“The earth cage, this is the earth cage!”

John Charlie, as an earth power, has a lot of earth powers, but the earth cage is not what he can do.

Because it requires a lot of power, but now someone can cast it and trap them inside, John Charlie feels like hell, how can anyone perform the earth power.

“What shit is in the cage, see how I break.”

Although Johnson was panicked, he was still not convinced. He grabbed his left and right hands, and the two wind blades fell on his hand. The wind blade, but at this time actually encountered big trouble, the earth cage was actually sturdy, and even a trace was not left, but the wind blade on Johnson’s hand was an inch of broken tire.

Johnson and Johnson were horrified and couldn’t accept the scene. “It’s impossible, Earth Storm will open it for me.”

Johnson also exhibited Storm, which is more powerful than the kite on his hand. The entire earthen cage that collided between the spins, but in this case, the earthen cage is still intact, like a huge rock. Such as Mount Tai.

Johnson and Johnson changed their moves again and again, and they still could n’t break the earth cage. At the end, the whole body was paralyzed on the ground. “It’s impossible, how can someone control such a powerful earth power, and he is still a Chinese.”

The only thing that can be accepted is John Charlie. Since the appearance of the earth cage, he knows that he has no chance to break through this earth cage. The moves that can be exhibited will undoubtedly confirm his guess. The younger guy, actually, He is still a power man, strong enough to break him down.

Seeing that Johnson and John Charlie were trapped in the earth’s cage, the drug widow was somehow angry, but after the Latin dance was over, the young man actually spoke again.

“Latin dance is not bad, so come on exactly one, and then just come on belly dance, international dance does not matter.”

The poisoned widow hardly passed out when she heard this.

This was the first time she had been manipulated since she was so old.

What power Expert, what mind control, at this time is a joke for the poisoned widow, and she is controlled by a word.

Precisely, after the international dance, the poisonous widow’s whole body was sweating, and the younger person was more terrifying in her heart.

“Senior mysterious, don’t you let me jump, I confess, will I confess it?”

The poisoned widow is really scared. She is afraid to wait for this mysterious young man to come suddenly, you commit suicide!

Although this kind of thing does not do little to poison widows, but really letting her do it is definitely the most difficult thing to accept in this life.

The widow couldn’t help speaking, she was afraid she wouldn’t have a chance to speak.

“It’s only a few dances and you’re convinced.” Lin Fei came over with a smile, “How can you tell me how to pack you?”

The Experts of the three World Sect divisions control the amount of power, but after their shot, Lin Fei is quite disappointed.

Although it is infinitely close to Innate Realm, Skills are not much different from spell, and naturally there is not much interest.

“I can hand over everything, even whole body can be handed to you, just beg you to let me go, after that I will never dare to step into the first step of Huaxia.” Poison widow has nothing left now The fighting spirit, can easily crack her mind, and can also control her, such people are too terrifying.

If the news reaches the West, it will definitely make those Western Grandmaster lists Expert sleep and sleep, because no one has ever mastered Western powers, let alone mental powers.

Lin Fei indifferently said, “Do you think that people who have reached my Realm will care about those money? Although this person has some strength, but you are too old, not my kind of like, but since you are my defeated , Spoils of war still wants, turn all your money over. “

Suddenly, the poisoned widow found that she had restored her control ability, but she no longer had the idea to continue her operation.

“I’ll transfer it to you right away.”

At this time, the poisoned widow had no thoughts, and did not even hesitate. According to the card number given by Lin Fei, she directly transferred all her net worth.

One billion dollars.

“By the way, leave your western address again. Maybe I’ll be a guest in the west one day, maybe I’ll go to you as a guide.” The poisoned widow just took a sigh of relief, and her whole body fluffed up again, also I didn’t dare to say anything, I honestly left an address and didn’t even dare to leave a fake address.

In front of this person, she really didn’t dare to do anything. After all, the mind that others have can let her tell the truth anytime, anywhere.

“Okay, you can go now.”

The poisoned widow turned away without a word.

After the poisoned widow left, Lin Fei came to Johnson and Johnson and John Charlie.

In fact, these two people are almost the same as poison widows, and their tempers have been polished almost, especially John Charlie kneeled directly in front of Lin Fei. “Mysterious Oriental, can I worship you as a teacher?”


Lin Fei listening to this is also didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, actually there is an expert in the Western Grandmaster list to worship himself.

“Not good, I don’t have any interest in accepting western disciples as disciples. You want to leave here alive, just like a poisoned widow.”

Johnson & Johnson and John Charlie gave up their net worth without any hesitation. Compared to the poisoned widow, the two were worth less.

One is $ 3 million, the other is $ 5 million, and the total is $ 8 million.

From the three of them, Lin Fei made $ 18 billion, which made the three powers of Grandmaster’s net worth Thoroughly.

With a wave of Lin Fei, the earth cage disappeared.

“Remember my words, Huaxia is not what you want to come, next time you let me meet you, then you can only become a corpse.”

The two stood up again and again, and nod turned and left.

After the three men left the Yinxu land, they did not dare to have any hesitation. They left Huaxia through a secret channel that day, and never dared to come in this life.

After they left, Lin Fei snapped his fingers. Everyone was awake at this moment. He was horrified. Reconsidering the previous events, each and everyone’s face changed.

“Well, everything is over, everyone can rest assured.”

Lin Fei came over, and Bing Qingya lifted up, and said something casually.

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