the chest, but his strength was relatively strong. He carried most of the power, but still looked like a complete wolverine. Hands and feet were trembling slightly, pupils were shrinking, staring at the young man sitting on the sofa.

“Who the hell are you? I know everything about Yanjing’s Expert, not as young as you.”

Wang Qingyuan’s tone was also dignified. Originally, he thought it was just a trivial matter. Who could imagine the strength of the other party was so strong that he was injured as soon as he went away, and he was immediately divided.

“Is n’t your Wang Family well connected? It ’s not difficult to find my clues in the Yanjing Top Grade family. Of course, you can also ask your Wang Family disciple what happened. Today I just give you a small sect training. Go back and tell you the Patriarch of Wang Family, and say that I will come to visit in 5 days. “

Wang Qingyuan’s pupils contracted again, and he had to visit the door.

Bully intolerably !

“We at Wang Family will certainly welcome you.”

Wang Qingyuan didn’t dare to do it anymore.

The sawdust was shaken, and Wang Dong turned around and left. There wasn’t much to say harsh words, because those were meaningless.

When Wang Dong came out, Wang Qingyuan saw Zhang Ziran, his face was a little embarrassed, and he said nothing and turned away.

Zhang Ziran is also in dumbstruck.

I never expected that Wang Qingyuan, who was a Grandmaster, would be defeated with no difficulty.

What made Zhang Ziran even more shocked was that the voice coming out of the box was the one that made her familiar and could not be familiar anymore.

“He actually defeated Wang Qingyuan.”

For a moment, Zhang Ziran felt that this world was messed up.

This is a Grandmaster Expert.

Zhang Ziran knows better than anyone that Grandmaster Expert is so powerful that Land Immortal cannot be overstated.

The reason why Yanjing five great families became the Top Grade family is because they have many Grandmaster Experts and control a lot of resources. Without Grandmaster Expert, no family can last long.

Because you can’t stop a Grandmaster Expert from hitting you.

“Beauty girl, after watching so long, I don’t plan to come in and sit down.”

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