The clown quickly accepted the new name.

He squatted on Lin Fei’s shoulders, his eyes moving back and forth.

If you only look at the appearance, you really think it is a ugly little chicken, but they have a tall Bloodline.

As for why the clown is so like Lin Fei, it is because the clown has absorbed a lot of essence and blood, which is like a tonic to the clown, it is difficult to remember.

It can be said that now Lin Fei is like the clown’s mother.

Lin Fei walked out of the fire with the clown.

After the loss of the fire attribute rough, this area was completely turned into a wasteland.

If you haven’t been there in person, it is hard to imagine that this is the place of the famous Five Elements.

The Yinxu land is not very large, but it will take a long time to walk down.


Lin Fei walked aimlessly, don’t look at him as only the first step, but every first step is very far away, it can be said that the Teleport keeps on.

Suddenly the clown on his shoulder moved towards one direction and sounded as though Complete was cheerful.

“There are things you like there!”

Lin Fei looked at it.

On the hill not far away, there is a stream of streamers that flow constantly, like a meteor shower.

The average person may not see it clearly, but Lin Fei can see it clearly.

“Interesting, there is also a Spirit Stone on this mountain. It seems to be mixed with Five Elements attribute. I didn’t find it before. I could n’t say it was because of the land of Five Elements, which blocked the breath of Spirit Stone this month. I said Why don’t you find Moon Spirit Stone along the way. “

Although Lin Fei doesn’t have much interest in Moon Spirit Stone, it seems that the clown is interested in Moon Spirit Stone.

Lin Fei quickly changed direction and ran directly to the mountain over there. Within a dozen breaths, Lin Fei came to the foot of the mountain.

Before we stand still, a stream of light flew over, this is the streamer of fire red.

Lin Fei raised his hand to the front and patted it with five fingers. The streamer that was originally flying stopped immediately, and then fell on Lin Fei’s hand like a traction line. attribute. “

Lin Fei stretched out his palm, and it had been a month above the Spirit Stone, which was the size of a thumb, but it was full of pure fire attribute.

The clown, who was standing on his shoulders, fell on the palm of his hand, swallowed the Moon Spirit Stone with his mouth, and it was incredible.

“You like this thing.”

After Lin Fei finished speaking, I found out that I was asking a stupid question. People are Fire Phoenix. If you want to level up to promote Bloodline, you must strengthen the power of fire within the body. This month, Spirit Stone contains the flavor of fire attribute. Isn’t that the best food for clowns?

It’s just that using the Spirit Stone for food is too extravagant.

Of course, in Lin Fei’s eyes, this is not a luxury at all. After all, the clown has eaten Immortal blood essence, which is the real luxury. The Moon Spirit Stone and this ratio are almost a witch.


The clown moved towards the front and made a sound of excitement. Lin Fei felt that if it wasn’t for the clown who didn’t have strength, he would probably have to go on his own.

“Let me take a good look at what this mountain looks like.”

Lin Fei didn’t rush up, but his eyes were frozen, looking towards the mountain.

It doesn’t look do not know, it really frightens me, because a Vein of ore actually appeared under the mountain.

These months, the Spirit Stone flew from the swirl of this Vein of ore.

In his field of view, many Martial Artists are testing Spirit Stone in Contest, and they can’t get along.

After all, this is an opportunity to improve the strength, who would not like to absorb more Spirit Stone.

Lin Fei even saw that the gap in the Spirit Stone that showed the moon was gradually closing. Obviously, the Spirit Stone was also swallowed in these months.

“Go, I’ll take you to the Moon Spirit Stone.”

In Lin Fei’s eyes, this is the snack of the clown.

Lin Fei’s feet were windy, constantly traveling, and during the month Spirit Stone constantly flew. The clown tried several times to catch it, but after being locked by Moon Spirit Stone, he jumped back with scared wings. On Lin Fei’s shoulder, obviously his strength is too weak. Even the average speed of the Moon Spirit Stone can scare the clown.

Lin Fei not at all to collect Spirit Stone these months, compared to Vein of ore, what is the Spirit Stone these months?

Lin Fei’s movements are extremely fast, and he travels constantly.

Still robbing the moon in the forest, the Spirit Stone Martial Artist didn’t notice it at all, and Lin Fei’s silhouette passed by this side.

The biggest feeling is that the wind seems to be a little bit strong.

When he wanted to see it again, he could not see the silhouette of Lin Fei.

“The intersection is here.”

Halfway up the mountain, Lin Fei saw a gap. This gap was like an underground swirl. Constantly a month Spirit Stone flew out from there.

Shen Tianquan and Shen Tianhong are fighting each other constantly, robbing the Moon Stone Stone, but no one is rushing to enter, because these Moon Spirit Stone rushing out of the swirl contains great power, and not one or two So few, still dozens of densely packed, it will definitely make all Martial Artists have a headache, unless the fleshly body is extremely formidable, otherwise it will not be accessible at all.

Lin Fei rushed in like this, leaving only a rays of light.

At the same time, the Moon Spirit Stone, which was shot by the fly, flew out as many shocks as possible and smashed beside it.

“It’s Young Lin.”

“Young Lin goes in.”

Shentianquan reacted first, because he saw a familiar silhouette, and his heart was clearly shocked, followed by his envy. In fact, he wanted to rush in, but this month, the Spirit Stone is very powerful, even if they reach the Grandmaster Realm of Great Perfection can’t break in at all.

Shen Tianhong’s face also changed, and Curse kept rising in his heart, “It is better to die and never come out.”

He knows that as the constantly deepens, the power will grow stronger, at least they can’t get in.

Xue Yiming also saw the silhouette of Lin Fei, but he just flicked his fingers and prayed in his heart. 10 million do n’t collect too many Spirit Stones. Otherwise, they would n’t dare to ask Lin Fei to say anything. Come back, you are thinking too much.

“The bastard was entered first by him again.”

Wu Canghai and Yan Zicong, who were robbing the Spirit Stone not far away, showed a hint of hatred. They are still ready to go in, but now that they have Lin Fei, they really dare not go in again because there is no strength to resist Live Lin Fei and shoot, and go in is also a crime.

“Could it be just given up like this? I suspect that there are definitely a large number of Spirit Stones below. With these Spirit Stones, it will definitely improve our family strength a lot.”

Wu Canghai shook his head. “I’m afraid we have no chance. It’s good to take these away. You look at Director Xue Yiming and know it. It is estimated that soon, someone from Yan Huang Team will take over.”

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